Don't Go Thorin Oakenshield

By TanaMikolon

27.4K 646 76

Hėlla was kicked out of her clan. When she finds Gandalf, she joins the company of Thorin Oakenshield and fin... More

I'm Not A Mole!
Hang On
Nice Bear
Bath Time
The Bowman
The Mountain
The Beginning of the End Part 2

The Beginning of the End Part 1

1.2K 39 2
By TanaMikolon

Scene 11


Balin was the one who came and got me. He explained how Smaug burned Lake-town and how he died. The others were searching for the Arkenstone.

"Now Hėlla, the Thorin out there is not the one we knew. The sickness upon the gold has gotten to him." Balin told me with a soft tone.

I placed my hand on his arm. "I know. That is why I'm not telling him about the baby. If there's a baby."

Balin chuckled.

"What?" I questioned, confused.

"There's a baby. I know you'll make a wonderful mother. This whole time Thorin has worried about while worrying about the Arkenstone. You have made your way into his heart." Balin told me as we entered the room full of gold.

"Well, that might have changed," I whispered to Balin. I looked over and saw Thorin. "Thorin!" I shouted, running to him.

"Hėlla, there you are." He grinned, welcoming me in a hug. "Welcome to the treasure hoard of Thror."

I patted his chest. "I'm gonna go with Balin."

Thorin had few Dwarves searching for the stone, while Balin and I went to a room and sat at the table.

"I'm don't know what to do, Balin. Thorin is going crazy over gold and I'm with child." I complained.

"Don't worry Dearie. Things will get better." He assures me.

I shook my head. "I don't know."

A little while later, I went to check on Thorin. He was pacing back and forward while they looked for the stone.

"Hey, Dorzada," I shouted at him. "You should take a break."

Thorin looked at me. His eyes weren't soft. "No!" He hissed. "We have to find that stone. No one will rest until it is found."

"Including me?"

"You can sit out. You are a girl. Girls are made to sit at home, cook, and have children. So go cook something." Thorin ordered me.

"What if I was with child and you were the father? Would that change your mind about the stone?" I questioned in a hesitant voice.

"I would not care." His voice was deep and rough like Smaug.

I blink a tear from my eye and quickly went back to Balin. Where Kili, Fili, and others had returned.

"Bofur!" I smiled and hugged him.

He was such a nice Dwarf. He always was my favorite.

"Well, hello there." He said, hugging me back.

"You made it!" I smiled and bit my lip.

He nodded. I hugged Kili, Fili, and Oin for making it safely to the mountain.

Balin had me stay away from Thorin for a while. He was afraid the seeing him the way he was would be bad for me. That was until we all ever called to the gate. Thorin made the others rebuild a wall to keep out the people from Lake-town. He had me sit by his side. Kili dropped the stone he was carrying.

"The people of Lake-town have nothing. They have lost everything." Kili shouts, trying to get through to his uncle.

"Do not tell me what they have lost. I know well enough of their hardship. Those who have lived through dragon fire should rejoice. They have much to be grateful for." Thorin replied.

I left his side and went over to Bilbo. The others worked all night on the wall. It was sad to watch.


In the morning, Bard showed up at the gate. He was asking for a share of the treasure.

"What are you doing? You cannot go to war!" I yelled at Thorin, who was looking out at the army of Elves.

"This does not concern you." He coldly said.

"Excuse me! This does concern me." I snapped back. Realizing I wasn't going to get anywhere, I groaned and stormed over to Dwalin, hiding behind him.

That's when Bilbo chimed in, talking an out how we were outnumbered. Thorin said we not.

All of us were getting ready for war, besides me. Thorin did not want me to get hurt, but I armed up anyways.


I went up to the top of the gate to get some air. I smiled as I looked up to the dark sky.

"You should be inside." I voice said from behind me. "Out of the wind."

I looked over and found Bofur. I gave him a sly smile. "I just need some air."

"I don't blame ya." He says, coming over to me. "Thorin is not himself. It truly is sad to watch." His arm was suddenly around my shoulder.

"Yeah. I hope it passes." I tell Bofur.

"If not, I'm still here for you," Bofur says, with a sly smile.

I tippy-toed up and kissed him on the cheek. "Goodnight, Bofur."

That night, I didn't sleep next to Thorin. Instead, I slept by myself away from the others.


Once the sun rose, all of us besides Bilbo were waiting at the gates. At the gates, Thranduil and Bard were below with the army of elves.

"What payment? I gave you nothing! You have nothing." Thorin shouted down at them.

The beautiful Elf looked towards Bard, who reached into his coat and pulled out the Arkenstone.

"We have this," Bard shouted at us.

I'm only assuming that Bilbo had the stone and then he escaped in the middle of the night. I looked to Thorin, who dressed up in a kings armor and crown. He looked horribly shocked.

"They have the Arkenstone." Kili breathed. "Thieves! How came you by the heirloom of our house? That stone belongs to the king!" He shouted.

"The king may have it with our goodwill," Bard replied, throwing the stone up and catching it. "But first he must honor his word."

Thorin slightly shook his head. "They are taking us for fools. This is a ruse. A filthy lie." He growled at us. "The Arkenstone is in this Mountain! It is a trick!" Thorin yelled at Bard and Thranduil.

Suddenly a soft voice behind us spoke. "It's no trick. The stone is real. I gave it to them." It was Bilbo.

I dropped my head in shame. How could Bilbo do this? Thorin stepped back and gave a weary look.

"You?" He disappointingly said.

Bilbo paused for a second, trying to figure out how to explain what was happening. "I took it as my 14th share."

"You would steal from me?" Thorin questioned.

"Steal from you? No." Bilbo chuckled. "No, I may be a burglar, but I like to think I'm an honest one. I'll let it stand against my claim."

Thorin wasn't liking the situation. "Against your claim? Your claim." His voice was getting dark and rough. "You have no claim over me, you miserable rat!" Thorin threw down his weapon.

"I was going to give it to you. Many times I wanted to, but..." Bilbo paused.

"But what, thief?" Thorin roughly questioned.

"You are changed, Thorin. The Dwarf I met in Bag End would never have gone back on his word. Would have never doubted the loyalty of his kin!" Bilbo shouted, trying to get through to Thorin.

There were tears in Thorin's eyes. "Do not speak to me of loyalty. Throw him from the rampart!" Thorin shouted.

No one wanted to, so no one moved. Thorin got angry and tired forcing Fili to do it, but Fili yanked away. When he realized no one will do, Thorin was going to do it himself.

"Thorin!" I screamed, trying to pull him off.

That's when Gandalf stepped in. "Do not touch my burglar!" He shouted. "Return him to me. You're not making a very splendid figure as King under the Mountain are you, Thorin son of Thrain?"

Thorin let go of Bilbo, I quickly pulled him away. I lead him over to the rope he climbed up. I gave him a quick hug before he climbed down.

"Goodbye, Bilbo," I whispered as I watched him go down.


Thorin was freaking out. Not making the stone was tearing him apart. He was screaming and yelling about how he was going to kill them all.

"Will you have peace or war?" Bard questioned in a smooth voice.

A blackbird flew and landed next to Thorin.

Thorin looked out to them. "I will have war!" His voice deep and rough like Smaug.

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requests closed! there can sometimes be preferences, random rants and memes in this book too, no smut tho most of the x readers here are fem!reader :)