The Trader

By Strawberry_Cream1928

1.7K 237 686

For centuries, the peaceful underwater city of Under has been governed by the Council. Loved by their people... More

~Who I Am~
~Talking To That Woman~
~It Wants The Girl~
~The Girl Wants It~

~Who is Lucinda Callahan?~

238 32 66
By Strawberry_Cream1928

"Arylline!" my eldest sister's voice, muffled by the thick blankets that I had pulled over my ears, began to draw me slowly out of the blissful realm of slumber. 

When her call was not met with an adequate response, she rapped sharply on the door to my room three times. Her knocks were quick, yet jarring- succinct and to the point just like most everything about Under's future ruler. 

Finding myself unable to go back to sleep after having been so rudely disturbed, I rolled out from under my covers, hissing as a current of cold air hit me, causing the warmth I had preserved throughout the night to dissipate. Grumbling in annoyance, I walked to my door, opening it to find myself face to face with the most perfect being in existence, namely, Adrisia Emberwood. 

Despite the fact that it was six in the morning, she was as chipper as ever, wearing a red dress with thick, fur vest. She frowned in distaste at the sight of my messy hair and wrinkled pajamas.

"How could you be so irresponsible, Arylline? You must get ready at once! Today is Lucinda Callahan's birthday, and all of Under will be celebrating!" 

"Who in the world is Lucinda Callahan?" I raised an eyebrow. As the daughter of a Councilman, I was quite accustomed to being forced to speak to random people. But, being woken up on a Saturday for a stranger's birthday? That was new, even for me.

"Honestly, I haven't the slightest idea, Arylline," Adrisia giggled. "However, since Father is to be attending her birthday celebration, she must be someone important. So, if you would like to project yourself as an agreeable young lady, I would suggest that you put on a dress, head downstairs, and pretend that Lucinda is your best friend." 

"You can't make me," I scowled. "I don't even know her! And stop calling me Arylline. My name is Ari, and you know it."

"Please, Ari," Adrisia's expression softened. "Do it for the family. You're an Emberwood. It's about time you starting learning to be social. And what's wrong with Arylline?" 

"It sounds like the name of a chemical. Benzine, methylene, Arylline." 

"Ari," Adrisia sighed, crossing her arms over her chest. "Grow up and come downstairs."

"Yes, Adrisia," I nodded, defeated, as I closed the door. Rushing to my closet, I pulled out the first dress I could find, which was green with gold buttons. Slipping it on, I pulled my hair into a quick bun. My family could force me to dress up, but they certainly couldn't compel me into actually putting effort into my appearance.

Lacing up a pair of tall, black boots, I exited my room and walked confidently down two sets of stairs, arriving on the first floor of the pompous Emberwood mansion in record time. 

"Oh, Ari!" Adaline, one of my other sisters, smiled, rushing up to me. "You're just in time. We are about to leave for Lucinda Callahan's birthday gala! You'll be in the third car, with me and few of the servants." 

"Wait, Ady, I need to ask you something. I asked Adrisia, but she didn't know. Who is Lucinda Callahan?" 

The smile instantly dropped off Adaline's face. "Well...I'm not particularly sure, actually. Alania and Ataria don't know either. I suppose Father would know, but I haven't seen him today." 

"Our entire family is about to spend at least two hours of our Saturday celebrating the birthday of someone we've never heard of. Do you realize how ridiculous that sounds? Most normal families are soundly asleep right now." 

"Well, Ari, we aren't a normal family," Adaline stated darkly, before disappearing into the mass of expensive furs, high heels, and cologne that the men and women of Emberwood House had become. 

Just as some of them were beginning to grow restless, the main gate of the mansion was flung open, revealing a procession of sleek, black cars that had arrived for the purpose of our transportation to the dwelling of Lucinda Callahan. I made my way to the third car, as Ady had instructed. Entering it and taking my seat in the middle, I was quickly shoved against the window by some unruly member of the massive Emberwood clan. The stuffy air in the car was quickly filled with the smell of multiple, clashing perfumes and the sickly sweet aroma of powdered flowers, imported straight from Land.

This was the distinct smell of my glorious family. 

"There go the Emberwoods!" someone yelled as the cars began to move. People lined up on the sidewalks to gawk at us and children ran alongside us, enthusiastically waving small, Underese flags. Fortunately, thoughts of Land were able to distract me from the unwanted attention. A single, dried flower had been tucked into the belt of my Aunt Deanna, who sat beside me. Before long, my entire being was focused on the flower, and its origins. Slowly and carefully, I closed my fingers around the wilted stem, pulling gently upward until the flower was free. 

Hopefully, my aunt wouldn't mind. 

I brought it to my nose, closing my eyes as I imagined what it would be like to live up on Land, where flowers weren't a luxury item available only to the wealthiest. And where, most importantly, you could get them fresh. 

I placed my nose within the petals of the flower, inhaling what remained of its scent as if that act could somehow give me a taste of the tantalizing world of Land. 

A world without demanding sisters and large, nosy extended families. 

A world of freedom. 

"Ari! We're here! Stop daydreaming and get out of the car!" My aunt tugged on my arm as she chastised me, practically dragging me out onto the sidewalk. Following her, I allowed myself to get caught up in the current of Emberwoods that flowed through a majestic gate into a cone-shaped foyer that was typical of upper class, Underese dwellings. 

I scanned the crowd, but only saw familiar faces. The families of other Councilmen and important Underese figures filled the room. I didn't see anyone I hadn't seen before- certainly not anyone who could've been Lucinda Callahan. 

Knowing important Underese people, I wouldn't have been surprised if she had chosen not to attend her own birthday party. After all, it wouldn't have made a difference. In Under, a social gathering was a social gathering, regardless of who or what it was for. 

"Good morning, Lady Arylline." 

I turned around to see that I had been greeted by stern looking elderly lady. I recognized her as the mother of one of the Councilwomen. 

"Good morning, Lady Lassyka," I nodded in acknowledgment. 

"What have you been up to recently?" she asked, in an attempt to make small talk. I, not seeing the harm in doing so, decided to answer honestly. 

"I've been reading about the Land," I smiled. "I read that Prince Erik of Land once brought his mother three hundred different types of flowers. Isn't that amazing? Three hundred!

"Yes, amazing indeed," she replied dryly. "If you would pay half as much attention to your public appearance as you do to Land, you would be a fine lady indeed."


The Emberwood sisters, in order of age: 

Adrisia Emberwood- 22

Alania Emberwood- 20

Ataria Emberwood- 20

Aviana Emberwood- 18

Amelia Emberwood- 18

Adaline Emberwood- 16

Arylline Emberwood- 15

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