Our Love Story ❤️ {NaLu}

By Lucy__dragneel23

229K 5.1K 5.4K

Lucy Heartfillia. She transferred from CHS (Celestial High School) and now attends Fairy Tail academy d... More

Prologue <3
Chapter {1}
Chapter {2}
Chapter {3}
Chapter {4}
Chapter {5}
Chapter {6}
Chapter {7}
Chapter {8}
Chapter {9}
*Please Read!*
Chapter {10}
Chapter {11}
Chapter {12}
Chapter {13}
Chapter {14}
Chapter {15}
Chapter {16}
Chapter {17}
Chapter {18}
Chapter {19}
Chapter {20}
Chapter {21}
Chapter {22}
Chapter {23}
Chapter {24}
Chapter {25}
Chapter {26}
Chapter {27}
Chapter {28}
Chapter {29}
Chapter {30}
Chapter {31}
Chapter {32}
Chapter {33}
Chapter {34}
Chapter {36}
Chapter {37}
A/N (last & final)

Chapter {35}

3.6K 84 60
By Lucy__dragneel23

Sorry it's late. I had most of it written a while ago but when I got back on here everything was all gone except two paragraphs. And I was discouraged to write it all over again since I thought it was such a perfect chapter 😂😂😂.

enjoy though!

Q- Favorite animal?



Jude stood in the doorway, accompanied by the Eucliffe parents. He was still attached to a number of machines though they were in more of a travel size. Also he had help with them thanks to Mr and Mrs. Eucliffe. He stood in the doorway, not saying anything at first. Just staring at the group of teenagers who all stood in front of Lucy, shielding her from being seen. Though their efforts turned out to be a waste of time, since Jude already knew Lucy was here.

Jude took one step into the room, and immediately everyone tensed up. Especially Natsu. He was using all the will in his body to keep from straight up attacking the old man. He—out of everyone—was the most eager to protect Lucy.

"She's not here." Natsu speaks after what seemed like an eternity of silence.

Jude only scoffs and adjusts one of the tubes that he is hooked up too. "Oh please, I already know she's here." He retorts smugly.

Although he was very much right, Natsu still intended on keeping up the act. Though before he could say anything, Gray stepped up next to him. His usual laid back and easy going expression on his face, just with a slight twinge of anger in his eyes. "He said, she isn't here." He says grumpily. Then takes another step towards the three adults standing in the doorway. "Get out." He says.

Jude scoffs again. Only worsening Natsu's mood.

"Oh please, a group of children does not scare me. You cannot—and will not keep me away from my daughter." Jude exclaims.

Natsu steps forward. "Shut up!" He says with an aggressive tone in his voice. "You can't call her your daughter if you aren't even a father too her!" He says.

Jude does not even flinch at Natsu's words.

Who did he think he was? Natsu thought. Marching in here like we owe him something!

"Sir this is my dorm and if you don't leave I can easily call the school security to escort you out. Though you won't be allowed back in if that happens, so it'd be best if you just left on your own." Levy says, smugly. Finally her knowledge of the rules came in handy.

"I will not leave until my daughter isn't being held hostage any longer!" He cries.

Natsu and gray both begin to try and reply to the old man. They were ready to let him have it, they were ready to let out all the built up anger they had. But they never got to utter a sentence, or even a word.

"I'm not being held hostage." Lucy spoke finally, followed by a sneeze.

Everyone turned to direct their attention to her. Natsu's yelling must have woken her up.

"You can't make me leave against my will. And if you truly won't leave on your own without me—just as Levy said—you will be escorted out to never return." She says. She was sitting up, nice and tall on her bed. Her gaze was kept low to keep from making eye contact with anyone. She looked peaceful, yet her voice rang with irritation and anger.

The room fell silent at her sudden announcement. It was unexpected of her to actually speak at this time. Though its not like they were actually going to get away with the whole "She isn't here" facade. 

Jude glared at Lucy. If looks could kill, he'd be guilty of murder right now. He couldn't seem to accept the fact that things just weren't gonna go his way. 

"For the last time, get out." Lucy says. still not meeting his empty eyes.

And she never meets them. She doesn't even begin to look up until she heard the old man cough and the floor creak signifying him starting to leave. Until she heard the wheeling of the many machines he was attached to and his footsteps slowing moving down the hall, followed by the other two sets of footsteps following closely behind. Not until she heard the squeak of the door all the way down the hall meaning he had reached the front desk by now.

And when she was finally sure the old man and his Eucliffe companions had finally left the building. She looked up revealing that her eyesight was blurred by now, with an ocean of tears, ready to be let out.

You would think they were happy tears, that would show she was triumphant of getting rid of her wretched father for now. 

But they weren't.

Natsu practically flew to her side at the sight of the tears.

The one thing about all this that made it so hard. Was that Lucy still wanted a relationship with her father. And even after all the years of torture and neglect, she wished that at least on his deathbed he would at the very least treat her kindly. Yet still, he continued to just let her down. 

Nothing about this moment was good enough to be celebrated.

Lucy sobbed into Natsu's chest as her friends gathered around to console her. As Lucy cried, she wondered if she would ever be able to fill the hole in her heart that her father neglected to ever fill.


 *Time skip -a month later-*

It had been a full month, and since that day, Lucy had not heard from her father at all. At one point, she had even began to wonder if he was dead. Sting still seemed to talk to his mother, yet his father seemed to be unreachable also. 

It was unacceptable, yet calming. To know that her father would probably never bother her again. She always thought of how absurd it was that the next time she met her father face to face, he would probably be taking his last breaths, because the hospital would definitely notify her about something like that. 

Yet she still felt at ease most of the time, now that she knew her father wasn't going to come back and mess up her life.

It was weird. It was a truly weird feeling to have. It's like she couldn't decide whether to accept the circumstances and be happy, or continue to feel depressed about it. Some days she'd wake up completely fine. While on others she was a huge mess. She was fighting herself. And she didnt know how to put the fighting to ease. 

Though at this moment, she was the happiest she had been in a while. It was finally Christmas, and also Christmas break. And she had been anticipating this season for a while. 

Lucy wasn't sure what she was going to do for Christmas break, though she vaguely remembered Natsu talking about camping or something. Still he would have made it clear what the plan was if he truly wanted to do something like that. Yet she knew of no plan.

She sat on her bed with her earbuds in, and her ipod on shuffle. She was feeling relaxed at the moment. Whatever she was doing this Christmas break, it'd just have to come to her. She sure wasn't about to find something.

Suddenly a knock sounded on her door. It was loud enough that she heard it over her music which was turned up pretty loud. A smile spread across her face as she turned her music off and unplugged her earbuds. She always got excited to see Natsu. 

She hurried across the room to open the door for her faithful companion. "Im coming!" She sang, knowing Natsu would knock again and even louder at the thought of being ignored.

She opened the door and as expected, was face to face with a grinning Natsu.

"Hey." Lucy says returning his smile. 

He only smiles harder then quickly wraps his arms around her, kissing her sweetly. "Hey, I've got a surprise!" He says.

Lucy's eyebrow twitches. "What kind of surprise?" Lucy asks.

His smile seems to just expand at the thought of it. "A good one, and you might figure out what it is before you see it. I'm not going to tell you anything about it though! Not even a hint!" He says. 

Lucy rolls her eyes. Natsu wasn't capable of keeping his own secrets. Though she could tell he was actually going to put in effort not to spill this one.

"Okay Natsu, we'll see." She says teasingly.

Natsu smirks and gently pinches her cheek. "I just need you to do one thing though." He says. 

Lucy blinks. "And that is..?"

"Pack a lot of clothes."


Does anybody have any idea what my name is? Cause if you guess it right (Which i know you wont) I'll send you like a bazillion dollars

BUT thats all, Have a fuzzy day.


1490 words

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