Aliquam erat lupum

By Shimay

355 4 2

Hayla Peeters thinks that she will never find love or find her mate because of what people said to her for ye... More


Chapter One

64 2 2
By Shimay

"Hayla, you better not be leaving without me"! Zach yells from up stairs. "Yeah, yeah, Hey aren't you supposed to be the one who is ready? After all you are the Teacher, not me. Which bring me to another point, I don't get why I have to go so early when I can drive or walk"! "Well first off, my alarm stopped working and second I may be the teacher but I am still your big brother and I will protect you, which means you get to ride to school with me", Zach replies coming down the stairs and grabbing his keys.

"Okay, But-". "No Buts you're coming with me and that's final". "Meh, meh, meh, and that's final", I imitate as we enter the car. Zach growls as he out of the driveway. "Zach"? "Mmh"? "Are we on another packs territory"? "Our house isn't, but the school is", he replies as we stop at a red light. He must have seen the look on my face because he added, "Don't worry I checked in with the Alpha and he said that we could go to school as long as we don't start trouble, Plus the Alpha used to be good friends with Dad".

I nod but don't say anything else. Zach pulls into the Teachers parking lot and parks as close as he could get to the school. I grab my bag, hop out and start walking towards the building. I stop by the doors and wait for Zach to catch up. Before we walk in I grab his hand and we go to the office. "Uhh, school doesn't start for another hour", the lady at the front desk informs us.

"Don't remind me, but we know, we are new-". "I'm the new teacher Mr. Peeters and this is my sister Hayla Peeters", Zach cuts me off to answer her. "Ahh yes, here you go dear, here's your schedule and as for you Mr. Peeters, your classroom is on the second floor room 216". "Thank you", my brother and I say together. "You are quite welcome, have a good day". Still holding my had, Zach asks, "Do you want to tour the school with me, then we can go find your locker before we head to my classroom"? "Yeah, just so I don't look like an idiot walking around with my face glued to the map". "No, that's not it, I think you like the company of your big brother".

"This is your locker, Oh looky here, my classroom is right across from it". "Yeahhh what a coincident", I mumble rolling my eyes. Looking at the paper with my combination I open my locker and stuff all of my school stuff in before grabbing my schedule. I look to see what my first class is English, "Really"? "What"? Zach asks. I smirk at him before answering "Well it looks like you're stuck with me first hour". "Good, that means I can keep my eyes on you, and the horny teenage guys that want in your pants", Zach smirks back.

My smirk immediately drops and I punch Zach's shoulder before grabbing my English books and heading into his classroom. "Oh that hurt so much" Zach replies sarcastically and heads up to his desk. He plops down in his chair and starts to get ready. "Do you want to come to the teachers lounge with me"? Zach asks after he got his stuff situated. "Sure, but you're getting me a coffee and a doughnut, if there is any".

"Fine", he replies before grabbing my hand. Once other Zach let's go of my hand before going in and then coming out with two doughtnuts and a coffee. "Thank you"! I exclaim before excitedly taking my coffee and doughnut.

After eating my doughnut and sitting down in my desk people started to come in. Sipping my coffee, I patiently waited for school to start. "Hey, you're the rouge right", some guy to my left asked. I immediately stiffened and so did my brother. "What", I asked through clenched teeth.

"Are you def"? I let out a threatening growl before saying, "I will tell you this once, and once only, You, EVER call me that again I will personally rip your vocal cords out and feed them to you, Got it"? He gulps loudly before nodding and quickly taking his seat across the room.

I look up at Zach to see him trying to hold back his laugh. Finally the bell rings and everyone files in. "Alright class, I'm your new teacher Mr. Peeters. I want everyone to tell there name and something about themselves, Hayla why don't you start?" Zach asks.

I slightly growl before standing up and saying, "My name is Hayla Peeters and I'm new here". Zach rolls his eyes before waiting for the next person to go. This went on before a girl burst through the door looking frazzled and out of breath. "Sorry I'm late-" she cuts off looking at my brother.

Zach growls 'mate' before setting his hand down on the middle of his desk and jumping over it to get to her. He pushes her out into the hallway and shuts the doors behind him. I look around at everyone and see them all talking. I sigh and open my journal and start doodling.

"Hello I'm Layna, you're Hayla right"? "Yeah, nice to meet you Layna", I smile as she sits next to me. "I thought he was your mate"' says hitching her thumb toward the door where Zach just left with his mate. "Ha, no he's my brother". "Oh sorry didn't mean to make it awkward". "No, no it's fine, but I have a question". "Okay, shoot". "Well you guys act like that happens everyday, what about the humans?" I ask.

"This is an all shifter school"' she replies chuckling. "Ohh, that would explain why I couldn't smell any humans, I just thought that there was too many shifters". Layna smiles before her face goes blank. After about a minute she blinks and smiles apologetically before she says, "I'm sorry I have to go but will catch up with you at lunch and you can sit with me and my friends so we can get to know each other".

"Okay, sounds good thank you", I smile as she gets up and leaves the classroom. The rest of my classes were uneventful but, periodicity I would get wifs of the most intoxicating aroma ever then it would disappear. Once lunch rolled around I was seriously annoyed. "Hey Hayla"' Layna yells immediately as I walk through the lunch room doors. I smile and walk over to her and her friends. "Hey", I smile and sit down.

"Well, Hayla, I would like you to meet my friends, Mark, Marilyn, Jace , and Nanee, guys I would like you to meet Hayla". Layna introduces us. "Hi, nice to meet you all", I smile and wave. They all smile and wave back. "So I hear your brother's in town". Named says smiling at Layna while looking at me from the corner of her eye. "Speaking of brothers, I hear Mr. Peeters is yours", Marilyn asks.

"Yeah, he actually found his mate today", I smile knowing that he's been looking for her forms while. Before Marilyn can reply Mark asks, "Have you found your mate yet"? "Uhh, no and I don't think I will, how about you? Have you found your mate yet"? I ask. "Nope", he answers smiling before pulling me onto his lap.

I stiffen not knowing what to do, humans and shifters don't normally take an interest in me this has never happened before. Then I smell it again, the intoxicating one from before which has my wolf all excited and antsy wanting to come out. I shift my hips which makes Mark groan slightly. "Ooh feisty" he smirks and I am suddenly aware of just how much Mark is being affected by the position and I immediately stop moving.

All sudden the Cafe doors burst open and in storms the best looking man I have ever seen. He had a strong jaw and chiseled features, he was wearing a black shirt that left nothing to the imagination and his dark jeans hung low on his hips. His jet black hair was short but not to short and it looked messy but the sexy kind. By the time I got to his eyes my wolf was going crazy telling me to go up to him and show him that he needs us.

Don't get me started on his eyes they are a greyish silver with a little blue that had me lost in them. 'MATE'! my wolf screamed in my head and I gasped. In the short time that I registered that he was my mate I saw that he was looking at something behind me. I follow his linen of sight an see Mark who was looking at my sexy mate like he didn't know weather to run, cry, or scream.

"Oh, Mark, you're screwed", Jace said sympathetically, "It was nice knowing you" he patted his shoulder. When I look back I see my mate Inches from us looking pissed off and ready to smash something. My mate grabs my hips and hoists me over his shoulder, shocked, I let him.

Next thing I know I'm being set down on the grass by the school before he kisses me passionately. At first I didn't know what to do because I have never been kissed like this, then my wolf takes control and kisses him back just as passionately. I push him up against a tree and wrap my arms around his neck standing no my tip toes to get better access. He growls and turns around so it's my back against the tree, not his.

I gasp as he hoists me up so that I have to wrap my legs around his waist so that I don't fall. He takes that opportunity to roam my mouth to its full extent. I moan and move my hips around which seems to turn him on because he growls and grinds his hips against mine. I smile and pull away slightly to bite his bottom lip, hard but not too hard.

Another growl comes from his chest and I feel it vibrate through me. We pull away for air but his lips never leave my skin as he trails open mouth kisses down my neck and stops at my soft spot sucking. I moan and move my neck closer to his face for better access. He bites my neck but his teeth don't pierce the skin and I moan louder. Then I hear the bell ring and sigh knowing we are going to have to stop.

"What's wrong kitten? Am I upsetting you?" My mate asks huskily his voice heavy with lust. "No, no of course not it's just I need to get to class and if Zach finds out I missed my class he's gonna have a major fit" I reply caressing his face. My mate growls at the mention of my brothers name and kisses me again. When he pulls away he Says, more like growls, "Kitten you are Mine and only Mine, and I do not like to share what's mine". I smile before saying, "Good because I don't like to share either, and Zach is my brother nothing else". My mate smiles, a breath taking smile, before setting me back down on my feet.

"What's your name kitten"? He asks while walking with me to the south wing of school. "Hayla Peeters-". "Are you in any relation to Mr. Peeters"? "Yeah he's my brother". "You can't be" He says pulling me to a stop and examines my face. "I can't be"? I ask confused. "You and your brother are supposed to be dead".

"What?!" I ask really confused. "Your parents, Lisa and Brandon Peeters, were killed and everyone thought you were dead because you were never found". "How do, did you know my parents?" "I didn't personally know your parents but our parents were good friends". "Ohh". I said before something clicked

"So wait your father's the Alpha here?" "Yes, making me the soon to be Alpha, and you Luna", He smirks. I bite my lip looking down so he doesn't see how nervous I am. "You know my name, what's yours?" I ask changing the subject. "James, and I would stop that if I were you". Confused I see him looking at my lips, at first I was confused before I got what he meant. "And what if I don't?" I challenge smirking. "Then I might lose control and take you right here where everyone can see".

A pleasurable shiver runs up my spine at the thought it also has my wolf purring in delight. Before I can reply with a smart remark the second bell goes off making me jump and start walking again. "What class are you going to now"? James asks easily catching up to me. "Gym" I smirk looking up at him. "Good, me too" He smirks back. "I have to make a stop before I go to gym, you can go without me". I say heading in the direction of my locker to get my gym clothes.

"I just found you, do you really thing I'm going to let you go that easy?" "Okay, just try to keep up", I say before taking off towards my locker. James chuckles before taking off after me. He easily caught up to me but before he passed me I took an immediate left to head down the hallway to my locker.

When I get there I open my locker and grab my clothes before shutting my locker. "Hayla, you cheated", says pushing me back against the locker. "I did not! I won fare and square", I state with a smirk. "Okay, but you forgot to inform me where exactly your locker was". He whispers close to my ear.

I bite my lip to hold him the moan before leaning in acting like I was going to kiss him but just before our lips touch I lean into his ear and whisper "Not my problem, I still won" my teeth barely scraping his ear lobe. I pull away and duck under his arm and walk away swaying my hips slightly. I hear James growl/groan and follow me but before he got close I took off toward the gym but instead slowly running I take off at full speed and get to the girls locker room just as the last girl was exiting.

I quickly enter change and head into the gym. "Ahh, you must be Ms. Peeters" who I was guessing was the coach. "Yes sir, coach-"? "Slayter", he answers with a hint of a smile. I nod and walk to the bleacher where all of the other students were sitting. "I didn't know we were in the same gym", Layna says sitting next to me. "At least I know another person in here" I smile at her.

"Yeah", she replies smiling back. "Mr. Woods nice of you to join us", coach Slayter says as James came in. "Mmhm" James replied not really paying attention as he was looking something, or someone. Just then coach blew his whistle signaling the start of class. "Today we will be running for the first five minutes, then we will be playing dodge ball". coach then set up five minutes on the score board and we started.

"hey, Hayla right?" Some guy asks jogging up to me. "Uhh, yeah"? I said it more like a question. "Oh sorry, my name is Sean, I'm the soon to be Alpha of the Blue moon pack." "But that's about two miles north, what are you doing here? If you don't mind me asking". "I don't mind, My father sent me here because he said it would be good for me to meet people from other packs and, if you don't mind me asking, Do you have a mate"?

"I do actually, just met him at lunch". I reply smiling. "That's grate who's the lucky guy?" "James Woods". I say dreamily. Sean's face darkens and before I can say anything he smiles and stops grabbing my arm and stopping me as well. "What-" before I can Finnish my sentence he leans in and kisses me. Shocked I stand there and let him.

The next thing I know I hear a very, very angry roar rip through the gym and I freeze. Knowing who it was my wolf growled at me to get Sean off of me. I push on Sean's chest but he just pulls me tighter. I growl and bite his lip as hard as I could. "OWW!" he exclaims letting go of me and backing away. I wipe his blood off my lips with the back of my hand before bringing my hand back and punching him square in the jaw.

There was a slight click sound with the force of the blow. he stumbles back before falling on his back. "Oh my gosh I'm soooo sorry, here give me your hand so I can help you up". I say concerned. He takes my hand and I help him up. "Let me see your jaw". He flinches at the touch but let's me see it. As I'm examining it I see Sean look behind me and smirks at who I guess is James, but before Sean can do anything else I grab his shoulder steady then I bring my knee up and knee him in the junk.

"Don't ever do that again, or I will make sure that you never have kids, understand"? I ask as sweet as I could. I turn around and see everyone staring at me. James comes up to me and hugs me to his chest, I inhale trying to calm down. "Hayla"! My brother exclaims bursting through the gym doors searching for me.

When he sees me in James' arms, his eyes narrow and he walks up to us ripping me out of James' arms. James growls reaching for me but Zach backs up so he can get to me. "Zach it's okay, I'm okay, that's James my_". "The Alpha's son, of course, I'm sorry we had to meet this way, Oh and thanks for being Nice to Hayla but I got it from here".

"Zach I was trying to tell yo-". "Yeah that's great Hayla but we are leaving". Zach say turning around to walk out. James growls and grabs me pulling me to his chest. "James thank you again but I can take her now"' Zach say reaching for me, James growls and pulls me tighter to his chest. "You guys stop fi-". "James she needs to come with me home, NOW!" Zach exclaims cutting me off once again. "Okay Enough!", I yell, "And I swear the next person to cut me off will get punched! Zach, James is my Mate, that's what I was trying to tell you before I was so rudely interrupted several times"!

"Hayla, I think you should move into the pack house, your brother too. It would make me feel a hell of a lot better if you did, just so I know you're safe", James says pulling away slightly to look down at me. "I don't kn-", I start once again being cut off by Zach. "I think it would be a grate idea, that way I can see my baby sister happy and get to see my mate more often, Its a win, win". I smile then go over to him and punch his arm as hard as I could.

"Ow, what was that for I said yes"? "Two reasons, first I told you whoever was next to cut me off would get punched, and two you called me a baby", I reply before hugging him. He hugs me back and kisses my head before letting go and pushing me towards James. "James I expect you to get Hayla home safely and in one piece other wise you'll have to face me" Zach says before smiling. James looks down at me and smiles taking my hand and lacing our fingers together. "I would imagine it any other way".

James leads men to his car and we set off towards my little cabin in the forest. Once there James helped me out of his truck and we start to head in toward the house when James stops me. "Do you smell that?" he asks. I sniff the air before answering "I don't smell anything". "Stay here I'm going to check it out" James says before heading in. I walk in right behind him. "Hayla, what about stay there do you not understand"? but before I can reply I hear "Hayla? Zach?".

"ERIC"! I exclaim running to and jumping on him. "Heyyyy, where's your brother? And who's that? Hayla what are you up to?!" "nothing this is James". Eric set me down and said "You have 10 seconds to explain what's going on here"


Hope you liked it The Title is Latin if you were wondering.

Remember to




Check the External link for Hayla's outfit


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