DARK LOVE ( Obsession) [Editi...

By AimanIshteyaque

662K 36.7K 2.4K

Highest ranked #3 "Kiss me..." "What...no" 'I will repeat once more...kiss me." "In your dreams..." "Okay...d... More

一 One (Ichi)
二 Two (Ni)
三 Three (Saan)
四 Four (Shi)
五 Five (Go)
六 Six (Roku)
七 Seven (Sichi)
八 Eight (Hachi)
九 Nine (Kyu)
十 Ten (Ju)
十一 Eleven (Ju ichi)
十二 Twelve (Ju ni)
十三 Thirteen (Ju Saan)
十四 Fourteen (Ju Yon)
十五 Fifteen ( Ju Go)
十六 Sixteen ( Ju Roku )
十七 Seventeen ( Ju Nana )
十八 Eighteen ( Ju Hachi )
十九 Nineteen ( Ju Kyu)
二十 Twenty ( Ni Ju)
二十一 Twenty one ( Ni Ju Ichi )
二十二 Twenty two ( Ni Ju Ni )
二十三 Twenty Three ( Ni Ju Saan )
二十四 Twenty Four ( Ni Ju Yon)
二十五 Twenty Five ( Ni Ju Go )
二十六 Twenty Six ( Ni Ju Roku )
二十七 Twenty Seven ( Ni Ju Shichi )
二十八 Twenty Eight ( Ni Ju Hachi )
二十九 Twenty Nine ( Ni Ju Kyu )
三十 Thirty ( Saan Ju )
三十一 Thirty One ( Saan Ju Ichi )
三十二 Thirty Two ( Saan Ju Ni )
三十四 Thrirty Four ( Saan Ju Yon )
三十五 Thirty Five ( Saan Ju Go )
三十六 Thirty six ( Saan Ju Roku )
三十七 Thirty Seven ( Saan Ju Shichi )
三十八 Thirty Eight ( Saan Ju Hatchi ) [Finale]
:( :( :(
Bonus chapter

三十三 Thirty Three ( Saan Ju Saan )

9.4K 782 79
By AimanIshteyaque

There are days when you need someone who first wants to be your sunshine and not the air you breathe

Robert Brault

Please leave your reviews.

My legs worn out my eyes were still eager to find the monster. I looked up all the places I could but all I got is failure.

At last I decided to check his house. Maybe I can find him there.

I turned my heels towards monster house. It will be my first time visiting his place my heart pumped hard inside with every step I took.

Ding dong....I rang the bell.

"Yes?"..... A servant opened the door

"Monster hai?".... I ask in melancholy.

"Who?"... His eyes widened.

"Ahh I am mean Manik hai?"... I mentally slapped myself for this behavior.

"Manik sir Abhi ghar nhi aaye".... He spoke in most annoyed tone.

"No problem I can wait...where is his room"... I said getting in and looking around.

He seems hesitant at first but answered anyway.

"Upstairs fourth room from left"...

"Okay..thanks"... I waved at him walking away.

Walking into his room an strange aroma surrounds me...it was dark but comfortable. I looked around it was dark with the combination of blue and black walls.

Windows covered with dark curtains no source of light except for lamp placed on the nightstand table.

"Aish...that's why he is so gloomy ...surrounding himself with dark things".... I murmured to myself.

Searching for switches...I switched on the lights making the darker room bright up a little although it showed little effect.

'Better"... I clapped my hands.

I kept observing his room when my eyes glued near to his study desk where few crumbled papers were thrown.

Taking steps nearer to the desk...I picked up a paper there thrown...

I straightened the paper nicely... Inside there was written only one letter "C"... And that too was scribbled.

Picking up next one...it had "N" written... But that too was cut.

"What all these mean?"

The last one I picked up with zero interest...but the sentence written there made my eyes wide.

It wrote" Nandini I love you".

And at the corner "Manik" His name was written.

I couldn't believe my eyes....what does this mean.

Is it true...monster loves me....

I kept staring at the paper... Until it was snatched away from me.

"What are you doing here?"... I heard him.

I went shivered... My whole face turned red....my hands started shivering.

"Ma...Manik"....I struggled to say his name. Since so long I kept calling him
monster that now I felt a bit awkward in addressing him by his real name.

"I asked what are you doing here?"... His voice was sharp and rude.

I was taken back by his so rude words. But still I tried to be normal and not yell back.

"Are you all right?"... I tried holding his arms.

"Why do you care?"... His replies were like he was accusing me of something.
Jerking away my hand he took few steps away from me.

"Leave".... His next word made me frozen.

"Why you behaving like this?"... I asked trying hard not to show my tears.

"Better ask yourself... You are fake".... His tone was bitter then ever.

A tear slip from my eye...quickly wiping them away....I stood in front of him. His eyes were so red...anger and sadness mixed together.

"What are you saying ...say it loud and clear".... I raised my voice.

"Okay... So you wanna hear from me then listen....you spread that video of me crying all over the internet and now you are pretending to be most innocent girl in the world".... He said looking into my eyes.

His eyes had fear....tears were there but he hold them back.

I couldn't say a word I felt like world slipped away from my feet. He thinks I did that. How can he think in that way.

"Manik... You really think its me".... I asked with a tears in my eyes.

He looked away...not looking into my eyes...I saw him wiping a tear away...and after a moment of pause he said "yes".

Hearing that....tears in my eyes didn't stop to fall down like a rain. I let him see me crying...although I hated myself for showing this weak side of me but I can't deny the fact that only he can make me go weak.

"I can't believe this".... I muttered.

"Get out".... He yelled.

I watch him in shock. He looked so cruel. Where is the Manik I use to know.

Oh well...he is the same monster Manik... He never changed...all this  was my illusion.

"No I won't go....you have to listen to me....I didn't did this...I will never do this... I can't even dream of doing this... Trust me".... My voiced cracked at last.

"Okay...answer me only one question...did you recorded me?".... He asked.


"That's it I got my answer now leave"... He said cutting me in between.

"But hear me out first"... I tried to convinced him.

"Can't you hear..leave"...

I don't move...I stayed still...but in next moment he pulled my arms and bring me out of his room after throwing me out he slammed the door close.

I cried there...letting all my tears flow... I couldn't gathered myself.. I couldn't console myself.


"Nandu open the door please".... Navya shouted knocking at my door.

I ignored... I lay down on my bed burying my face into a pillow crying my soul out.

"Nandu please let me in"... Her voice was soft.

She was knocking at my door since half an hour but all I did was ignore her and kept crying.

She already had key to my house so she can enter anytime to my house.

#knock #knock....she kept banging at my door.

I didn't respond... I felt so sore and sick from crying all day. Manik's angry face couldn't go away from my eyes.

"Nandu don't you wanna find the real culprit"...

This sentence of her made me think and stopped me from crying. I sat down looking at the door.

I couldn't give up so easily...and now that I know he loves...I need to fight for it.

I unbolted the door letting Navya in.

She hugged me tightly embracing me making me feel protected and comfortable.

"Mission find the real culprit starts from now"


Happy Reading...






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