Away From You

By langealicious

18.5K 1.2K 370

Trying something new, enjoy. More

Stupid Woman
Stupid Love
When He Was Young
Teenage Nightmare
Booty Call
I Take You As You Are
Teenage Boy
Doctor Huston
I Saw Him
Can I Ask
Nothing Can Go Wrong Pt.1
Nothing Can Go Wrong P.2
Best Gift Ever
First Date
Call Me Mom
What You Deserve
Stranger Danger
Away From You
Grandpa Al
Grandpa Al p.2
It's Beautiful
I Remember
One Day
Same Mistake
A Drink Or Two
I Failed Him
Wanna Dance?
New Beginning's
I love you mom
The Plan
On Edge
I'm Okay
Not Forever
First Day
Make The Most Of It
Never Let You Go
Try Again
Little Fish
The 12 Week Rule
You Can't Be!
Baby Huston
Super Mom
Super Mom p.2
Little Butterfly
Tough Love
Kisses For My Baby Girl
Little Lowie's Room
We Both Know
A Good Chance
Camera Shy
I'm His Mother
One Last Time
You Chose Us
The Lady At Work
Kangaroo Care
One Last Try
I Missed Home
Talk To Me
Birthday Surprise
Do Your Time
He's The One
My Boys
Anger and Forgiveness
Hardest Goodbye Yet
First Halloween
Missed Flight
Sudden Death
I Won't Say Goodbye
I Need Answers
Home Alone
He Can't Know
You're So Strong
Little Gifts
I Have Answers
Nightmare Or Dream
Itty Bitty Baby
Always Need You

Losing You

213 13 6
By langealicious

It was the day after Christmas. The boys were on there way to the ski resort. Jessica had contacted her lawyer and made sure that there was a new restraining order set. She was sacred he would come back so she went out and bought more locks for the door. When she got to work she was very quite.
Jessica was sitting at the front desk alone when Danny came behind her.
"Hey!" He says putting his hands on her shoulders. Jessica jumps up.
"You scared me. Hi."
"You okay? You look a bit flustered?"
"Just peachy. How was your Christmas?"
"It was wonderful. Emily is on a plane to Maine to go see her mothers parents, that's why I am late today."
"Oh, is she flying alone?"
"No, her cousin is with her. She is 23." Danny pulls up a chair and looks at Jessica. "I bet you had a great Christmas? You only deserve it."
"Yes, I was very nice."
"Did your son like the truck?"
"He loved it. Thanks for helping me pick out the right one."
"No problem. But something is bothering you, tell me."
Jessica looks at him, he sincerely looked concerned. Jessica looked around to make sure no one was around.
"Robert came to the house last night. The restraining order was up. Dumb me I didn't make it long enough."
"Oh shit, how did it go? Did he do anything?"
"He talked, said he was going to rehab to get us back."
"He knows he can't have you back though, right?" Danny says.
"Haha, I made it clear. But I am just nervous being in the house alone."
"Well, if you want, I can stay with you. I will sleep on a couch." Danny smiles taking Jessica's hand. Her heart started to beat fast.
Thank goodness he offered. But am I leading him on letting him stay? Or is he doing it in a friendly way. I really like him. What am I thinking, I just got a divorce, I shouldn't have another man at my house. But, we are just friends. He is a friend helping out.
"Okay! If you don't mind."
"Not at all, I will swing by around 5."

After work Danny came over.

"Hello!" He says walking in with a duffel bag and wine.
"Nice, wine." Jessica says laughing.
"Well, I thought you might like some kind of alcohol. That's what sleepovers are like, right?" He laughs.
"I have turkey in the oven! It should be ready soon." Jessica takes his bags and sets the down, she goes to open the wine bottle.
"I am a vegan." He says
"What? Oh god! I didn't know." She says sadly
"I am just kidding."
"Darn you, I felt so bad!" Danny walks up to Jessica and pulls out two wine glasses. He looks at her and smiles.
"You are beautiful." He says handing her a glass of wine. Jessica smiles.
"Thank you."
"So what do people do at sleepovers?" He says walking into the living room.
"They talk. A lot." Jessica giggled, following him.
Jessica sat next to him on he couch crossing her legs and moving her body towards him.
"Okay I will start off the talking, what's your favorite animal?"
"That's a hard one, maybe a dog. I love the little golden retrievers. I always wanted one!"
"Haha, why didn't you get one."
"Robert was allergic." Jessica rolled her eyes and took a sip of wine.
"So?" Danny laughed.
"Okay, my turn. Best day of your life?"
"The day Emily was born, April 5th."
"I have to say my boys birthdays too."
"What was the day that scared you the most?"
"The day I found out I was pregnant."
"Really?" Danny says sipping his wine.
"Yep. I was 18 and so scared to tell my parents."
"Wow, I didn't know you were a-"
"Teen mom? Yea."
"Nothing to be ashamed of. I have a lot of respect for you."
"Thank you, I appreciate it.
What's your worst fear?" Jessica changed the subject.
"Losing you." Danny says softly.
"Losing me? Come on I am being serious."
"I am too."
"What do you mean by 'losing you'?" Jessica puts down her wine.
"I don't want to lose my shot with you. I really like you."
"Sorry, is it too soon? Too much?"
"Um- do you smell that?"
"Yea, is something burning?" They both look at each other.
"The fucking turkey!" Jessica quickly runs over and opens the oven. Smoke was everywhere.
"Oh no, I burnt it!"
"Here, I will take it out. Don't worry."
Danny puts on gloves and pulls out the turkey. It was so hot he threw it into the sink.
"Damn!" Jessica says putting her head down.
"Don't worry. We can order pizza." Danny pulls out his phone and calls a pizza place. They both couldn't help but laugh.
For the rest of the night they sat and ate pizza talking and laughing. Danny kisses Jessica a few times, but nothing more. Danny treated Jessica with so much respect and love. She wasn't used to it. It felt weird to her, just getting a divorce.
Danny leans in and goes for more than a kiss, grabbing her thy. Jessica let's him for a moment than pulls away.
"I am a whore, aren't I?" Danny sits up.
"What?" Danny looks at her confused.
"It's only been a few months since I left him, now I am making out with you on my couch."
"No, you aren't a whore Jessica, you are far different."
"Are you sure?"
"I am positive. If you want me to stop I will."
"Can we take a break?"
"Of course. Are you tired?"
"Very." She says
"We went through that whole bottle of wine and pizza." Danny laughs.
"Do you want me to bring out blankets?"
"Sure. Are you gonna go to bed?"
"If you don't mind."
"No, you need your rest, and we have work tomorrow."
"That's right!" Jessica says going into the hall closet to get blankets.
"We can car pool."
"Sounds good, thanks for a great night."

A few hours later Jessica comes into the living room. Danny was still awake. He sits up and looks at her.
"Are you okay?"
"Is it crazy of me to ask you to share a bed with me? No sex, no anything. I just want you to hold me." Jessica softly says.
"Yea, sure. No sex, I promise."
"Okay." Jessica smiles.
They fall asleep in each other's arms. For three nights they sleep order take out, watch movies in Jessica's room, wake up for work, than repeat until the boys came home.

Comment thoughts! I am really liking how this story is going. :)

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