Yori Tsuyoi

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By Katsu-san

"Missing?" Koro-sensei's voice was laced in a mix between worry and curiosity.

I bit down on my lip. I knew that something seemed off in the house, but I couldn't tell what it was. I ran a hand through my hair as I chewed harder on my lip. Who would of even known I had these files. Not even Koro-sensei knew about them. It was only Karma and me, but it wasn't Karma. He doesn't even know where I live any more. So who in the hell could of stolen them?

"What the bloody hell...."

"(Y/N)-chan, can I ask you a question?" Sensei's voice spoke amoung my many mutters of displeasure as I folded up my tentacles. I stared at the creature, motioning for him to continue.

"What possessed you in your right ming to conduct self surgery?" He questioned with the littlest bit of emotion I've ever heard come of out of his mouth.

I shrugged, brushing him off. "Doesn't matter now."

"What?!" I walked out of the room, totally blowing off Koro-sensei's whussing. "Doesn't matter?! You know how dangerous that is to do by yourself?! Did anyone know? Probably not! What if you collapsed and no one knew?! Huh?!"

I rolled my eyes and walked out the front door. "I'll be back, I'm going out for a little bit."

"(Y/N)-chan!" I slammed the door behind me, leaving behind the most fussiest creature known to man. I frowned as I slowly walked down the stairs, each jolt sending little vibrations of torture through my body. Ever since the surgery I was sore, which I found weird. Maybe since my body muscles are all connected to my head they might of relaxed? I don't really know, I'm not good with medical stuff.

After reaching the very last step of the staircase my phone started to go off. I picked up the phone without looking at the caller ID. "Hello?" I spoke into it.

"(Y/N)," came the bored tone of Karma. "Where are you going?"

I raised my eyebrows as I shoved the front door open with my elbow. "Somewhere. Why?"

"Koro-sensei messaged me and told me to watch you." I lowered my eyes as I edged up my hoodie further up my head. Why did Koro-sensei have to be so protective? I would be perfectly fine by myself, I didn't need Karma giving him reports on what I was doing.

"Meet me at the Plaza on Main street. We'll get some lunch or something." No other words where exchanged before the other line went dead. I sighed as I slipped my phone into my pocket and made my way towards the train station. I guess there wasn't any point in trying to argue with Karma. Instead I'll just ignore Koro-sensei all day tomorrow for my revenge.

I swiped my card and entered the train station. There was barley anyone on the platform besides for a couple of business men. I waited about six minutes before the train came by and all passengers stepped in. I entered the third cart, where it was half way full. I wrapped my elbow around one of the poles and wandered my eyes off into the distance.

I couldn't think of anyone trying to steal those files that I know of. But maybe that was the problem. What if it was someone I didn't know? It could be a government spy but that would just be too risky. Walk into a apartment with two tentacle users and steal their documents under their bed? Karasuma-sensei wouldn't even dare try that. I turned it over and over in my head but I just couldn't come up with anything. Who in the world would steal the files?

I groaned as I muttered bitterly under my breath as the train made me sway side to side. Absolutely no sense. No one knew they were there, how would they even know where to look? I bit my lip as I kept on thinking about different scenarios in my head but I couldn't figure it out. I sighed, deciding that this was something I needed to leave alone before my head implodes.

After a few minutes of breathing in-and-out to calm myself down, I rolled into my stop. As the doors opened, I stepped out and didn't bother to look where I was going. I left out the nearest exit and walked in the busy streets. There were so many people out today, I kept on constantly getting knocked into. Which got annoying really quick since almost no one even muttered a single sorry or exuse me. Where does the manners go these days?

It didn't take me long to reach the plaza, which was even busier than the streets I emerged from. There were all different stores- clothing, food, shoes, and pet stores. Of course there were more, but I didn't bother looking at them all. Instead I continued to travel through the crowd and into a small dining area out in the open where there were some people eating at the tables.

I tired to search for Karma, attempting to look over some strangers heads- but unfortunately for me, I was way to short to even attempt that. I stood on my tip toes, leaning over some people but still couldn't see over them. I huffed, brushing away a strand from my face. Short girl problems. You would of thought that having tentacle DNA could of helped me grow a little bit more.

Deciding that it was pointless, I then proceeded to step on one of a empty chair and stand on top of a table. This proved more effective, I was able to see right about every single tall person's head. Of course I earned a couple odd stares from the crowd but I didn't care. I had to do what I had to do.

I searched over the crowd, scanning for the familiar red head. But as I looked and looked, it seemed that there was way to many people to be searching around for him. I sighed, about to step off the table and head into one of the fast food restaurants, then the sudden smell of Karma filled my nostrils.

It was like pine, the smell of a freshly cut Christmas tree mixed with a odor that seemed to follow every single man I've met in my life. It was a familiar smell because I've became so use to Karma that it was forever printed in my mind. He must of just gotten here because the smell became more intoxicating as I followed it through the crowd.

As I rounded the corner, I could almost clearly smell the pine. For some reason I felt stupid for following his scent like a dog. I mean, yeah, it wasn't normal. But to save myself the time of trying to pinpoint him, who really gave a single shit?

"Karma!" I shouted over the bursting crowd. His red head turned, looking slightly surprised. But as he saw it was me, he smiled and waved. He weaved his way through the crowd and joined me.

"Hey." He greeted as he set a small kiss on my forehead. "God this crowd was larger than I thought."

I laugh, nodding my head slightly. I still had on my hood to cover the bandages. Even though Koro-sensei told Karma to hang out with me, I'm pretty sure he doesn't know the full reason why. Maybe he thought that it was a legitimate thing Koro-sensei was doing to set up some type of gossip. Because if he knew the real reason why, I'm sure he wouldn't have told me to meet him here in a such public place.

"Want to get some pizza?" I asked with a slight grin. He nodded and took my hand, leading me towards the warm smelling pizza place. There wasn't too much of a crowd at the pizzeria surprisingly. Only a few teenage girls ordering some pizza.

"Why did Koro-sensei demand me to stay with you? I mean, I would of done it otherwise. But he sounded worried. What happened?" I bit my lip. So Koro-sensei didn't text him like he said, he called. And tone of voice is everything. Damn him, couldn't he just be a regular teacher who wants their students run around freely? But I reminded myself Koro-sensei wasn't like a normal human teacher.

"Well we had a little argument and I decided to go for a little breather. He probably just didn't want me walking around alone. That's all." I half lied. He didn't want me walking around alone, but it wasn't the argument that drove me away. It was his worry.

As we moved up on the line, I realized why I didn't want to be around his fussing. It was because I didn't want him worrying about me. I didn't want him getting worked up about me. Because that's how I grew up. I grew up about no one really caring about me or what I do.

I lowered my head and clutched onto Karma's hand harder, digging my nails into his skin. I felt him jump slightly against my touch, whipping his head and giving me a confused look. But I didn't look back.

I couldn't wait until tomorrow so I can uncover what I have forgotten all these years. I didn't like being in the dark of my own existence. It was frustrating and made me want to bash my head against this nonexistent invisible box that kept me away from everyone.

It's because I can't trust no one. I keep myself away from all these supportive people when I can be around everyone and having fun. But every single time they reach out towards me, I back up further and further into the corner.

"(Y/N)." A stern voice snapped me out of my thoughts, dragging me to see that we where no longer in the pizzeria but instead passing by a large crowd. Well apparently I was being dragged by my wrist which I didn't even feel. My body felt numb but I knew if Karma wasn't here pulling me along, I would of been in that one spot for a while.

I couldn't see his face since his back was to me. But from that one word I could tell Karma knew something was up. And it wasn't of any argument Koro-sensei and I might of had.

I brushed aside my own concerns of my distrust issues and watched as Karma, rather rudely, push past the crowd with his shoulder, knocking into people without an apology.

Karma's hand clentched around my wrist, making sure I didn't let go. But as he did it, I groaned every single time. He pushed his index and middle fingers into the vain in my wrist, making me hiss out every single time. I doubt he ment to hurt me but it still made me want to wrench my wrist away. But I didn't do it, already knowing I'm about to get a full on lecture.

It wasn't until Karma had fully exited out the plaza when he let his grip loosen a little bit. I sighed silently for the little relief. I could already tell the difference in the feelings in my fingers as I curled them without feeling numbness.

"Karma," my voice came out gurgly and dry. I cleared my throat once before speaking again. "Where are we going?"

It wasn't until we ended up coming upon a empty street that had absolutely no stores, just empty lots for buildings when he turned around. His eyes shined with something I recognized as frustration. Karma doesn't get frustrated easily unless he couldn't figure something out- which was rare. But there was another emotion that I haven't seen on Karma. Worry.

He let go my wrist and ruffled his hair slightly. "I want the truth this time, (Y/N). Don't give me some bullshit."

I nervously side stepped awkwardly in my place. Did I really want to start even more drama? After I had finally got things go to normal? But as his golden eyes stared at me expectingly, I knew it was meaningless to hide it now.

I let out a breath before looking him square in the eye. "I have this voice...that talks to me. It told me I have this chip in my head that blocks my memories."

He nodded, seeming to recall this conversation with my Father not to long ago. "So I decided to take it into my own hands."

He raised his eyebrows again before he giving me a disbelieving look. "(Y/N) don't tell me you did what I think you did..." He slowly edged towards me with a hard look. But as he came inches and inches away from my face, I directed my eyes from his face.

From the corner of my eye, he grimaced before yanking off my hood. But he didn't look surprised. More he looked at me with concern and what I could describe as disappointment.

"Why would you do that?" He muttered. I stayed quiet not making eye contact. But instead of retaliating, he edged even closer to me while his mouth pulled back into a snarl. "Don't pretend you don't hear me!" He yelled, pushing my shoulder lightly.

I stumbled backwards a few steps, surprised he pushed me. "I want answers and not some bullshit half thought out lies!" He pushed my shoulder a little harder now, backing me up into a closed off space in between a small gap of two walls.
I knew he was frustrated with me. I knew it was hard to tolerate my secretiveness. But to that extend where he felt like he needed to physical push me for answers? I drew the line there. I was already a person who been through child abuse and I didn't need my partner hurting or pushing me.

I stayed silent, my eyes still glued to the floor. Truth was, I didn't want to answer him. I understand that it was stupid of me to go through self surgery and not tell a single soul. But I think he was over reacting. He huffed again and continued to pester me with a irritated tone.

"C'mon (Y/N), don't be so damn stubborn! You know I would of found out sooner or later. So spit it out of your self absorbed bubble."

He was right, I was being oddly stubborn for no reason. But I couldn't help but feel hurt. He called me self absorbed just because I wanted my memories back. I slowly lifted my head to give him a empty stare. It seemed that my apperence seemed to shock him because he took a step back with wide eyes.

"Self absorbed? Really? Can't you come up with something original?" I rolled my eyes at him, pushing myself off of the gap, now pushing his shoulder lightly. "I've heard that all my life. Useless, self absorbed, selfish, bitch, slut, all of it. So your words mean nothing."

I stopped pushing his shoulder as his heel was just on the edge of the cross walk. "I did it for me. No one else. It might sound self absorbed, but I don't care. You don't know how it is Karma. You have no idea how it feels to be in the dark," I whispered, my voice soft and barely above a whisper.

I didn't look at him again before pulling up my hoodie and walking around him. "I'll talk to you later, Karma."

He didn't try to stop me nor did he say a word. I could feel myself wanting to go back and apologize. But I needed to hold my ground. If he doesn't like my reasons, all well. But he doesn't know how it feels to be in the dark of your self. He can't understand. He could of been supportive of my decision but instead questioned my reasons.

I mean, I understand how he feels. Does he think I wanted to perform self surgery on myself for fun? No. I did it because I couldn't go to a regular hospital for that, no on needs to see my type of DNA. And plus they probably would hand me right to the government when I was sleeping or something.

People flew past me, buildings and places seemed to blend together as I kept on walking aimlessly. I couldn't tell the difference between where I was going and where my feet where taking me. I let them do what they wanted, trusting them to lead me anywhere else.

You shouldn't be mad at Karma-san, master. The familiar voice sprouted from inside my head. He's only looking out for your best interest.

"I know that..." I muttered under my breath. "But he doesn't understand..."

Then why didn't you explain like he asked? Diaboli asked with a slight edge full tone. You could of explained why and made him understand. But you didn't. You ran away, like you always do.

I didn't respond but instead kept on listening. You always do this master. You run away from what scares you. Do you remember what you said to me when we first rejoined again months ago?

"I asked be stronger..." I muttered.

Indeed. And that's why we are here today. We are going to make you a stronger person. But you have to trust not only us, but the peers around you. Can you start this (Y/N)-sama?

I nodded my head lightly. Good (Y/N)-sama. Now maybe you should get some rest.

I blinked before I even realized where I was. The breeze against my back was cool and sent shivers down my back. I could tell it was late because of the lack of light in the room I was in. I didn't know when I ended up back in my room, but I had a clear idea of how. I must of snuck through my window, subconsciously trying to advoid Koro-sensei. I shook my head lightly and chuckled. It's funny how the body works on its own.

I walked over to my closet and quickly stripped into my pajamas, not even bothering to check my phone as I slipped into a uneasy sleep.

Hey everyone! Sorry this chapter was crappy but next week the Valentines Day special is coming out! Its a little over 7,300 words so that's a little thing I think you guys would enjoy. And I'm sorry for all the drama but its too late now to change it😂 Plus it's all going to make sense once we get to the end. I promise. I decided to release this chapter early cuz we hit 20k today! Isn't that fucking awesome?! I can't believe this. I was just talking to my friends about how far the story has come and then I logged back in to write Chapter 32 and it said we hit 20k! I wanted to release this early because I am very thankful of your guys support and I wanted to let you guys know how much I love you! Anyways, thank you guys SOOO much for the views, follows, adds, and the votes! It means a lot to me that you guys love this story cuz I really love writing it. Besides for the lack of sleep. But that's nothing to worry about. But I'll see you guys, in the next chapter! Bye-bye!

Japanese: Yori Tsuyoi.
Also spelled as より強. English: Stronger.

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