Vampire Diaries- Preferences...

By stilinski_54321

7.1K 127 31

A collection of preferences and imagines involving our boys from 'The Vampire Diaries'. These preferences/ima... More

How You Both Meet.
How He Comforts You.
You Have A Nightmare.
TV Shows You Watch Together.
You make them smile after a bad day.
GIF Imagine-How he hugs you.
Katherine Pierce- Sired.
You faint/collapse/fall sick.

Your first kiss.

707 14 5
By stilinski_54321

Your first kiss.


Stefan and you shared your first kiss pretty early in your relationship. You had started hanging out as friends and after a couple of weeks, he had asked you out. You both held great affection for each other. Falling for each other deeper and harder everyday.


You were on your first date as a couple. It wasn't all that big or fancy. You had invited him over to your house for dinner. Your parents were out of town so you wouldn't be interrupted.

You prepared dinner, nothing too professional or exotic, just some soup and pasta. You got ready almost immediately after the dinner was ready. You were combing your hair when you heard the doorbell.

You smiled and your stomach erupted into a volcano of nerves. You rushed down the stairs, opening the door to meet Stefan's dark, beautiful eyes. You welcomed him in. You both ate dinner while having a casual conversation.

After dinner, he suggested to take stroll to the park. You agreed, grabbing your coats, you both left. The weather at night was good. The sky was clear and flooded with stars. The park was mostly empty with the exception of a person or two walking casually. The cold air chipped at your face but in a good way.

"So, did you like the dinner?" you ask casually as you both walk along the stony path in the park.

"Absolutely, it was delicious." Stefan replies with a smile. "I enjoyed our time together a lot." He added, looking at you with adoration.

"Yeah, me too." You replied.

He stopped suddenly, pulling you closer by the waist. Stefan looked at you, as if it was the last time he will ever see you. To him, you were an angel, a bearer of light in the darkness that lurked Mystic Falls. You made him feel human. You made him feel loved and he was forever grateful to you for that.

"Did I tell you how beautiful you look this evening, y/n?" he asked in a whisper. His eyes held so much affection that it made your heart hammer against your ribcage. You shook your head, entranced by him.

"Well, you look beautiful." He said, brushing a strand of hair away from your face. "You look so damn beautiful, y/n." he said, pulling you against him with one hand on your waist while the other cupped your cheek. He leaned in, his lips touching yours softly.

You leaned in as well, moving your arm up to the back of his neck. The kiss was deep but passionate. Both of your lips moving in sync with each other. Your stomach fluttered while his skin tingled with your touch. Both of you were content.

You pulled back shortly after, both of your foreheads touching as looked down.

Your lips curled up into a shy smile as you looked up at Stefan. He gave you a heart-warming smile before giving you another quick peck. You giggled lightly, causing him to hold his breath at the gorgeous sight of you.

You both resumed your walk, this time, your hands interlocked tightly and happy grins on your faces.


Your first kiss with Damon, well, it was obviously unexpected. Since you both were still friends, you both were surprised to learn that you reciprocated each other's hidden feelings.


It was a Saturday, you were writing the conclusion of one of your projects that had to be submitted on Monday. You were an advanced person when it came to school. Even though you hated to get up in the morning to get ready, you still liked to complete your work on time.

Your phone started ringing, just at the moment you finished writing. You looked at the caller ID and smiled. Picking it up, you brought it to your ear.

"I'm bored, y/n." you hear the whine on the other end.

"Well hello to you too, Damon." You chuckle. "I just finished my homework. So, I'm bored too."

"Great! Come on over then, smarty-pants. We're watching a movie." He says, now in an excited tone.

"Okay. I'll be over in ten." You say, hanging up and getting ready.


You knocked on the door twice and were greeted by Damon upon the door opening.

"So, what are we watching?" you ask, casually walking into the house and plopping yourself on the couch.

"The Breakfast Club." He replies, sitting beside you. You smile at the choice. He plays the movie and you both start watching.


You had watched only the first fifteen minutes of the movie when you felt your eyes drooping. You were tired to say the least. All the homework and the full week of school before had exhausted you out. You tried hard to keep your eyes open only to cause them to sting.

You gave up finally, surrendering yourself to sleep.


Damon was watching the movie when he felt something hit his shoulder. He looked down to see you, passed out and leaning on his shoulder. He smiled.

To be honest, he wasn't really paying any attention to the movie. Sure, his eyes were on the TV but his other senses were hyper aware of your presence in the room. He had heard your discreet yawns and your deep breaths; he knew you were tired, knackered.

He laid your head on his lap, acting as a pillow. He let you get your sleep, brushing his hands lightly through your soft hair.

The oldest Salvatore had always felt this connection towards you. The undeniable urge to be with you or near you all the time. The feelings he had for you only grew stronger, which left him overwhelmed. He had never adored someone so much, not even Elena and it didn't help but trap him in the cage of his own mind that was dominated by you.

However, he was sure you didn't feel anything for him. You just considered them friends and it stung his heart as he looked down at your sleeping face. Shaking his head, he went back to watching the movie.


You woke up, feeling a soft surface beneath you. You opened your eyes to find them clashing with Damon's blue ones. He was looking at you, smirking lightly with a happy glint in his eyes.

The look made your heart wrench. You had always had some underlying feelings for the lone wolf Salvatore. You had never acted upon them. Seeing how much he had loved Elena, you were sure he couldn't have liked you that way, even after their break-up.

You suddenly felt conscious, uncomfortable. You sat up quickly, rubbing your eyes.

"Good morning, sleepy-head." Damon said, with a mocking tone. It took you a second to remember where you were and what you were doing before you fell asleep. Your eyes widened when you realized.

"I should go." You state hastily as you stand up. Not only your mood had gone down because of your consciousness but you had also fallen asleep when Damon had invited you to see a movie.

"What's the rush? Something wrong?" he asked, trying to keep a straight face but the tone of his voice gave away the worry he held underneath. He stood before you, acting as a wall, blocking you.

"Its nothing, Damon." You said uneasily. "I'm sorry for falling asleep and...and I just have to go."

He was confused and concerned for you. The distress on your face, the urgency in your voice, what was the cause for such a sudden change?

He didn't know what came over him, be it the need too comfort you or your raw beauty, but he found himself stepping forward, grabbing your face and pacing a chaste kiss on your lips.

You were surprised, for sure. Damon wasn't pushing for more, nor was he pulling away. He was testing the waters to see if you'd pull away, but you didn't. Instead, you put the slightest pressure into the kiss, telling him it was okay. He deepened the kiss, but only slightly.

It was a gentle kiss, small, but it made you happy all the same.

"I had been waiting to do that for so long." Damon says, pulling away and looking at you with such softness.

"Me too." You say in a whisper. You smile at him as he leans in again, enjoying every moment like it's the very last.


Your first kiss with Klaus happened in unexpected place, just out of the blue. It was amazing of course, but the situation had been a tad bit embarrassing for you both, leaving you red-faced but happy all the same.


"C'mon, Klaus! We have to." You whine, jumping on your toes like a little baby. Rebekah, Kol and Elijah laughed at your childish behavior.

"No we don't. I'm busy." He says in a firm voice.

"Can't you just take a break from all your busy schedule and take some time out for your family?" you say, your tone filled with disapproval.

It was a warm sunny morning, just before winter to set in. You had planned out a picnic in the woods with the Mikaelsons. You were good friends with them, despite you being a human. Klaus was your best friend, which was hard to believe as everyone took him to be the stone cold killer. But he wasn't like that with you.

Klaus looked at you, letting your words sink in. he was filled with guilt when he realized he hadn't spent time with his family in so long, moreover, he didn't like the disapproving look you were giving him.

"Okay, fine. We'll go." He said. You cheered with the rest of the Mikaelsons and Klaus smiled at your giddiness. Grabbing a few blankets, you started making your way into the woods.


You were panting for air like crazy. You sat on a huge rock to catch your breath. The Mikaelsons smirked at you; your tiredness seemed to amuse them for some reason.

"I can't walk anymore. You guys should go on without me." You huffed out through your heavy breaths.

"We wont leave you alone in the middle of the woods! Are you crazy, y/n?" Klaus exclaims.

"I'll catch up with you guys in a couple of minutes, I know the way." You say in your defense.

"Klaus is right, y/n. It's dangerous for you to stay alone. One of us can wait with you." Elijah says in a calm voice.

"Seriously?" you snap, annoyed by how much they underestimate you because of you being human. "You don't have to stay with me every minute of the second. Just go on, I'll catch up, I promise." You say, trying hard not to sound to upset.

The Mikaelsons left eventually, though reluctant. You sighed, drinking some water; you got up and started walking.


"You are the biggest idiot in the world, y/n.," you mutter to yourself. You were regretting your decision of staying alone to catch your breath. You seemed to have the ability to get yourself lost every time you were in the woods.

It was like Deja-vu. You remembered when you first met Klaus, in the middle of the woods, lost and desperate to find a way out. You found yourself in the same situation all over again, but the plus point was that it wasn't dark so you could actually see where you were going.

You started to get anxious over time. By your guess, it had been almost two hours since you had separated yourself from the Mikaelsons. You heard a sudden growl followed by the snap of a stick, not very close but still within a human's hearing range.

You started running, scared of what might be behind the growl.


"Where the hell is she?" Klaus snapped as he ran a hand through his hair. "It was a bad idea to leave her alone, I told her, but no, miss oh-so-smart-and-sassy just had to snap and shoo us away."

"Klaus, calm down. We'll wait for another fifteen minutes. If she doesn't show up, we'll search for her then." Kol says, putting a hand on his brother's shoulder.

The hybrid had a hard time waiting. He was worried for his best friend. He cared for you, deeply, maybe even more than a friend should. He didn't want to scare you away by coming out and confessing his feelings, but he also found it hard not to just hold you forever in his arms.

A loud growl rang through the forest. Making the originals perk up in attention. Their worry for you increased as they all looked around for the source of the roar.

"I'm going to find her." Klaus said, immediately setting off to look for you.


You had stopped running, thinking you were out of danger. You were now walking briskly with caution. Your breath was shaky and your eyes were brimming with tears, though you didn't let them fall.

You were desperate to find at least someone. Kol, Elijah, Rebekah, anyone. However, you wanted to see Klaus the most. He was the closest to you. You had always felt an undecipherable connection to the hybrid. You had swept your feelings under the rug. Klaus wouldn't want a simple human like you. Sure, he was your friend but other than that, you didn't think he could be attracted to you.

You were brought out from your thoughts when you suddenly collided with a hard frame. It was Klaus. Relief washed over you as you hugged him tightly.

"Are you okay?" he asked in worry.

"I'm sorry." You said. "I shouldn't have tried to come off as the all-knowing brave girl. I am anything but that. I'm sorry for snapping at all of you." you rambled on and on but were cut off when soft lips touched yours.

You were shocked at first, but then this warm fuzzy feeling took over you. You kissed him back, making sure to put in enough emotions to show him how you felt, how you had always felt. 

He pulled away and smiled at you. You placed our hand on his cheek, mirroring his smile.

"I'm just so glad you are okay."

"Here they are!" someone exclaims. The three of the Mikaelsons arrive at the scene, smirking at you both. You blush wildly as Klaus glares at his siblings. Kol is the first one to speak, "We were getting worried that we had lost you both, but here you are playing tonsil hockey."


Before your first kiss, you had known Elijah as Kol's brother. Kol, your best friend talked highly of him, of his nobility. You had only had the chance to meet the oldest of the surviving Mikaelson brothers twice, and he sure did leave an impression on you.


The annual Mikaelson ball was nothing small. It had chandeliers, champagne, suits and gowns. It could easily be referred to as the Cinderella Ball. It was just so grand and huge.

Despite of its charisma and elegance, it wasn't something you would like to experience. You didn't hold it against the Mikaelsons, you had one as your best friend, it was just your dislike for parties and gatherings in general.

"I don't want to go, Kol." You said, trying to convince the idiot in front of you. You cross your legs as you sit on the soft sofa in the Salvatore house.

"Why? Everyone's going, y/n. Why aren't you?" he said, sitting on the other side of the sofa.

"The British idiot is right." Damon said, taking a seat between the two of you. "Even I am going! Despite of what happened there last year. I am still going!" he exclaims.

"I don't like parties. They are so crowded, crowds make me nervous. You both know that!" you mumble, looking down at your hands that were neatly folded on your lap. Both of their expressions soften at your words. You had always been weary of large gatherings or crowded places. It gave you a sense of panic and fear and you felt somewhat embarrassed because of it.

"Y/n. Nothing will happen. We'll be there with you, we promise." Kol assures you.

"He's right again. Besides, you need to loosen up a little bit, take a break from all the exam-stress you've been going through." Damon adds.

There is a long pause. Both the vampires wait for your reply, eager but patient at the same time. You think for a while before releasing a deep sigh.

"Okay, I'll go, but only because you both promised that you'll be there with me." You say. Despite of them not being on good terms, Damon and Kol still high-fived as if they had achieved something impossible.


You entered through the massive doors of the Mikaelson Mansion. You saw people walking around and you smoothened your dress awkwardly. You walked further in, starting to get overwhelmed by the population present there. You were trying to find someone familiar when you heard a voice.

"Hey! Y/n! You made it." It was Kol.

"Yeah." You replied, giving him a smile. He hooked your arm in his and began guiding you through the building.

"You have to meet everyone! Do you remember the last time you met Elijah?" he exclaims, astonished.

"I think it was last year, I don't know, its been so long." You reply absent-mindedly. You got somewhat excited to meet Elijah again, the eldest of the surviving Mikaelsons. The last time you had met him for only an hour or so and you had enjoyed his company. However, he left to take care of some business and you hadn't had any contact with him since.

You found yourself missing him for the following days. You were taken aback with how you were feeling for him, but you adjusted to live with it, not hoping that you'll meet him anytime soon.


You entered the huge ballroom, looking around the decorations. Kol spotted his older brother and began guiding you towards him. Damon was there, talking to him.

"Guess who's here, Elijah?" Kol speaks in an excited tone. "You remember y/n, right?"

Elijah turns to you, his lips curling up into a happy smile. Of course, he remembered you. You were occupying most of his mind since the last time he had met you, which was so long ago. Your smile had been plastered onto his mind and he found it impossible to push aside any thoughts of you. Your kindness and simplicity intrigued him and he was definitely over joyed to see you again.

"Of course, I do. How have you been, y/n?" he asks. You smile at him.

"I've been good. Trying to stay alive with these two bozos." You say, chuckling a bit and pointing to Kol and Damon who were giving you fierce glares. Elijah resumed his chat with Damon as you took in your surroundings. Despite of you liking him, you both didn't know each other so it would probably take some time to warm up to each other.

"There's so many people here, Kol." You say, looking at everyone around you. You clutch his arm tightly, starting to feel restless. You wanted to run out of there.

"Just breathe, y/n. you'll be fine." He says, trying to reassure you. Elijah's eyebrows crease in worry and confusion. He wasn't as close to you to know that crowds made you uneasy. He wanted to help though.

"Attention, please! Thank you everyone for coming here tonight. We are honored to have all of you here. We like to follow tradition and as always, its time for a dance. So, please grab yourself a partner and kindly join us in the ballroom." Rebekah announced.

Elijah took this as his opportunity to know you better.

"Y/n, may I have this dance?" he asks you, extending a hand. You look at Kol and Damon; both give you reassuring looks, telling you that it will be fine. You nod your head softly and take Elijah's hand.

He escorts you to the ballroom where you take your place within everyone else. As if on cue, the music starts and everyone bows to their partner, following the tradition. Elijah then pulls you close, one hand holding one of yours and the other on the small of your back, while yours is on his shoulder.

You start moving, dancing coordinately. You don't really pay attention to him. Your eyes wander all around you. You swallow hard in nervousness and begin to tense.

"Y/n? What's wrong?" Elijah asks slowly in worry.

"It's crowded. There are so many people. It's freaking me out a bit."

"Don't look at them." He says, trying to help. "Look at me. Look at me and enjoy the dance. You'll be fine." He assures.

You stare into his eyes; beautiful brown orbs stare at you with adoration. You let out a small gasp when he pulls you closer, both of you mesmerized by each other's beauty. Then, its like the world vanishes around you. Elijah finds himself leaning in, slowly, and placing a chaste kiss on your lips.

He pulls away just seconds later. The dance ends and everyone cheers while you both smile, still lost in the moment that seemed magical.

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