Clockwork Goddess (Link x Rea...

By HyruleField

25.4K 519 140

(I am fixing spelling errors) (y/n) was just in her room thinking deeply about life when she is suddenly take... More

Welcome to Hyrule
The Bakery
Great Fairy Fountain
Lyon's birthday
Happy 22th Lyon!
Time to Go
Little Voices
Back in the Castle
"You're Greedy!"
A Warm Winter
Back into the Woods
Into the Cave
A warm fire and a warm heart
A Simple Task
Elliot Softwing
Help Him
Goodbye Love
Just a Talk for You and I
A Return of an Old Friend
End of Era
Second Book

Castle to Castle

684 19 4
By HyruleField

  2 weeks later~

Sitting on my bed in my chamber with Dark and Elliot. We have Elliot on the ground. He can crawl but he recently has been trying to walk.

"C'mon Elliot" Dark speaks up and opens his arms towards him. I stand Elliot up and let him stand by himself. He smiles brightly and wobbles over to Dark. After a few steps he falls but Dark swiftly catches him. I smile as I see that Dark is lit up with joy and happiness. He has really changed over the past few weeks. I'm glad I could have helped him. Though I do enjoy the time we have spent together I have been stuck here and want to go home... Well as close as home can be in this situation. I stand up and walk towards my little family group and hug Elliot. He laughs sweetly at me snuggling him and tickling him. 

"So Dark I've been meaning to ask you" I say and hold Elliot close to me.
"Wh-What is it?" Dark stutters which isn't completely new to me. He's quiet shy when it comes to certain things. 

"I want to go back home..." I say 

"No..." He mutters, I frown but continue what I was saying.

"As you know I don't come from this world. If I'm free I can search for a way back-"
"YOU WILL NOT LEAVE THIS CASTLE!" Dark shouts at me and puts his fist through the wall. I jump back and hold back the tears in my eyes.

"I...I just wanna go home" I cry. Dark sighs and walks towards me however, I back up from him.

"(y/n)...I-I..." He starts and looks at me with sad eyes. ".. Forget it! Today you have to meet the boss, we want you to help us with an attack on the kingdom tomorrow. No is not an answer! You have 2 hours so don't waste it!" Dark says rudely and takes his leave slamming the giant door making wind knock back and leaves my hair flowing behind me. I glance down at Elliot in my arms and he looks confused. His small hand reaches out to me and touches my cheek almost as if he knows that I am in emotional wreckage. I smile as I cry and hug him.

 "Alright..." I say to myself and look at the magical restraints I have on my wrists. They almost look like bracelets and they are quite lovely sad to say that they must go. I begin to bang them against my my bed frame. They dent but it definitely won't come off. After a few minutes of pondering what to do I feel something strange in the air; almost familiar. It then hits me that it's Lyon's power. I run out to my balcony and see in the distance an army running towards the castle. I think about what I should do. Soon the castle will be on high alert and I'll be watched intensely. I stare and see that there is a ledge that below me. I have an idea but I know it's dangerous but not only that I'd have to bring Elliot with me. I gulp and think of any other possible ways I can get out of here safely but none come to mind. I grab Elliot and a blanket strapping him to my back tightly. I stand on the balcony and breathe. I then jump and draw my hands forward making sure they'd take impact before I did. The cuffs shatter and turn to nothing but dark sparkles. I hear my wrists crack and immense pain following. I let out a cry of pain but I suddenly slip off the ledge and start sliding down the castle roof. I rise to my feet and tap into my strength and magic using the little I know of speed magic. I run of the edge and jump. I float down and farther away from the castle. I see Lyon and he spots me. He waves to me and tears well up in my eyes.

"I'm safe..." I mutter to myself.

"(Y/N)!!!" I hear a scream, it shakes the earth. I look back but don't see anyone. It was Dark's voice. He probably was looking for me. I finally touch the ground. I rush over and Lyon jumps off his horse sweeping me into his arms. Elliot starts to cry and someone takes him and starts heading back to the castle.

"Let's go, quickly" Lyon says and helps me on his horse. I look at my hands and see the damage. They are bruised beyond belief and I know for a fact I broke something. I glance back and see an army running out. However, we are much further ahead. I see Dark on his horse. He suddenly teleports in front of our horse.

"STOP!" He shouts but Lyon keeps going, Dark quickly jumps out of the way. For a second I thought I saw some sadness on his face. Again he reappears in front of us. "PLEASE DON'T TAKE HER AWAY FROM ME!" He shouts and grabs hold of the horse. Lyon growls and punches him in the face. Suddenly I see an arrow fly and lands right in Dark Link's shoulder. I reach out towards him and he reaches for me but Lyon grabs my hand and stops me. Dark falls and is left in the dust behind us. "(Y/N)!!!" He shouts for me but all I do is turn my head away from him. My eyes water, but I hold back the tears. We arrive back at the kingdom and Lyon carries me bridal style through the town. Everyone cheers and I feel embarrassed but thankfully I'm home. We get to the castle and the rest of my small group is there. Their faces light up. 

"I'm home" I say softly and look over at Elliot who is being carried by a guard. I smile weakly at everyone. Everyone smiles except for Zelda. She scowls at me and clenches her fist. Not even wanting to look me in the eyes. 

"You couldn't even handle a easy mission like this one...Where ever you go there seems to be trouble" Zelda says and marches over towards us. Lyon holds me closer to him ready to block whatever attack Zelda has coming. She whips her hand towards me but Link grabs her hand. We all then get a glimpse of Zelda's face and she's crying. "You idiot! You worry me don't you get it!" She shouts and then rips her arm away from Link and grabs my wrists and suddenly they stop hurting. I see that she's healing me Lyon lets me walk on my own and we head into the castle. First of all orders they feed me and whilst that is going on I explain what has been going on. They are all shocked on how I was able to talk and be friend with Dark Link. Our Link isn't too fond of the idea.

"I don't like that part of me...However, he did protect you so I guess he's good for something" Link growls and I smile. I reach over and ruffle Link's hair. He blushes and then smirks and ruffles mine, we then get into a small play fight, simply just pushing each other softly. Lyon growls under his breathe and slides his hand around my waist under the table. I jump slightly, then look back at him. He smiles softly.

"Anyways, my goddess who was that child you brought back with you" Impa says. Elliot is currently down for a nap in my room in the castle.

"That is Elliot, for the time remaining here I will take care of him. It was because of me that he is now an orphan...I couldn't save his family...It's the least I can do" I say grimly. I suddenly feel Lyon grip my side and rub it slightly reassuring me. I suddenly feel pressure on my left hand; It's Link. He squeezes it and interlocks our fingers. I sit there nervously and Lyon looks at and I return with a weird stupid smile. He looks concerned.

"You can't save everyone (y/n), I've learned that the hard way" Link speaks up and everyone nods in agreement.

"Although we try and we are all strong. We have limitations, holding onto the past does not help things. You should focus on making yourself stronger so you can protect more people" Impa says and I look at her and smile. I understand and I should do what she says but it is easier said then done. But I am determined to try. Suddenly a yawn escapes my lips. Lyon gets up and then throws me over his shoulder.

"You must be tired (y/n), I'll tuck you in" Lyon says in his usual soft and loving tone. He carries me out and I glance back at Link and he gives me a wink and a cheeky smirk. What is to come?
Next chapter contains smut...

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