I'm Back (Discontinued)

By No-Thats-Not-Me

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Alex was the first human love of Edward Anthony Mason Cullen. He left her to "protect" her but He didn't com... More


Ch. 10

31.9K 661 55
By No-Thats-Not-Me

Author note:
I wanna thank everyone who has voted, commented and added my story to their reading lists.

Anyway, enjoy.


Turning my head, I look into scarlet eyes covered by blue contacts. I look into the eyes of Alec Volturi.

I give him a bleak stare, painting a blank look on my face while he flashes me a thousand-watt smile.

"What do you want?" I ask him, crossing my arms against my chest and leaning back into my seat. 

He continue to smile and it makes me angrier, today Edward tried to kiss me, I had to deal with a bratty Kate, Werewolves and just 20 minutes ago I got stared at like slab of meat.

So no thank you. I'd rather not deal with a Volturi member today.

As he opens his mouth, Charlotte comes around the corner and runs up to us once she spots us, her eyes as bight as the human blood she consumed just minutes ago.

"What are you doing here?" She asks him, her eyes turning into rubies with annoyance.

He losses the smile.

"Aro would like Alex to come and be a witness for The Volturi."

I glance at Charlotte as she glances at me, then we both glance at him.

They don't seem to know that we have already chosen our side, The Cullens side.

I scoffed and stand up, grabbing my plastic bag of fruit, he stands up too and grabs my arm to stop me from leaving. 

"Aro won't beg you but I do recommend that you—" He starts to speak but I cut him off, my sassiness at its limit because he put his hands on me.

"No, the answer to Aro's proposal is No. I do not exist to please anyone else but myself. I have not nor will I ever bend to Aro's commands or wishes or anyone else's for that matter and you can tell him that. Now if you want to keep your hand, let me go."

He didn't let go.

So with a sudden quick move I removed his thumb on his right hand and with that, I take hold of Charlotte's hand and storm off, leaving the attractive male vampire sitting in pain alone.


If I was angry before, it's nothing compared to how I am feeling now, I'm furiously furious.

My hair practically crackles with my fury, my eyes held storms and my fingers were clenched tightly around Alec's severed thumb my palms.

Even Charlotte was trying to stay as far back from me as possible.

Today was not a good day for me, after everything that happened today, the feared Volturi guards came for me again.

I force myself to calm down; it's the first time in years that I've been alone with Char.

With a sigh, I close my eyes and fish around the plastic bag, pulling my fruit salad and the mango out.

I hand the mango to Char and watch her give me a thank you smile.

Charlotte doesn't like to eat food like me but she likes to smell them.

Yeah, we both have strange habits.

She brings the fruit up to her nose, inhales deeply and a pleased smile gracing her face.

She once told me that smelling food brings back human memories that had faded from her memory.

She told me that as long as she's smelling the food, her memories are as clear as crystals so I get her food when I can.

I grab my fruit salad out and rip off the lid, throwing the plastic bag in a bin as we walk by one.

As we walk around the shopping mall I eat most of the fruit in record time while Charlotte is still smelling the mango.

We end up passing a few shops that Charlotte would like to go back to.

As I finish my salad and put the twitching digit in my pants pocket,  we wander into a cute little Op shop.

Another difference between Alice and Charlotte; Alice loves the well-known shops, the brand new expensive things.

Charlotte doesn't mind old, already used things, she views them as antiques.

We go our own way in the shop, Charlotte heading towards the clothing section and I exploring the shop.

I've already glided past the shoes and clothes when a book; well, really a notebook, catches my attention.

It's old, the cover is worn, the edges torn and as I open it, I see the pages are yellow.

Something drops out; it's an oval locket with a folded up piece of paper inside that falls out.

I put the paperback and shut it, being very gentle as it looks very old, it could between at least 150 - 200 years old.

I look back at the book and see that there's writing in it

Very faint writing that if I wasn't a vampire, I wouldn't be able to see it, I decided right then and there, I was going to buy it.

I had a feeling that it was important but I didn't know how important it was, not at that moment.

I shut the book and look over to Charlotte, seeing that she has a few clothes in her hands; some tops and shorts.

Waking back over to the shoes and I grab hold of a pair of cowgirl boots, with a nice pattern on the leather; swells and a flower here and there.

Humming, I walk over to Char and hold the boots up, in her line of sight.

"Those are pretty."

Nodding, I hand them to her and check the time on the cash register clock.

It's 11, the mall will be closed soon.

I drag Charlotte to the cash register and pay for our things, pulling her out of the mall before they lock us in and we have to kick down the doors.

As we're walking to The Cullen house, she glances at the notebook in the bag that the Op shop lady gave us to carry our things.

She doesn't say anything but I can see the question in her eyes.

We walk through the forest of Forks with a light drizzle coming down and silence in the air.

We both don't want to talk about Aro's offer.

Coming up in front of the Cullen's house, we walk up to the door but before we can open the door, it opens for us, and stepping out of it is.....


Thoughts?  °~°

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