"It" Can't Be Helped | ✔️ | B...

By 19FandomTrash98

184K 6.1K 5.4K

(First Rendition) 41,653 words: Rin is neither human nor demon, he fits in nowhere. His so called "friends"... More

Update #2
With a Fake Smile
I'm Fine
Sensei Pt. 2
Get Over Yourself
Getting Worse for the Better
Dead People Don't Bleed
At a Loss
Singled Out
Another Secret
Bitter Woman
It Comes Out
Family is Thicker Than Blood
Thank you!!


9.1K 283 116
By 19FandomTrash98

Yukio dodged the demons attacks, his colleagues running forward, firing bullets at the flying pests. They had been at this for almost nine hours already, it was passed midnight and they were only halfway through eradicating the demons. He sighed, wiping the sweat from his forehead. Crouching by a nearby obstacle, he allowed himself a moment to think of his brother and Bon, whether or not they were okay and if Rin had caved and hurt himself again. It would be awhile before he would get home to find out.


Bon woke up in pain, his neck and lower back cracking as he sat up in bed. Apparently the old dorm the Okumura's were staying in also had old mattresses, go figure. How they slept at all amazed him. He didn't need to look outside to know it was very early in the morning, the sun still a few hours from rising. He yawned, checking the alarm clock on Yukio's nightstand. 3:47. Where was Yukio anyway? Surely he would have woken Bon to relieve him of his babysitting job. He must still be on his mission, which was a daunting thought seeing as how it had been almost ten hours since he left.

Stretching, he felt a warm body by his feet. Checking under his blanket, he discovered a curled up Kuro on his bed, sound asleep. He chuckled, curious as to why the feline wasn't sleeping with his partner. Rising from bed, he walked over to the desk, slowly as to not stub his toe. Feeling around on the surface, he finally found the lamp and switched it on, squinting as soft yellow light illuminated the room, throwing shadows in every direction. He hummed, his voice sleepy, and turned to face the teen he was ordered to watch.

A wrinkle formed between his brows when he noticed how the small boy wasn't necessarily sleeping peacefully. He stepped up to the bed and slowly pulled the blanket off his unconscious friend, folding it at the foot of the mattress. He sighed, he really pitied him.

Rin was curled up, facing the wall, so his face was in the shadows. However, Bon could imagine it was twitching just like the rest of his body. Before going to sleep, Bon had enforced the rule of no shirts to bed, something Yukio had told him to do. So the boy's back was bare, goosebumps crawling along his skin. If Bon hadn't of known any better, he would have thought the boy was having a minor seizure considering how he seemed to convulse sporadically. Small, almost inaudible grunts and pants passing through his lips.

Bon returned to his bed, running a hand through his hair. No wonder Okumura was always so tired during the day, he probably hadn't had a good nights rest in forever. Leaning against the wall, he weighed whether or not he should wake him, eventually deciding not to let the boy lose any more sleep than need be, even if the quality of sleep was pretty shitty. Bon cracked his knuckles, watching the trembling form before him, Rin's tail fell from the mattress, twitching and swaying just as sporadically as the rest of him.

Bon wondered if Yukio knew, quickly realizing that, no, he didn't. He would have done something about it by now. This was just another thing Rin had kept secret, preferring to suffer in silence rather than get the help of others.

Bon yawned and glanced at the alarm clock again. 4:23. Christ! Where the hell is Okumura?? He probably should have tried to get some sleep, but he became anxious, thoughts of the twins filling his mind and stressing him out. He was broken out of his brooding when Rin snapped up in bed, gasping and gripping his chest. Suguro checked the clock, 4:57. He quietly got out of bed, treading warily across the room. The other boy quickly noticed his movements, fearful eyes centering on him. Bon held his hands out as if to say he wouldn't hurt him, apologizing quietly for startling him.

Rin's breathing didn't even out, in fact, it seemed to get worse. His eyes darted around the room, becoming increasingly anxious. His tail fidgeting behind him, his gaze met the other boys again. "W-Where's Yukio?" He gasped, voice hoarse from sleep. Bon explained that he didn't know at the moment where his brother was and the twin's eyes grew misty. Bon quickly waved his hands, trying to calm the boy's quickening breathes.

"Rin, hey, it's okay, he should be coming home soon, he told me it would be awhile in the first place. They probably got set back or a plan backfired, I'm sure he is fine, alright?" He sat down next to his trembling friend, placing a hand on his warm shoulder. Rin pulled his knees to his chest, resting his forehead on them. Bon sighed, "do you want to go back to bed?" Rin shook his head.

There was a minute of silence between the boys before a quiet voice spoke, inhibited, "could you... play some music or something?" Suguro retrieved his phone off of the charger and spent a few minutes typing and going through his music before settling on a playlist. He set the phone facedown on the mattress and the boys stayed quiet, listening to the lyrics.

About fifteen minutes had passed when Rin's head rose, his breathing still uneven and his body trembling. "Oh my god, where is he? He's never been this late...." he whispered in despair, banging his head on his knees a few times. His fingers had been restless the whole time, picking at the bandages on his arms, eventually unthreading a few stands. "What if he's hurt? What if he's..." he bit his tongue, not even daring to say it. He turned his head toward the other boy, on the brink of hysterics, "can you text him? Or call him? Wait, if he's on a mission don't call. Can you message him, please? He's never been this late...." his voice broke.

Bon nodded, not wanting to mention that he had already texted his brother when he grabbed his phone. Rin visibly relaxed, but only slightly, but it was a change for the better, that's all that mattered to Bon. He quickly sent another text to his teacher, mentioning the twin's erratic behavior. Then, he set his phone back down, the music still playing.

After another few songs had finished, Bon noticed the other's shaking shoulders. Oh no, he was crying, what was he supposed to do? Comfort him? How? His brother was missing with no signs of showing up, there was no way to cover that up. So Bon did the best thing he could do. "Rin, talk to me." The boy shook his head, "come on, you're breaking down on me, let me help you." The boy's head snapped up, his cheeks stained with tears but his eyes had shifted in anger.

"Help me how?! There is nothing we can do! And what could you do for me? Huh?!" He hugged his knees tighter, "you have no idea what it's like to lose a family member! Both of your parents are alive and well! You don't know what it's like to watch your dad die because you were too weak to save him! You don't know what it's like to grow up without a mother!" Tears began to well up in his eyes again, his voice suddenly growing soft. "I can't afford to lose anyone else, or else I'll fucking snap. Not Yukio, never him, he's my reason to live. Without him, no... I won't even speak of it." He turned his head away, stifling his tears.

Bon was shocked, never realizing just how alone Rin was, with his twin gone all the time, and no other family to turn to, it was starting to make sense why he had become so reckless. He began to feel guilty, trying to empathize with someone who was much worse off than him. Sure, he had good intentions, but he shouldn't have been filling the air with words he knew wouldn't help, they just ended up hurting instead. Bon placed a hand on Rin's arm, "listen, I'm sorry I offended you, I just don't want you to cry anymore. Can you really blame me for that? I'm sorry."

Rin sighed, "it's alright, I overreacted."

There was a moment of silence, "your brother; I'm sure he's okay."

Rin shifted on the bed, "don't make promises you can't k-"

The door began to open and a tired looking Yukio appeared, his jacket was folded over his arm and he looked a little ragged. His eyes fell onto the two boys, and he quickly tried to explain himself, "I'm so sorry, I never knew I'd be this late. It took four separate plans, executed at different times to- oomph!" Rin had flew off the bed, throwing his arms around his brother. Yukio dropped his jacket, instinctively wrapping his arms around Rin before landing on his ass.

A sob burst into the air and Yukio looked concerned. "Don't. Ever! Scare me like that again! Christ, I was about to have a damn heart attack. Fuck..." the smaller boy sniffled. "I'm so glad you're okay, though. Why didn't you answer your phone?"

Yukio smiled, glad to see his brother was concerned for his safety. "It got destroyed during the mission, I had figured that since it was so late at night, I wouldn't need it. Speaking of which, why are you two up at 5:30 in the morning? You're lucky it's Saturday or else you would've been slacking at school." He suddenly switched into teacher mode, eyes narrowing. Rin began to giggle against his brothers neck, completely struck happy to have his little brother home, even if it meant he had to hear his lectures.

Yukio glared at Bon, still expecting an answer despite his brother's antics. Bon laughed, compared to the atmosphere in the room a few minutes ago, the air was light, even if he got yelled at by his teacher, he was sure he'd smile through it. "I woke up about two hours ago because you two seem to be sleeping on sacks of potatoes, so I couldn't sleep." He said, shutting off his music and returning to Yukio's side of the room. The youngest twin nodded, lifting his sibling to his feet and moving him to his bed.

"What about you, Nii-san? Why are you awake so early? Or did you even sleep?" Yukio smiled, grabbing his jacket off the floor and hanging it up, grabbing clothes from the closet.

Rin blushed, "I couldn't sleep well."

"He was having a nightmare, I wouldn't doubt he has them a lot either, it would explain why he's so dopey at school." Bon stated, making the raven haired boy blush harder.

"Oh, Nii-san, you've been hiding so much from us. Tomorrow, I want you to tell us everything." Yukio walked over and ran a hand through his brother hair, he sighed. "Why are your arms bandaged?" Rin looked up, regret in his eyes and Yukio faltered. "Alright, tomorrow. I'm going into the shower, I'll be back out shortly."

The boys nodded.


Yukio breathed a sigh of relief, the hot water had rinsed away most of his aches, along with the disgusting feeling of sweat and dirt. He combed his hair and brushed his teeth. The twin laughed, recalling his brother's happiness when he opened the door. Even at his must vulnerable, Rin was worried about his brother's safety and health. It was heartwarming, to say the least.

Yukio turned the light off and opened the bathroom door, hearing snores that were definitely not his brothers. He chuckled, seeing the sprawled form of Ryuji on his bed, he must have passed out immediately. Seeing as how dawn was about to break, Yukio didn't blame him, feeling his own body grow heavy with exhaustion. He walked over to the desk and turned off the lamp, the room still slightly illuminated by the orange horizon outside the window. If the boys planned on functioning at all the next day, they were going to have to sleep passed day break, something Yukio didn't mind at the moment. He pulled the curtains to halfway, just to ensure the sunlight wouldn't wake them, and turned back to the room.

Rin sat on the edge of his bed, his eyes sleepy and a small smile on his lips. He had put a t-shirt on, but Yukio decided to let it slip. He rose, walking over to Yukio and hugging him, again. The youngest boy chuckled again, hugging him back. "I don't think you'll be getting your bed back for the night." Rin said, his voice muffled by Yukio's shirt.

"Heh, yeah, I'll just crash in the room over or something," he responded, yawning. Rin huffed, grabbing his brother's hand and pulling him toward his bed.

"That's nonsense," he tsked, crawling under the covers and pulling Yukio down with him. The brother laughed, reminiscing back to when they used to do this as kids. The smaller boy turned on his side, laying his head on his twins chest, breathing deeply as he relaxed into him. Yukio hummed, fingers playing with his brothers hair and closing his eyes, letting happy memories lull him to sleep.

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