Little Memories ; S. Stilinsk...

By voidash

736K 14.6K 5.1K

[completed writing and editing] book 1 He was Solis, and she was Luna, and she hated that name. [Season 3A an... More

Hold Me in Your Arms


25.6K 536 64
By voidash



After the incident at the motel, we avoided any conversation pertaining to what happened there. We didn't want to remember. Lydia, however, made it her duty to at least remind us of the relatively "good" things that happened.

Lydia crossed her arms around her chest, her ruby-red lips in a pout, "When are you going to admit how you feel about Stiles? He kissed you, for crying out loud. Say something, you haven't said a single thing about it," she said.

I scoffed, "He stopped me from having a panic attack. It meant nothing, and I felt nothing." Sure, I had lied. I only wanted it to mean nothing, "Besides, you were the one who told him to kiss me. He didn't do it out of his own will," I added.

Allison tossed me her pillow. I caught it, "Oh come on, Mel, we're just messing with you. We're not serious," she laughed.

"I am."

"Lydia, can you please drop it? I'd starting to get really annoying," I snapped. I didn't mean to, but her constant joking and poking around was beginning to bother me.

Lydia put her arms on her waist, and huffed, "Fine, I'll stop, but only because I love you."

"Thank you."


We got to school in record time. Allison had given us a ride, but by the time Lydia had finished "perfecting my winged eyeliner", we were already late.

I spent the whole day sulking in my own thoughts. I didn't have any time to finish my Chemistry homework at home, and I knew Harris would make an "example" of me for everyone else. I tried to complete my work before I got to his class.

I didn't get to finish, but that didn't matter. Harris wasn't there. Instead, our obnoxiously friendly English teacher, Ms. Blake took his place.

"Good morning, as you all know Mr. Harris is still missing—I mean sick. Anyway, I am filling in, while we all hope and pray for a more qualified substitute teacher to take my place," She babbled, "Okay so, let's get started shall we?"

From across the room, Stiles was leaning over towards Scott. They were talking about something important, I could tell by the way Stiles' eyebrows furrowed as he babbled his thoughts too quickly for Scott to understand even with acute hearing. Scott was interrupted by the sound of his phone ringing. He answered it, and hid under his desk. I glanced at Stiles. I gave him a questioning look. He shrugged. He didn't know who Scott was on the phone with either.

After the phone call, Scott left the class. How he managed to convince Blake to let him go, I don't know. I motioned for Stiles' attention, he looked up at me. I made a phone with my hands and put it up to my ear. Stiles understood, he called his dad.

Whatever Scott was told by whoever that person on the phone was, it didn't sound good. I made a run for Stiles' desk, and took the empty sea next to him, making sure that Ms. Blake didn't see me, "Please tell me you know where Scott went."

"Actually, i have an idea," Stiles said. He yanked my hand and pulled me up with him. He headed straight towards Ms. Blake, "Hi Ms. Blake, I'm Stiles. Stilinski is my last name. Anyway this is Melody, Scott's sister, and we need to go with Scott. I called my dad, so i think we should go. I think his best friend and his sister need to be with him right now—"

"What he means is that Scott needs our help and Sheriff Stilinski is coming to pick us up soon, so we needed for you to excuse us for the day," I interrupted Stiles. His babbling was going to make me pull out my own hair.

She smiled at us, "Sure."


When we were out of class, we made a run of Stiles'  jeep. I hit Stiles in the back of the head, "That was real smooth, Casanova. Ms. Blake could have suspected something, you idiot."

He rubbed the back of his head where i hit him and started the jeep. He defended his actions all to quickly for me to hear. I guess part of what Stiles told Blake was true. I am his sister and we needed to know what is going on.

"So where do you think Scott is exactly?" i questioned my friend as he backed up out of the parking lot.

He turned to face me after getting onto the road, I think he's looking for Deaton."

I rose my eyebrows in a questioning look. I asked, "His boss from the pet clinic? You have got to be kidding me. Allison and Lydia are going to freak when they find out I left school with you to go to a pet clinic."


"Because I told them I wouldn't skip class to go on stupid missions with you anymore. I have a C in Chemistry because you think it's always such a good idea to skip our last class. I have a C Stiles, a C! I've never had a C before in my life."

"Calm down, Mel, It's just a C. You're still passing," he said


"This isn't helping. We should probably get going now. Scott could be in trouble. Just trust me on this, okay?" Stiles looked at the steering wheel, and hovered his foot over the gas pedal, but he didn't move.

"Stiles just drive!"


Upon our arrival, we found Scott, Mr. Stilinski, but no Deaton. He was taking a walk, (which i was kept telling myself was true). In reality, Deaton was kidnapped.

Mr. Stilinski put his hand on Scott's back patted him. It looked like he needed it. My brother seemed beat up about Deaton's disappearance, "Alright, we are going to do everything we can, but right now the best thing you can do is go back to school," Stiles' dad nodded in our direction and departed, leaving Scott and Stiles here with me. The car ride was going to be a long and silent one.

Scott tilted his head back. We weren't leaving so soon.

"We have to tell him," Scott told us. We knew what he meant, but Stiles didn't want to. We both leaned closer to Scott, like we didn't hear him.

Stiles jerked his head back, still running everything through his head, You mean like tell him tell him? Or like tell him something else that isn't telling him what i think you want to tell him?"

I wanted to smack both of them. Scott idea was so terrible, he didn't even bother thinking about the dangers of revealing his secret to Stiles' dad. Stiles was being and idiot and failed to see that Scott wanted to tell his dad because he deserved to know. I know his secret, but i don't know everything. They brushed the subject.

They told me about Peter, who they detectives as a "very bad man". They told me about Matt, who controlled the Kanima, A.K.A. Jackson. They told me the Kanima killed Matt, and that Jackson became a werewolf. They told me he moved to London. They told me about Derek's family, and Allison's dead aunt. They didn't even tell me her name or what the whole story was. They were leaving out pieces to the puzzle.

I scoffed and glared at both of them, "Okay so tell him, and then what?"

"You both know what i mean," Scott said. He looked at us with his eyes so full of sunlight. Either he was serious or he was just running out of options fast.

Stiles shook his head, "Remember how you're mom reacted? She didn't look you in the eye for like a week,"

Scott whispered, "She got over it," I saw Stiles look out the window,"And It also made us closer."

"No dude, I mean look at him. He's completely overwhelmed as it is," Stiles interjected.For a minute, Stiles' long pause made me think he was actually considering telling his dad about Scott's secret

My brother still wasn't getting the memo that Stiles wanted to keep it from his dad. His best friend is a creature of the night with yellow eyes and claws and facial hair. How would he believe him? I barely did, "He's overwhelmed because he has no clue what's happening. He's got people dying in his town—the town that he's supposed to protect and it's not his fault that he doesn't know what's happening. He's going to find out sooner or later."

I gripped my brother's arm and the sound of Stiles' hurt voice, "Okay but, is now really the right time?" Stiles asked my brother. Scott was getting frustrated. Neither of us wanted to tell Mr. Stilinski.

"What if not telling him now gets someone else killed?" Scott fired back.

Stiles responded with an equal amount of anger, "What if telling him gets him killed?"

Truth was, no one knows what could possibly happen. It was all a matter of "what if's" and this game the killer had us playing was overwhelmingly one-sided. We were losing.

I let go to Scott and wandered to the back of the room, tuning them both out. I couldn't handle this much tension between them. I have never been used it. Not even as a child was i used to them fighting over such a simple topic.

The door opened, and i followed them out. I wanted to know what they agreed to.

Scott was the one who opened the door. Outside, talking to the cops was our school's guidance counselor and Allison's French teacher, "Please. Whatever you need. However you can help find my brother," Brother? Did it hear that right? We all exchanged glances. She walked up to us when the police officers existed the building, "Listen closely. No sheriff, deputy or detective is going to be able to find him."

I butted between my friend and my brother, and looked her in the eye, "You don't have to ask us for help," I said, making it sound a bit more harshly than i wanted it to be.

"Actually, I'm trying to help you, because if you're going to find my brother you need to use the one person who might actually have an ability to seek out the supernatural and is aware of it," She stared at me for far too long, I was beginning to feel unfortunate under her glare.

Stiles sighed, "Lydia."

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