You know you're an equestrian...

By equestriantori

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Ways to tell if your a true equestrian.. More

#1 talking
#2 School Projects
#3 Social Media
#4 Rants
#5 Money
#6 Your Room
#7 Books
#8 Photo Album
#9 clothes
#11 When you see a horse
#12 Nicknames
#13 Art
#14 Breeds
#15 Not Riding
#16 Cancelled Lessons
#17 Ribbons
#18 Smell
#19 Dirty
Q & A!!
#20 Youtube
#21 Gifts
#22 School
#23 Shows
#24 Bikes
Quick Update!

#10 Eq

769 42 10
By equestriantori

You know you're an equestrian when...

You compare photos/videos of you riding back then to now and you see a HUGE difference in your eq!

I love making transformation edits because I love seeing how I grow in my riding at every lesson!

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