My God-Brother Grayson Dolan

By cherish_dolans

6.2K 150 29

© cherish_dolans More

|Authors Note|
|Chapter 1|
|Chapter 2|
|Chapter 3|
|Chapter 4|
|Chapter 6|
|Chapter 7|
|Chapter 8|
|Chapter 9|
|Chapter 10|
|Chapter 11|
|Chapter 12|
|Chapter 13|
|Chapter 14|
|Chapter 15|
|Chapter 16|
|Chapter 17|
|Chapter 18|
|Just an Update|
|New Books|
|Chapter 19|
|Chapter 20|
|Chapter 21|
|Chapter 22|
|Chapter 23|
|Chapter 24|
|New Book Cover|
|Chapter 25|
|Chapter 26|

|Chapter 5|

291 5 2
By cherish_dolans

Grayson's POV:
I was awake at 5:00 A.M looking at the ceiling. I talk to myself. I think about what I was doing. Really what was I doing? Moving away from the most beautiful girl in the world that means the world to me. A tear comes down my face my eyes are filled with sorrow.

"You need to stop crying Grayson, you don't want Isabella seeing you like this!" I whispered to myself.

I see the little face of an angle open her eyes and wake up.

"Good morning Grayson!" Isabella said as she looked up at me filled with happiness.

"Good morning princessa."

She hopped out of bed. And skipped to the side of the bed I was on. She grabbed my hand and pulled me out of bed.

"Come on make me breakfast!"

"What do you want? Eggs, pancakes, or cereal?"

"Eggs and Pancakes!"

"Okay we have to be quite your mother is still asleep."

"Can you give me a piggy back ride to the kitchen?"

"Of course I can never say no to giving you a piggy back ride!"

I looked at Isabella and I see her eyes dilated. I kissed her cheek and turned around so she could jump on my back. She giggled quietly as I quickly went down the stairs quietly. Then I dropped her on the couch. She giggled when I went into the kitchen. Then she started laughing quietly.

"Why are you laughing?"

"She saw the top strip of my underwear."

"C-C-Calvin Klein's really?" She laughed quietly and softly.

I turned around and walked to the couch and I started to tickle her.

"Grayson stop! G-G-rayson please stop!"

"Say I promise not to laugh at Grayson ever again!"

"Okay! I p-p-promise not to laugh at Grayson again!"

Then I stopped tickling Isabella. Then I made the pancakes and scrambled eggs. She smelled the food sent in the air. She ran to the table right when I sat her plate and fork down. She started stuffing herself with breakfast. I got a bowl, the Lucky Charms cereal box, a spoon, and milk.

I started to eat then I saw Mrs. Smith go down the stairs.

"There's extra eggs and pancakes that are still hot and fresh!"

"They are delicious mom!" Isabella said.

Mrs. Smith went and got the leftover food.

"Ma how did I get my name?" Isabella questioned.

"I'm afraid you should ask Grayson."


"I named you your first and middle name." I said.

Then I saw what time it was.

"Sh*t... I mean shoot I should get ready!"

I ran upstairs and Isabella followed. She closed the door behind me. She asked for my phone. She didn't to see me put my pants on, so I told her when I had them on.

"Okay you can look now." I Laughingly said.

I took off my shirt and found a new red flannel shirt in the closet. She giggled, but when I turned around she stopped giggling.
I walked out of the bedroom I had my stuff in and of course Isabella followed.

"I got to go to the airport Isabella."

"Okay Grayson."

"Listen don't grow up Isabella, stay young for me please don't age a bit. I'll see you in a few years."

I hugged Mrs. Smith and got teary eyes so I rushed out of the house to get to the Uber. I see Isabella through the living room window with the shades open. I saw he was crying, but she whipped her tears and waves goodbye. I waved back goodbye too.

I mouthed,"I love you Isabella."

She mounted back, "I love you too Grayson."

It broke my heart in a million pieces when the uber off.

"Where are you going?" Uber driver

"To the airport."

It was super quiet in the car. I looked through pictures Isabella took on my phone. I had my eyes filled with sorrow once again. Soon enough I got to the airport I gave the Uber driver a tip I gave him $20. Then I got my suitcase and headed inside the airport. I heard that my flight was about if air off. So I get into line for the flight. I always sit where no one else sits. But for some reason some one sad next to me. At least they didn't notice me or say who I was. If she did I would have been mobbed with fan girls. I saw many girls watching my brother and I's videos. We made a bunch of videos before I went on the trip. I made a video on my phone for snapchat. Everyone on the plane supposedly follows me on snapchat. So when they saw the video tons of girls screamed. Then I hid myself in my sweater until the flight was over......
I'm really liking making this story I hope you like it too! :)) Let's get to the next part of the story! :)))

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