The Surprise

By SongbirdOfStreetCats

1.3K 27 2

Christian Grey thought he found the right woman. He thought he could start a family with her. But just when h... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six

Chapter Five

122 4 0
By SongbirdOfStreetCats

Bright white lights came into my view as I slowly opened my eyes. I looked up at the white ceilings, that was adorn with bright white lights. "Jaylin! You're awake!" I heard a male voice, before Christian's view came into sight. "Ana, Skye wake up! She's awake!" Christian snapped, before I heard a light grumble. "Mommy's up, sleepy head!" He gave a soft chuckle, before I spotted Ana and Skye. Skye was leaning against Ana, sleeping. 

"You've had us worried for almost a whole month!" Ana gave a sheepish smile, before I spotted a nurse. I felt a tube get pulled out of my mouth, and I gave a gag, before coughing up. "You were in a very violent car accident." Ana told me, and I nodded. "You're spinal cord was severed. You're paralyzed from the waist down." She told me, and I turned to look at her. 

I glanced at my legs, and tried to move them, but snarl escaped me. I laid back before breaking down into tears. Christian quickly slipped his arms around me, before pressing his nose to my cheek. "I called your family, told them your situation, and told them that I would take care of you, and Skye. Ana and I will take care of both of you. Because you're our family." He whispered, and I smiled, before hugging him. I felt very horrible. "But, your father told us to let you move in with him. I told that you were my responsibility. Because Skye was my child." He told me. 

I looked at Ana, before I heard footsteps. "Shh, Mia. We don't know if she's up. It's bad enough Skye demanded to stay the night here." I heard a rough growl come from Elliot. They walked in, Elliot held flowers, while Mia held a black blanket. "Oh, you're awake." He smiled, and I nodded. 

"I bought this for you. But made the ruffling edges." Mia smiled, and Christian gratefully took it from her, before laying the blanket on my legs. "I heard about your paralysis." She took in a deep breath before Christian brushed my arm. 

"Don't bother. I'm not in the mood to talk about it. I feel as if I'll be a burden. I don't want to have a catheter in me constantly. Nor be in a diaper. I'd rather have full control." I looked at Christian, hoping for something. 

"They said that they'll check to see if you have control, but since you were out, you have no control." He told me, and I nodded, before looking at Elliot. He shrugged, before handing me the flowers. "You're being loved!" Christian laughed, and I shrugged, before pulling the bouquet to my chest. I looked at Skye, who was still asleep. "She's a sleepy child. It's been a while since I've seen her sleep. Here, I'll take her from you, Ana." Christian reached over and took the sleeping child. 

I smiled, and sat the flowers onto the table. Elliot brushed my foot, which I gave a soft whine. "Sorry," he pulled back his hand, before I shook my head. "I think we should leave, so you can rest." Elliot murmured, and Mia nodded. They quickly left, before Christian gave a soft sigh. 

"You can stay, Christian. I'll take Skye home." Ana smiled, before grabbing her stuff. She walked over to Christian and took Skye. They turned to leave, and I laid back. Once they were gone, I turned to Christian. 

"Tell me, if this never happened to me, would you have still come over and talked with me?" I asked, and Christian nodded. 

"I was planing on coming over the day after, but, you just had to get into an accident." He gave a soft chuckle, and kissed my forehead. I looked at him, before spotting him sit down. "Question, Jaylin. Why were you leaving work so soon?" He asked. 

"I talked with my manger, she told me to leave, and the next day I would work a double-single. Would means I'd be working in the singles room, which would give me double pay, but be a double shift in my standard shift." I told him, which made him nod. I gave a yawn, and he laughed. "Sleep too, Christian. I'll be here when you wake." I told him, before closing my eyes. 


A month had gone by, and I was in the apartment, in a wheel chair, but I had gotten used to being able to move around in it. Luckily, I still had full control over my bladder and whatnot, just not on my legs. I was glad to be living with Christian, he even made sure Skye was take care of. since I struggled with it now. 

But that didn't matter anymore. What mattered was that I was safe and sound, and there for my daughter. Even when I struggled to be that mothering I want to be. 

I turned just as the elevator doors opened and I heard Skye's squeal. "Mommy!" She giggled, and I smiled softly, before she sprinted over, and climbed onto my lap. Christian told her to be careful, but I just waved him off.  "Mommy! Mommy!" She giggled and hugged me. I smiled, and hugged her back, before Christian and Ana walked over. 

"How are you today?" Christian asked, kissing my hair. I giggled and leaned back, telling him I had to pee badly. "Well, I'll help you, since I'm practically the only one strong enough.' He laughed, and Skye hopped off, before racing to her toys. I followed Christian to the bathroom, pushing the wheels of my wheel chair. 

"Hey, Christian. Out of curiousity. How would you fuck me?" I asked, and he pulled me in, before helping me onto the toilet. I looked up at him, and he smirked. 

"I'd lay you gently on the bed, before fucking you as hard as I can, just to see if you feel it." He joked, and I shook my head as he laughed. I finished, and took care of myself, before Christian helped me back onto my chair, and helped me wash my hands. 

We headed back out to the living room, where I spotted Elliot and Kate. They were standing near Skye, smiling. I blinked at them, Elliot looked at Kate, before turning to me. "We have been talking, and since Christian and Ana have a hard enough time taking care of you, we were thinking of adopting your daughter." Elliot glanced at Kate, before I snorted. 

"Your whore would ruin my daughter. And if you think my problem is a huge one, think again. After all you fucked practically everyone in Seattle!" I snapped, which made Elliot and Christian flinch. "I can raise her, and Christian can raise her, and so can Ana. They can also help me, it's not a big problem." I turned, and began to wheel over to my bedroom." I gave a soft whimper, before entering my room. I got myself onto the bed, and rolled onto my back, looking up at the ceiling. 

I closed my eyes, taking in a gulp of breath. I was so upset, and so pissed off. I didn't know what to think or even what to do. I shook my head and curled up on my side, sighing. I gave a soft whimper, before feeling a hand brush me. I glanced over and saw Christian. He gave me a soft smile, before scooping me up. I gasped, and wrapped my arms around him. 

He carried me out of the bedroom, before setting me on the couch, beside Skye. She climbed onto my lap, and wrapped her arms around me, burying her face into my chest. "Momma! Your boobies are so soft!" She giggled, rubbing her face between them. 

"Yeah, mommy's boobies are!" Christian laughed, and grabbed them, which made Skye upset. She slapped Christian's hand, glaring. 

"They're mine! Go get your own!" Skye snapped, and held onto me tightly. When Christian grabbed them again, she bit his finger. 

"Skye! No!" He yanked his hand back, before grabbing her arm. "You do not bite people." He growled, and she glared at him. "You're going into a time out!" He snapped, and yanked her to him, before dragging her to the stairs. He sat her down, and checked his phone, before walking over to the couch. He sat beside me, brushing my legs. "Have you done your stretches yet?" He asked, and I shook my head. 

"Why does she have to do stretching?" Kate asked, and Christian explained that I need to gain strength in my arms, so I have certain stretches I do. "Oh." She breathed, and looked at Elliot. I gave a yawn, before laying against Christian lightly. 

"When did you finally fall asleep last night?" He asked, and I shrugged, before he gave a huge sigh. "God, if you need me, just call. My phone is always on." He told me, and Elliot made the remark about Christian's cock always being hard.  "Piss off!" Christian snapped, before the whole room became silent. 

"Daddy, what's a 'cock'?" Skye asked, and quickly snapped my glare at Elliot. Christian tensed, and grabbed onto my arm. 

"Sweetie," Christian took in a deep breath, before walking over and picking her up. "We don't use that word, and Elliot shouldn't have said that. But it's a mean term to say about a chicken." Christian told her. She nodded, before blinking. 

"But then why do chicken's say cock when they say cock-a-doodle-do?" She asked, and Christian shrugged. She held onto Christian before yawning. "I tired." She yawned, and laid her head down. I smiled and giggled, watching Skye fall asleep on Christian's chest. I smiled and looked down at my lap, before biting my lip.

I turned to see Christian walk to Skye's room, before returning to the living room, and sat beside Ana, pulling my legs onto his lap. "At least I know you can kick me." He laughed. 

"Yeah, and I can't kneel on the ground and suck ya either." I giggled, and he dropped his head, laughing. Ana looked at me, and laughed. "When Christian and I were a thing, I would sneak into his office while he went to do something, and I'd hide under his desk, and when he returned, I'd cuff his feet to the chair, and unzip his pants. I got kicked once, and that was when the cuffs came." I giggled. 

"I accidentally kicked her breast, and she had to get a couple stitches. She came back two days later with some cuffs, and cuffed my ankles to the chair. She was dying, I'll put it that way." Christian glared at me, and I giggled. "I fell a couple times, before she got what she wanted." Christian smirked and I shrugged. 

"But then I gave him a blow job, in the middle of an interview, and he came in my mouth, while talking. I swear to God, if he didn't have control, he would've screamed out in pleasure. That's how loud he could get." I laughed, and Christian pushed my legs off the couch, and I sighed. He pulled Ana to him, and smirked at me. "So? I could tell her the story of the day you decided to steal my half-brother's stash, and got high, and let me shove a strap on up your ass." I leaned forward, and his jaw dropped. 

"You wouldn't dare." He growled, and I smirked. 

"You sprawled out on the bed, shaking your ass, begging for me to teach you a lesson. I swear to the man above, and my video, that I fucked you." I giggled, and Christian sat Ana on the couch, before getting up and slinging me over his shoulder. He stormed into the bedroom and threw me onto the bed. 

"Don't you ever bring that up again!" He snapped at me, and I tensed, staring at him. "I made a mistake, and I never want to hear you say that again!" He snarled, and stormed out. I laid there, before covering my face, and bawling my eyes out. I heard voices, before footsteps came. 

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