Description:When You Fall Off A Cliff You Die...But These Two Never Did Die...
"Grab my hand!"Lucy yelled,tears falling from her eyes...
"No!Just Let me go!"Natsu whimpered trying to be freed from the blonde's grip...
"Don't Let Go!Please!"Lucy cried,more tears falling from her eyes...
For a brief moment there was only abrupt silence...The twig Natsu was holding on was slowly getting unattached to the cliff...
"If you're gonna die...I'm joining you!!"Lucy leapt from her position,diving into the cliff along with Natsu...
"Are you stupid?!"Natsu yelled on top of his lungs,grabbing Lucy as they both continued to fall...Lucy nodded....
"Why did you join me...Of all things to do...Why?"
"Because I love you,you idiot!"