Adopted by Taylor Swift

By alltooswift13

389K 11.6K 3K

Taylor Swift adopts a broken down girl that doesnt want help. Does Taylor get through to Bridget? Will Bridg... More

How I got here
I don't understand
Getting along?
I'm sorry
Never Grow Up
Lucky to be alive
Really feeling better
Date time
At home date
Thanksgiving Dinner
Tied Together With a Smile
Falling For You
Knock, Knock
13 cupcakes
Just friends
She's just like that.
Shit my shirt
Bridget's missing
If you'll have me
They Don't Know About Us
Christmas time
Bridget's family
You're Perfect
Just There
School is everything
Audrey Paige Styles
Note on recent updates.

Taylor's POV

7.6K 240 30
By alltooswift13

Chapter 30

Taylor's POV

I was meeting Harry's mum and sister for the first time today and I was beyond scared. Yesterday Bridget gave me a necklace and inside was an extra charm on it with the letter H imprinted; I showed Harry and the letter that came along with it. It said

'I know you're not part of our family yet; but, you have showed your true colors to me and someday I hope that you will join hands with Taylor one day to extend our family. This charm is for you to put on, on the wedding day, or the day you choose to be part of our family.'

Harry looked up at me with a small happy tear in his eye, grabbed the charm and added it to the necklace. I was so happy that he chose to be here for the long run. I know that it wasn't a proposal, or a promise ring, because we were both too young for that.

But, it was him saying to me I'm here now, and I will stay here and help, and be here with you. Until we are old enough to make that commitment, and that's what I needed.

I was standing in front of the mirror looking at my outfit I picked out for today. It was red pants with a green sweater. I love Christmas so much; I just hope that Anne doesn't think it's obnoxious.

Harry walked behind me putting his arms around my waist. "God, can you get any more beautiful?" he kissed my neck, then my jawline, that's when I turned around to kiss him on my lips. He takes the kiss further, walking us closer to the bed, "Harry we can't." I tried to pull away from him, but he held me close.

Tossing me on the bed and walking closer to me, he smiles, giving me those dimples I love "Its fine babe, we've got a little time. Louis is gone, Bridget is getting ready."

He was slowly unbuttoning his shirt, coming closer to me. I pulled my shirt over my head going in for another kiss, without breaking it I reach for his belt, until I heard a blood curdling scream from Bridget's bathroom and a shatter.

I got up and sprinted to her room "Bridget!!" I looked at her; there was blood in her hand, and a broken hair straightener on the ground. "What happened?!"

"There was a huge spider and I hit it with my straightener but then my straightener was on and it burned me and then the glass got in my palm, it fucking hurt!" She looks over at sweater less body "Oh and uhm what happened with you?" She notes the bra on my chest

"doesn't matter," I avoided the question. "Why did you scream so loud? I just about had a heart attack"

"Oh I don't know Taylor maybe because I saw a fucking spider!" She sarcastically laughed at me.

I had rolled my eyes at her, "I'm going back to getting ready" and went to walk back to our room

She laughs, "sure, that's what you were doing. Getting ready" she gave me air quotes around getting ready. I laughed and walked out.

As we arrived at his mums house, Harry grabs my hand "You'll do fine babe," he whispered into my ear making me shiver.

We take a few steps into the door, Harry announcing that we were here. Anne came around the corner and her eyes lit up. "My baby boy is home!!" She grabbed his cheeks pulling him into a tight hug.

"Mum, this is Taylor and her daughter Bridget," she let go of Harry and attached on to me.

"I have heard so many great things about you two" she gave us a wink and then hugged Bridget.

When she got to Bridget she asked how Niall was and she got red too, "Don't worry honey, Harry spared the details."

That's when she turned bright red, and just looked down, Anne laughed and gave her a small push on the shoulder, "I'm just kidding, Niall just told me he liked you about two weeks ago, that's all I know" she giggled and walked away to the kitchen.

Bridget looked up at me and mouth 'Awkward' and I looked at Harry's expression letting us know that we should be getting used to her behavior. We all giggle together, walking into the kitchen to join Anne.

We sat down at the table for dinner when Gemma came in, "Sorry mum, I was running late and the traffic was bad," She looked up at Bridget, (Who was mindlessly on her phone)

"and who is this?" Bridget looked up from her phone, and stood up

"Oh hey sorry, I'm Taylor's daughter, Bridget." They shook hands and sat down next to each other.

I had originally met Gemma before I even met Harry. I was in London once day when I ran into her and she helped me with my groceries to my car. We've been in good terms since, it was funny when our worlds collided when I started seeing Harry.

I look up at Bridget who went straight back to her phone, "Bridget, please put your phone away, it's rude." She finished whatever she was saying to the person and put it away.

We mostly ate in a nice silence, but Anne asked broke it by asking Bridget a question, "So, how's living with Taylor as your mother? Better than the old one I hope," She giggled trying to break the awkwardness of the question, I thought Bridget was going to explode again so I grabbed Harry's leg and squeezed.

"Um, it's good, I mean yeah way better than living on my own or with my no-good birth mother," She took a drink trying to think of what to say next, "Tay and I still have bumps to smooth out but I think we're getting better. We have definitely come a long way since last year." She looked over at me and gave me a genuine smile.

"When did Taylor adopt you, around this time?" Anne asked another question, Bridget still thinking;

"uh yeah I think I met Taylor sometime in January," she swallows her water again, going for a bite of her chicken

"I met you January 2nd and then signed the papers January 13th to be exact." I chimed in, trying to help. Bridget couldn't even remember what she had for breakfast this morning let alone when I adopted her.

"Lucky 13," Harry looked over at me and smiled,

"Wasn't lucky for her at first," Bridget mumbled under her breath expressing her knowing that she's put me through hell and back. Harry gave out a small laugh and so did Anne, Gemma was just confused.

"So what did you do for Christmas last year if you don't mind me asking?" Gemma asked that question.

"I think I was at a party that night, and then spent the night at one of my old friend's house, but tell you the truth I have no idea." She laughed a little settling the mood, and Gemma helped her

"I know the feeling."

After the dinner that wasn't as bad as my parents we opened presents, I got the usual jewelry, clothes from Anne and Gemma. Bridget got a necklace, and earrings. I told everyone that that's what she needs because I need her to start dressing a little nicer, being in the spotlight and all.

Bridget's always been a tom girl, she would rather wear basketball shorts then a dress, and it irritates me; unfortunately she knows that, so she does it even more just to aggravate me. She has been wearing jeans a lot, which is really a miracle for that to happen, so it's the least I could ask for.

Our flight leaves tonight at midnight, so we get home for Christmas with just us two, and then Christmas night Bridget was flying back to Michigan to be with her brother and her father's side of the family. 

She told me that I didn't have to come, and to have Christmas with my parents because she didn't really want to see them anyway after Thanksgiving but, I want to. I wanted to meet her brother and her dad's side. Bridget has never told me much about her dad, other than a few stories, but other than that I knew nothing.

After a long day with small talk and trying to stay proper with Harry's mother, Bridget and I started to pack up and say our goodbyes to Harry's mum and sister.

Harry walks us out to the van, sending us to the airport. I get a kiss from Harry, while he opens up the door for me, he has decided to come with us now that paparazzi's are at home with their family, they won't be following us around.

After sitting for a while, our flight was called. Harry lifted from our seats, to say goodbye to us; and that goodbye was the hardest one to give.

We stayed in a long embrace, not wanting to let go. "I love you Taylor." Harry whispered into my ear. Those three words, those words pierced my ears. Was I ready to love someone again?

I pulled away from the hug the flight was on its third call and Bridget was pushing me to move, but I couldn't, I was frozen in that moment.

Harry's eyes on mine scared of what I was going to say. I didn't even know what I was going to say

"Taylor!! We are going to miss our flight! Come on!" Bridget was now pulling me away from Harry but we didn't lose eye contact. I was pulled by Bridget to turn the right direction; I started looking forward, until it hit me.

I'm not sure how I'm supposed to be feeling right now. He sits with his head on the ground and these things aren't helping as Bridget is pulling me towards the gate.

"Harry!" his eyes shot up to mine. "I love you too." He smiled at me; Bridget gave me one last pull and we were on the plane.

It was Christmas morning and I woke up to find Bridget in the living room playing on my guitar. I didn't go up to her just yet, I just observed from behind.

She sings along to You Belong With Me, which gives me a shock. She knew my songs? I just assumed that she listened to pop, and rap considering the scene she was into.

"Standing by and waiting at your back door-"

that's when I cut in and sang with her

"-all this time how could you not know Baby, you belong with me, you belong with me" she turned around and smiled. "Merry Christmas Tay"

"Merry Christmas to you too Bridg," We did presents, we didn't have many since we've been traveling a lot, but the most memorable ones were that I got a picture frame of us two at the Red Carpet of the AMA's together and I got her a guitar, so she doesn't have to keep using mine.

We were sitting at the counter to my kitchen eating breakfast, "What time does your flight leave Bridg?"

She had food in her mouth but she talked anyway "six tonight." I put my head down and kept eating "What's wrong T?"

"Just thinking, I know you said I didn't have to go, but I want to. Can I join you?" She put her head down and thought for quite a while.

"Yeah you can come," She looked up at me, "But, just warning you, it's different from your life."

I looked at her puzzled, and she swallowed what she was eating. "Taylor, I didn't come from much. My brother went into the Army because he couldn't afford college; he wanted to do something for the world but couldn't afford the schooling for a degree. So we went into the army. I was pushed into play basketball because we hoped I would get a scholarship. We never did Christmas presents because we could never afford it. My aunt didn't adopt me because they were already struggling to fit their family in the house. Don't get me wrong, we are a loving family, over loving; but we've always struggled financially causing tension in the family. I'm just saying it's going to be different for you"

I looked down to process everything. "Bridget, I know that because we have large amounts of money and three houses, doesn't mean that I wrap my whole life around social class. I just care that you guys love each other. That's what I family really is; love and being together, not how much someone brags about who got what."

She looked at me with understanding eyes. "Well go pack then," she gave me a smile.

Sooooo guys, really long chapter here!! Now you know a little more about Bridget's past! Lol, I hope and I say hope lightly that I can put out another chapter tonight, or at least start. But if I don't have it by tonight, I will probably have it tomorrow! And thank you all so much for 1.6K!! This is crazy I didn't think it would even get 10! I love you all!

Let me know if the story is getting a little boring for you guys. I don't think it is to me but it's a different stand point... and if it is ill try to spice it up soon! Just let me know!!

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