Wan Yan Xu and Su Yi Goes for...

By HeienJie

63.9K 1.5K 217

Summary Wan Yan Xu has had it. His beloved Su Su was busy working for the good of the citizens in the kingdo... More

About the Book
Good Morning Beautiful
The Scheming Adult
Quick Question
Sweet Watermelon
What do you think?

Sweet Success

9.8K 300 46
By HeienJie

The Great Emperor, Wan Yan Xu, the first ruler of the Great Jing Liao Dynasty sat in his office going over a pile of reports, deeds and requests. Just as when he was ready to do the last minute check before their departure, his ministers roped him into looking over some matters. If only he was alone he would have refused without batting an eyelash. During that time though Su Yi was with him and urged him to work on those matters. Only when you work with me he was supposed to say. But before he could utter those words another group of officials were already talking to the Empress. Wan Yan Xu's eyebrows scrunched. His jaw set a hard line. Aiiya! These cretins. Can't they read the situation?

Su Yi looked at his direction and gave a shy smile before turning back to what the ministers were saying. Of course Wan Yan Xu did not miss that smile. Just like a dose of honey his bitterness immediately receded. All thoughts of how he would get back at his ministers were thrown away. He marched to his office rather begrudgingly to work on those stupid papers. Oh the things he does for Su Su!

But something happened early in the day which made Wan Yan Xu's face light up. He recalled the events as he sipped his tea on his break time.

=================== Wan Yan Xu and Su Yi Goes on a Vacation ===================

The court officials were easy to handle. He just had to unfurl his majestic aura letting his dominant self take control. Thus moments later the ministers were bowed into submission.

The Crown Prince however was another matter. His only son spoiled by the Empress Dowager and sometimes by himself was much more difficult to handle. It required strategizing with plans until the tenth character. One must always be prepared for that was how Wan Yan Xu thought and without a doubt that was how the Crown Prince would also think. Shou-er was after all the fruit from his tree.

Thus even with difficulty Wan Yan Xu managed to convince the Empress Dowager and his brother Wan Yan Xia to help him with his scheme. He played the sympathy card with his mother while he promised rare herbs and rare books about medical health to his brother.

=================== Wan Yan Xu and Su Yi Goes on a Vacation ===================

Wan Yan Shou had grown well over the years. He was no doubt the carbon copy of his father albeit much shorter. Gone were those baby fat on his cheeks revealing those high cheek bones and prominent jaw. He was a fine specimen indeed. He was also very smart just like his father. But he was a teenager still and was a hundred steps behind his father. And so he played his last card.

"Imperial Father wants to take Mother Empress away from me. This royal son of yours haven't spent much time with Mother Empress now Imperial Father wants to monopolize him," Wan Yan Xu cried. His eyes filled with tears which could fall any minute now. His lips jutted our in a cute pout. He looked at the Empress Dowager and Royal Uncle Wan Yan Xia for support.

Wan Yan Xia spoke first. "Crown Prince please do not be difficult. I have personally recommended this trip for the Empress' good health. Although the Empress might look healthy on the outside he is stressed in the inside. With all the citizens and the country in his mind he cannot fully relax, not while he is in the palace." After saying that he quickly shot a narrowed glance at Wan Yan Xu.

I hope that was enough Wan Yan Xu. Aiiya why must you involve me in this scheme!

He knew the answer though. Wan Yan Xu explained it to him thoroughly. The person Shou-er cared for the most was his Mother Empress, Su Yi. He would do everything to make him happy and healthy. After nearly losing Su Yi years ago, Shou-er had grown more attached and very protective. The young prince vowed to protect his Mother Empress even from the Emperor himself. Wan Yan Xu could not say anything. It was his fault after all. He allowed injustice to befall his precious Su Su.

=================== Wan Yan Xu and Su Yi Goes on a Vacation ===================

Wan Yan Xu caught the glance of his younger brother. But his face gave nothing away. He tightened his hold on the Empress' waist. He knew his Su Su was close to giving up. Who would not after looking at the Crown Prince's dejected face that was close to tears.

Su Yi turned his head to look at him. It's alright Su Su. Just keep quiet. I'll handle this. He spoke silently and squeezed Su Su's waist.

Su Yi blinked his eyes.

Wan Yan Shou could not hold it anymore. He cried loudly. Su Yi was about to step forward but Wan Yan Xu tugged him to his chest holding him back. The Empress Dowager took Su Yi's place and wrapped Shou-er to her bosom.

She looked at Su Yi and moved her lips speaking without a sound. It's alright.

Su Yi bowed in thanks.

The Empress Dowager said, "Wan Yan Xia is right. Although your Mother Empress has recovered from his physical illness his mind is being stressed. If this continues he might get sick. The Crown Prince doesn't want that does he?"

"No I don't," Wan Yan Shou answered solemnly.

"Very good." The Empress Dowager embraced him again.

=================== Wan Yan Xu and Su Yi Goes on a Vacation ===================

"But I want to join them," Wan Yan Shou said. There was no way he would stay behind. If Imperial Father was going then he too must go.

"Oh I know you want to," the Empress Dowager said. "But you cannot. You are the heir to the throne thus you must remain here to govern in place of the Emperor. Despite your age I know you are capable enough. Even the Empress praised you many times when we were enjoying tea. The Empress and I have much confidence in you. "

"But -..." Wan Yan Shou insisted. However he could not continue any further since his biggest supporter was no longer on his side. Momentarily his voice was cut off and his tears fell like waterfalls.

Su Yi could no longer contain himself. He pulled away from Wan Yan Xu and gathered the Crown Prince in his arms. He run soothing circles on the young prince's back but stopped to cover his mouth as he coughed.

Wan Yan Shou was alarmed. He feared that Mother Empress might be ill. He tightened his arms around Su Yi's waist before lifting his head. "It's alright Mother Empress. Please do not mind this child of yours. I'm sorry for being selfish. Please take care of your self and relax. Your son will patiently wait for you return."

"Thank you dear child." Su Yi smiled and wiped the tears that stained Shou-er's cheeks.

Wan Yan Shou extracted himself from Mother Empress and proclaimed confidently, "Please do not worry about the citizens. I promise to take care of them."

Su Yi couldn't help but smile. "Heaven has looked upon me and gave me such a kind and thoughtful child."

Wan Yan Shou blushed. It was the first time that Mother Empress spoke highly of him in his presence and among other people too.

The other people in the room were relieved and did not bother to hide their smiles. Wan Yan Xu was the happiest of them all. He went towards Su Su and gathered him in his arms before placing a chaste kiss on his soft pink lips. Su Yi punched him in the chest but Wan Yan Xu couldn't be bothered. He nuzzled his face into the crook of Su Yi's neck.

The royal family chuckled while the servants hid their grin behind their sleeves. They were already used to the Emperor's public display of affection but not the Empress. Like the scholar he was he preferred to keep such things in the bedroom.

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