Rosestar ran to the highrock as fast as she could. "All cats old enough to hunt for themselves, come here for a meeting quickly!" Rosestar commanded. Cats filed out of there dens, and sat down under the highrock. "I have terrible news" she began. "Other clans had been detected in our territory". All the cats gasped."Skinnypelt and Stormchaser, come up here and tell everybody what happened" she said looking at them urgently. They padded to the highrock, and Stormchaser took a deep breath. We ordered Windpaw and Dustpaw to their dens, and walked around to look for fresh kill" he started slowly breathing. "Then we smelt a recent scent of Oceanclan and Leafclan warriors!" Skinnypelt chimed in. Every cat in the crowd gasped.
Rosestar gave a slight nod to the warriors, as the padded of the highrock. "If you're a warrior training an apprentice, train hard. You will never know when Ocean clan, or Leafclan will pounce. Graypelt, grab some warriors, and head on patrol around all the borders". "Yes Rosestar" Graypelt nodded. "Everyone is dismissed" she said padding down.
Stormchaser was suspicious. Ever since Lily came to the camp bad things have been happening he thought as he padded to his den. "Stormchaser!" Graypelt hollered. "I need you on patrol!" he said. Stormchaser padded out of his den again and joined with Skinneypelt, Graypelt, Cloudfur Brokenjaw, and Dustpaw. "We are gonna start around the border of Leafclan, and go from there." Graypelt exclaimed. He padded to the gorse tunnel that lead out the camp, the other warriors following. He stopped suddenly and looked back. "Stormchaser get your kin and bring her to patrol with us. We can catch some prey on the way" Graypelt ordered. Stormchaser sighed and darted toward the Apprentices den. "Windpaw!" he called at the mouth of the den. Windpaw shot up and sprinted toward him her eyes wide with excitement. "Come on, we gotta go before they leave us here" he urged as he ran out of the den, Windpaw behind him. The patrol was already near the end of the border of ocean clan. "Hurry up mouse legs!" Skinnypelt teased. By the time they got to Leafclan border, it had almost been sundown. Stormchaser had managed to catch a few voles and a pigeon on the way. They padded through the bushes at the edge of the borders. Stormchaser opened his mouth to see if he could smell any Leafclan warriors. He could smell rouges! "Do you smell that?" he mewed. Skinnypelt opened her jaw and sniffed the air, her eyes widening. Her claws unsheathed and she looked around in terror. Stormchaser sniffed again. "Its stale" he sighed. Windpaw lifted up her ears. "What do you hear?" Stormchaser asked. "I can hear prey" she answered dropping into a hunting crouch. She pounced on a vole and bit it to make sure it was dead. She picked it up and Stormchaser smiled at her. The thought of her becoming a warrior burned inside his head. "We should get going" Skinnypelt interrupted his thoughts. The three cats padded to the camp with their jaws full of prey. Stormchaser walked to the fresh kill pile, dropped his prey, and grabbed a magpie for himself. He padded to Cloudfur, who was in front of the nursery eating a vole. He sat down and took a bite out of the magpie. "I miss Windpaw and me being in the nursery" Cloudfur mewed looking in the sky. "But now i get to sleep with you!" Stormchaser said licking Cloudfur on her side. She smiled and took a bite of her vole. Stormchaser finished his magpie and got up. "Are you done?" he asked Cloudfur. She got up and nodded. He padded across to the warriors' den Cloudfur by his side, and pushed through the leaves that covered the entrance. He lay in some moss Cloudfur at his side. He closed his eyes and dreamt.