Lost In Love | BaekYeon

By smol_oreo

136K 6.5K 1.5K

"Why do you have to make me worried all the time?" "Since when do you care?" How can these two fall in love w... More

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By smol_oreo

Baekhyun's POV

"Hey,hey,why are you taking away my soup?"Chanyeol asked as I grabbed his bowl of soup.

"You haven't touch it yet, right?"I asked.

"Nope,why are you taking my soup?"he asked again.

"Taeyeon hasn't eaten anything yet.She just woke up."I said as I grabbed the toast from Jongdae who was about to take a bite out of it.

"Fine...as long as it is not for yourself."Chanyeol pouted.

"Ooh, it is my first time seeing you begging food from us for someone else. You do care about her huh."Jongdae said,looking teasingly at me.

"Don't beg for anything from me next time you are in trouble."I said and turned away.

"See, he didn't deny, which means he admitted it."I could hear Jongdae blabbering nonsense with Chanyeol.

I walked towards the ward where Taeyeon is resting in. On the way, I saw my partner walking towards my direction. She didn't notice me at first, until I passed by.

"Hey Baekhyun."

I just nodded at her.

"Er..you are giving that to Taeyeon?"she asked,pointing at the food in my hands. I just nodded. She might probably think that I am mute.

"I can help you to give it to her."she said.

"No thanks."I said.

Her hands about to reach the food in my hands, I hugged the goods against my chest, but not tight enough to squish it. It's like I am a baby who is trying to protect his food from getting stolen.

"I said no thank you."I repeated and continued my way to Taeyeon's room.


Bae Minhui's POV

I scoffed when Baekhyun went into that b*tch's room to give her food. What have I said to make him ignore me since we first met. I have known him longer than that b*tch. Before he even came to this school, we were in the same middle school.

He was so smart and so good looking. He was Mr Perfect in our school. I secretly admired him from afar as I was this ugly nerd no one wants to be friends with. I know that Baekhyun doesn't remember me because I don't stand out at all.

But he did something for me, that made me fall in love with him deeply.


"Yah fatty, watch where you are going. Your big bottom just bumped into the edge of my table."a boy insulted me. I looked down and mumbled an apology.

"Don't look down at me,I can see your double chin."he said and everyone in class laughed.

"You are so fat, you disgusted me."the boy said and his friends laughed again.

The duster was suddenly thrown towards him from behind and hit his head.

"Yah!Who threw this!?"the boy shouted as he stood up to find the culprit.

"I did."Byun Baekhyun raised his hand proudly.


"Shut up. She is pretty."Baekhyun said, glancing at me for a second and resuming back to his nap.

"That bastard."the boy muttered as his friends tried to calm him down.

I stood there like an idiot. It felt like I got star-strucked.

I started to fall for him.

End of Flashback


Taeyeon's POV

"Does your throat hurt when you swallow?"Baekhyun asked.

"No. I didn't hurt my throat."I said.

"I am going to find out who did this to you."he mumbled,looking down.

I bit my bottom lip as I stared at him.

I know who did this.

He heaved a sigh and looked up. Our eyes met and I quickly looked away.

"The food here taste good, surprisingly."I said, trying my best to avoid his eyes as I stared down into the soup.

"You have to thank Chanyeol and Jongdae. They shared their food with you. Since they won the competition just now."he said.

"Ah. I see."I said.

I looked to my right and looked out the window. It is night time now. We are near the sea, so I wanted to go out and breath in the sea breeze.

"You want to go out to see the sea?"he asked as if he had just read my mind. I turned to look at him and nodded.

"Hmm...I will go and get some crutches."he said and I nodded.

He left the room.

I smiled as I think about how much he cared about me when I am in this bed. I love to be with him. But being with him comes with some consequences. Like what happened at the tower.

Everyone says that he is dangerous. He is someone I shouldn't be socializing with. 

But once I got to know him, he is the sweetest person ever.

I remember the first day we talked, when I went to his house to tutor him. His wall was so high, it was hard to talk to him that made me wanted to give up. When his wall crumbled, he started initiating casual conversations with me, and sharing his secret or deepest thoughts with me.

He was so calming to be with.

And so safe to be with.

I am still confused about the special feeling I am feeling about him, so I don't dare to tell him anything about those special feelings. 

I have never imagine that I will end up being friends with someone like him. Now I am not so sure anymore, I feel like, deep inside me, I wanted to be more than just friends.

"Hey, I asked around and found this pair of crutches for you."Baekhyun said, showing me a pair of crutches as he walked in.

"That will do."I said.


Baekhyun's POV

"I don't think that this is a good idea."I grunted as Taeyeon's arm dropped from my shoulders again. She wasn't very good in using the crutches and kept on dropping them. So I supported her by lending her my right shoulder. We are still half way to the beach and still struggling to get there.

"Stop trying to walk Taeyeon."I stopped walking.

"You are right. Let's go back."she said,pouting. 

I smiled and ruffled her hair.

"I will give you a free piggyback ride to your destination."I said and kneeled down.

"Are you sure?"she asked, looking down at me.

"Yep, get on."I said.

She got behind me and I lifted her up my back. I held onto her thighs and said, "Grab my shoulders."

She did what I said and I started walking.

"Your back feels comfortable."she whispered. I just smiled.

When her arms wrapped around my shoulders and her hands dropped in front of my chest, it caught me off guard, but I remained compose and didn't show any reaction.

I could feel my heart beating beside her hands. 

My heart is beating...

For her.

"Let's sit there."her voice broke into my thoughts. My eyes followed the direction she is pointing and walked towards the place I was told.

I put her down gently and sat down beside her, hugging my knees against my chest.

We sat in a comfortable silence and stared at the dark night sky in front of us. The horizontal line could be seen, splitting the sea and the sky. I think no one is here but us. I felt relieved that no one is here.

"You wanna hear a song?"she asked after a silent moment.

I nodded and turned my head to look at her.

She closed her eyes and started humming a familiar melody.

It's 11:11

The time when there's less than an hour left till the day ends

The time we laughed making our wishes

Everything reminds me of you

The cold wind as the end of your feelings for me

I stared at her as she sings with her eyes closed. Her voice sounds exactly like TY9.

When I open the window, there's all of you blowing towards me

When all this time passes,

Will this parting be over by then? Yeah

Will I get over you?

Everything goes to their own spots

And you left taking my everything

My heart goes around in circle

Like the hands of a clock

Na na na na na na na

na na na na na na oh

Na na na na na na na na

I believe I will be over you

She opened her eyes and caught me staring at her, I quickly looked away.

She stopped singing and asked "What do you think about this song?Does it sound sad?"

"You didn't finish the song."I said.

"I forgot the lyrics."she said.

"You are TY9. Tae-yeon 9."I said.

She widened her eyes, surprised that I know about that.

"You listen to my cover songs?"she asked.

I nodded.

"I didn't know that you listen to music. I mean sad love songs. Because I usually cover sad ballads."she said.

"Surprise!"I joked,faking an obviously fake enthusiasm.

She chuckled and asked, "You get what the song is saying?"

"It's about a couple breaking up."I said.

"Yeah...that sounds very sad."she heaved a sigh.

"Out of all the happy songs out there,why did you sing this?"I asked.

"Cause...I just feel like it."she said,avoiding my eyes.

"You have to tell me what is bothering you. After that accident, you looked depressed."I said. I am seriously worried for her. It feels suffocating to not know what she is thinking and the thought about her suffering by herself and me doing nothing, makes me even more frustrated.

"You know that I will tell you if there is something wrong, a person can't be happy for 24/7. So I am just feeling down for no reason."she said.

"I hope so."I mumbled.


A/N: Hey guys, one of my friends on watt pad told me that my Baekyeon fanfic "Her Voice", has achieved 106k reads,most reads among my fanfics. Thank you so much everyone, for reading any of my fanfics. I wouldn't have done it without any of you. Kamsahamida!!!

Remember when Baekhyun ignore Taeyeon and treat her like any other stranger? Now look at them, they have come this far!

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