Princesses on adventure (EDIT...

By AshRaven4

862 290 215

In this story, Five princesses set out on a quest to find out who harmed their parents, and why. As they meet... More

The surprise attack Part 1
The guys Part 3
Hold on....she can't eat? Part 4
Meeting with Lisa Part 5
Discussions Part 6
Cover names Part 7
The earth palace Part 8
Ecryn's Inventory Part 9
Ecryn's inventory (2) Part 10
The unknown character Part 11
Our differences Part 12
Phoenix's Call Part 13
Dark God staff Part 14
Flame's inventory Part 15
Flame's inventory (2) Part 16
The Earth Temple part 17
On the brink of death Part 18
SHE LIVES!!!! Part 19 (B-day special)
Ecryn's new weapons (XMAS Special) Part 20
To the Water palace (Thanking Special) Part 22
The Feast Part 23
Underwater cave Part 24
Elaine's inventory Part 25
Elaine's inventory 2 Part 26
Eclair's Apology Part 27
Un-invited guest Part 28
Travelling back Part 29
Sae's BACK Part 30
Unwanted Kiss Part 31
Our phones Part 33
Creepy Visions Part 34
Air temple Part 35
Inserting the Items Part 36
SSF Part 37
Sky's inventory (1) Part 38
Sky's inventory (2) Part 39
The truth about 'Cloudy Puff' Part 40
The beginning of a dance battle Part 41
The winner Part 42
Meeting their family Part 43
Untitled Part 44
Longest Kiss ever Part 45
First thunder gate Part 46
2nd Thunder Gate Part 47
Way to the divine tower Part 48
We vamouse after saving them Part 49
Getting the missing ones Part 50
Èclair's inventory (1) Part 51
Èclair's inventory (2) Part 52
Èclair's inventory (3) Part 53
The quest for Kaeru Part 54
Kaeru's back Part 55
Beginning of the fight!!!! Part 56
The truth/Sent to earth Part 57
Kristen love/Bloodlust Part 58
Getting ready for the ball Part 59
Eclair's - Part 60
She gave in too easily Part 61
She forgave him?!?!? Part 62
Wedding slam Part 63
Louise's wedding Part 64
Yui's Wedding Part 65
Izumi's Wedding Part 66
Rei and Mio's Wedding Part 67
Her reaction (Final chapter) (Valentine's SPECIAL!) Part 68

Warm up fight Part 32

8 4 2
By AshRaven4

<Éclair had a fierce, angry look on her face. Elaine and the others stared at her and were petrified as they saw her power in its works for the 2nd time, and it was amazing.>

Elaine: Éclair?!?

<She turned around and gave her a weary look.>

Elaine: É were amazing!

Éclair: .....................................................

<Éclair put the fierce, angry look back on her face; she clenched her jaw and clicked her tongue. She then conjured something else.>

Éclair: UNICORN HORN!!!!!!!!! ABSORB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

<She then used it and all the fire was absorbed into the horn.>

Éclair: Where ever you are......................................Sae, I will get my revenge.......................You like it...............or not!

Miketsukkami, Lisa: what are you mumbling about???

Éclair: None of your business!

<They both gasped and looked at each other. Éclair then looked at the sky, she stared for 2 minutes before speaking.>

Éclair: Sky!

Sky: Yea?

Éclair: ABOVE!

Sky: SHIT!!!!!!

The girls: what's above?


<They all moved back, Sky then conjured her wings at the same time that Éclair conjured hers.>

Elaine: Whoa! Sky, your wings are amazing!!

Sky: move back... 

Miketsukkami: ÉCLAIR!

Lisa: Your wings are...........

All of them: MAGNIFICENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

<Sky and Éclair looked at each other, nodded, and then took flight. They were flying around, and the people, the crew and all the villagers watched.>

Sky: Where is she!?!?!?!?

Éclair: SAE! Show yourself!

<Sae came out from behind a cloud.>

Sae: Oh, so now you seek for me?

<Éclair frowned.>

Éclair: .............................................

Sae: ...............................................

Sky: this is getting awkward!

---On earth---

Elaine: who is that?

Yato, Yuima: Can't see from here!

---In the air---

Éclair: are we really gonna fight?

Sae: I guess we are......but this is just a warm up, show me what you're made of!

<Éclair grinned; she made all of her weapons disappear. This confused Sae.>

Sae: aren't you gonna fight?

Éclair: I am..............let's get it going!

Sae: You think you can beat me?

Éclair: not a chance!

Sky, Sae: ...................Huh?

Éclair: I don't think I can beat you!

Sky, Sae: what the...?

Éclair: I know I can!

<Sky smiled.>

Sky: should I withdraw?

Éclair: completely! This battle is between her and me!

Sae: agreed!

<They then started to fight, everyone watched the girls trade blows, but some thought Éclair had lost her mind fighting without any weapons and asking Sky to withdraw.

Éclair was actually pretty good, she kicked Sae right into the ground.>

Sae: damn it!

<She got up and hit Éclair with a laser beam, it propulsed her straight into the sky, then back down. The fight continued for 4 hours.>

---In the air---

<The both of them were panting, they had kept on fighting, but none were actually using their full strength. They were both about to attack when suddenly Éclair held her heart and screamed in pain, it was the same thing for Sae. They were both screaming in pain. Only Sky seemed to know what was going on.>

Sky: Om Sumbha Nishumba Hum Vajra Hum Phat!

<As she pronounced those words in a different language again, Éclair and Sae's body began to glow, Éclair's body was glowing with a purple light and Sae's body was glowing with a dark blue light. They both started to move around in pain, then they both gave a tremendous scream that could've been heard in the fire kingdom, which was really far from the Water kingdom.>

Éclair: Ah....................................S-s

Sae: shut up...................

Éclair: you're mad at me?

Sae: why shouldn't I be?

<Éclair smiled.>

Éclair: I can't trust you now, can I?? You kissed me, and I may have felt something.........

Sae: stop playing with me!

Éclair: I'm was like, how we felt back then.......5 years ago, before the incident...

Sae: you..............felt that as well?

Sky: maybe you are fated to be together!

Éclair: not a chance...............I don't know why, but even though we may have a connection........I don't think, I'll ever be able to forgive you........and seeing today, now I know that you're a tough cookie!

Sae: ..............yea........................I guess...

<Éclair then looked in her direction, and then said the word: "love".>

Éclair: love...

Sae: huh?

<Éclair blushed and screamed.>

Éclair: N-NOTHING!

<She got up and began to attack her, but weirdly enough, Sae still hadn't recovered.>

Sae: so not cool!

<Éclair was about to lay a blow on her after chasing her around, but Sae then slipped, Éclair missed and they both fell back down to earth. They were on the ground, exhausted while the others, of which most were blushing, they just stared.

After a while, Éclair noticed that during the fall her clothes had ripped off and she was in her bra and underwear, and most awkward was that Sae's face was in the middle of her boobs.

Éclair stared in shock for a while, when Sae got up, she realized the position they were in, and she blushed, but as she noticed the people around, she tried to get up, but she made a mistake and her boobs landed on Éclair's face, causing Éclair a nose bleed.

Sky then came out of nowhere and distracted everybody; Sae took this as an advantage. She held Éclair's collar and kissed her again straight on the lips, Éclair wanted to do something, but because of her injuries, she couldn't. After Sae kissed her she looked deep straight into her eyes. She then licked Éclair's lips before using magic to propel herself.

Éclair, after Sae had disappeared, tried to stand. Sky came and helped her up.>

Éclair: I almost lost to her...

Miketsukkami: she's strong!

Sky: but not as strong as Éclair!

The others: Huh?

Sky: They were fighting, but Éclair didn't use any weapons! But the girl wasn't at full power! So I guess that's what she calls a warm up!

Éclair: (whisper) if she'll always kiss me after something or anything happens, I'd rather not fight her...

Lisa: what?

Éclair: nothing!

Lisa: you've been so secretive lately!

Miketsukkami: Yeah!

Éclair: So have you!

<Lisa then frowned and clenched her fist.>

Éclair: I can't tell you what's going on, but I can assure you, that you won't like it, so don't bother me purple pudding!

Lisa: HEY! I told you not to call me like that!!!!!!!!

Éclair: Yeah, well I'm older than you! So, AUTHORITY!

Lisa: NO FAIR! You don't even know my age!

Éclair: You're 14.

Lisa: ......................

Éclair: And I'm turning 16 in a few days so.

Elaine, Yato, Flame, Yuima: whoa, whoa, whoa!

Lisa, Miketsukkami, Ecryn, and Bunshichi: YOUR BIRTHDAY IS IN A FEW DAYS?

Éclair: ............yes.

Elaine: why didn't you tell us?

Éclair: ..................seriously?

Lisa, Ecryn, Flame, Elaine: what?

Éclair: I don't celebrate my birthday!

<WHAA???? EVERY ONE CELEBRATES THEIR BIRTHDAYS! (Although I'm not looking forward to mine.) BUT STILL!> Right? men, idk


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