Original Characters (For Fand...

By SaveOneOrThousands

19 1 0

Original Characters I made for Different Fandoms and what not. Many of these may just be for fantrolls XXD An... More


Homestuck Fantrolls (Part 1 Most Likely XXD)

9 1 0
By SaveOneOrThousands


Janust Lupins     lupinsChanging   M Strife Specibus: Iceskate Kind

                                                          Captulog Modus: Switches Daily

                           God-Tier: Page of Breath            

Land: Land of Silence and Puddles

Lusus: Wolf

Your name is Janust Lupins. You have a variety of interests of which include changing anything you can at every point of the day, you enjoy taking apart different time things and trying to put them back together. When you are alone you enjoy trying to talk to different howlbeasts in order to become a great trainer one day. You enjoy talking to your friends at horrible times even though your drive most of them insane your trolltag is lupusChanging and you talk in a way that is ❄coLd and chanGinG  ❄



Violet Vensla   shortestVulgaris  F Strife Specibus: Rake Kind

       Capulog Modus: Ice Statue Modus  

       God-Tier: Maid of Heart

       Land: Land of Forest and Clocks

       Lusus: Butterfly

Your name is Violet Vensla. You tend to enjoy picking apart every person you meet and then trying to copy them and gardening as much as you can. You are tad bit impatient so most of the plants you grow tend to die in a few days. You use the new chat client Trollian to pick mirror your friends your tag is shortestVulgaris and you talk in a way that is Quiet, proper, and kindly. <3 UNTIL YOU G3T IMPATI3NT!



Martin Remlus    comandingAgriculture   M Strife Specibus:Spade Kind

         Captulog Modus: Stragety Modus

         God-Tier: Prince of Blood

         Land:  Land of Maps and Fields

         Lusus: Boar

Your name is Martin Remlus. You are a landwelling troll who enjoys studying war and farming. You one day wish to lead an army so you can take over the land and teach everyone the greatness of agriculture but for now you just command an army of action figures. You tend to spend a few minutes a day talking to people on Trollian using your tag comandingAgriculture to make people think you are better then you are you tend to SPEAK COMMANDING MOST OF W#AT ^OU SA^



Aphris Eostre   shiningObservation   F Strife Specibus: Rock Kind

                      Captulog Modus: Poem Modus

                      God-Tier: Seer of Mind

                      Land: Land of Comets and Ink

                                                             Lusus: Camilion

You are now Aphris Eostre. You absolutely love romance and everything that comes with it mainly the sweet poems that ends up on the internet, you love to play search and click games and would love to make your own. When you get older you hope to explore space with the empress using your knowledge of space to guide them. You love to talk to your friends and tell them of what you find, your tag is shiningObservation you tend to speak in AA wAAy thAAt mAAkes you look☄



Maiore Puella   givingPerception   F Strife Specibus: Fan Kind

                          Captulog Modus: Craft Modus

                    God-Tier: Rouge of Doom

                    Land: Land of Trinkets and Giving

                    Lusus: Cat

You are now Maiore Puella. You are a quiet troll who enjoys the small things like flowers from your friends, small rocks, and sharing the things you make. You tend to look up to the Signless's caregiver troll the Dolorosa and you hope one day to be like her to someone else. When you are on the internet you are called Giving Perception and you (Speak almo5t 5ilently yet motherly.)



Irohda Juneso   forwardingSolstice  M Strife Specibus: Ball Kind

 Captulog Modus: Jenga Modus

 God Tier: Bard of Space

 Land: Land of Ships and Sand

Lusus: Dolphin

Your name is Irohda Juneso. And OH MY GOSH DO YOU LOVE PLAYING. You are a seadweller but you love to spend most of your time on the land. You enjoy running around and playing games but as soon as you need to do something you tend to get lazy. Your dream is to one day fall in love with a landweller just like in your favorite movie! You talk on trollian where your tage is forwardingSolstice you tend to speak W!TH @ YOUTHFUL TONE FULL OF H@PP!NESS



Quintl Caesar  aquaticAthourity  F Strife Specibus: Gavel Kind

       Captulog Modus: Debate Modus

       God-Tier: Sylph of Mind

       Land: Land of Portals and Decite

       Lusus: Shark

You are now Quintl Caesar. And people should listen to what you have to say. You enjoy debating with others about the hemospectrum and Alternian economics. You tend to make comparisons of fish to people in power and you like to think you are the shark. Your hive is always warm because you think it can calm people so your debating is better. You debate on the one website Trollian where you go by aquaticAthourity you always speak  ~Fully and respectfully to everyone.>



Tilisi Gustus    scienceFamilia   F Strife Specibus: Wire Kind

                     Captulog Modus: Stack Modus

                     God Tier: Rouge of Space

     Land:  Land of Toads and Code

     Lusus: Rabbit

This is Tilisi Gustus. You love to study the science of the mother grub and program websites to inform others about how you are close like family. You are slightly jumpy to a lot of things but you always bounce back better, or at least your lusus says. You talk to your friends on trollian where your tag is scienceFamilia and you speak Fam1l1arly and n0t1ceably l1ke a fam1ly member



Savana  Harves   harvestLearning   F Strife Specibus: Lock Pick Kind

                     Captulog Modus: Triva Modus

                     God Tier: Theif of Void

                     Land: Land of Locks and Mountains

                     Lusus: Fox

This is Savana Harves. You tend to pick up things that aren't yours and things that are yours, you love learning about what others like because it's interesting. You tend to enjoy longer words and try to use them as much as you can. Your trolltag is harvestlearning and you speak <Trying To Keep Your Words Separate Yet Readable.>  



Oliver Mythos   reflectingEights  M Strife Specibus: Candlestick Kind

                       Captulog Modus: Scare Modus

                       God-Tier: Mage of Hope

                       Land: Land of Stones and Night

                       Lusus: Chiuhaha

You are now Oliver Mythos. Your hobbies are a bit different; you enjoy finding things and grouping them in 8's then 10's your favorite things to find are things that reflect colors. You really enjoy trying to scare people but you aren't the greatest at it. Your Trollian handle is reflectingEights and you speak in a unprodiCTABLE WAY OF VOLUME



Malani Nonlus  renouncingPartners   F Strife Specibus: Dagger Kind

                      Captulog Modus: Scale Modus

                      God-Tier: Witch of Light

                      Land: Land of Mazes and Haze

  Lusus: Snake

You are now Malani Nonlus. And WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?! You find yourself at random parts of the day sacrificing small bits of food to the condesence simply out of bordem, you enjoy making new friends even though at times you feel like you have to many and you should not one off. Your tollian tag is renouncingPartners and you speak --{ quietly yet with a dark tone and a<<ent }--



Zewell Cealyn  sleepingNarcisisst   M Strife Specibus: Mirror Kind

                     Captulog Modus: Timer Modus

                     God-Tier: Heir of Time

                     Land: Land of Gears and Bright

                     Lusus: Bluejay

This is Zewell Cealyn. And man are you tired. You spend most of your time sleeping through the day time like most trolls but then most of the night you sleep as well. You enjoy looking at yourself and are one of the few trolls who enjoys fashion and how you look. Your trollian is sleepingNarcisisst (Chosen by one of your friends) and you tend to talk in a tIred and self Indulgant wayyy

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