suicide || h.s ✔

By bieberfever6336

66.9K 1.3K 392

Darcy Styles didn't know what was in store for her when she finds out the story of her parents, Kaylee Hampto... More

one - past
two - past
three - past
four - past
five - past
six - past
seven - past
eight - past
nine - present
ten - past
twelve - past
thirteen - past
fourteen - present
fifteen - past
sixteen - past
seventeen - past
eighteen - past
nineteen - past
twenty - present
twenty one - past
twenty two - past
twenty three - past (may be triggering for some)
twenty four - past
twenty five - past
twenty six - past
twenty seven - present
twenty eight - past
twenty nine - past
thirty - past
thirty one - past
thirty two - past
thirty three - past
thirty four - present
thirty five - past
thirty six - past
thirty seven - past
thirty eight - past
thirty nine - past
forty - past
forty one - past
forty two - past
forty three - past
forty four - past
forty five - past
forty six - past
forty seven- past
forty eight - present
A Major Thank You
Self Harm Awareness Day
Sep 10th: World Suicide Prevention Day
Drunk Kisses

eleven - past

1.6K 26 4
By bieberfever6336


I chugged the bottle of Jack Daniel's down. The first bottle was a little hard to drink but after the second bottle, the liquid went down my throat smoothly, "I need another one" I said, though it came out more like gibberish. I was beyond wasted. Every time I looked around the room, I saw double of everyone. I never got this drunk before.

"I think you had enough, Harry," The bartender said, taking the bottle away from me and placing it behind the counter.

"How do you know my name?" I asked, swaying so much that I almost fell off the bar stool. Harry Styles So Drunk He Falls Off Stool In Bar, that would be a nice magazine title.

"My daughter is a huge fan of yours.I bet you don't want this getting out to the press and I would do this for any broken hearted guy who can't even walk. I'm cutting you off from anymore. Here, hand me your phone and I will call someone for you." I dug around in my pocket for my phone. It took me longer to get it out of my pocket then it normally would have.

"Here," I slurred, slamming my iPhone onto the table. The bartender shook his head at me and went through my contacts, probably calling Liam. I would have called Liam if I remembered where I was right now.

"I called, Liam (told ya) and he said he would get here as soon as possible. Here is your phone and here drink this. It's water." He handed me a glass of water and I chugged it down instantly but it didn'' make me sober. My brain was still foggy and I still didn't know where I was.

"Where are we?" I asked him.

"We are at the local bar. You came here pissed off and look there's Liam," The bartender raised his hand in the air and then pointed to me.

"What the hell were you thinking?" Liam asked. His face was red and there were two of him. I didn't know which one was the real Liam.

"I'm so glad you're here." I went to hug him but instead fell off the stool.I guess that was the fake Liam.

"We have been looking everywhere for you. Next time, answer your phone." Liam was mad and Liam never gets this mad. "Here is $200 for the shit he drank and any damages he caused. Keep the change and thank you for looking after him and not calling the press." He smacked down two one hundred dollar bills. We walked outside of the bar, well Liam more or less dragged me out of the bar.

"You wanna explain to me why you are here? Or do you want to explain this to management if they find out about this?" Liam threw my arm around his shoulder to help me walk, "Is this about Kaylee?" He added, his eyes softening a bit.

"Yeah," I mumbled, falling to the ground. "The stars are really pretty and so is this pavement."

Liam sat down next to me, "She's broken you know."

"I know, but so am I." I didn't need to be sober or anything to know who he was talking about, "I love her"

"I know you do." Liam was my favorite right now. All the other guys would be screaming their heads off at me, especially Niall.

"Why isn't that enough?" I felt like crying. Get yourself together Harry and stop acting like a pussy.

"You have to give her time." LIam rubbed his hand up and down my back as I began to throw up on the sidewalk.

"I have given her time. Almost two fucking months. Why isn't my love good enough for her? Huh? Enlighten me. I gave her everything. I opened up to her. I told her everything, yet she still runs to Niall. Do you know how much that hurts me? It hurts a lot."

"I know. Why don't we go back to the hotel and you can sleep it off?" Liam started getting back to his feet, dragging me with him.

"I don't want to sleep in the same room as her." At some point, I had started crying and now my cheeks were wet. When did I start crying?

"I will explain some things to Danielle alright? You can sleep in our room tonight. You can take Danielle's bed, okay?"

"Okay," I hiccuped.

You're pathetic, Harry.


"Is he going to be alright?" I heard someone ask.

"Yeah, but can he sleep in our room tonight? He doesn't want to sleep in the same room as her. He's really upset about it."

"Yeah, that's fine. Do you want me to sleep in his bed?"

"No. You can sleep in my bed. Something else is wrong about him. It's not just her, I think he's sad too."

Someone said something else but sleep overpowered me.


I woke up to pounding inside my head. It wasn't pleasant either. I groaned, rolling out of the bed. I crawled into the bathroom and stuck my head into the toilet. Fuck.

"Looks like someone is up," I heard. Whose room was I in?

"Li?" I heard a voice say. Oh god.

"What happened last night?" I coughed out, seeing Liam appear at the bathroom door. "And why are you in my room?"

"Lot of shit happened last night and you're in my room." I looked around, noticing that the bathroom had different stuff in it and realized that it was set up differently.

"Why am I in your room?"

"Do you not remember anything last night? You didn't want to sleep in the same room as Kaylee." At the mention of her name, everything came crawling back into my mind. The cuts, the drinking, the bartender, the yelling, the fights, and Liam.

"Yeah, I do."

Liam leaned up against the wall. "I think you need to go and talk to her."

I nodded at him, rinsing out my mouth with water and flushing the toilet., "Thank you Li," I hugged LIam until he put his arm around me as well.

"Anything for a brother," I heard him mumble.

After Liam left the room, Danielle came in and handed me a glass of water and two pills. I slept for another hour and then woke back up, my thoughts running wild. When I was ready to face the real world, I walked out of Liam's room and down the hall to mine. I was about to open the door when I heard voice inside talking.

"You have to tell him," I heard someone say. It sounded a bit like Niall. I would know because he's the only guy in the hotel with an Irish accent.

"I know, Ni, but it's hard." Kaylee

"Kaylee, I know it's hard but you broke him yesterday. I don't care how hard it is, but you have to tell him about everything."

"I can tell him some things, but not everything."

"You better, Kaylee. You're my best friends but he's my brother," I heard some shuffling and knew that Niall was probably going to walk out the door.

"Hey," He said when the door opened, a faint smile on his lips when he saw my hand in the air, ready to knock on the door, "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." No I'm not, can't anyone see? I'm dying inside.

"Are you mad at me?"

"No." Yes.

"Are we cool?" He asked.

"Always," I said with a smile and hugged Niall. For now.

"Please, just don't be mad at her." I nodded, my smile fading. Niall shook his head, walking into the kitchen. I walked into the room, seeing Kaylee curled up on my bed.

"You're in the wrong bed," I said, humor in my voice. She jumped.

"I'm sorry. I just missed you last night and I thought that if I slept in your bed then maybe it would feel like you were here." It was silent until she broke it, "I'm sorry."

I shook my head, not really caring. It's just a bed. I walked over to my bed and sat on the edge, my back facing hers.

"I guess I have some explaining to do," She said.


"Well I am not ready to tell you everything, but I can tell you some things."

"Go on, I'm listening."

"Okay, so I was bullied, like a lot. It got to the point where no one would even talk or look at me. It got to the point where I had death threats being sent to me. It got really hard because I had nobody. Only one person stuck by my side and that was Niall. That's the reason why I am so close to him; it's because he was the only one that stuck by me, and who stuck up for me. Then he left and I had no body besides Dar but she didn't understand it all. Then, I started to cut myself. I thought that if nobody wanted me then maybe the blade would. It was stupid but I did it anyway. I started skipping school. I even changed schools but news spread to there too and it sucked, you know? I'm not ready to tell you everything but that's just a summary of some of it. I'm really sorry, I hope you know that." Her voice cracked a bit at the end. I looked at her, her cheeks were stained with tears and her eyes were bloodshot.

"Shh. It's okay," I said, grabbing her frail body and wrapping her arms around her. "It's going to be okay" Was it, really going to be okay?

After a while, her breathing slowed down and I knew she was asleep. Being tired myself, and the headache still in my head, I decided to close my eyes.

And I swear, I heard her mumble, "It's not going to be okay"

I know.


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