Not Again! (Lesbian Story) (G...

By DeLaRoux

387K 16.5K 5.8K

Have you ever gotten the feeling that you're just watching someone's life go by? Hold on... let me explain. ... More

Not Again!
One Final Goodbye


12K 576 565
By DeLaRoux

Remember to read the note at the bottom! Enjoy!

You know what? Being someone's girlfriend is harder than it looks. Especially when it's your first time. And it's not hard being loyal, it's hard learning to open up to your partner. I'm not a very touchy person in general, so everytime Melissa leans in for a hug or a kiss, I catch myself leaning back. And then a second later my brain goes, you idiot that's your girlfriend!

In the past, everytime I saw cute lesbian couples on Tumblr it made me happy and sad at the same time. Part of me was like, "Wow that's so cute, good for them." But the other part of me felt like I'd never have that. That I'd never have a gay happily ever after.

But it hit me like a truck on Thanksgiving Day. Melissa basically came out on Snapchat the other day. When I first came out, it was a total shit show. People really didn't understand or know me at all which gave them plenty of room to judge. So about two hours before Thanksgiving dinner started, I pulled her into another room.

"Hey, what's wrong?" She asked looking confused.

I fiddled with my hands, "You remember that picture you posted of us on your Snapchat story?"

Her brows furrowed, "Yeah...what about it?"

"I forgot to ask but...did uh...did anyone give you crap about it?" I asked in a soft voice.

"Awe Ren." She pulled me into a tight hug and I inhaled the comforting smell of her. It seems like people you're attracted to always smell the best. "Nobody said anything bad about it. In fact, a lot of people were congratulating me."

"Really?" I was shocked. People's reaction to her coming out was so much better than mine and I was glad.

She laughed, "Ren sometimes I think you forget that we live in Southern California, everyone's a little gay here." I sighed feeling a huge wave a relief wash over me.

"But what about the cheer team? Won't they be weirded out?" I asked genuinely concerned.

She kissed my cheek, "Gosh you're so ignorant Ren. I'm not the only gay cheerleader on the team. And besides, most them we're just threatening to hurt you if you break my heart. So don't do that."

I laughed, "I promise I won't."

"Good cause I'd kill you." She leaned back and pulled me into a kiss. I sighed, remembering how good it felt to kiss her. I felt her tongue sneak its way into my mouth and glide across mine. A moan clawed at the back of my throat, I liked it when she got bold.

Just then the door bust open, "Guys the- AHH!" John screamed while covering his eyes. We hadn't kissed in front of him yet so this was a first. He huffed, "I told you I was gonna be a cockblock! I'm gonna go call Jackie and wish her a Happy Thanksgiving." After he left the room Melissa and I started laughing.

My whole family was over for Thangiving dinner this year but it wasn't a party. It was just my grandparents, mom, aunt, my mom's two cousins, and their husbands. My aunt, Grace, was also gay so when I came out during Thanksgiving dinner last year, she basically threw a party of her own. She also tried to get me to download the HER app but I'm way to awkward for that. I'm so bad at flirting, I figure I'd download the app after high school.

John absolutely loved Aunt Grace. They were the life of the party every time they got together. "Grace! Ren got a girlfriend!" John yelled the second she walked in the door.

"Where? Where is she?" Grace said while rushing into the living room. Melissa and I were just casually chilling on the couch when Aunt Grace rushed over and set next to Mel.

"Oh my gosh, are you Ren's girlfriend?" She asked excitingly.

Melissa blushed, "Yes."

Grace squealed, "You are so cute! I knew I wouldn't have to wait long for Ren to bring a beautiful girl over. So when's the wedding?" Little did she know we got together literally days earlier.

I decided it was time to intervene, "Aunt Grace, why don't you come help me set the table."

"But I wanna keep talking to your girlfriend." She whined.

"And I wanna eat so let's go." After forcing her to come help me set the table, everyone helped prepare the food. For some reason, it always took forever for us to actually start eating.

John sat next to Grace while I, of course, sat next to Melissa. "Grace I missed you so much!"

She laughed, "I didn't really miss you John." Honestly, I don't think Aunt Grace liked anybody at this dinner. Except for Melissa.

John smiled, "I knew you loved me Aunt Grace! Do you like my Christmas hat?" He asked gesturing towards the Santa hat he had on. On top of that, he was also wearing an ugly Christmas sweater with ornaments on it.

Grace poured some wine into a glass, "I think you're one holiday early honey."

Just then my mom came over and placed the turkey in the center of the table, "Dinner hasn't even started yet and you're already popping open the wine?"

"You know what they say, lesbians run on wine." She then slowly sipped some from the glass.

John sighed, looking at Aunt Grace lovingly, "God I love you." The whole time Melissa was next to me quietly laughing. I was just praying the dinner would start soon so Aunt Grace would have less time to roast me. Finally my mom sat down and started cutting off small pieces of the turkey.

"Wow that looks delicious." Melissa said, ogling it.

I blurted the first thing that came to my mind, "Yeah but I'd rather eat you."

Aunt Grace choked on the wine she was drinking and John started giggling. Recovering from the choke, Grace said, "Wow...real smooth Ren."

John scoffed, "Oh please, Ren is about as smooth as sand paper." My mom made a loud tsk sound to get our attention, "Stop that, no sexual comments at the dinner table."

Across the table I could see my grandpa furrow his brows, "Sexual what now?"

My grandma rolled her eyes, "No sexual comments, Helen Keller. Your hearing has really gone to shit these past few years."

He laughed, "Too bad cause I have a few sexual comments to make about this turkey." The whole table erupted with laughter.

"Please don't dad." My mom said with a smile. The dinner was going well with everyone making light conversation and eating. That was until Aunt Grace hit her third glass of wine.

She placed the empty wine glass back down on the table and crossed her arms. Oh here we go, I thought to myself. Every Thanksgiving my family would have this period of insult throwing and Aunt Grace was usually the one to start it off. "Kathy...I really love what you did with your hair."

My mom's cousin rolled her eyes, "Yeah right Grace, you love my hair just as much as you love men."

"You got me there." Grace said while laughing.

My grandma scoffed, "Must you be so negative Kathy? Someone is giving you a compliment and lord knows you don't get many of those. Pass the wine please Grace?" I pulled the hem of my shirt up over my mouth in an attempt to hide my laughter.

Grace smiled and poured a glass of wine for my grandma. Kathy rolled her eyes, "Well at least my husband isn't deaf." John quietly choked on the mashed potatoes he was eating.

Grandma Rose sipped on her wine, "He might as well be deaf, the man doesn't listen to anyone for more than three minutes at a time. And my husband isn't deaf, he has selective hearing. Isn't that right honey?" Looking over at Kathy's husband, I could see he was watching the football game on TV and not paying any attention to us.

My grandpa cleared his throat, "Yeah I'm ready for pie."

"I told you he had selective hearing." My grandma said. Melissa was quietly laughing when she leaned over and kissed my cheek. "Your family is too funny."

"But you never-" Kathy began but was cut off by my mom. "I agree with dad, I think it's time for pie!" Dessert always managed to calm everyone down. Aunt Grace was out like a light just ten minutes after dinner ended. John, Melissa, and I helped my mom clean up everything before wishing everyone goodbye.

After the last of my family, minus Grace, left to their villas my mom let out a sigh. "I think that went well. They seemed to really like you Melissa. You and Ren are so cute." My mom supported our relationship one hundred percent. Since this was the first girl I was serious with, my mom was super excited.

The three of us walked back to our villa real late at night. Melissa and I were holding hands while John kept mumbling something about being a third wheel. "Let's go to the pool."

I looked at Melissa like she had grown a second head, "Are you in insane? It's so cold out here."

"We'll go in the jacuzzi. Please Ren?" Her puppy dog eyes were most certainly swaying my decision. "But I don't have anything to swim in." I whined.

"Just wear some shorts and a shirt, it'll be fine I promise." I thought about for about .02 seconds before realizing that I'd be alone with a hot tub...what could be better!

"Okay I'll go." She squealed and rushed me to the villa. The whole time we were getting ready John was going on and on about how being single sucks.

"You wouldn't understand Ren, you're not single anymore."

I chuckled, "Dude I've been in a relationship for about five days now. Everyday before that I've been single." John scoffed and laid down on the couch. "Hey why don't you give Jackie a call?"

"You know I'm horrible at keeping a conversation going. It's like, trust me I really like you but I don't know what else to say. But I really want to talk to you." He groaned but at the same time pulled his phone out. He loves to complain but in the end he listens to me.

I laughed at him before escorting Melissa outside. Instead of going to the main pool we decided the smaller pools were most likely empty and we wanted to be alone. So here I was, walking to the pool at ten thirty in a t-shirt and shorts when it couldn't have been more than thirty five degrees outside. The things I do for her, I thought to myself.

Of course when we got to the pool it was closed, that's just my luck. "Wow they close at nine thirty on Thursday's."

"I'm still going swimming." Melissa said with her arms crossed.

I furrowed my brows, "But it's closed. As in we're not allowed in there."

"Hold this." She said while handing me her towel. And right before my eyes, she jumped the fence surrounding the pool like we were in Assassin's Creed or something.

"How did you do that?!" I asked not fully believing what I just witnessed.

She rolled her eyes, "I'm not as weak as you think. My cheer coach has me doing insane workout routines a lot."

"Hmmm, I like it." I jumped the fence as well, almost slipping on the way down. "Contain your excitement, I know I'm sexy."

She rolled her eyes before pulling me towards the jacuzzi. Even though the pool was closed, they left all the lights on which was good. I slowly slipped myself into the warm water and closed my eyes.

Melissa sat down next to me and sighed, "This feels nice."

Almost immediately after she said that a disturbing thought hit me, "Not to ruin the mood but what happens when we go back to school?"

"Ugh, you worry too much. Nothing is going to change. We're gonna act like a regular couple and nobody is gonna say anything negative. And if they do, we can beat them up together." Maybe I am being a little bit too paranoid.

"It's just...when I came out people didn't really take it too well. Including you."

She groaned, "That was back when I was dumb and let the people around me manipulate what I did. I'm sorry."

"No don't worry about me, I'm only worried about you. I don't want you to have to go through what I did." When I first admitted to myself that I was gay, I promised I wouldn't tell anyone until college. I used to have nightmares about being outed and in those nightmares, I wished I could take everything back. Gay outing nightmares are the worst.

Melissa scoffed, "You need to relax. Let me help you." She wrapped her arms around my neck and straddled me.

"There's people around here, anyone can see us-" but my sentence was cut short when she kissed me. For some reason, kissing in really hot water was super sexy. My heart was beating like a drum.

She broke off the kiss and sensually said, "Let them watch." What a great way to end the night.


PLEASE READ!! Ok so I wanna conduct a little test to see how many people actually read these things at the bottom. I'm genuinely interested in where my readers are from. So I'll follow everyone who comments where they're from. If you're from the US,  just comment the city and state. I'll start it off;

I'm from Los Angeles, California. (Reply to this!!)

I totally understand if you're uncomfortable with saying where you're from. Plus I'm gonna stop following at about 150 or 175 comments, (though I doubt that many people will reply.)

Anyways, sorry for any mistakes! :)

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