
By disobedientwaves

85.4K 3.1K 692

if you follow my ig, you know what it's about. (: More

Just One Time, Reviewed
Unsatisfyingly Satisfying, Reviewed
Unsatisfyingly Satisfying cont, Reviewed
Horrible Oversight, Reviewed
Horrible Oversight cont. Reviewed
Horrible Oversight cont. Reviewed
Intrusive Memories, Reviewed
Intrusive Memories cont.
Intrusive Memories cont.
Mindful Soul
Mindful Soul cont.
Final Waves
Final Waves cont.
Easy Beginnings
Easy Beginnings cont.
Faults cont.
Burden cont.
Burden cont.
Reinforcement cont.
Reinforcement cont.
Feuled ®
Feuled cont.
Feuled cont.
Esotric cont. ®
Esotric cont. ®
Impulse cont.
Impulse Cont. ®️
Informal Hassle.
Another One.
What Would Yall Like?


1.7K 76 15
By disobedientwaves

4 Months Later.

I ease down the steps, holding my belly. The elevators have been down for a week which is bad for me because of the baby. She is 6 months and 1 week today. I take a deep breath before getting to the last step. When I get down there, Harper is standing there waiting for me.

"Hi pretty girl." She intertwines her arm with mine, smiling as we start walking to a classroom. Today, we have to teach some new people who just got here.

I shake my head and smile. "Hey boo."

"I was talking to the baby." Her eyes flicker to my face and a chuckle comes from her throat. I just stare at her in disbelief. Ever since I've found out the gender of this baby, everyone's been talking to her like they know her or can see her.

"I'm getting tired of y'all." My eyes roll so hard I almost thought they got stuck. We get to the door and I start to open it, looking through the window I can see a lot of people.

As I start to open the door, Harper grabs my arm. "Have you talked to Prince?"

I look at her for a split second and shake my head before letting out a sigh. "No, I haven't. He won't talk to me. He blocked me on everything."

She nods her head slowly then kisses my cheek.

"I'm sorry I asked, c'mon." She opens the door and we head inside. I put on a fake smile that only Harper would recognize. We introduce ourselves and start teaching the students.

"Here we have a policy. You need to—" Harper is cut off for the 4th time by one of the students, laughing. Now see I've tried to be nice, but I'm already in a bad mood.

I turn to them with my arms folded against my chest, they rest on my belly. "Excuse me! A doctor is trying to teach you important information for your job. If you want to goof off then leave! We don't care. We are trying to help you, now, I'm pregnant, tired, my feet are swollen and I'm ready to leave this classroom so please get your head out of your ass and pay attention!"

I stare at them for a second as I slide a hand over my belly, trying to get her little kicks to calm down then turn back to Harper, nodding.

They clear their throats and look at Harper as she starts talking about cardiovascular stuff again.

I lean against desk, letting some tension off my back and stare at the wall in front of me..the day that Prince cut me off, replays in my head. I remember I had posted a picture with one of the doctors and my belly was showing. I had totally forgot it was a secret. He called me that afternoon when I got home and I thought it was going to be a decent conversation..It wasn't..

"Lana.." His voice sounds quiet and eerie.

"Yes? Hi, what's wrong hun?"

"You're pregnant?" He gets quieter.

I remember a lump forming in my throat, a lump so big that if I swallowed I would have choked more than I already was. I remember managing to form the word "Yes" then all hell broke loose.

"You were pregnant whenever we were fucking?!Lana, you were fucking with someone else when we were a thing?!"

I didn't know what to say again. I just let him rant..There was no stopping him. I tried to tell him it was his, but every time I tried he cut me off and continued yelling at me. I remember the tears falling down my face when he told me....

"I actually had feelings for you! I can't believe you did that..And it's even more disgusting that I was fucking you while you had someone else's baby inside of you. I can't, Lana..I can't."

Then just like that..he hung up and I couldn't reach him anymore. I tried to text him, my messages weren't sending through. I tried to contact him on social media, he blocked me on everything. Harper offered to help me, but I told her to just let it go..I'd told myself I would live without him and I am. She's so infuriated with him because he didn't even give me a chance to explain myself to him. I..

"Dr. Taylor...Lana."

I snap out of it and my eyes advert to Harper who is giving me a concerned face. I glance at everyone who is also looking at me. What? What's happening? I drop of water falls from no where and lands on my arm. Wha..Why is the ceiling leaking? I look up at the ceiling and realizes it's not the ceiling....I'm crying.

Quickly, I wipe my tears and clear my throat leaning off the desk. "Um, I'm gonna step out." I give Harper a slight smile and step out the room.

I hear her tell the class that it was the end of the session and that they may leave. I hurry to the doctor break room and immediately start crying more. I thought I was over this, I'm really not. Before I know it Harper comes in and embraces me into her arms. I put my head on her shoulder and continue to cry. Her arms wrap around me and she rubs my back slowly.

"I shouldn't just told him a long time ago..Now, I lost him for good." My words jumble up slightly as I sniffle and cough against her.

"I know, Lana. I'm sorry." Harper says as someone comes into the room.

"Dr. Taylor you're need in—"

Harper turns towards them, sighing. "Give her a minute. She'll be there."

I'm guessing the doctor nodded because they left without saying anything else. I try to pull myself together by moving off of Harper and covering my face. Get it together Lana..I wipe my face and eyes while my eyes stick to the ceiling. I'm so tired of crying over him. And he's not thinking about me. Harper told me he's with someone right now. Some white girl. He's in a relationship and I'm having his baby..What have I done?

"You feeling better?" Harper grabs a tissue box and hands it to me. Her bottom lip pokes out as I take the box and snatch a couple of tissues out.

I blow my nose and nod a little.

"Yeah..Just tired and ready to forget about him." I throw the tissue away and put hand sanitizer on my hand, rubbing it in on my hands and wrists.

"Well you can't really. You're having his baby." Harper retorts. I can tell she doesn't mean any harm so I just let it slide.

"You're right."

We eventually head out the room and I continue with my day. Let's just try to push through.


"What should we eat?" Kait asks as we sit down in a booth with everyone who works in my department. Dashawn and Grisby sits downs across from us while Kait and I sit together on the other side.

I slide off my hat and run my fingers through my curls, shrugging softly before picking up a menu. "I don't know. Something good."

She picks up hers and starts looking through it. I look over at her and admire her for a second. She's so breathtaking.

Her head lifts from her menu and she looks at me with a raised eyebrow. I continue to stare at her while each end of my lips curve up into a smile.

She sends me a quick giggle then leans over and pecks my lips before saying, "My handsome baby."

I quickly shake my head and focus my attention back to my menu. Damn, she is something else. It was so hard to get her to be with me at first, but now I've got her. I hate to say it, but she kinda reminds me of Lana..The way she giggles and looks at me. Makes me slightly angry because Lana is not in my life anymore, but it is what it is.

Please leave feedback! I love to hear what you guys have to say! Thank you!!

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