
By GwenBug

1.9K 94 2

A young college girl, smart yet shy, is abducted one day from her college campus. Little did she know, her ca... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Thank you!

Chapter 5

97 4 0
By GwenBug

Emily awoke abruptly to a loud knock on her door. She sat up and looked around, there was a little light coming from her window, the sun was starting to rise. She slowly got out of bed and cautiously walked over to her door.

Before she could open it to see who had knocked so loudly, her bare foot stepped on something. Emily looked down to see a little white piece of paper. She picked it up and read what it said.

'Get out while you still can, don't trust what he says.'

'Who was D? And why were they warning me?' Emily thought and physically shook herself. She had a feeling she needed to get rid of the letter or else she could get in trouble. Emily walked quickly over to the little walk in bathroom, she ripped up the note in little pieces, then flushed them down the toilet.

Emily walked over to the sink, on it was everything she needed. Makeup, hairbrush, hair ties, perfume, deodorant, toothbrush and toothpaste, she was surprised that all this stuff was set out for her, like she was expected to come. She picked up the hairbrush and started to brush out the tangles. Emily put her long auburn hair in a high ponytail, then she wash her wash with a damp washcloth and brushed her teeth.

Coming out of the bathroom, she walked over to the wardrobe to see if there were any clothes she could wear. Inside, there was multiple beautiful dresses; red, black, purple and royal blue, the dresses were gorgeous and looked very expensive. Emily closed the door to the wardrobe and walked over to the dresser; dresses weren't her thing anyways, the last time she wore one was to her aunts wedding, which was four years ago.

In the dresser, Emily found a few pairs of jeans and some nice shirts in the bottom two drawers. Above that were bras and panties. She changed out of her night gown and got dressed for the day. The jeans were a little big but the fancy shirt fit perfectly. The shirt was a light pink color, it had a low cut that showed a little more than what Emily was comfortable with.

She walked out her bedroom door, taking a right to the library. Opening the door, she was once again mesmerized by the numerous amount of books in the room. Emily looked around, her eyes stopped though on a man, the same man she had seen when she first came into the library the night before. He was sitting in the same chair, reading the same book, she even thought he was wearing the same clothes. Had he been here all night? Emily wondered to herself. She tried to speak to say hello but then remembered she couldn't. Instead she looked around for a book to read, glancing over at the man multiple times.

He had dark brown hair that looked a bit messy, his t-shirt was marron and he had dark jeans on with black boots. The man never looked up from his book, he almost looked like a statue, except for his eyes scanning across words and the occasional turning of the page.

Emily sat down in a brown leather chair with a book about human anatomy. The book was fairly large and heavy, she turned to a random page and began to read. Scanning the words and looking at the black and white pictures being described. Anatomy was probably her favorite thing to study in school, she always loved learning about the human body, especially the brain. It was amazing how everything worked together to keep the body alive and well.

Suddenly, she her a loud thump and looked up. The man who had been sitting and reading was gone, his book on the ground. Emily looked around, she didn't even see him get up, he was just, gone. She heard footsteps coming down the hall from outside the library. Emily looked back down at her book, pretending not to notice. Aaron turned around the corner and smiled at Emily.

"Well good morning Miss. Weaver, how did you sleep last night?" Aaron said cheerfully, walking towards where Emily sat. She smiled and nodded, until she saw who was behind him, it was the man who had kidnapped her. Emily shot straight up, the book falling out of her lap onto the floor, Aaron calmly stopped her from bolting by putting a hand on her shoulder.

"Emily, this is Arthur, he's going to give you your voice back. He's not going to hurt you, I promise." Aaron said smiling. Emily looked at Arthur as he walked closer. He had a gentle smile on his face and his eyes were a deep hazel color.

"I apologize if I frighten you ma cher, I have that impression for most, it's a blessing and a curse." Arthur chuckled in his thick French accent. He stood next to Aaron. "Would you like your voice back?" Emily nodded eagerly, she was tired of not being able to speak.

"Stand in front of me, please" Emily obeyed and Arthur lightly grabbed her hands. Emily felt a bit uncomfortable being so close to him, but having Aaron next to them made her feel a lot better. Arthur starred into Emily's eyes, his slowly changed from dark hazel to deep red.

"I release you" Arthur said quietly. Suddenly, Emily felt a strange feeling, like a weight was lifted from her body. Arthur let go of her hands and smiled. Aaron nodded to him, Arthur did a quick bow before leaving the room. Aaron turned to face Emily.

"Well, good ahead, say something" Aaron said, Emily took a breath.

"Thank you" She said, and her eyes lit up, she could finally speak. Aaron smiled.

"What a lovely voice you have" He said charmingly, Emily had a big grin on her face. She turned to look at Aaron, a million questions running through her mind.

"I need to ask you some things now that I can talk" Emily said, but Aaron put his hand up before she could say anything more.

"I know you are probably very confused as to why you are here, and I will answer all I can. How about we get some breakfast and you can ask me anything you'd like?" Aaron said, putting his arm around her waist and leading her out of the room.

"Sure" was all she could say as he ushered her out of the library.

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