To Love You

By CanYouBeMoreOcean

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This is about a not so popular girl who makes it through high-school becoming something big. (THIS BOOK IS FI... More

About Me!- Katie
About Me!- Brandon
Chapter 1: Nervous?
Chapter 2: Too Much Romance!
Chapter 3: Long/Small Texting Session
Chapter 4: Ain't No Cat-Fight
Chapter 5: That Feelin'
Chapter 6: Hospitals
Chapter 7: Brother Advice
Chapter 8: Younger Brother Advice
Chapter 9: Soccer Semi's!
Chapter 10: Fast Reaction Time
Chapter 11: Know you better
Chapter 12: Time to Party!
Chapter 13: Assessment? Ugh...
Chapter 14: Cheaters? Break-Ups? Too Much!
Chapter 15: First Rehearsal... Easy Peesy.
Chapter 16: Surprise!
Chapter 17: Meet the Family.
Chapter 18: It was an Honour
Chapter 19: Maccas Breakfast!
Chapter 20: Long Lost Sister
Chapter 21: You can sing!
Chapter 22: FINALS!
Chapter 23: Shopping Spree
Chapter 24: The Lead up to Graduation!
Chapter 25 (Part 1): Graduation!
Chapter 25 (Part 2): After-Party!
Chapter 26: Together Forever
Chapter 27: YOU'RE WHAT?
Chapter 28: Camping Summary
Chapter 29: You're out!
Chapter 30: Soccer Break-Up!
Chapter 31: Great Birthday Dinner...
Chapter 32: Lovin' that soccer club!
Chapter 33: Nowhere!
Chapter 34: Why so LOUD?!
Chapter 36: Happy New Year!
Chapter 37: Australia Day!
Chapter 38: Team Tryouts
Chapter 39: Happy Birthday BF!
Chapter 40: Valentines Day!
Chapter 41: You're Going?

Chapter 35: An Interesting Christmas!

16 1 0
By CanYouBeMoreOcean



"Brandon, wake up! It's Christmas," Michael said shaking me.

"Merry Christmas to you too," I said sarcastically.

"Merry Christmas."

"Michael, it's six o'clock in the morning!" I whined.

"Don't care, get up."

"Go wake up Justin first."

"I already woke him up."

I groaned and got out of bed, very slowly. I changed my baggy shirt into a decent shirt, my boxers into jeans and slipped a jumper over my head.

Even though it's summer, it's still cold in the mornings!

"Merry Christmas!" My family shouted as I walked down stairs.

I said Merry Christmas when I gave them a hug.

We were passed our presents and we opened them, obviously! It's Christmas!

We all bought one thing for each other.

Michael got a iPad 3rd generation, some clothes (Mum and Dad), a yellow penny board with blue wheels (Katie and I), some gear for the skateboard and Skate 3 for the Xbox (Justin and Bridget).

Justin got a new Panasonic TV for his new apartment (Mum and Dad), some sport gear (Michael) and a new pair of joggers (Katie and I).

I got a HP Laptop (Justin and Bridget), a cricket set (Michael) and a new TV for my room (Mum and Dad).

Mum got slippers (Katie and I), pyjamas (Michael) and jewellery (Bridget, Justin and Dad).

Dad got a watch (Michael), a fishing rod (Justin and Bridget), A mountain bike (Mum) and slippers (Katie and I).

Very expensive Christmas!

"Thanks for the gifts!" I said and Mum forced a family hug. By the time we finished all of this, it was six-thirty. I ran upstairs and grabbed my phone off of my bed side table. I searched Katie's contact and pressed on phone.

It rang three times before someone picked up. "Hello?"

"Merry Christmas Honey!" I shouted into the phone.

"Merry Christmas!" She shouted back sounding a bit sleepy.

"Did I wake you?"

"No, Josh woke me up before you rang."

"You have a brother like that too?"

"You have no idea."

"I was woken up at six."

"It's really annoying."

"I know!"

"MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!" Michael screamed, running through the top floor of the house.

"Michael?" Katie asked.

"Yep, how'd you know?"

"Listen," She said and I listened closely. Josh is yelling 'It's Christmas!' really loudly.


"He's been doing that for about five minutes."


"So, what did you get?"

"Some stuff that I will show you later."

"Okay, I better go."

"Cya soon, love you."

"Love you too."


I hung up.

"Who was that?" Michael frightened the living shit outta me.

"Who do you think?"


"No shit."

"Oh okay."

"Why are you still here?"

"I wanna borrow a Xbox game."

"Why? Katie and I already bought you one!"

"Yeah, I wanna play the ashes cricket one."

"Dude, it's Christmas! Are you really gonna sit in your room all day?"

"Pretty much, I'll be out for breakfast, lunch and dinner."

"Fine, top drawer." I directed pointing to the drawer under the TV.

"Thanks," He said and ran over to the Xbox. He took the game and ran out of my room in a flash.

Someone rang the doorbell and dad answered it. I ran downstairs behind Michael to see nanna and pop Timber saying hi to mum. I gave them a hug and said hi.

They handed us our presents which was a box that had a Christmas tree decoration in it with a fifty dollar gift card for heaps of shops

We talked for a while and ate. We had a big lunch!

There was turkey, ham, salads etc.

Me, my brothers and my cousins all went and chilled in Michaels room. 

About an hour later everyone left and we waited for another hour for Bridget and her family to show up so we could leave for Katies place.

Bridget and her family turned up and we left for my girlfriends place.

We knocked on the door and Katies mum answered the door.

"Hi guys, c'mon in." She said and we all walked inside. "She is upstairs with Lucy, Nathan and her cousins."

"Thanks," I said and pecked her cheek. I said hi to her dad before I ran upstairs.

I knocked on her door, opened it and walked inside. There were boys and girls in there which I'm guessing that they are her cousins. I smiled and waved at them. Nathan and Lucy were sitting on the bed and waved at me so I waved back. Katie was also on her bed talking on her phone.

I made my way through the circle and sat on her bed next to her. I kissed her cheek and stayed quiet like everyone else.

"Yeah but please come," Katie said. "I need to show mum that you do forgive her. I know that she doesn't think that you will and our cousins are dying to meet you!"

I bet she is talking to Mac.

"No, mum and dad have no idea about that! They have been wanting to see you they are just scared that you don't forgive them," Katie said. "Ok. Ok. Cya soon! Bye!"

She hung up, sighed and lied back on her bed.

"What do you think your baby is gonna be?" I asked Lucy and Nathan who are sitting next to me.

"Girl," Nathan said.

"Boy," Lucy said.

"Girl!" Nathan protested.


Nathan kept saying girl while Lucy put her fingers in her ears saying 'la la la'.

I lied down next to Katie and smiled.

"Merry Christmas," I said and we kissed.

"Merry. Christmas," Katie said in between kisses.

We both sat up.

"I got you this." I handed her a bag with a snowman on the front and had red and green letters spelling 'Merry Christmas'.

"My mum and dad got you this," She handed me a box that had cartoon penguins on the front with a fancy bow on the top. "I got this for you."

She handed me another box with a cartoon Santa on the front going into a chimney with a fancy bow.

We both opened our presents and she bought me an iPhone 5S! I hugged her and crashed my lips against hers.

I bought her a dolphin necklace that was silver with a purple diamond next to the dolphin.

"Guys, this is Brandon. Brandon, this is Dayna, her husband Andre, Charli her sister, Gary, Jack..." She continued with the names.

"So, when is Charli gonna be an aunty?" Katie asked.

"Still only two days away," Dayna said putting her hand on her big belly.

Someone rang the doorbell and Katie beat anyone to it.

"Mac!" She shouted and jumped on her sister.

"Katie!" She shouted.

She noticed all of us and gave everyone a hug.

"Hey kids!" I shouted and they all doggy piled on top of me.

"Hey uncle Brandon!" They shouted. They call me uncle now? I'm not arguing with that!

"What did you guys get from Santa?" I asked and they all got off of me.

They told me everything they got not leaving out one thing.

Rick handed me a hand up which I took and we did a man hug.

Katie introduced everyone to everyone in their family. Her parents where shocked because they never thought that Mac would forgive them.

Everyone exchanged presents with each other and said thanks etc.

We were all called for dinner which was almost the same as lunch just with more salads. Katie and I sat together, Nathan and Lucy where next to Katie, across from us where Mac, Rick and the kids, next to them where Bridget and Justin and next to Mac and Bridget, Macs cousins sat.

Some people where already going back for seconds while I am struggling to eat this.

"Ew, Dayna. You're too old to pee," Charli said looking at her sister.

Mac had a look and said "that's not pee." She stood up in a flash.  I almost forgot that Mac is a nurse.

"My waters broke," Dayna said. Her husband helped her up while everyone else was rushing around to call the hospital.

"Rick! Get the kids home!" Mac yelled and I helped Rick with the kids.

Everyone got her to her husbands car and he drove off with Mac in the car too.

"Mum, I'm going with Katie." I said, running inside after Katie. We followed them to the hospital, we walked inside and heard screaming.

We both ran down the hall to Charli.

"Where is Mac?" Katie asked.

"She is going to deliver him or her," Charli said.

"How about Andre?"

"With her."

"Do your parents know she is giving birth right now?" Katie asked. Charli dropped on the chair and started biting her finger nail.

"No, I don't have my phone on me." She said, nervously.

"Borrow mine!" Katie unlocked her phone and handed it to her but she didn't take it.

"I can't tell her this!"

"She is your sister. My cousin! Do you want to talk to your parents or am I?"

"You do it! I can't! I'm too nervous."

"Your parents!"

"Fine, I'll call them!" She said and took the phone out of her hand.

She searched up her mums contact and pressed on call.

"Hello? Mum?" Charli started. "You need to get to the hospital now! Dayna is giving birth right now! Get here!" She handed the phone back to Katie.

After a few hours of waiting we were given the all clear. Christmas finished fifteen minutes ago!

"Mum, mum, dad, dad and Charli. Guys, I have someone you might want to meet." Andre popped his head through the door.

Charli looked at us with a nervous look on her face and she walked in.

She came out crying. Hopefully happy crying!

"Cousins in now." Andre said. Katie pulled me with her through the door and we stopped at the door.

"Come in," Dayna whispered. "It's a girl."

Katie and I both smiled. She is so small and so cute!

"Can I hold her?" Katie whispered to Andre. He nodded and gave her to Katie.

"Name?" I asked.

"Victoria..." Dayna started. "Victoria Skye Kingston." 

Cute name!

After everyone got to hold her I gave her back to Andre and we all left but her parents and Andre. We said goodbye to Mac.

We all got back to Katies and her dad announced where we all are sleeping.

"Katie and Brandon in Katies room, Nathan and Lucy in Katies room, Brandons family in guest bedroom one..." I zoned out after he announced us.

Well, this is a Christmas I'll never forget.


Did you like this long chapter?

I made this one long because the other ones have been really short!

Hope you enjoyed that Christmas!

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