The Girl who Played with Water

By 20kohlson

310 31 6

When Johanna Torres (Jojo or Jo) starts having dreams about her father, it becomes more than dreams. Visions... More



14 4 0
By 20kohlson


"Mom what are you talking about?" I ask suspiciously, "Umm....well, your father made a deal that, he would come back and get revenge for making him leave." she says warily. I hug Peyton closer, he tightens his grip around me. "He also said he would take it out on you two because you remind him of what happened." "Why didn't you tell us earlier?!?" my sister shouts. She stomps toward the door, "I'm gonna go hang out with Jessica, Devin, and Cody." she mutters. "Tris wait" I call after her. "What?" she snaps. "Peyton and I are coming with you". We walk out the door and hop into my car, an Acura NSX, and drive to Jess's house.

We reach the huge house and Peyton knocks, I forgot how big it was. "Hey guys!" Devin says as he answers the door. "Hey, we were wondering if we could hang out here for a while?" I ask, "Yeah sure, c'mon in!" Jess says in the background. "Is Cody here?" Tris asks. "Uh, yeah. HEY CODY!" Jessica yells. "YEAH?" he calls back. "TRIS, PEYTON, AND JO ARE HERE!" "Wha...Tris!" He says excitedly. Cody has had a huge crush on Tris since the beginning of freshman year.

"Oh hey guys!" Cody says staring at Tris the whole time he was speaking. We walk in and sit on the couch."So what do ya'll wanna do?" Devin asks. "TRUTH OR DARE!" Jessica yells in my ear making me jump. "Sure" we all agree. "Wait, I think we should invite more people" Cody suggests,"That'll be fine. Wait who's coming over?" I ask cautiously. "Oh Parker, Will, Elizabeth, Christina, McKenna, and Taylor" Jessica says. Oh crap! Peter, Will, and Elizabeth all hate me! Christina and McKenna are like my best friends but they were out of town for a couple of days and came back after school. Taylor didn't come to school today because she had to help her mom at work. She's also my best friend. "Okay, but Parker and Will aren't allowed to torture me!" I say quickly. "Okay" all five of them say just a second off from each other.

Parker and Will are the first to walk in. Then the sisters Christina and McKenna, then Elizabeth, and finally Taylor. "Okay, thanks for coming over to play truth or dare! Umm Parker, you and Will aren't allowed to torture Johanna okay?" "Why not" he asks a smirk on his face, "Because last time you made Jo dye her hair pink and she couldn't do anything because she was in her bra and underwear!" she yells at him. That actually made the memory come back in my head. Ugh it's horrible! "SO, LET'S GET STARTED! Cody yells in Peyton's face, earning a punch in the jaw. "Ow, Peyton!" He whined.

We sit in a circle me sitting next to Tris and Christina"Okay so who's going first?" Christina asks. "It's Lord Jessica's house so she goes first!" Jessica says in a manly British accent. "Okay, Parker truth or dare?" she asks. "Truth" Parker says confidently. "Wimp" McKenna says through fake coughing. "What is the worst thing you've done to your parents?" she asks. "Uh, onceitooksomemoneyandranawaytomygrandmas!" He says really fast. "What's that?" Peyton asks. "Once I took some money from my parents and ran away to my grandmas and she didn't know who I was so she kicked me out." he says shamefully. We start to laugh, "" Tris asks through fits of laughter. "Now we know why you don't have a girlfriend!" Devin says laughing still.

"Okay Taylor, truth or dare?" Parker asks his face still red. "Dare" she says happily. "I dare you to let Cody do your makeup" her smile fades. "Let's go girlfriend!" Cody says in a girly voice. "Nope!" she says while taking off her jacket. "Aww dang it! I was looking forward to becoming a makeup artist!" He whines. All of us start to laugh. "Devin truth or dare?" "Dare" "I dare you to say 'in my pants' after every sentence." Taylor says. "Okay in my pants" he says glumly. We start cracking up. "Johanna, truth or dare in my pants?" He asks " I choose dare by not in your pants" I say. "I dare you to play 7 minutes in heaven with Peyton in my pants" he says, "Ignore the in my pants part in my pants." I grab Peyton's hand and lead him into Jess's room and shut the door. "We don't have to do-" that's as far as he gets before I send my lips crashing into his. He looks shocked and I think he's about to pull away when he starts kissing me back.

I wrap my arms around him, my hands on the small of his back. He puts his hands on my waist, and start to more desperately kiss. He pulls back still centimeters from my face. "Jo, I love you more than anyone in the world." "I don't know why you think that, I-I'm not even pretty. I'm regular sized, I have no curves, and my nose is too long!" I say not satisfied with myself. "Yeah, but you are kind, brave, and your the most beautiful girl I've ever seen" he says in a caring voice. "Time's up you two!" McKenna yells through the door. "Do you think we should tell them? I ask. "Nah! let's let them find out" he says stepping out of the door.

"Elizabeth, T or D?" I ask, "What?!" she asks confused. "Ugh, truth or dare?" I ask again. "Oh, truth" she says in her annoying voice. "Why do you hate me?" I ask. "Well for starters, you're ugly, you think you're perfect, and you win at everything!" she says apparently angered by my question. Ouch, that hurt! First of all, I'm not perfect, second of all why does she hate me because I'm good at certain things? "I'm gonna go get a drink of water" she says. Oooh bad idea. She gets up and heads to the sink, she reaches out and puts the cup under the faucet. Elizabeth turns on the water which I immediately make squirt up in her face. Her mascara smears all over her cheeks as she screeches a bunch of what she thinks are 'bad words'. To her, words like stupid and dumb are so bad that they're punishable by grounding.

She comes back to the circle an sits down, her face and hair soaked. "Peyton truth or dare?" she asks while giggling. "Dare" he says calmly. "I dare you to make out with me a smile on her face. He smirks and says "Not happnen" her smile fades even though he takes off his shirt. "My love belongs to someone else" I start to blush, glad no ones watching. "Jo truth or dare?" "Truth" I reply. "Do you think we should tell them?" He asks, everyone looks confused. "Yes" I say a faint smile on my face. "Okay.....Johanna and I are dating" he says happily. everyone looks at us in awe. "Really in my pants?" Devin asks. I nod. Elizabeth looks at me like she's gonna kill me.

We keep playing for a while and start to get super tired. "Jess truth or dare?" Tris asks. "Dare" I dare you to let everyone stay the night here" she says, "Okay, what do you think Devin?" She asks him. " my pants" He says sadly. "Damn you Taylor!" "You're welcome" She says laughing with Christina and McKenna. "Okay then, Cody and Tris can have the couch, Peyton and Jo can have the guest bedroom, McKenna, Christina, Taylor and Elizabeth can have the living room floor." Cody and Tris blush. "Where are we gonna sleep?" Parker asks referring to Will and himself. "I though you were leaving?" "Oh, yeah" I walk into the guest bedroom along with Peyton. I wash my face and remove my heavy leather jacket. I end up falling asleep in Peyton's arms pulling me into his chest. He smells of cologne and the hair gel he uses. "I love you I whisper to him but he's already asleep.

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