Superflash vs Zoom (continued...

By IveYeedMyLastHaw

34.7K 779 1.3K

'You are so going down, Zoloman.' More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Why i dont update...

Part 9

1.7K 40 2
By IveYeedMyLastHaw

Barry couldn't take it any longer. The grieving, the sadness, the hatred he had for Zoom. It could all go away within seconds. All he had to do was run. So he did. He ran. Back to that night; his mother's death. To save her. Which he did successfully. Then he travelled back to his time to see what damage it had caused.

Iris barely knew him, Joe didn't like him, He wasn't the Flash, and STAR Labs was RAMON Industries. But he got his parents back, which made him excited, right? He wasn't quite sure how to feel about it. But the one person he really needed right now wasn't there. She would be the only person who could know how to help figure out how he's really feeling about this, and she's gone, all because of him. At least, that's what he thought.

Really she was looking for him, in Central City, she needed his help. Joe said he didn't know where Barry would be on a Saturday meaning he hopefully still worked at the CCPD. She could just wait till Monday, but she watched Caitlin, her best friend, disappear right before her eyes. And Cisco was a prissy businessman who didn't even try to help her.

Kara was walking around Central City for the fiftieth time that week although this time it was dark outside. She was currently walking towards Jitters when she saw a flash of red lightning go by with yellow following it, so she decided to follow. She was following for what seemed like forever but when they stopped in front of some sort of factory she realized, it wasn't Barry. It was some kid in a yellow suit. And the villain looked like a cheesy Halloween costume knockoff of Zoom. She hid behind a big storage crate quietly watching the fight. The hero was losing trying to catch the villain's pattern but losing it every time he almost got it. Kara was watching debating whether she should go into help, when she felt another gust of wind go past her. She saw The Flash, Her Flash helping him. He was winning for the majority of the fight until one wrong move he made and both the heroes were losing.

She contemplated going in, and decided that she was when she saw the villain stab the kid in yellow while he was down. He turned towards Barry who was still on the ground. He started to vibrate his hand and went towards Barry. Kara sped in front of the villain and punched him a few times. Leaving Barry confused. Where did she come from? He asked himself. The villain started vibrating his hand again and, before anyone could even blink, stabbed it into her stomach... it missed her heart so she was sure to live but it still hurt like hell.

She felt her knees go weak and her feet get swept up from underneath her. "Kara!" She heard Barry exclaim, but it was all fuzzy. And before she knew it, she was out.

Barry caught Kara before she fell to the ground. He looked at her almost feeling like he had to cry, he just lost his father, he can't lose Kara too. Well technically he lost his father, until he ran back in time and saved both his parents from dying but he still watched. He lightly set her down on the ground and looked up at the villain. "Why would you do this?" He asked.

The villain chuckled menacingly, "Because, I'm the Rival. That's what I do," he said and pointed to the limp Kara.

That's what I do, Kara may be pretty much unconscious but she heard it. It kept echoing in her mind ever since Zoom said it... and it made her think. Things may have changed here but Zoom is still out there. Sure he's trapped in one of his own cells, but knowing him, it probably wasn't gonna last forever. Which is why they need to figure this out quick.

Barry took out Rival out of adrenaline. He picked Kara up bridal style, "Kara, can you hear me? C'mon say something."

Kara felt herself being picked up. She couldn't move much due to pain. She put a hand over the wound that wasn't healing very quickly, and coughed a few times, "Ow." She said and her eyes fluttered open.

"I thought I lost you," He whispered.

"No... I promised you I'd see you again, this guy isn't gonna change that," she said and felt the wound close.

He smiled at her when he noticed she was feeling better, and set her down, "I'm sure this isn't how you planned on being greeted when you came back though."

"No, but I like saving your ass. It's kinda fun," she said.

"But didn't I just save your's?" Barry asked.

"Lets just say, we saved each other because he was gonna kill you while you were down, I distracted him from doing that, he stuck his hand through my stomach, you took him out," She explained.

He chuckled, "I missed you."

"I missed you too," Kara said.

"Ugh, what happened?" They heard another voice say. When they looked in that direction and saw Wally on his feet rubbing his forehead. He looked at the Rival who was still passed out on the ground, then he looked at Barry. "Wha-what's going on?"

"Supergirl here, saved both of us," Barry smiled at her.

She blushed, "didn't we just establish that you saved me too?"

"Yes, but if you hadn't saved me, I wouldn't have been able to save you," He said,

"Wait, wait, wait who is Supergirl?"

"I am. Kara Danvers, nice to meet you," Kara held her hand out for him to shake. He ignored it and stared at her, "Okay." She said as she put her hand down.

"You work with my sister?" It was more of a question, but Wally had to ask, he thought he had heard that name before.

"Who's your sister?"

"No one," Wally snapped.

"Wally, I told you, she's trustable," Barry said.

"No, it's fine, Bear I get it," she shook it off.

"Wait is she from that other timeline too?" Wally asked.

"Uhh-" Barry stuttered.

"Other timeline?" Kara inquired turning towards Barry.

"Heh, well," he said.


"Okay, I maybe, sort of, went back in time to save my mom from dying, therefore saving my dad, but I accidentally changed everything, for instance I'm not the Flash," he explained quickly.

"So you changed basically everything?" She said.

"I wouldn't say everything, just Central City, really," he added.

She then got a bad thought, "Does it effect other Earths?"

"No, why?" He asked.

"Because, I had Zoom locked up with his weakness. He's pretty much gone," She said.

"You locked up Zoom?" Barry tried to contemplate what Kara had just said.


"Wha?" He mumbled to himself.

There was an awkward silence for a few minutes until Wally broke it, "Who's Zoom?"

Hey look I updated!

As you have read, Barry is kind of having mixed feelings about Zoom being locked up by Kara.

Maybe he wanted to beat Zoom himself, or maybe he's just really shocked.

You'll see

Okay I have homework that I haven't even done yet.

Bye Zorallen Friends!

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