
246K 1.5K 9.7K
By Wolfy009

Should I feel shame for writing this? 🤔 this is so fucking extra and will get dark af so just... be warned. Also probably the only camren I will ever write but i decided to give in to all the requests i got for a twisted kinky prompt for this scene so... enjoy, be that in the form of laughing or being horrified or turned on, I'm not sure LMFAO (or don't because this whole fic won't be camren so u have more to look forward to) 💀


Lauren was so fucking bored.

The 23 year old med student tried to be positive and make the most out of her mundane daily life, but lately she couldn't help but find everything and everyone she came into contact with completely and utterly unstimulating. She wasn't exactly sure what it was; maybe the fact that she was too smart for her own good, cold and calculating and perceptive to the point of being able to solve diagnostic issues within her studies quicker than most of her fellow students. At least that's what her professors had told her. This disinterest in mostly every aspect of life was nothing new to her. Ever since she was a child she could remember finding it difficult to feel settled or accomplished in her life, always pushing herself to discover that something that calmed the drive deep down. Thinking the medical field would be somewhere she could find some semblance of meaning, she enrolled herself in medical school and began her studies, but she found that by the time she had read the curriculum and completed all the memorization needed for her exams, it hardly proved to be the challenge that she was looking for.

Only once in her life had Lauren found something that had made her feel like she had purpose. But that part of her was dead and a thing of the past, only a few dusty memories rising to the surface when she dwelled on them.

She was better off now, leaving that part of herself behind, wasn't she? After all, it was wrong.

"Lauren, you aced your cardiovascular exam. Did you hear me?"

Lauren focused on her professor's proud expression and accepted the paper back from his outstretched hand.

"Ah yes, thank you. I will see you on Monday." Placing her exam back into a binder full of study notes, she offered a farewell before making her way out of the school to the parking lot.

Spotting her car she rolled her eyes as she noticed that someone had just pulled into the space next to her so close that she wouldn't even be able to open her door. The person exited their own car and Lauren made a b-line around the vehicles to discuss the issue.

"Excuse me," Lauren said, sharper than she expected to sound, before the owner of the car turned around.

Lauren gulped thickly as she studied the frame of the girl who had blocked her in. Making eye contact, she could feel something ripple to life inside her stomach. No, not now.

"You... blocked me in. I can't even get to my fucking door," Lauren snapped, taking in the way the girl's body language changed at her harsh words. She swore she hadn't meant to sound so brash, but the way her body was reacting for no reason outside of her control was frustrating her.

"Shit, I'm so sorry," the girl said, looking worried as Lauren took a step closer, "I'll move it right now."

Deep down, something inside Lauren loved the way the girl had cowered slightly as soon as the words had left her mouth, how the girl's throat had bobbed with a swallow the moment Lauren trapped her to the spot with a cold glare. Shit, she couldn't be thinking this way. She was over this.

Lauren moved as the girl backed up her car, repositioning the vehicle so Lauren was allowed space to access her driver door. When the girl completed the task she sheepishly locked her car and approached Lauren.

"I... I'm really sorry. Maybe I could... make it up to you sometime."

Lauren told herself to say no. She continued glaring at the girl, trying with all the will she had to refuse what was sure to lead somewhere Lauren hadn't allowed herself to go in a long time. The girl fiddled with her keys before making lingering eye contact again and blushing when she saw the way Lauren's cold green eyes seemed to pierce through her.

"I'm sorry, I cannot. I must be going." Lauren took two steps toward her own car before the girl's hand was gently touching her forearm, making her question just how strong her willpower was at this point.

"I would make it up to you. I promise." The girl's hopeful growing smile gave her pause.

Lauren gulped again, feeling the baby hairs on her arm stand on end and her skin goosebump at the possibilities of the decision she was faced with.

"You don't know who I am."

"I'm Arden." The girl removed her hand and just like that Lauren's gaze was drawn like a magnet.

"Lauren." Making eye contact again, Lauren felt the thing within her that could never seem to be quenched thrill with the prospect of getting to know this girl intimately.

"Now I know you," Arden smirked handing Lauren her phone so she could enter her number.

Lauren typed out her digits in a daze, clenching her jaw. She knew she was making a mistake right now even giving this girl a way to communicate with her. She shouldn't get the girl's hopes up, or give herself temptation, but she could easily just ignore any messages from Arden later. As long as she removed herself from the situation soon, she would be alright. She wouldn't slip up.

"I must be going," Lauren handed the phone back briskly before turning towards her car and entering, the purred sound of the girl's flirtatious farewell pricking at the edge of her self control.

Throwing the gear into reverse, Lauren left the school and sped towards her apartment, feeling herself relax with every mile put between her and the girl who had made her skin crawl in the most infuriating way.

When she reached her door, she breathed a sigh of relief before unlocking it and entering her home. Removing her shoes and hanging up her jacket, she heard a curious noise coming from the kitchen.

"Oh my god, so good."

Lauren froze as she took in the nearly erotic sounding moan from her roomate just around the corner.

What the fuck was happening?

Lauren struggled to slow her breathing so she wouldn't make any sound as she heard wet rhythmic noises coming from where Camila had gone silent. Was someone in there with Camila?

Camila hummed again, before taking in a deep breath and exhaling, and Lauren felt her heart beat faster with the mental images she was flooded with. She could feel her hands start to shake. This could not be happening right now.

Long seconds passed where the room was completely silent before a machine was switched on and Lauren let out the biggest sigh as she recognized the sound of a blender.

Turning the corner she saw Camila standing in front of the counter, adding select fruits to the pitcher of the machine before closing the lid and turning it on again. Not knowing that she was no longer alone, the petite brunette picked up a peach and bit down on the flesh, taking a slow bite of the pink fruit.

"Fuck that's so good," Camila nearly whined at the taste, and Lauren's face twisted up in confusion at her extreme reaction, watching a bit of the juice trickle down Camila's cheek and slipping onto her neck. Lauren's mouth was suddenly dry.

"Hey... Camz. What are you doing?"

The girl jumped slightly, before turning to recognize Lauren with a smile and dropping the forgotten peach to the counter.

"Oh, Lauren! Oh my god you have to try this. It's so good." Camila beckoned Lauren over and the dark haired girl took a shaky step towards her roommate's creation.

"I came up with this new smoothie recipe and it's so..." Camila paused, examining Lauren's face now that she was closer. "Hey are you ok? Your face is all red..."

Lauren let her eyes betray her, the green of her attention flickering down over the stream of juice still on Camila's neck and hesitating as she drug her eyes back up over the girl's glossed lips.

"I just... when I first came in, I wasn't sure you were... alone."

"What do you mean?"

Lauren was sure she saw a slight pink tinge the hue of Camila's cheeks when they made eye contact again. It really was too easy for Lauren, and that was what made resistance all the harder.

"You sounded... nevermind Camila," Lauren looked down to the blender, breaking the contact between them as Camila chuckled nervously.

"I sounded like I was..." Camila picked up a banana resting on the counter top and ran her fingers down the length of it mindlessly, "with someone?" The girl chuckled again making Lauren draw her brows together at the sound and focus on her face again.

"I'm surprised you would know what that sounds like. I never see you bring anyone home," Camila playfully taunted.

Lauren hated the condescending tone of her roommate's voice in that moment. She still must have been mad about the times Lauren had refused her advances in the past. Of course Lauren had never meant to hurt her, but Camila had taken it personally, not understanding the reason behind Lauren's refusals.

"That's because I don't bring anyone home," Lauren deadpanned, turning to the fridge to grab a snack for herself.

"What if I was in here with someone, would you get mad?" Camila added the last of her strawberries to the blender before replacing the lid to its position and turning the blender on just as Lauren was about to answer her.

"This is your home also. How would it be my place to get mad?" Lauren sat at the kitchen island with milk and cereal, ready to make her bowl as Camila studied her from across the room.

"It wouldn't be. I was just wondering."

Lauren felt slight regret at the injured tone of Camila's words. She knew the girl had had a crush on her for a long time, or maybe it wasn't a crush, maybe it was just what most women desired from Lauren without her even having to do a thing. Either way, she had been friends with Camila for a while and disliked the idea that she was hurting her. But it was better than what could happen if she gave Camila what she wanted.

"What if I was in here alone, but doing something by myself, just waiting for you to get home."

Lauren froze again at Camila's words, her spoon halfway to her mouth, milk dribbling awkwardly off the edge back into the bowl.

Camila shut the blender off and turned around fully, a playful look in her eyes as she picked up the banana off the counter again running a single finger up the side in slow motion to the tip. Staring at Lauren through her eyelashes, she repeated the motion, biting her lip with a smirk as she noticed the way Lauren's hand clenched into a fist on the island table.

"Camz," Lauren spoke her warning lowly as she shoved the spoon into the depth of her cereal again, trying to focus her attention on something other than the tease in front of her.

Camila smirked knowing she was at least getting somewhere. She knew every time she came onto Lauren she had affected her, at least a little bit. She wasn't going to give up this time. How long had she wanted Lauren? She knew there was no innocent prude behind those devilish green eyes, even as much as Lauren seemed to be uninterested in anything of a naughty nature. There was beast inside, Camila was sure. She just had to poke and prod a bit until it was awake and angry.

"I like when you say my name like that, Lauren." Camila dropped her voice to a near whisper so it was barely audible and the hushed sound had coaxed Lauren's attentive green gaze back to exactly where Camila wanted it. She chose that moment to break the head of the banana and peel it slowly, smirking as the fleshy center of the fruit was exposed. Dropping her mouth open, she licked up the side of the fruit, rolling her tongue around the tip when she reached it and giggling when she heard Lauren's spoon clatter back to the bowl.

Lauren needed to leave, fucking now. If she didn't, she wasn't about to be responsible for her actions. She could already feel herself throbbing at the sight of her roommate's display with a fucking piece of fruit and the sight had her every instinct screaming at her to strip Camila down right in the kitchen and punish her for her teasing.

Standing up with her bowl and moving to drop it in the sink was a mistake as she realized she had just positioned herself closer to the temptress that was now enveloping half of the fruit inside her mouth, her full lips smearing against the creamy nectar on the banana and hazing Lauren's focus.

Lauren left her barely touched bowl in the sink and moved to walk away from the situation before a gentle hand caught her wrist.

"I want you to just try this. It's my new recipe." Camila said laughingly as she chewed the bite she had taken of her favorite fruit.

Lauren allowed herself to turn and wait, seeming like her friend had stopped her teasing and was genuine in her offer.

"What's in it?" Hesitating as Camila opened the blender lid, Lauren watched her friend pour a generous amount of smoothie into a cup before handing it to her.

"You're just going to have to taste it and find out."

Lauren felt herself shiver at the double entendre behind the words and raised the glass to take a sip. In the back of her mind she suspected this was some kind of setup but she closed her eyes and drank anyways. The liquid tasted absolutely wonderful, fresh and sweet, and Lauren barely noticed the sensation of hands falling softly on her waist.

When Lauren registered lips and hot breath just barely dragging over the skin of her neck, she choked on her sip, the cup falling from her hand and splattering all over herself and Camila.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Lauren growled, shoving Camila back against the edge of the counter and pinning her hands down on the hard surface. "You don't know what you're getting yourself into."

"Oh, am I supposed to be afraid?" Camila spoke softly, taunting Lauren as she let her lips ghost over a bit of smoothie that had spilled on Lauren's chin.

Lauren felt something inside her snap, like the walls of a dam breaking and flooding everywhere. How long had it been? How long had she contained herself?

No more.

Tightening her grip on Camila's wrists until the point that it was painful, she slammed her hips forward into Camila's, hearing the smaller girl wince under the pressure and watching the playful smile die on her lips.

"Don't fucking test me Camila. If you want me to stop you better tell me now, because after this I wont. If you want this, you're mine until I'm finished. But you don't know what you're in for, I'm warning you." Lauren growled drawing Camila's wrists together behind her back and holding them there with one hand.

Lauren could feel her inner self stir at the way Camila was beginning to look unsure. Camila swallowed again, throat bobbing slightly and drawing Lauren's eyes. She could see how fast Camila's pulse was hammering away inside her neck and that only excited her further.

"Decide. Now," Lauren demanded, digging her nails into the sensitive flesh at Camila's hip where her tank wasn't long enough to cover. Camila hissed, letting her mouth fall open farther at the sharp sting on her skin.

"Don't stop," she breathed. And that was all Lauren needed to hear before she was clawing at Camila's shirt, ripping the fragile fabric of the white tank top she was wearing open at the front. Pressing her hips harder into Camila, she held her trapped against the counter while she released Camila's wrists, bringing her other hand up to shred the front of the shirt in half, exposing Camila's braless chest.

Camila helped to shrug off the ruined, smoothie soaked garment before Lauren was running her fingertips down over Camila's abs digging them in like claws. Lauren appreciated the way she could feel Camila's gasp against her cheek as the girl's stomach flinched.

How long had Camila tempted her before finally forcing her to lose control? Lauren gripped a stiff nipple in between her thumb and forefinger, twisting it and making Camila whine as the thought only made her grow more frustrated. She should not have been so weak as to lose her focus. But Camila had been relentless and Lauren had fallen mercy to her seduction. Camila deserved to be punished for that. She only hoped she could maintain some control over herself at this point.

Lauren twisted harder before she released Camila's reddened nipple and replaced her hand with her mouth, leaning down and licking around the irritated bud of nerves before sucking it into her mouth.

"Oh my god." Camila's chest heaved as her hands came around front to thread into Lauren's hair, which she didn't realize was a mistake.

Immediately Lauren was pulling back with a loud suck as she released Camila's nipple, and grabbing at the girl's wrists, she yanked them down and pinned them to the counter top again.

"If you touch me again, you'll regret it."

Camila's brow furrowed at the warning authoritative tone of Lauren's voice. Was she serious?

"But I want to touch you." Camila nearly pouted, trying to appeal to a softer side of Lauren that she didn't know was unavailable at that moment.

"No." Lauren reached over to unplug the blender, ripping the chord out of the socket and bringing Camila's arms together to twist the length of the chord around Camila's wrists tightly.

"Lauren what the fuck?"

Just as Camila was about to ask what the hell Lauren thought she was doing to her blender, her words were cut off by Lauren's mouth assaulting her own. Camila could barely breathe as Lauren kissed her deeply, her lips relentless and almost suffocating in their pursuit. Feeling light headed, Camila sagged into Lauren and pressed their bodies closer together.

Lauren smirked, inching away to hear Camila gasp harshly for air that she had purposefully deprived her of. She barely gave the smaller girl a moment to recover before she was claiming her mouth again, gradually kissing her slower so she could slip her tongue between Camila's lips.

Lauren pawed at Camila's breasts, kneading the soft flesh roughly and getting her hands sticky from the smoothie that coated Camila's skin. Pulling back from her mouth, she attached her lips to the sticky sweet skin at Camila's throat and sucked her way along the fragile tendons inside that were pumping away from the fast pace of a racing heartbeat.

"I think that's a good recipe. It needs a little something though," Lauren mused before shoving her hand inside Camila's shorts and swiping two fingers through her folds to get them wet. Camila gasped, her jaw dropping open again, but immediately felt disappointed when Lauren retracted her hand.

Lauren brought her hand up to where some smoothie had collected in the groove of Camila's collarbone and dipped them in the fruity liquid before presenting the sticky fingers to Camila's lips.

"Suck them."

Camila instantly obeyed, taking the whole length of the two fingers in her mouth and tasting herself on them as she sucked Lauren's fingers dry.

When Lauren was satisfied she pulled her fingers out of Camila's mouth and grabbed her jaw to bring their lips together again. She smirked into the kiss when she could taste a hint of the flavor she was looking for and pressed her tongue deeper into Camila's mouth, seeking it out, and instantly winning the duel between their tongues.

"You're such a bitch, teasing me all the time. Did you ever even think that I refused you so many times for a reason Camila?" Lauren growled as she pulled away and held Camila's face in place, her hand squeezing around the girl's jaw.

"Lauren I...." Camila looked absolutely shocked and lost for words as her flushed chest heaved with the exhertion of her breathing.

"I'm not supposed to do this anymore. But you have no idea how bad I've wanted it. Everytime you flirted, or stared, or touched me, I wanted so badly to fuck your brains out."

Lauren's hands moved down to Camila's shorts, clenching around the hem and shoving them and her underwear down her legs before lifting underneath her thighs so she was forced to sit, ass naked, on the kitchen counter.

"Lauren we're going to get the counter..." Lauren cut Camila's words off, pressing a palm over her mouth and silencing her moving lips.

"Shut up. You don't speak unless I ask you a question." Lauren gripped Camila's tied hands and raised them up to where the handle of the cupboard jutted out from it's door. Hooking the cord of the blender where Camila's hands were bound onto the handle, she released her grip on her wrists letting them hang suspended above the girl. "You're here for me to play with. If you're not a good girl... you're going to regret it."

Lauren took in Camila's wide darkened eyes with gratification, knowing they mirrored the darkness of her own. The girl remained silent like she had been told, even after Lauren withdrew her hand from her mouth, and Lauren was thrilled that Camila made no further moves to protest her position on the kitchen counter.

Lauren leaned back and took in the full scene before her, of Camila sitting bound and naked on her kitchen counter. The girl sat perfectly still other than a slight tremor in her thigh when she noticed Lauren beginning to take off the vest she wore. Lauren could already spot the wet shimmer of arousal between her thighs.

"What did you put in the smoothie?"

Camila's mouth opened and closed like a fish for a second before she spoke hesitantly.

"Strawberries, pomegranate, bananas, and peaches."

Lauren nodded her head and hummed as she stripped herself of her shirt, leaving her chest and torso bare as she stepped towards Camila on the counter. She reached for the pitcher of smoothie that was resting in the blender next to them and reached up to grasp Camila by her hair, pulling her head back gently.

"I never got the chance to truly appreciate your concoction, since you were too busy being bad and teasing me."

Lauren tilted the pitcher, drizzling the sticky red liquid onto Camila's creamy skin. The cool temperature made Camila tense as it ran down her neck, between her breasts, and dripped onto the smooth expanse of her stomach. When Lauren was satisfied, she placed the pitcher on the counter next to them and ran a finger through some of the liquid on Camila's chest before moving her wet finger to a nipple that was stiff and already standing at attention for her. Barely touching the sensitive area, she spread the moisture over the outer edge, circling slowly, before brushing it right over the tip with more pressure.

Camila hissed and moved to squeeze her thighs together on the counter, but Lauren noticed the movement, and dropped her hands to pry them back open before squeezing herself snuggly between them.

"Don't you dare close these when I'm playing with you," Lauren ordered, drawing back a hand and smacking the outside of Camila's thigh harshly. "You're my fucking toy and you do what I want Camz."

Camila squeaked, feeling the nerves in her thigh sting from the rough slap she had just recieved. She looked down to see a reddening handprint on her skin and her jaw dropped open in surprise.

Lauren grabbed Camila's hair again, but this time roughly instead of the gentleness she had shown moments before. She yanked Camila's head back again, exposing her sticky neck, and attached her mouth to where some red liquid had collected at the base of her throat.

Lauren sucked away at her neck, enjoying the flavor of the smoothie and the sweet taste of the girl's skin as her mouth cleaned the juices away. Licking up to the underside of her jaw, she nipped at the edge and thrilled at the sound of Camila's rushed breathing right in her ear.

"You're going to like the way my mouth feels even more when it's sucking on your clit." Lauren let her breath ghost over Camila's ear before she took the shell of it in her mouth and bit down, the hand in Camila's hair twisted her head to the side so she could reach.

"Lauren... please..." Camila whined, pressing her ass down onto the counter on instinct, searching for some form of relief for the insistent throbbing between her legs.

"Did I ask you a question?"

"No." Camila bit her lip at the threatening lilt to Lauren's voice and was nearly tempted to test her boundaries.

"You're not going to get what you want if you don't listen."

"I'm sorry," Camila purred with a smirk, making her apology sound anything but sincere and watching the way Lauren's jaw clenched.

"You will be." Lauren smacked Camila's thigh again, so hard that it hurt even her own hand, the echo from the strike ringing hollow in the kitchen. Leaning down to Camila's chest, she took her hard nipple between her teeth and bit down, forcing a shriek from Camila's mouth.

Lauren soothed the irritated area with her tongue, lapping around the bud and sucking at it gently and Camila began panting at the intensity of the sensation created. Brushing her lips across Camila's breast, Lauren began to lave along the sticky red trail of smoothie down Camila's front, cleaning her skin and she licked.

Camila shivered as Lauren's mouth made its way lower and lower, tickling across her abs and moving to kiss at her hipbone. She wished so badly that she could just reach down and thread her fingers through Lauren's hair, drawing her face down to where she needed attention the most, but Lauren seemed determined on torturing her.

And then Lauren was pulling at Camila's hips, inching her to the edge of the counter and getting on her knees, and Camila held her breath as Lauren's ruby stained lips began sucking at her thigh.

Lauren grinned up at the girl above her as she dug her teeth into the soft flesh of her thigh and bit down gently, using the gesture as a distraction so Camila wouldn't expect the next hard smack to her ass. Lauren put even more pressure into her strike this time, grinning wider at the way Camila's body jerked in surprise and how she bit her lip from the action.

Lauren lowered her mouth without warning and let her tongue dive between Camila's lower lips, her pussy already dripping down the cheeks of her ass dangerously close to soiling the counter. Camila tensed up and gasped at the new feeling, Lauren's tongue hardly being gentle, licking broad pressured strokes between sticky lips and right over her swollen clit.

"Good girl. You're so fucking wet for me Camz," Lauren praised, pausing before she returned to her task, humming over Camila's clit as she began to circle the bud of nerves generously.

Camila couldn't even help the soft moans bubbling up from her throat, or the way her hips began to swirl on their own. The motion was stopped as Lauren wrapped her arms around her thighs and pulled them open even wider but held them tight and perfectly still so she couldn't move.

"If you move again, I'm not going to let you cum." Lauren's deep husky voice sounded like sex and only made Camila want to thrust herself into Lauren's face more, grind down on her tongue harder. But she obeyed, tensing her muscles and forcing them to stay still, struggling to remain as calm as she could while Lauren's tongue was dropping lower and licking carefully inside her.


Lauren wondered if Camila was going to be alright because the throbbing she felt on her tongue was a pace so fast it couldn't be healthy. Camila's excited arousal only thrilled her more as she began to work her tongue in and out of Camila's clenching sex as slowly as she possibly could. She knew her teasing was gradually driving Camila mad.

"Lauren, fuck... please I need more." Camila regretted her words immediately after she spoke them, remembering Lauren's previous command to only speak if she was asked a question.

Lauren removed her tongue and pulled away instantly, her flushed face looking nearly feral as she stood up and grabbed at Camila's wrists, unhooking the cord from the handle and tugging at them harshly until Camila slid off the counter.

Camila stood in helpless shock as she watched Lauren reach toward the block of knives on the counter behind them, selecting a huge cutting blade and removing it from its sheath.

What the fuck was she....?

Camila felt adrenaline flood her body watching her roomate stalk back towards her with the sharp blade held at her side. She held her breath, fear making her freeze, as Lauren reached for her hands.

Lauren raised the blade, keeping eye contact with Camila as she began to cower, and running the tip of the knife over the skin at Camila's stomach, just barely brushing the steel against flesh. Lauren smirked pulling the knife away, raising it higher to cut at the chord of the blender so it was detached from the device. The chord that wasn't still binding Camila's wrists together dropped and hung limp at their side.

Lauren tossed the blade on the island behind her, and Camila breathed a sigh of relief, knowing Lauren had just been teasing her.

"You're going to shut the fuck up like I told you, and I'm going to bend you over this counter and stretch you until I make you cum so hard you can't feel your legs. Understand?" Lauren finished and waited for Camila's answer, running her hand up to wrap firmly around her throat. Camila had the good sense to look slightly terrified and most definitely turned on.

"Yes," Camila agreed in a small voice before Lauren's hand was pushing her back against the counter by her throat, another at her hip to begin turning her around roughly and knocking the pitcher that held the remaining smoothie all over the floor.

Lauren bent Camila over the counter, pushing her upper body down to lay against the cool surface, running her hands smoothly down her back and over her ass cheeks before teasing her fingers over her glistening folds.

"Do you want me to fuck you hard?" Lauren circled her fingertips around Camila's entrance, just about to work them inside when something caught her eye and she was struck with an idea.

"Yes, fucking please Lauren."

Lauren caught her own lip between her teeth as she reached for the item on the counter. Running her hand over the curved yellow skin, she looked between Camila's legs wondering if her idea would actually work. Lauren spit on the fruit and moved her hand over the length of it, spreading her saliva until it was covered in slick.

Biting harder into her own lip, she positioned the fruit at Camila's entrance and sank it into her heat without warning. Camila tensed up and squeaked as she felt herself being stretched wide and filled up almost beyond what she could take.

"Jesus, what the fuck is that!" Camila choked on her own breath as Lauren began to slowly pump the banana in and out of her sex, making sure to be gentle so she could adjust to the feeling.

Lauren giggled as she ran a soothing hand down the low of her back.

"A banana," Lauren whispered with a gleaming grin on her face as Camila turned her head to the side and rested her cheek on the counter as if she could see the fruit moving inside her.

"What the fuck? It's so big Lauren. God. Fuck." Camila's voice was nothing but a stream of profane moans as she struggled to take the width of the large toy Lauren had chosen. The more Lauren moved, the slicker Camila's sex got, and the more she adjusted to the size and sensation.

Lauren picked up her pace, beginning to thrust into Camila with a steady rhythm that had Camila's hands struggling to grip on the surface of the counter top with little success since then were still bound at the wrist by the ruined blender chord. With every single stroke, Lauren pushed inside just a bit deeper and the curled length of the fruit was hitting the weakest spot inside the moaning girl's heat.

"Fuck Lauren. Faster."

And just like that, Lauren wound back with her other hand, slapping Camila's thick ass cheek hard enough to leave a red handprint and slowed the strokes she was making to a crawl.

"I decide how hard I'm going to fuck you," Lauren growled as she leaned over Camila's back with her own and ground her hips into the girl's ass.

Camila made a desperate whining noise, the sensation she was receiving not enough to do the damage she needed and tried to appeal to Lauren's dominance.

"Please Daddy. I need you to fuck me so bad," she begged, trying to move her ass up to meet Lauren's hips with the piece of fruit and Lauren's hand sandwiched between their bodies.

"You don't know how to shut the fuck up do you?" Lauren stood up and retracted the banana from Camila's sex, moving the glistening length in front of her face. "Suck it. Now."

Camila obeyed immediately, leaning her head to the side to take the yellow length in her mouth, sucking her own cum off of the makeshift sex toy.

"Good girl. That's one way to keep that pretty mouth quiet. You like slurping up your own cum don't you?" Lauren slapped Camila's ass again, but it was the softest slap she had delivered yet. "I fucking love how big your ass is. I love having my hands on it," Lauren praised, emphasizing her words with a squeeze to the soft flesh.

"Now, are you going to be a good little girl and cum when I tell you to?"

Camila shook her head yes with the banana still in her mouth and Lauren was satisfied with the response, removing the fruit and bringing it back down to Camila's pussy.

Lauren thrusted the length into her roughly, setting the fastest pace she had used so far and watched as Camila's eyes rolled back into her head and her mouth dropped open with a whimper, her cheek smushed into the marble of the counter. The sight made Lauren's own sex throb with purpose and she moved her free hand down to snake into her own pants to gain some relief.

Lauren slowed down again, just a touch, as she began circling her own clit with two fingers. She was so close already because it had been so long since she had given in to herself, so long since she had granted herself this pleasure.

She began to thrust her hips into Camila's ass, driving the length deeper and herself closer at the same time as Camila's desperate moans grew loud and throaty.

"Does this feel good Camz? Do you like it when I bend you over and fuck you like a bitch?" Lauren leaned over Camila further, covering the girl's smaller body with her own as she thrusted rapidly, fucking herself at the same time.

Lauren could feel Camila's body beginning to tense up, every muscle locking into place beneath her and begging for release.

"Cum for me. Now."

Just like the girl's body was under her complete control, Lauren watched Camila begin to shudder on the counter, felt how her quivering thighs struggled to help her ride the waves that were cresting up inside her and washing over her in a melting heat. The sounds she made were strangled and choked as her orgasm hit her full force, and Lauren showed her no mercy as she continued to ram into her at a fast pace. One climax turned into two as the forceful drive of Lauren's hips were compulsive in their command, and Camila had no choice but to obey.

Lauren felt herself slip over the edge quickly after, Camila's soft moans of exhausted satisfaction drawing her to mimic the response as her fingers danced over her clit with determination. She allowed her body to arch and release, the sensations coaxing her down to a trembling mess as she rested on Camila's sweat coated back.

The two stayed breathlessly still as their heart and lungs tried to catch up with the exhertion of their play. Lauren was the first to move, heaving out a heavy sigh before pulling the banana she had just fucked Camila with out of the other girl. Camila groaned at the over stimulation, feeling to sensitive to be touched.

Lauren chuckled deeply and she dropped the ruined fruit to the ground and began pulling Camila off the counter so they could drop to the floor. Only when she laid an unconscious Camila out on the ground did she realize how big of a mistake she had made in giving into her temptation. Staring down at the other girl, she felt nothing but a want so pure and perfect, a want that reached into the deepest part of her, a want that she kept hidden. Could she ever truly be sated?

Something about Camila seemed so fragile and only made the drive inside her whisper louder. This lust would not be denied or quelled easily. She grinned down at the girl's adorable face, her eyebrows furrowing in her sleep as she stirred and Lauren decided to wait patiently until she woke up. She had been good and deserved rest before Lauren desired to quench her thirst once again.


Hours later Lauren awoke to find that she was still in the kitchen with Camila. She took in the scene before her and remembered how much fun she had had when they woke up again. She had absolutely drained every ounce of vitality from the girl that rested before her on the floor positively lifeless. Lauren leaned down to drop a few kisses on an unconscious Camila's body, her lips gentle on the sticky skin before she pulled back to take in the mess they had made. The pitcher that had once contained Camila's smoothie creation was empty, the floor covered and stained in red liquid along with both of their bodies. Rolling her eyes at what she would have to clean up later, she decided to go shower first, padding down the hallway to the bathroom and leaving Camila in the kitchen. She would tend to the girl after she was clean.

Lauren stepped into the warm spray and enjoyed the calming heat that surrounded and cleansed her. She thought about what a huge setback she had created for herself by giving into her own weakness and Camila's seduction was. She had been so strong, so careful, only to throw it away in a moment of weakness. She couldn't start along this path again could she? This lustfull drive that made her feel strong and powerful wasn't healthy. She could never be a normal person if she started down this road again.

Sex was a dangerous addiction, and she needed to get some help.

K... so.... idk if I should apologize for this or what. It's... wow extra 💀 but hope you liked it and hope the people who requested this kinky camren banana smut enjoyed 😂 This will be a multi-chap fic and I already have planned where I want it to go and the ending. So stay tuned for more! Also I've decided to start asking questions at the end of my chaps to try and interact with my readers... so... since this is a kinky fic....

What is one kink you have that you're willing to admit?

Hit me on my snap @ puppydog009

Hope you cute puppies have a wonderful night 🐶😘

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