Extraterrestrial Love (Astral...

By EmmaRamsayx

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Astral, Yuma's invisible dualest and friend happens across someone from his home world, it was a girl he had... More

Intro To The Characters
Chapter 1: Exile
Chapter 2: Stella's Memories
Chapter 3: Stella vs Kite
Chapter 4: So This Is Love
Chapter 5: Dark Mist
Chapter 6: Stella's Struggle
Chapter 7: Taken/ Astral Vs Dark Mist
Chapter 8: Dark Mist's Repent
Chapter 10: The Voice
Chapter 11: Double Date
Chapter 12: Helping Mist
Chapter 13: Enter Vector
Chapter 14: Star vs Stella
Chapter 15: Well This Is Awkward...
Chapter 16: Romance Reborn Stronger
Chapter 17: Disappearance
Chapter 18: Astral No!
Chapter 19: Yuma vs Eliphas
Chapter 20: Safe Returns
Chapter 21: The Argument/Bye Bye Vector
Chapter 22: The Chaos Unleashed
Chapter 23: The Final Battle

Chapter 9: Dark Star

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By EmmaRamsayx

(By the way the pic above is going to be named number 23 Dark Star and not Hakurai so keep that in mind)

Astral's POV:
"What? Why would you use Atchacha Artcher in this situation? It makes no sense to me I would have used Ryrider instead" I said as I looked at Stella's set up, we were inside the key taking a break because Yuma and Tori were out on a date. So we decided we would make up random battle simulations with Yuma's deck, since if it ever came to Stella or I dualling its Yumas deck we would use.

"Astral have you forgotten about Atchacha Artcher's special ability? When it's summoned it can attack the opposing dualler for 800 points of damage, and it still gets its chance to atta k in the turn. However I do like your idea better of using byebye damage instead of half unbreak in this setup" Stella replied as she she leaned against me and rested her head on my shoulder,

"I see well....hmm? This feeling, Yuma must be dualling someone with a number!" I said standing up but Stella stopped me with a smile,

"I'll help him this time, you should go and talk to Mist" she said, I gave her a confused look as she just nodded her head in the direction of the airship, I looked to where she was looking and saw Mist sitting on top of it alone.

"He's seemed pretty down lately, he's not been pulling pranks or making snarky comments towards Yuma to annoy him. Its not like him and I'm getting worried, but I have this feeling that if he's going to talk to anyone about what's going on..... He'd want it to be you" she said looking to him sadly then turning to me

"I understand I'll try and talk to him, good luck" I whispered I was about to kiss her forehead but she leaned up so I kissed her lips instead

"you almost missed, and Yuma and I don't need luck as long as we feel the flow right?" She said with a smile and a small blush, I felt my own cheeks heat up but I returned her smile as she left to help Yuma. I looked up to Dark Mist before floating up and sitting down next to him.

"What's up Astral?" He muttered without looking at me I sighed and looked up to the forever dark sky,

"that's what I was going to ask you, why have you been so sad lately? Your making Stella and I worry, and not just us all of our other friends too. You've not been pranking them, in fact you've barely even left the key, tell me what's wrong even if I don't understand I might be able to help" I said looking over to him. He looked up from the ground and over to me,

"well its nothing important really I just wanted to ask you, what is love? Like how does it feel? And how do you know when your in love? I don't know if its an emotion I can ever feel but I want to know what it feels like so that if it ever does happen I won't be afraid of it" he said, I was quite surprised honestly normally I was the one always asking questions,

"umm to be quite honest its a complicated emotion to explain easily you would be better maybe asking Stella about it?" I replied quizzically

"what?! No way that's embarrassing plus she would only know how a female would feel. And I can't ask Bronk, Caswell, Flip, Kite or Shark because they'll laugh at me and Yuma....well despite dating Tori he's still as clueless as a wombat. Your the only one I can ask Astral, can you at least tell me what you feel with Stella?" I looked to see that he had an almost pleading look in his eyes as he asked me. I thought of a way I could put it simply.

"Hmm, well when I'm with Stella I get a warm almost fuzzy feeling in my heart, I feel like no matter how unplesent or sad my mood is just being with her and seeing her smile will cheer me up. Whenever I look at her I get a fluttery feeling in my stomach but its good nerves and it makes my face heat up. She can always tell when I'm sad and knows exactly how to cheer me up, she's someone who always makes me want to smile and I always want to be there to protect her" I said honestly I could feel myself smiling of course even just thinking about Stella was enough to make me smile.

"I think I get it so....huh Yuma?" Mist started but he was cut off by Yuma's voice from outside the key he was panicking and I could hear Tori panicking too,

"Astral! Mist! Please get out here some things happening to Stella!" At Stella's name I was up and I instantly left the key with Mist right behind me. Once out I looked to where Yuma and Tori were looking, Stella looked...... different.

"Yuma what is going on?" I asked concerned

"I don't know but when Stella took the number card there was this big burst of energy or something and then this happened. I think its like what happened with you and Mist remember when he took over your body then forced me to dual Bronk, this number must be taking over Stella. So that's not Stella that's number 23 Dark Star" Yuma said as Dark Star looked to us with a smirk,

"more of ya huh? I thought this girl giving dual advice was annoying enough because of her that annoying brat won, well you can tell what happened then as she tried to take the card my anger overflowed and I took control" she sneered, she looked exactly like Stella except she had the same colors as Mist; black, red and green.

"If you can beat me in a dual then I'll be separated from her but if I win....I want your numbers" Yuma looked hesitant he knew that if he lost the numbers not only would I disappear but so would Mist and Stella, but I could tell he wanted to help her,

"Astral, Mist.....Y...Yuma" a voice rung in my head and I could tell Yuma and Mist heard it too Because they were looking towards dark Star with wide eyes,

"Stella? Is that you?!" Yuma shouted

"Listen to me....you have....to accept her challenge.....don't worry about me....do it for the number its the only way to......restore Astral's memory....I trust all 3 of you, you can beat her" Stella said her voice was weak but what I heard next surprised me.

"All three, you trust me too? Alright then I'll help you with this dual Yuma" Mist said with a determined look on his face,

"you'll accept? Just know if you do you play by my rules so no one attacks until both duallers have a number monster on their field and we can only use one number, once that number is destroyed the dual is over, so life points don't matter" Dark Star said Yuma looked to me but I just smiled,

"Alright Mist, Stella trusts you then so do I, you can help Yuma in this dual" I said I knew something was going on with him yes he wanted to help Stella but I could see that he also wanted to help Dark Star something was telling me that taking over Stella wasn't planned and Mist seemed to have understood that too.

"Astral....thanks I know we can win this right Yuma?" Mist said Yuma smiled and nodded,

"you know it because I am so feeling the flow!" Yuma shouted as he readied his dual gazer and disk as Dark Star also readied her dual disk

"Let's dual!" They shouted and the dual began, if it was a one monster dual it was going to be a short one because whoever had the most attack points would win that was a given, no strategy involved at all just brute force.

"I'll begin, I draw! First I summon Speed Bird I also summon Overlay Owl. Now I overlay my level 4 Speed Bird and Overlay Owl, with these two monsters I build the overlay network and Xyz summon number 23 Dark Star!" She shouted as number 23 came forth onto the battle field,

"now as per our agreement I can't attack until your number is on the field so I end my turn" Dark Star said I looked over to Mist and Yuma they had to summon a monster with more than 2200 attack points or this dual was over I just hope Mist knows what he's doing.

"Okay I draw! But what number should I summon? Utopia or Leviathon Dragon both have more attack points than that thing so I should....." Yuma started but the was cut off by Mist,

"You should summon number 96" he said

"what?! But Mist your number only has 100 attack points and...." but he was cut off once again

"I know that's my point she won't expect it using number 17 or 39 would be too obvious, and remember my numbers ability. Please you have to trust me cause if you loose this I'll disappear along with Astral and Stella do you think I would trick you if that was on the line?" Yuma looked back to me but I just smiled and looked back to number 23, he had to make the choice to trust Mist on his own.

"Alright I trust you, first of all I summon Flelf, next I summon Gagaga Sister and once this card is summoned I can also summon one of her relatives so come on out here Gagaga Magician! Now I activate Gagaga Magicians special ability once per turn I can change his level to something between 1 and 8 I'm going for 2" Yuma shouted he glanced to Dark Mist who gave him a reassuring nod, his face serious.

"I overlay my level 2 Gagaga Magician, Gagaga Sister and Flelf in order to build the overlay network. With these three monsters I Xyz summon number 96 Dark Mist!" Yuma shouted as now number 96 appears on the feild,

"end your turn Yuma, everything is ready we just need her to attack next turn and we've won" Mist said Yuma nodded

"I end my turn" Dark Star just stared at the number before her she looked confused yet amused at the same time.

"A monster with 100 attack points and you put it against my monster with 2200 attack points are you just throwing in the towel or something? Man I knew you were dumb but I didn't think you were this dumb" she said looking exasperated,

"ah well, I draw and now Dark Star attack Dark Mist destroy it!" Dark Star shouted

"now Yuma use the ability and finish this" Mist shouted

"right! I activate Dark Mist's special ability when a battle is started I can activate this ability. By using one overlay unit your monsters attack points are cut in half and given to Dark Mist raising its attack points!" Yuma shouted as Dark Stars attack points lowered to 1100 and Dark Mist's was raised to 1200,

"I end my turn!" Dark Star shouted before her monster could finish attacking.

"You may have stopped it from destroying its self but you won't stop this, I draw" Yuma shouted as he nodded to Mist who nodded back,

"Go Dark Mist attack Dark Star, whiplash whirlwind!" They both shouted at the same time as they're monster destroyed Dark Stars.

"Ahhh!" She screamed as she separated from Stella and fell to the ground, Stella fell forwards but I caught her in my arms before she could,

"Stella are you okay?" I asked she nodded and let me hold her she was clearly exhausted

"hey...are you alright? We didn't hurt you too bad did we?" Mist's voice said from behind me we looked over to him to see him helping Dark Star to sit up,

"I...I'm alright, please forgive me it was never my intention to overtake your friends body, after my number was destroyed in the battle against her and Yuma the energy within overflowed and I lost control of it. So when the controller of number 17 touched the card the overflowing energy let loose and took her over, forming me into this body. I really am sorry" she said sadly.

"Its alright I had a feeling that you overtaking Stella was accidental so I forgive you" I said as Mist nodded in agreement and so did Yuma and Tori. I looked to Stella as she stood up from my arms,

"I can forgive a lot of things but forcing me to dual against my friends and hurting them for your own satisfaction is not one of them. Whether it was deliberate or accidental don't try to apologize to me because your getting no sympathy or forgiveness from me!" Stella snapped before walking over to Yuma and disappearing into the key,

"I understand how she feels but she'll come around just give her some time okay?" I said to a dejected looking Star she nodded as Mist helped her up and into the key with me following. I know Stella can't stay mad at someone for long and I just hope this time won't be an exception to that.

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