Claimed ~ Justin Bieber

By JustinsAvenger

23.8M 449K 457K

"It is better to be feared than loved" Fanfiction #4 Teen Fiction #13 Copyright Β© 2013, JustinsAvenger More

Claimed ~ Justin Bieber
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
New Story
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Answers To Your Questions
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four
Chapter Sixty-Five
Chapter Sixty-Six
Chapter Sixty-Seven
Chapter Sixty-Eight
Chapter Sixty-Nine
Chapter Seventy

Chapter Twenty-Three

417K 6.2K 5.9K
By JustinsAvenger

Songs for this chapter are:

Recovery - Justin Bieber

Hold On, We're Going Home - Drake


Brooke's POV

My breathing got heavier, and I started shaking in Justin's arms.

They were in the house.

"Baby, calm down. They could just be saying that to scare us." Justin cooed, bouncing his knee up and down.

"No! They- they know about the chandelier, they, they're here Justin." I sobbed. He sighed, and pulled me back towards him. His plump lips settled right below my ear as he whispered comforting words.

"It's okay. We're safe kitten, I promise."  I trusted his words, but my body didn't listen to my mind.  I jumped when we heard a crash from downstairs, and buried my head into Justin's chest. Brandon and Justin shared a look, before Brandon stood up.

"Justin you've got my back?" Justin nodded and tried to ease my body off his lap.

"I'll be riiiight back." He coaxed, carrying out the 'I'.

I just nodded and huddled in the corner, my knees in my chest. Jamie and Kiera were on either side of me. Kiera was crying, while Jamie looked scared - but she didn't cry. Brandon kissed Jamie tenderly and then they both left the closest. I quickly locked the door, and prayed for the best.

Justin's POV

I reluctantly left the closest with Brandon, I really didn't want to leave Brooke in there with out me. However, I can't risk them seeing her.

We slowly traveled down the stairs, my gun was securely strapped to my hip, while Brandon held is out at chest level.

"Come on out!" I yelled into the darkness. Brandon stood on my left, his gun scanning the area. Heels clacked against my hard wood floor, before an outline of a body was showed.

"Bieber! What a pleasure it is." The man's voice was rough, almost as though he hasn't used it in a while.

"Say who you are or I won't hesitate to shoot you." I warned. The man laughed loudly, stepping into the light.

"Always have to threaten people don't you?" He chuckled.

"Shaun." I spat. Shaun was the leader of the East Side.

"Where did we go wrong, Bieber? We could have been the most powerful alliance in history!" He bellowed. My lip raised in a snarl, and Brandon aimed the gun straight at Shaun.  It was true, the East and West were the two main gangs in New York, together, we would be unstoppable. 

"That is until your greedy ass wanted to lead the whole gang!" I growled. Shaun narrowed his eyes at me, baring his teeth.

"We all know I would've been the best leader." He said. "And now I hear you've become a softie with this bitch you call a claim?"

"I'm pretty sure you loved your claim too, so I wouldn't be fucking talking Shaun." I spat. His eyes went dark and his whole body started to shake.

"Do not speak of her!" He barked. I smiled, weak spot here I come.

"Well look at this, who's the softie now?" I smirked. Shaun lunged, but I immediately pulled out my gun, pouting it at his face.

"Who else is in my house Shaun?" I snarled. He gulped, backing away from me.

"It's just me."

"I don't believe you!" I yelled angrily.

"It's the truth!" He screamed. I glared at him, but he wouldn't back out. I sighed, shaking my head.

"Why would you come here alone, Gordon?"

"Well I'm not here for you that's for sure." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"We're here for her." He smirked.

"What do you mean-"

An ear piercing scream was heard from upstairs and my eyes widened. I was about to race up the stairs when a boy cut in front of me, a gun pointed straight at me. I looked behind, and we were surrounded.

"Always a clueless idiot, aren't you Bieber?" He chuckled. My nostrils flared, and I held my gun firmly in my hands. I quickly put two fingers in my mouth, letting out a whistle.

Shaun's eyes widened as my dogs came running in, baring their teeth and growling. Brandon was the first to swing, turning on the guy to his right. My dogs all took on one, and that left me with Shaun.

We circled around each other, me still holding my only weapon.

"Why are you doing this?" I snarled.

"You fucking know why." He hissed. I rolled my eyes, lowering my gun.

"I didn't kill her! When will you ever believe me?! You don't know Jack shit about what happened to her!" I yelled.

"I saw her dead body lying at your feet!" He cried.

"I didn't kill her! She came running out of your apartment crying and someone shot her! I was coming to discuss the gang with you and all I fucking see is her lifeless body!"

"I loved her and you knew that!" He screamed, lunging at me. He pinned me to the floor, his body on top of mine.

"And trust me, Brooke will hurt much more than Emily every did." He growled, slamming his fist into my nose. Blood gushed out of it, but I couldn't care less.

"What the fuck are you doing to her!" I screamed, throwing his body to the ground. I sprinted up the stairs and knocked the door of my bedroom down. Anger washed over me and this time, there was certainly no stopping it.

Brooke's body was pinned against the wall, as a man's hand mad contact with her cheek. Half of her face was already bleeding, and she was shaking in fear.

I stormed over to the guy, ripping his body off of hers and throwing him to the ground. He yelled in fear, and from that minute I knew he wasn't a trained fighter. My lips curled into a wicked grin, this was going to be more fun than I thought.

My foot came crashing down on his face before I leaped on him, smashing his head on the floor with all my strength. My fist cut up, his jaw snapping at the contact. He screamed, squirming underneath me. Tears leaked down his face, I took that opportunity to slam my feet into his stomach. I quickly rolled off of him as he coughed up blood, spitting it on the floor.

Shaun rushed into the room, viewing what had happened.

"Come anywhere near her again-" I threatened, but he cut me off.

"Hurts seeing the one you love it pain, doesn't it?" He whispered. I nodded meekly, and gazed up at him.  Suddenly, he lost all of his anger.  He looked sad, lost even.

"Shaun, I know how much it would hurt. That's why I would never kill Emily." I replied. He closed his eyes and sucked in a breath. I never would kill another man's claim, unless they did something disgustingly ruthless, however, Shaun never had.

"I just, I just want to find whoever did and make them suffer." He told me and I nodded. If anyone ever hurt Brooke I'd make sure they would not live to see the light of day.

I gritted my teeth together, this was risky, but it had to be said.

"We can help you find who ever killed her." I offered. His eyes widened, an he frowned deeply.  I already knew who killed Emily, but I couldn't tell Shaun, just yet, anyway.


"I know how it feels, since I finally have somebody I love now." I murmured. Shaun smiled, patting my shoulder.  It annoyed me how the conversation had turn more sappy, but I guess I needed to learn how to forgive and forget.

"I knew you needed somebody. She fills that empty spot eh?" Shaun chuckled. I shook my head smiling.  "Are we cool?"

"I suppose,"  I mumbled emotionlessly.

I quickly turned to Brooke and kneeled beside her. I caressed her delicate face in my rough hands. Tears were streaming down her cheeks, mixing in with the blood. Her beautiful blue eyes were filled with fear and I felt my heart drop.

"Kitten I'm so sorry." I whispered. She shied away from my touch, still crying.

"No, no it's me, Justin. I'm not going to hurt you." I cooed, trying to pull her in for a hug. She swatted my hands away, putting her face in between her knees.

"This is your fault." She sobbed. My heart fell to the floor, the tears finding it's way into my eyes. My fault?  "You- you just left! You didn't save me!" She cried. I desperately tried to make contact with her but she just shoved me away.

"Baby, please." I begged. She muttered a 'just leave me alone' so I complied, standing up to find Brandon. I wiped the bottom of my eyes where the stray tears had fallen, walking down the hard wood stairs.  There wasn't anything I could've done to protect her, I can't be in two places at once.  I decided to give her a few moments alone, just to calm down.

"Brandon?" I called. I turned the corner into the kitchen and saw Jamie and him embracing. I'm not gonna lie, it hurt like fuck to see them. However, Jamie wasn't hurt, only Brooke was.

He pulled away and sent me a smile and a knowing look.  "We'll be heading now." He assured. I sadly nodded before moping back up the stairs.

Brooke was still curled up in the corner, her body shaking.

"Baby please. It's me, Justin. I won't hurt you." I coaxed, and her head lightly lifted up. Her cheeks were bright pink and her lips were swollen.  The only thing on my mind right now was Brooke.

"I- I'm in so much pain." She whimpered.

"I'll get you fixed up." I sighed, gently picking her up in my arms. She squirmed in my grip, but I held onto her tightly and walked into the bathroom. I put her on the sink and got out the anti-bacterial rubs and a few bandages.

"This may sting, okay kitten?"

She didn't even nod, she just sat there staring at her hands. I gulped down that awful lump in my throat and began to lightly apply the cream to her face. She didn't flinch once, she was just staring off into space.

"Brooke, I'm hurting too, okay? They tricked me. I didn't know they were going upstairs." I whispered sadly. Her beautiful eyes flickered to mine for a mere second, before she started crying again.

"He- he touched me."

Everything around me seemed to freeze. My body was already going rigid, but I tried to keep it sane, for Brooke's sake.  The words Brooke spoke were words I never wanted to hear.  They sent me into a murderously dangerous feeling.

"He did what?" I growled. So much for being calm.  I couldn't even see Brooke anymore, the only thing in my line of sight was black and red blotches.

She just shook her head, sobbing. I was about to run downstairs and out of the house to find that mother fucker but Brooke desperately clung onto my shirt, still crying.

"Don't leave me again." She whimpered.  I relaxed at her touch, her tears turning me soft and heartbroken.

I frowned, why would Shaun order his guy to touch Brooke? Emily was never raped, how fucking dare he?  "Did he just touch you or did he rape you?" I clenched my eyes shut, waiting for the answer. I swear, if the r-word came out of her mouth, I would kill Shaun, and the fucker he had to drag out of here.

"He only touched me." She whispered.

Images of talking to Shaun flashed through my mind. I remembered him placing his hand on the end of our bed. My eyes widened and I raced into the bedroom, ducking down and examining the bed.


Tick, tick, tick, tick.

Shaun completely lied to my face, he put a bomb in my house. I quickly ripped the device off the bed, cutting the wires. I puffed out a relieved breath.

Shaun fucking lied to my face.  I repeated this line over and over, my teeth grinding together in complete rage.

I snarled, before walking into the bathroom and carrying Brooke back onto my bed. I gently kissed her cheeks and forehead before tucking her in.

I walked down the stairs logging into my computer and sending out a message to the gang that there will be a meeting tomorrow. I didn't know if I would attend, but they all at least needed to discuss game plan.

I logged off and rushed back up the stairs, huddling into bed with Brooke. When my arms wrapped around her she gasped, out stretching her arms to try to push me away.

"Sh, kitten it's me." I murmured. I pulled her into my chest nuzzling my nose into her hair. She whimpered slightly, clutching my t-shirt.

"I love you baby." I whispered into her hair. She drifted off into a peaceful sleep, while mine was filled with images of Brooke's beautiful face covered in blood.



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