Player's Mistake (Book 2) EDI...

By lMurmur

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If you didn't read Players Need Love Too this book will NOT make sense to you. This is book two. EVERYONE Th... More

Player's Mistake (Book 2)
Birthday Partyy
Forgiveness leading to Pain.
Prayer of Mindd.
Trust && Believe
Why you Thug me like Dat?
My boooo <3
Author's note.
Loving you all over.
Feelings that never left.
Together? Forever?
Love. Love. Love.
Dre? or DJ?
Beat the life out of me.
You keep pullin' me back.
Love Confusion.
Lovin' You Hurts
Second Chances.
When your past comes back.
Note .
Message Message Message
Introducing my new book !

Black Lincoln.

982 33 0
By lMurmur

Qua P.O.V

This little relationship thing with me and Dj feels so right! It's like the little things he does makes me feel some type of way. He comes by everyday to take me to work, to pick me up, and stays over most of the time. You mind as well say he's moved in.

"Qua why you don't wanna come live with me?" He asked as we laid in my bed with my feet on his back while he did whatever he was doing on his phone.

"Because, I just moved into this place. I love it, it says me all over." I answered him and continued to flick through the channels on TV. It's Tuesday so Bad Girls Club should be coming on soon. It's 8:43 and I just got home not too long ago.

"iight. What if I moved here?" He questioned sitting up and staring at me.

I stared at him and blinked twice. Was he serious? "Dj I think that's cute and all, but ion need your baby mama figuring out where I stay and coming here ruining what I got going on. Plus I think it's better if we have space between us. It gives us time to take things slowly. Maybe in a few weeks or so."

"True. I guess i'll continue doing what i've been doing." He says coming closer to me and pecking my lips, and getting on top of me, letting his hands hold him up. "You so beautiful" He spoke while looking in my eyes. I blushed and tried to turn over before he stopped me. "It feels good to know I can still make you blush. Don't try to turn ma."

I giggled. "Stop Dj! You making me feel some type of way." I laughed and got from under him. It was times like this that made me love being around him.

"iight, fair enough." he said laying on his back on his regular side of the bed. "Come lay down with me bae."

"Hold on." I said wrapping my hair up and putting my scarf on. I couldn't afford to be doing my hair in the morning when I know I have to be to work on time. When I was finished, I went to turn off the bedroom light before Dj stopped me.

"Wait let me go do the normal check." He got up and went to the front and back door, making sure all my doors was locked, including the windows, and turned off all the lights. Moments later he returned, turning off the bedroom light and climbing in bed with me. Finally he turned off the tv and cuddled in with me. His arm was wrapped around my waist while I was turned on my side. I slid my leg on top of his, because this was the only way I could sleep. "Damn Qua." He blurted out causing me to laugh.

*********NEXT DAY********

"Remember I can't pick you up later. I gotta go to the doctor's appointment with Janine." Dj reminded me. I sighed and nodded my head before attempting to get out his car. He stopped me , "no kiss?"

I turned and got back in the car to peck his lips. I was a bit irritated with the fact he's already choosing her over me. Self fish right? I know, but who likes sharing?

I walked right in to do my normal job. Mandy, Alyssa, and two other workers were already here. It's 8:00 in the morning, so I really didn't have to work hard.

"Good morning everyone." I waved and headed to the back with Alyssa hot on my heels.

"I see you back talking to Dj huh?" She asked leaning against my locker.

I glanced at her. Why is she always in my business? I played off what I was really thinking with a smile and nodded.

"Congrats. I see you happy I guess." She smiled and walked off.

I shrugged and continued to put my things in my work locker. When I was finished, I got to my normal morning duties. I went to get the boxes that was new from shipment, and started stacking the new inventory on the shelves. Today we opened at 9. So just when I was finishing up the last box, Mandy went to cut the music on, and unlocked the doors.

Moments later customers started piling. Since I wasn't cashier for today, I went to the back to shoot Demar a text asking if he could pick me up and take me home. He told me that he'll be busy, but if he could get out of it, he would.

I just shook my head. I guess i'll be riding the bus today. My next mission will definitely be getting me a car.

"Quanae!!! We have customers." Mandy yelled in the back where I was.

I groaned. "Here I come." I answered putting my phone back in my bra, and going back in the front. She was right, we had plenty customers. I started walking around talking to random people. "Hi are you find everything okay?"

"Mhm." A skinny black girl mumbled with a slight attitude. She was with three other girls, and they all snickered.

I rolled my eyes, I definitely ain't got time for that today, so I moved on. Next was an older white lady. She was looking to buy fragrance. I helped her out with her things, which took longer than I attended, but I got it done.


It's five o clock and i'm so ready to go home. I yawned while putting on my jacket, and getting my purse. I said bye to everyone, and started my stroll down to Creaks Ave to get to my first bus. It takes two buses to get to my house from here and it's already dark. I waited on the bus stop with a couple other people, while listening to my music. Moments later the bus pulled up. I dropped my 2.50 in the little box thing, got my free admission, and sat down in the front.

I'm a shy person, so i'd rather sit in the front where I can sit and leave without having to pass anyone. I continued minding my own business until a group of dudes got on the bus. My music was blasting in my ear but I just knew they were talking about me.

The choose to sit by me which made me tense up a bit.

"Wassup little mama." The white boy says. He took my earphones out my ear so I could hear him talk to me.

It kind of pissed me off because I didn't know him and he choose to touch me.

I picked my earphones up, and rolled my eyes. "Not interested" and I shoved my earphones back in. He waved his hand dismissively and went to the back of the bus.

I guess his buddies didn't get the clue. The next one to bother me was a tall dread head. His dreads was about shoulder length, chocolate skinned, and a nice body structure. He wasn't fat, he wasn't skinny, he was a small buff. It was nice on him.

He politely tapped my shoulder. I sighed and removed my earphones. "Sorry to bother you but you dropped this." He says handing me some carmex.

How stupid was that? I can tell he was nervous. I just smiled, "Thank you, but that's not mines. By the way, when you trying to talk to a girl, try not to be so nervous." and with that , I put my head phones back in.

The next bus ride was smooth, and now I was walking home. When I got in front of my house I noticed an all black Lincoln. The head lights of the car was turned off, but I sort of noticed a body sitting in there watching me. After staring at it for awhile, they finally started the car up and pulled off.

At this point I was so scared, I rushed into my house and locked all the doors. I threw all my stuff down, and locked myself in my bedroom. I started thinking and contemplating, who I could have come over with me until Dj got done doing what he was doing.

Phone Conversation:

Lauren: Hey boo!

Me: Lala, can you please come over? I'm so scared.

Lauren: What happened?

Me: Just come over. Please?

Lauren: I'm on my way.

Phone Conversation Over:

And with that, she hung up. I just sat in my bed rocking back and fourth. I turned on the TV just in case I heard some noise. I texted Lauren to let her know, to tell me when she was outside.

About five minutes later, I heard noises coming from the living room. I panicked and ran inside the bathroom to lock that door. Lauren had just texted me and told me she was outside, but I told her I think someone is in here.

"QUANE?" I heard a familiar voice yell, and they started knocking on the door.

I got up to go to it. "Dj? Oh my God! I've missed you so much." I said jumping into his arms, and crying in his chest.

"What's wrong? What happened?" He asked.

When I was finally able to stop sniffing, I noticed Lauren in the room. I just wiped my eyes and began to tell them, I think someone's watching me. I told them about the black Lincoln and they both looked at me and laughed. "What the fuck is so funny?" I questioned, mugging the shit out of them.

"That could have been anybody. This is a neighborhood Qua. Just chill ma. Don't nobody want you but me." He said cupping me with his arm around my waist.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes. "Anyways, thanks for coming Lauren."

"You welcome. Dj, take me back home." She said while heading for the door.

"iight. Bae i'll be back." Dj says, bending down to my height to peck my lips. I pulled back before he can actually kiss me. He smack his lips , "What?"

"I know you not finna try to leave my ass here, after I just locked myself up in this damn room." I smacked my lips and rolled my eyes. I went to get my stuff out of the living room, and started putting on my shoes. "Let's go." I said walking out the door to his car.

They both were laughing and shaking their heads. But at this point, ion give a fuck. I ain't comfortable with staying nowhere by myself.

On the ride to Mrs. Jones house, Dj just blasted the music. I finally turned it down to start a conversation. "How was Janine's doctor's appointment?"

"Um. It was straight. The baby still healthy and what not. So yeah, it was iight." The way he was over talking, made it seem like something was up. I'm not going to trip though, because I know for sure he was at that doctor's appointment. "How was work?"

"Work was work. Nothing out of the ordinary happened today. Oh! Except Alyssa was all up in our business, asking was I finally back with you. Basically acting suspicious but whatever." I shrugged it off. I know Alyssa harmless.

"Oh iight." And with that it got back quiet. We finally pulled up in front of the house, to drop Lauren off. She said her goodbyes, and got out. We watched her into the house, and we pulled off.

"I changed my mind. I do want you to move in." I blurted out. I wasn't even sure if I really wanted that, I was just really scared about what happened today.

He looked over at me, then focused back on the road, then looked at me again. "Where this coming from?"

"I don't know. I put thought into it. You over everyday anyways. Plus it'll be good to have someone around the house." I said rubbing his arm.

"Nah. Ya ass just scared. Don't have me moving into this shit, then you be done kicked me out a month later. Real shit Qua." He said as we pulled on to the block where I lived.

"Okay bae! So you gonna move in?" I smiled and got all happy.

"Yea Qua. Sure." He waved me off dismissively. I mugged the fuck out of him. He looked at me, shook his head, and chuckled. I just shrugged. When we pulled up, I noticed the Lincoln wasn't there. Maybe Dj is right, maybe it was just a visitor from a different house.

When we went in the house, I decided to take a much needed shower. I wanted to take one when I got home from work, but I was too scared too. I went straight to m bedroom, took off my clothes, and took a shower.

Moments later DJ came in and joined me. He never really seen my body before so I was a bet shy. I hurried to cover up my front parts using my hands and my towel.

He chuckled. "Chill ma. You beautiful." He informed me, removing my hands and kissing my lips, then my chin, then my neck.

What he was doing felt so right, but also so wrong. I wanted to take things slowly so I know Dj wouldn't use me just for sex. I gave him the three week rule. Fuck three months, a girl always need some dick.

I pulled back and he stared into my eyes with confusion. "I can't. I'm not ready." I said shaking my head.

He sighed. "Qua, I know you know a virgin no more, so that i'm not ready shit ain't going to work. What's the real problem?" He asked while getting his towel, and his soap then began to wash up.

I shrugged, "I just don't want to think this relationship is just about sex. I wanna take things slow. And when I say slow, I mean slow."

"How the hell we gone take shit slow, if we finna be living together?" He questioned and got a little loud.

I jumped at his tone."Calm down Demontae. It's not that serious. I'm just saying, I want us to work. Don't be mad at me, I love you." I slowly tried to make my way up to his lips, afraid of if he'll pull away or not.

"I guess." He finished washing himself up a few more times, then got out. I repeated the process he just did, and followed him back into the bedroom to put on my pajama's. I grabbed one of his t shirts, and a pair of panties to sleep in. I tied my hair up and jumped in the bed with him.

"Night baby." I say before meeting his height and kissing his lips. After laying my head on his chest, I quickly doze off.


I don't know if it's really the fact that Qua is trying to take things slowly, or if she don't wanna fuck me. I mean come now. She gave her virginity to Dre. Who the fuck does that? Man whatever.

As far as the car being outside, I think she was just over exaggerating. I mean if they really wanted her, they had the perfect opportunity to take her. Right?

The next morning, Qua woke me up, doing our normal routine. I had to take her to work, so I threw on my Adidas sweat pants, my slides, the matching hoodie, and went to brush my teeth than wash my face. It ain't no since in showering, if I plan on coming back and going right back to sleep.

"Will you be able to pick me up from work today, or do you need to handle some more things with Lauren?" Qua asked like she was mad about me having to go to a late doctor's appointment with Lauren. I really didn't have to go with her, I really went to handle some business, but she ain't gotta know that.

"Nah. I got you." I responded, walking up behind her and wrapping my arms around her waist. I kissed on her neck while she applied lip gloss to her lips. Girls.

"Stop bae. I gotta go in a minute." She pushed me off of her, and headed out the room to the kitchen to get her some food.

"iight, since you ain't giving me none, I'll be going back to my house tonight." I said setting at her kitchen island while she whipped her up a quick breakfast.

She shot me the evil eyes. "After I had a scary moment yesterday, you just going to leave me because I ain't giving you no coochie?"

What she said shocked me, I wasn't trying to make it seem like that, "Nah. I mean since I give you everything you want, you should give me what I want." I shrugged, chewing on an apple I grabbed from her fruit bowl.

"Whatever Dj. Can we go now? She questioned as she gathered the rest of her things then walked towards the door. 

"I guess." I said getting up grabbing my keys and phone then heading out behind her. The car ride was silent. We just listened the whatever was on the radio. When we pulled up to her job she was just about to hop out. "Without my kiss though?" She sighed, turned around and pecked my lips. "That attitude gonna have to go. Make sure you leave that shit at work."

"Okay." She responded sarcastically and went into her job. I just shook my head and pulled off. That girl got problems.


One of the most boring chapters ever. I know. I was going to make it longer to add the drama, but I figured y'all was waiting for an update and I felt bad because it's kinda been awhile. But here you go. I'm trying HARD. I had finals this week plus a lot on my mind. Excuse the Mistakes, I will revise later(;

-Qua had to catch the bus home.

-Whose that in the black Lincoln?

-DJ wasn't at the doctor's with Qua. He lied.

-What's going to happen next? 

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