Poems •Sirius Black• /editing/

By celestialsea

2.2M 90.9K 55.5K

"She fell in love with the stars when she saw them in his eyes." • Adria Hopkins was not as she appeared. Th... More

Poems - Disclaimer.
Poems - Characters.
Poems - Characters Pt. 2.
Poems - Songs.
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Poems rewrite?!!!
Poems Rewrite

Poems - 41.

17.1K 874 867
By celestialsea

Chapter 41

It seemed as though, whilst Adria was ecstatic about the kiss with Sirius, that avoiding him was becoming second nature to her. She wasn't mad at him, actually the complete opposite, but both of them agreed just moments after the kiss that their friends would tease them so much that telling them wouldn't be the best, for now.

And whilst this was good when she suggested it, Adria couldn't seem to enter a room with Sirius in it, and not have herself blush furiously - and also smile widely - when she remembered their kiss, which seemed to be the only thing on her mind for the past week.

Not to mention that James was dead set on teasing both of them already because he was sure he interrupted something, he just didn't know what.

Currently, whilst avoiding Sirius was easy enough when classes weren't on, they were now and the two of them sat side by side in potions whilst Remus and James sat across from them. Professor Slughorn was going over the fifth-year curriculum, as Lily had asked him what things they would learn so she could have a head start to read up on it.

Adria frowned when Professor Slughorn finished and before he could switch topics, her hand raised in the air suddenly so that he would notice her, "Miss Hopkins, you have a question?" he asked when he saw her hand, resulting in her nodding.

"Yes, Sir, I was wondering, isn't it next year that we learn about Amortentia?" she asked, she was excited for her fifth year solely for that one potion.

"Oh no, Miss Hopkins," Slughorn shook his head, a laugh escaping his lips, "that's sixth year." He noticed the frown on her lips whilst the boys scoffed, remembering her excitement about the potion.

"I must tell you that my sixth-year class is learning of the potion today!" he beamed as though it was any consolation, "so maybe as a treat for the class, I shall allow you all to have a smell!"

Adria perked up, a wide smile on her face as she turned to Sirius excitedly, he had forgotten what Amortentia was, even though she had told him countless times what it done, or how it worked, it seemed to slip his mind.

"Seeing as Miss Hopkins brought it up, I see it only fair that your table get first smell!" Slughorn grinned, a readymade cauldron filled with the bubbling Amortentia gripped in his hand which he grabbed from another table.

Adria's smile widened, tapping her fingers on the desk excitedly when Slughorn placed down the cauldron, "why don't you tell us what you can smell, Miss Hopkins?"

She leaned forward slightly in her seat, rising slightly to catch a smell. She closed her eyes when the smell of peppermint filled her nostrils, something she only recently began to love, followed by the distinct smell of fudge, specifically fudge flies that she was obsessed with and then the refreshing smell of the air and grass after rain had fall, "I smell peppermint," she muttered, "and fudge flies," she let a laugh escape her lips whilst Remus scoffed, "and the smell of the air after it rains!"

"Excellent!" Slughorn exclaimed, clapping his hands together and pushing the potion in Sirius' direction, "Mr Black why don't you have a go, what can you smell?"

Sirius leaned over his desk, closer to Adria and to the cauldron only slightly nearer to him, he was completely confused and hadn't the faintest clue as to why he had to smell the potion seeing as he had forgotten what it done, "all I can bloody smell is Adria's perfume, merlin Ads, did you drench yourself in it?" Sirius asked, his eyebrows furrowing whilst James covered his mouth to stop his laughter from getting too loud and Remus lay his head on the desk so it wasn't that obvious that he was having a hard time keeping in his laughter.

Adria couldn't help the redness that filled her cheeks whilst her eyes widened, she looked down, biting her lip to keep the small smile off of her face as her hair fell in front of her cheeks, shielding the redness from view. She shared a look with James who was smirking widely, and glared at him.

"Oh wait," Sirius muttered, leaning closer to take in the smells, he was a little disappointed that Adria's perfume had faded from his nostrils but it was replaced by something just as nice, "I can smell the common room, the fire and stuff," he mumbled. He took a moment to answer, allowing the other smells to fill his senses he spoke with a grin, "and James' mums cooking."

Slughorn was grinning when he looked between Sirius and Adria, knowing full well that Sirius had no knowledge of the potion he turned to Remus who said he could smell chocolate, the library and the smell of his mother baking. James could smell the scent of a new broom, the smell of grass just after it was cut, and scent he wouldn't elaborate on but the redness to his cheeks made Adria sure that it had something to do with her red head best friend.

"I suppose I should tell you what Amortentia is, for those unaware," Slughorn announced, a glance in Sirius' direction after the class had spoken about the smells the potion offered them. He grabbed the cauldron off of the last desk and set it on the one near him.

"Amortentia is a love potion," He grinned, "the smell differs for each person, taking scents from things the person loves and associating them with specific things. For example, like Miss Hopkins, it may smell like the air after it rains, or fudge flies, or like Mr Black, it may smell like Miss Hopkins!" the class murmured whilst giggles filled the dungeons, Adria hid her face that had taken the appearance of a tomato and Sirius' eyes widened when he realised what he had done. His eyes trailed to Adria beside him, her hands covering her face and wondered how much she was going to hate him for the embarrassment.

But her hands left her face when she felt his stare on him, and her hand reached out to intertwine their fingers under the table. Her face was redder than he had ever seen it but it was the most adorable thing he could ever imagine, and he was sure his mimicked hers when her hand wrapped around his, and a small smile lifted the corners of her cheeks making the embarrassment wash from him and replaced with a feeling of happiness, and he finally returned the smile whilst the two boys in front of them watched suspiciously.


"Have you been avoiding me, Miss Hopkins?" she felt a hand sneak around her waist and a head on her shoulder and turned to the culprit, also known as Sirius. She rolled her eyes as she put the book back on the shelf of the library, and shook her head no.

"Mr Black, if my memory serves me well, I saw you in potions," she shrugged, pushing herself onto her tiptoes to put the book back in the top shelf, but when it didn't work, Sirius took it from her grip and put it in its place for her.

With his hands free, Sirius gripped both sides of her waist to turn her around, and with a grin on his lips he looked down at her look of annoyance, "Sirius I am supposed to be studying," she groaned, attempting to push herself from his grip which he merely tightened.

"It can wait," Sirius huffed, "you were obligated to see me in potions, but I haven't seen you as much as I'd liked too, and I can tell you that is definitely not my fault," he smirked when her cheeks heated up, and she bit her lip.

"It was me who suggested not to tell our friends what happened," she muttered quietly, "but I can't look at you without blushing or something, or thinking of what happened and they're gonna be suspicious when all I do is look at you."

"Why are you always looking at me?" he whispered, closer to her than he was before as the grip on her waist tightened, he couldn't help but notice his heart rate had sped drastically.

"Because all I want to do is kiss you again," she mumbled, her gaze on the ground. For a split second, she lifted her gaze to Sirius, who was staring at her intently, until his eyes trailed to her lips, and back to her eyes.

She knew what he was thinking, and before he done anything she spoke, "We're in the library, Sir-" she let out a small laugh as she spoke before he cut her off, his lips on hers again and one arm snaking back around her waist and the other lifting to her cheek. She couldn't help but kiss him back, she just couldn't help herself. Her eyes closed and one of her arms fell loosely around his neck as the other found his hair that she loved so much whilst the familiar taste of peppermint filled her mouth.

As much as she thought she would care if anyone caught them, she really didn't, she was too entranced, too captured in the moment to even think about anything other than the warmth of Sirius' lips and the happiness soaring through her. She almost stumbled into the shelves of books behind her, a small smile faintly on her lips as Sirius made no move to pull away, and instead just steadied her with his hand.

Their lips moved in sync, and her head titled slightly to the side whilst one of her hands touched his neck, pulling him closer to her, and closest he could be. She didn't even care if her friends knew, she would endure the teasing if it meant she was able to kiss him again.

"Why do you always cut me off whenever I speak?" she asked as she pulled away, panting for breath whilst Sirius leaned his forehead against hers. He smirked, his hand finding hers and their fingers intertwining for the second time that day.

"Because you talk too much," he joked, his voice barley a whisper and his lips swollen from the force of hers, "god you are so beautiful." He blurted out, unable to help himself whilst the smile on her lips widened.

"You're such a flirt, Sirius," she chuckled, shaking her head, she pushed him away from her, turned to the shelf, she grabbed the book she needed, and made her way back to the table she was sharing with Lily and the girls.

"What took you so long?" asked Mary as she arrived, watching Adria as she placed the book down on the table before taking her seat.

"I couldn't reach the bookshelf to put the book away," she shrugged, ignoring her friend's suspicious stares at her flustered appearance. She was almost rid of the staring she was getting from her friends, and her cheek found her hand which was still warm from embarrassment, but Sirius took the opportunity to 'casually' walk out of the library, which would've worked if he was looking where he was going, and not Adria, and stumbled into a chair that he didn't notice.

Adria covered her mouth to hide her giggles, and her friends turned at the sound of the commotion to see Sirius, with slightly messier hair than usual, curtsey of Adria and swollen lips, also curtsey of Adria who Sirius was staring at with cheeks tinged red.

"Oh my god!" Lily squealed, clasping a hand over her mouth whilst the five girls turned when the librarian stared at them, "you and Sirius kissed, didn't you?" she whisper shouted, earning gasps from the other girls.

"How-" Adria shook her head at how Lily could possibly know that, glancing in Sirius' direction who was rubbing his ankle, "you know what, whilst you four think about that, I'll be back."

"Are you okay?" she whispered, a frown on her lips as Sirius straightened himself up, a grin on his lips as he showed that his ankle was completely fine.

"It worked," he smirked, earning an eye roll from Adria who pushed his shoulder slightly, "I needed you to come over here."


"Because I actually came to tell you something, but I was distracted by...well you." He shrugged, his smirk turning to a smile when Adria once again rolled her eyes, although a blush spread across her cheeks for the billionth time.

"What?" she asked, lifting her gaze to him, she could feel her friends stares on her back but made no move to turn around.

"I was talking to the guys, and seeing as it's almost December, we think we should get the mandrake leaves from Madam Sprout, tomorrow." He recited what he had to say, nodding his head in confirmation whilst Adria nodded along.

"Sounds good, but why couldn't you just tell me that later?" she asked, raising her eyebrow as she laughed softly.

"Because I needed an excuse to see you," he mumbled, shrugging his shoulders whilst she sighed.

"You're gonna have to tease me or something sometime soon, Sirius, because I really can't handle your cuteness." She grumbled, pushing herself onto her tiptoes, she pressed a kiss to his cheek before ushering him out of the library.

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