Classmates ๐Ÿฆ„

By AvrilTolentino

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If you were to bump into someone familiar but never interacted with that person. What would you do? Hi! I'm H... More

Hannah Estelle Angeles
Paul Benidick Lucero
Chapter One: "You look very familiar. Do I know you?"
Chapter Two: "No. Banana float is better than banana split"
Chapter Three: "Sometimes I worry about your digestive system"
Chapter Five: "You guys might want to sit down for this"
Chapter Six: "Or else you would've have been um...dead."
Chapter Seven: "I'm Denise..."
Chapter Eight: "Wait...YOU GUYS ARE A COUPLE!"
Chapter Nine: "ICE CREAM FIGHT!!"
Chapter Eleven: "I FORGOT ABOUT IT!!!"
Chapter Twelve: "OH CRAP!! THAT DATE!!!"
Chapter Thirteen (part one): "The beach...?"
Chapter Thirteen (part two): "Why are you guys laughing?"
Chapter Fourteen: "I think that's enough information about me"
Chapter Fifteen: "Okay what is up with you and 21 questions?!"
Chapter Sixteen: "This is so fricking clichรฉ..."
Chapter Seventeen:"Everything was so silent you can easily hear a pin drop"
Authors note
Chapter Eighteen:"Change"
Chapter Nineteen: "GOODBYE SHAWN MENDES!!!"
Chapter Twenty: "WHO DO YOU GUYS SHIP?!!"
Chapter twenty-one: "Betch!.. I'm fabulous!"
Author's note. BISHES!!!
Chapter Twenty-Two: "Like what you see?"
Chapter Twenty-Three: "What do you - Avril?"
Chapter Twenty-Four: "No way in earth to mars and back will we end up together"
Chapter Twenty-Five: "where are we going for our date?"
Chapter Twenty-Six: "Don't worry you can have him"

Chapter Twenty-Seven: "Miss. Universe?"

53 3 95
By AvrilTolentino

Denmark was running straight into his lover

"TRACY!" Tracy's head turn to the attention of the caller


Tracy seemed flustered and embarrassed as she got out the way

Denmark was stilling dashing towards his lover. He grabbed Ynna and had her in a dipped position

Ynna made a very weird face,"What the hell are you doing?"

Denmark smiled, "Ynna my love, I have been wanting to tell you this... I am in love-"

Adriel busted out the unexpected door, "No you can't love Ynna!!"

Denmark let go of Ynna and Ynna landed on the floor with an 'umph'. "Thanks a lot Romeo!"

"And why is that?" Denmark asked

"Because I love you!"

Denmark soon realized his feelings towards Adriel and ran to him.

The next day the wedding has arrived

"I'm flying!" Avril was up on the air happily flying with a grin on her face

Tracy was furious, "Get down there at once! You'll hurt yourself"

Avril stuck her tongue out, her eyes landed on cake, "CAKE!!"

Paul was throwing liquor everywhere but no body cared, "LET'S GOT DRUNK PEOPLE!!!"

"Speak now and forever hold your peace"

Hannah threw a chair at Avril, who winced in pain, "I OBJECT I WAS SUPPOSED TO BE DENMARK'S WIFE!!"

Paul turned to Hannah, "But I thought you were going to be my wife!"

"Shut up Paul no one likes you!" Everybody yelled

Everybody soon formed a circle and started placing wood in the middle, "Let is commence our ritual!" The great one said

Not to long, everybody died

The end of classmates

Nah... I'm just messing with you guys but here is the real chapter:

Chapter Twenty-Seven: "Miss. Universe?"


Scroll Scroll Scroll

That's what Avril has been doing since a few minutes ago. She finished her meal while Denmark ate half of his.

Avril went through different apps just so she can't be more but it was no use. At this moment not even Pinterest can't help her boredom. She locked her phone and placed both her phone and headphones in her bag. She crossed her arms and waited for Denmark to finished eating.

She took a glimpse at him. She saw he was taking his precious time, eating his marvelous food.

Slow retard, Avril thought

Avril took the time and examined the place.

Denmark glanced at Avril not knowing what to do in order to make things interesting so he picked up a conversation, "So...How's it back home?"

Denmark took a moment to realize what he blurted out and mentally slapped himself. Really 'how's it back home?' Could've done better Denmark

Avril cut off her attention from the two chefs fighting over a piece of cake and turned to him. "Um... It's great I guess?" Her answer came out (haha came out) as a question then a statement. She really didn't know how to respond to the sudden outburst of a question.

The conversation was quickly cut off short and Denmark finally was done with his meal. He called a waiter

"We'll get the bill please, thank you" Denmark said with a smile. The waiter came back in a blink of an eye, with the bill in his hand. Denmark took it and Avril saw the price, the waiter left to serve others. She started taking out her wallet from her bag but Denmark stopped her. He grabbed her wrist to bolt her from doing any other actions. They locked eyes, him holding her wrist and her unable to move from his hold.

Avril felt a small spark for a second to late but ignored it, "What are you doing?"

"Stopping you from paying" He said simply

"But I want to pay too!" Avril exclaimed

"A gentleman always pay" He said with a smug smile

That's not what you are an hour ago when you didn't hold the chair for me, Avril thought but was still thankful for him paying.

She smiled, "Thanks"

Eyes still locked together, her wrist under his hold, their hot breaths hitting each other's faces. Both were unable to move, faces leaning forward and forward by the second. They were so close to kissing all Avril had to do was tilt her head but Avril realized what she was doing. "You can let go off my wrist now" She said in a plain tone.

Denmark blinked rapidly, taking in his situation. "Oh... okay",he let go of her hands. He took out his wallet and placed the money of the bill. They both started getting up, awkwardly I may say.

What the hell just happened, both teens thought


"Where in the hell are the two. It's half past seven, they were supposed to come home at six" Denise complained

"Maybe they're doing the 'it'" Tracy said

Ynna made a face, "Ew". That's all she said

They heard the door open, "GUESS WHO'S BACK?!!" A familiar female voice echoed through the house

"Miss. Universe?" Denise asked

Daniella walked in the living room, "I wish!". She took a seat, looking exhausted. "What did you guys do today?"

"Oh you know the usual... stalking people" Denise said

Daniella made a weird face, "You guys are weird"

Hannah was hanging upside down on the chair, playing with her hair, "I'm so bored!"

"Feeling is mutual" Denise said

Ynna shot up, "Let's bake!" Her lips tugging upwards

"I don't think we have the ingredients" Denise stood up and walked out the room

"Aiden went grocery shopping. The ingredients that you guys want might be there!" Daniella exclaimed

"Okay... what're we going to bake?" Tracy asked

Hannah stood up promptly, she herself in a dizzy state, "Woah... I feel a bit... ditzy" Hannah tried to walk but stumbled miserably. Dani helped Hannah up and regain consciousness, "Thanks Dani"

"Yeah... no problem"


"Wait!" Denise held up her arm to stop Tracy, who gave Denise a confused look.

"What?" Tracy swatted Denise's arm away from her chest.

"Listen Tracy..." Denise went on

"I love you from the bottom of my heart as a best friend but I don't trust you with my kitchen. Stay away from the stove and the oven"

Tracy scoffed, "I'll have you know I..."

Denise raised a brow, "Ill know what?"

"Idk eh!"

"You know for an A+ student you really have lame comebacks" Denise entered the kitchen bringing out the basic needs for baking.

Tracy stop hold on her tracks and glared at Denise, "You're one insult away from starting a war".

"And you're one step away from burning the house down",Denise crossed her arms

"Whatever!" Tracy huffed out air and sat down on the stool.

Hannah turned to Ynna, "So what are we going to bake?"

"Cinnamon roles!" Ynna exclaimed

"That's great I guess?" Tracy said

"Um... hold on. I have to take this" Hannah took out her phone from her pocket.

They all gave her a thumbs up

"Let's get started" Ynna rubbed her hands together


Avril licked her lips and stuck out the tip her tongue out. She looked around the street, at night was a creepy place to be out.

Denmark glanced at Avril yet again. Denmark has been glancing at Avril for the past few minutes. "Soooooo...."

Avril looked at him, "Hm?"

"Want to... talk?" Denmark shrugged

"Bout what?"

"Anything really"

Avril raised an eyebrow, "I don't really have anything in". She stopped walking and that made him stop too, "And aren't you supposed to hate me?"

Denmark nervously chuckled, "You see... I don't really want to become... I don't know enemy's. I want to turn a new leaf. Seeing as a new year is near, we can go back to being friends. What's the point of hating each other over a stupid accident. I mean I kept on apologizing to you but you declined it. I never knew what was up with you. Every time we're close you give off that vibe that you don't like my presence, it's like we don't talk anymore. I'm truly sorry for all the things I have done to you. I know I'm such a douche, dimweet, jerkward, dweeb and an asshole but can you at least accept this fair apology. My fair lady? Can we become friends again?" Denmark held his hand up for Avril to shake

Avril was... frozen, shock to say anything. This is not the way her plan was going to go through but... she knows she needed to tell them sooner or later. At the end they'll find out, Aidens knows he kept it a secret but how will they react to her announcement. She's not ready, not with... Denmark. "I..."

Hope, was evident in his eyes

She didn't want to turn him down but it was needed in a time like this, she knew this will just hurt her more and it will damage their friendship too. She was not going to risk seeing him suffer, "Denmark I..."

Denmark took Avril's hand, "Just tell me your response. Just a simple response. Please... I miss you" he muttered the last part under his breath but Avril didn't hear I thing even though they so near. She was to absorbed of what to she'll say to him.

If only you know the reason Denny, Avril thought

Avril shut her eyes tightly, "Den... I just..."


Knock knock knock

The door swung open showing a disappointment mother. Sadnesses appearing in her eyes, her motherly smile has been taken away. She wasn't her cheery self anymore, that's where Hannah got her personality from.

Hannah looked at her mother worriedly and with concern, "Mom... what's wrong?" And as soon as those words came out of her mouth. Her mother broke down in tears. Hannah instinctively brought her mother closer to her and wrapped her arms around her mothers waist.

Hannah ran a hand down her mothers back to sooth her cries, "It's okay mom... tell me about it after your doing better"

"He wants us back"

Hannah's eyes shot open, "Mother who's he?"

Ann let go of Hannah's grip and her lips tugging upwards, turning into a sad smile, "Your father"

"W-what?" Hannah stuttered, she was appalled by this new information

Ann tugged her daughter and closed the door, "I'll explain what happened while your gone"




*clears throat*

MORE DRAMA!!!!!!!!

I wonder what secret Avril is hiding or what's going on with Hannah's family or why Tracy is not trusted with the kitchen


Idk Bye I have to ride a unicorn rn!

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