Just Another Games....

By X_Tibbit_X

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Peeta Mellark has won the 74th Annual Hunger Games. And he has set his sights on Katniss. But what will happe... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chaper Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty Two

Chapter Sixteen

29 1 0
By X_Tibbit_X

I am sitting in a hovercraft with Cinna, the events of last night flashing through my head. After Peeta dumped me, I collapsed on the floor. I don't know how long I lay there and cried, but I woke up that morning to Haymitch banging on my door. He dragged me to breakfast, where I never looked up once, no matter what was said to me. Not that much was said. No one really wanted to talk. Not even Peeta. Effie, as dumb as she is, seemed to understand and kept quiet.

We then got in a hovercraft where we would be lifted to the arena with our stylists so they could help us get ready for the arena. Mainly they just help you into your Tribute outfit and if needed, do your hair. We all were riding in a hovercraft together, and I was stuck in between Peeta and Gale. The tributes on one side, the stylists on the other. A lady comes around and puts a tracker in our arm. So they can find us in the arena.

Haymitch and Effie had to stay at the training center. The goodbyes weren't all that sad, but Effie was bawling. On the hovercraft Peeta said she was like that last year too.

Gale's stylist, some lady that looks like a huge orange, blurts out after we get our trackers, "So is what Gale said true?" Her voice is as high and squeaky as a mouse.

I glance over at Peeta. His eyes ask a question. I move my shoulders up slightly, just enough for Peeta to get the message. He can decide. "It was. Last night I decided to call it off though. I didn't want to go into  the arena like that, and some of the stuff Gale said helped me realize something."

The chick is on the edge of her seat. Cinna is sitting there looking intrigued.  Peeta's stylist is hiding her curiosity a bit more. She is still hanging onto every last word though. "I don't want to bad mouth Katniss or anything, but I think it was just moving to fast. I know that going back into the arena helped, but I honestly don't think we are going to make it out. If Katniss wasn't reaped, I would have made a bigger effort to win again, but I know even if she stayed home this wasn't going to go anywhere."

Gale leans over and whispers, "Is this true? Or is he just saying that?" I shrug. "Katniss, if you don't want to go into this alone.." He trails off and looks up. His stylist is practically touching her orange head to ours, trying to hear what Gale is saying.

One look from him and she backs off, fast. He looks at me again, waiting patiently. It would be awesome if I had my hunting partner by my side, but what would happen when it was time to split? Or what if something happened where it was suddenly just us?

I look at him and say whatever. "Okay. Then I won't try to meet up with you but if we cross paths, well I guess that all depends." We already said our goodbyes, so I think I am going into this alone.

When we stand up to get off, I whisper thank you. Peeta gives a curt nod and walks off. Gale pats my back and says, "May the odds-"

"-Be ever in your favor." I finish for him. We don't say in our silly Capitol accents though. It isn't fun to mock people when they are right there already giving you weird looks.

We got off the hovercraft and I followed Cinna, surrounded by Peacekeepers, into a small grey building. We go down some stairs and we go twisting and turning to a room with a 12 on it. Inside, is a concrete room with a clear tube in the corner, and a rack with my jump suit and shoes on it. After slipping it on, Cinna explained to me that it was a simple thin jump suit and trekking shoes. "The suit shouldn't protect from much, and the shoes are water resistant, so expect a lot of water."

He braids my hair and attaches my Mockingjay pin onto my sleeve. "I thought you might want it. Good luck Katniss. If I could bet, I would bet on you." I smile a sad smile, and someone announces I have ten seconds left. I go over and stand in the tube. The door slides shut behind me, but I can still see Cinna.

The platform starts to rise, and I wave at Cinna. I am in darkness for a few seconds, before the sun hits my face. I blink rapidly and look around. The cornucopia and all the tributes are standing on a sand island. I don't see Peeta, Gale, or Johanna. Next to me are a few kids that can't be older then 15.  A quarter mile behind me is water. I can see another island to my left, and one to my right.

There is 15 seconds left. I take a quick inventory and see there is a bow and a quiver of arrows sitting in the mouth of the cornucopia. I position my feet, and get ready to run. I am a pretty fast sprinter, so I should be able to get to the stuff and load my bow in time.






Let the 75th Annual Hunger Games, begin.

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