• Soul • Xiumin x Reader •

By NoonaEXO

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(Y/N) has never been normal, but she wanted to be Her twin brother, D.O, and herself have always had somethin... More

Final A/N for Soul


3.9K 163 71
By NoonaEXO

*(Y/N)'s POV*

     The music blasted through my headphones as I tried to ignore what had just happend. The nerve of that guy! Needs my help, whatever D.O can handle it. Im not getting involved with anther ghost after what happend last time.

    The last time I helped a ghost to cross over I was tricked. It was dumb on my part actually I should have seen it coming from a mile away but I was to busy trying to help.

     I was a lot different back then. I smiled more and helped anyone who needed me with my abilitys. Then that ghost tried to kill me, I had helped him and he tried to kill me. Luckily the guys were able to save me and get rid of the guy, but I just didn't want to do it anymore.

      It's not that I'm scared of being killed, I have no fear. After what happened I just started rethinking everything and realizing how much of a curse our powers are. We'd have such easier lives without them, but of course I've kept these thoughts to myself.

     I don't want to ruin my friends happiness. I didn't really tell them why I've stopped helping they just have learned not to ask and go with it. Of course I help destroy those creepy ghost that are stronger and harm humans but thats when they really need me.

     I was paying attention to the detail on my ceiling when suddenly someone jumped onto my bed. I glanced to my side and Tao was laying beside me looking up at me. I pulled out my headphones. Chanyeol soon joined in and laid down on my other side, I rolled my eyes and looked back up at the ceiling.

     "(Y/N)?" Tao whisperd, I glanced at him to continue "Are you okay?"

     "Yeah why wouldn't I be" I said

      "Xiumin" Tao asked more like a question then anything

    "Don't remind me I'm already in a bad mood thanks to him" I said irradiated

     "He thinks he know us from his past life, all of us" I didn't say anything thinking about it, know us  "I didn't buy it and neither did Tao so we left, we're not going to help" Chanyeol explained 

    "What is he?" I asked saying my thoughts out loud

    "I don't know that's why I can't really trust him, how does a ghost let himself be seen? Is that even possible" Chanyeol asked sitting up and looking down at me, I shrugged my shoulders and tried to think of an explanation but nothing came to mind

    "Uh Chanyeol, let's go home" Baekhyun said through the door

    "Come on Tao let's go too" Kris shouted

     They both got up looking a bit angry, they must be mad because they are leaving. I laughed at how childish they looked and they glared at me a bit.

    "See you tomorrow (Y/N)" Tao smiled warmly

    "Yeah sit next to me on the way to school okay?" Chanyeol asked raising an eyebrow

    "Don't listen to him (Y/N) sit next me, I'm better" Tao added

    "Yeah, Yeah sure whatever see you tomorrow guys" I said shooing them away

    Once they were gone I got ready for bed. D.O and Sehun had both come to check on me but I assured them that I was fine. D.O tried to get me to go downstairs and eat with them but I wasn't really in the mood to.

    It took me longer to fall asleep because I had to much running though my mind. Xiumin to be exact. I wonder if he really does know me, us, from his past life. How does he not remember how he died? How can he be like a human that's still alive one second and then a ghost the next. Like Chanyeol said is that even possible! I eventually ended falling asleep, but is was late, and I know school is going to suck tomorrow.

    The next morning I woke up dead. I was so tired from not getting enough sleep, and like always D.O woke me up. I swear one of these days I'm actually going to punch him in the face. The ride to school was like every other day, however this time it was full of bickering from Chanyeol and Tao on my sides.

    As soon as we pulled up to the school I was the first one out of the van. I couldn't deal with those two anymore. Before Baekhyun and Lay could appear with Xiumin I assumed I walked off, wandering away before any of the guys could catch up to me. They didn't follow knowing I wanted to be alone.

    I went behind the school where I knew not many people hang out, most of the students head up to the top of the school. I wasn't really a fan, our school had a lot of grassy hills that went on for what seem like forever, a couple trees here and there. I walked to one that seem pretty far where I knew no one would bother me, but wasn't to far from the school.

    I took a seat under the huge tree and looked away from the school staring off at the trees that were farther away and seem more peaceful. I put my headphones in blasting my music. I smiled content with the soft wind blowing I closed my eyes feeling the wind, but when I opened them I instantly regretted it.

    Directly across from stood a boy around my age watching me, but his skin was grey. His black hair was tangled and stuck to his forehead, the blood trickled down the side of his face. His eyes were blood shot and he was covered in multiple cuts and bloody all over. The clothes he was wearing were torn. I looked away, not today, I can't help, I don't want to. I begged in my head.

   Before I knew it he was in front of me looking down at me, smiling. I felt a shiver go down my spine, when I was about to get up and leave he grabbed my hand pulling me back. I turned around ready to attack but when I looked at him his once evil aura changed to scared and sad one. His eyes became water and tears began to spill, I looked away putting my hand down.

   "Please, help me, I know you can see me just please help I want to see my parents. I don't want to walk this earth knowing they have already crossed over without me" He pleaded beginning to sob "How do I cross over?"

    "You must be holding on to something, you need to let go so you can cross over. That's why you are still here" I whispered looking to the floor as my heart began to hurt

     What happend to not helping.

    "Thank you, thank you so much, thank you, I'm sorry I bothered you but thank you I will be leaving, I know what I have to do" He bowed multiple times and I nodded when he disappeared, his image glued in my mind

    "Safe travels" I whispered slumping down the tree, putting my head on my knees.

    Don't you dare cry. Stop. Don't cry. Stop thinking about it. Stop.

    I tried to keep my breathing even as my thoughts soon began to wonder. I began to think of what hurts me the most. My parents. I wonder how they are? Are they resting peacefully, are they watching over us. They weren't suppose to leave we were only kids. We weren't even in junior high yet when they crossed over. That day they died is a day I'll never forget. My heart ached in pain, but no I didn't cry, I'm not going to cry.

     "(Y/N) there you are we didn't see you in class we missed you" sang a voice, I looked up changing my sad expression to a emotionless one.

    "We got worried thinking something happened" I looked up and was met with seven boys, wait class already ended? How long have I been here glancing around. They all took a seat around me, looking at me.

    "Uh, what hour is it?" I asked wide eyed

    "It's lunch time actually" Bam Bam explained scratching the back of his head, I nodded, That much time had passed. Wow.

    "Want some of my lunch I made it myself" Jackson asked waving his sandwich in front of my face "I swear it's good" I shook my head

    "Hyung I'm pretty sure she wants to continue living" Yugyeom laughed eating his lunch. I stood up and they looked at me with confused stares.

    "Where are you going?" Mark asked

    "Hmm well I'm ditching the rest of the day, no point of me going now" I awkwardly laughed as they stood up quickly

    "We are coming with you" Youngjae explained and I looked at him with raised eyebrows

    "Wait what? Why?" I asked confused

    "Because we are your friends thats why" Youngjae smiled widely

     "Hey who the heck is that?" Jr pointed behind me, getting everyone's attention

     I spun around and I instantly wanted to run and tell them to follow. Why me? Why does this guy have to bother me. I groaned and rolled eyes. I felt him stand beside me and the seven boys stared at him confused.

    "Hi I'm Xiumin" I could feel my blood begin to boil, what the heck is he doing here. I already told him D.O would help him.

    "Oh um well do you need something we were about to leave" Jackson said taking a step between us which I'm greatful for

    "I'm here to talk with (Y/N)" He said as I looked around trying to find Chen or Lay or anyone that could get this guy out of here

    "How do you know (Y/N)?" JB asked confused as the rest tried to figure who this guy was

    "Oh-uh I'm her-uh boyfriend" My mind instantly went blank.

   Did he just say BOYFRIEND! I looked at him with wide eyes as they nearly popped out of my head and everyone seemed to have the same expression. Who the hell does he think he is? I finally reacted to the words that just came out of his mouth

    "No he is not. Let's go." I said not giving him a second glance

    I angrily walked away as the seven boys followed behind me. I was beyond angry right now and I didn't care that they were following behind me.

   "Who was that guy?" Mark asked walking quickly beside trying to keep up with my pace

     "Somebody I hope I never have to see again" I said angrily


Welp. Xiumin messed up ahaha.
What do you think? Like it???

I know this part is a bit confusing and has a lot going on but it will come together..Don't worry!

Dont forget to comment because i read all of them! (Shout out to the person who commented on the Got7 lyric. Best comment so far!)

I hope you dont loose intrest in this story, and continue to read as I continue to update. I'll be back soon Bye Bye~ ^θ^ for now

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