Achievement Unlocked- Achieve...

By BlackWolfDiamond

1.3K 17 0

Kimi and her friend Wy recently moved to Austin,Texas and managed to work with the Achievement Hunter crew. W... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Why is it completed!?
forgot to say

Chapter 13

44 0 0
By BlackWolfDiamond

Jack's PoV

All of us were at our desk but Kimi and Wy are a little late.

"What shall we do while we wait for them?" Michael asked

Geoff shrugged and then we heard drunk laughter approaching.

"That can't be good..." I said

We all turned to the door when the two drunk females walked in.

"Sup my bitttccchhhhheeesssssssss." Kimi said 

Wy laughed as she carried a bottle of vodka.

"Question how the fuck did you two get here?" Michael asked

"Uber. We may be drunk but at leaasstt we still have common sensee." Wy said

I looked to Ryan who already picked Kimi up. "Why would you drink early in the morning?"

"Ryebreeadd this was from last night. Wy and I were doing a drunk live streamm." Kimi said

"And did you two drink again this morning?" Ray asked

"Maybeeeeeeeeee" Wy laughed.

Geoff and I face palmed.  Gavin soon walked in carrying a crap ton of pizza boxes. 

"Um Gavin did you order those?" Jeremy asked

"No." he replied

"Aye the 50 pizzas we ordered arrived!" Wy said

"50!?!" Geoff and I semi-yell.

"YUS!" Kimi said

Ryan and Ray just had straight faces looking at their girlfriends.

"Well at least were good for lunch." Michael said

"Will you two even be able to record being this drunk?" Geoff asked

Just then we noticed the girls were missing.

"Ryan! Ray! go find your girlfriends!" I said face palming

The two ran out of the room.

" I swear those two girls like to cause trouble." Jeremy said

I nodded. Soon enough we heard drunk laughter and running making us peek out the room.

Ray's PoV

"Wy get back here!" I yelled running

"Kimi!!!" Ryan yelled

The two girls were running really fast and had duct tape in their hands. We stopped and tried to look for them and soon enough we somehow ended up taped to the walls.

"See ya nerds!" the two drunk girls laughed and ran off

The two of us managed to get free and started running with duct tape still on us. We ran past the guys who were just eating the pizzas.

"Did they seriously duct tape you?" Gavin asked

"Yes!" the two of us respond running to find the girls

We soon found the girls and Ryan just quickly ran and picked up Kimi, throwing her over his shoulder. I did the same with Wy and the two of us walked back to the room.

"We caught the girls." Ryan said

"That's good." Jeremy said taking a bite out of the pizza

We set the girls down on the couch and they quickly went for the pizza.

"Wait...are you two actually drunk?" Gavin asked

The two girls looked at each other and broke out laughing.

"Nope! We wanted to be asses today!" Kimi said with a grin while Wy was still laughing her ass off.

We all groaned while the two of them high-fived with pizza in their mouths.

"No wonder Geoff hired them. Those two are perfect with the crap they cause." I thought

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