Overwatch Husband Scenarios [...

By KhaoticKris

646K 9.7K 13.4K

Hey! So I'm doing this now, been obsessed with Overwatch that I wanted to write my own stories. Requests are... More

Kisses <3
(GenjixReader) Looks can be deceiving
New Husbandos
When he's jealous
When he's jealous LΓΊcio part
When you're jealous part 1
When you're jealous part 2
Halloween! Part 1
Halloween! Part 2
Pets! Part 2
Pets Roadhog Part
Zenyatta and Winston
Zenyatta and Winston part 2
Zenyatta and Winston Pt. 3
Christmas Pt.2
Christmas Pt3
First Meeting!
First Meeting Pt 2
First Metting Pt 3
When you get hurt
First Time (Lemon Warning)
First Time Pt 2 (Lemon Warning)
When you get hurt Pt 2
First Time Pt 3 (Lemon Warning)
When you get hurt Pt. 3
Tag and Yanderes?
Valentine's Day Pt 1
Valentine's Day Pt 2
Healing Pt 2
Relatives Pt 1
Relatives Pt 2
Relatives Pt 3
When they propose to you Pt 1
When they propose to you Pt 2
Author's note 2
When they propose to you Pt 3
Meeting the boyfriend/girlfriend Pt 1
Summer Games Pt 1
Summer Games Pt 2
Summer Games Pt 3
πŸŽƒ*Halloween Special Genji's Part*πŸ‘»
πŸŽƒ*Halloween Special Hanzo's Part*πŸ‘»
πŸŽƒ*Halloween Special Reinhardt's Part*πŸ‘»
Author's Note
New Book!
New Book!.... Again
Important Note!
New Book Idea?
New Book!

Healing Pt. 1

10.6K 155 163
By KhaoticKris


At the hospital you had bandages around your head since the hit from the coffee table gave you a nasty cut. You had bruises on your stomach, face, and neck and rope burn on your legs but nothing too serious. The doctors told you to stay for a day or the very least overnight until the x-rays and CAT scan come back in case of internal injuries.

Genji never left your side in fear something goes wrong. Even if the doctors told him Genji just hold your hand and he just show his sword which shut them up quickly. You held Genji’s hand tightly. “I hope they found nothing I really want to go home… Oh! Is Aiko okay? She try to protect me but the man kicked her hard.” You almost forgot your beloved fox. Genji move his thumb to caress your hand. “Do not fret my love when I came in I quickly saw Aiko and was fine. I had the police take her to a vet, I'll bet she's fine.”

Genji sigh deeply. “(Y/n)-chan…. Gomen'nasai.” You were confused. “Carrot why are you apologizing for? You saved me from that horrible man I can never thank you enough, you're my hero!”

No I'm not!

You jumped from Genji’s outburst. Genji quiet down before continuing. “I'm no hero, a hero will never left his wife get hurt in the first place. I should've stayed home with you and visit nii-chan another day. Look at you (Y/n)-chan I allow some bastard lay their hands on you, look at your neck I can still see the hand marks.” You touch your neck and felt the bandages. Genji hold your hand tightly. “I must be the most horrible husband ever. Luckily I left the kids with nii-chan and his wife or I wouldn't know what I'll do if our beloved children were also hurt.”

“Genji how do you know I was in trouble?”

“I didn't Sakura forget her jacket and I offer to get it since I wanted you to rest from your sickness. When I near our home I saw the front door lock was picked and immediately knew something was wrong. And when I saw that bastard choking you I lost it.” Genji sigh heavily. “A-and…. He's gone forever, I hope he rots in Hell.” Your eyes widened  but you sigh and pull Genji into a hug. “Shhh Koishī it's alright you still save me. I would've been dead or worse and Kaz and Sakura wouldn't have a mother anymore. I can never thank you enough and I love you.”

Genji just held you close. “I love you very much and I'll do anything for you or the children.” When you feel asleep Genji learned that you were fine and could leave in the morning, and that the man who attacked you was from a human trafficking ring when the police arrive to question him. They guessed he wanted you to be his new “bestseller” and since it was in self-defense Genji wouldn't be charged. The Japanese man was angered and lost all guilt of killing the man, but now was more protective of you and the children.


You felt silk and something warm around your hand. You open your eyes and saw brick walls and some ancient objects that litter the room.

You were in one of the rooms in Lord Raiden’s temple, you looked and Hanzo holding your hand but he was asleep in a chair. You sat up careful not to wake the archer up.

You look at your body and saw bandages around your waist. Then saw the makeshift cast on your arms, crap how long have you been out. You move your left arm but it sting making you hiss and wince in pain causing Hanzo to wake up. His eyes widened at the sight of you.

“Utsukushī hōseki are you fine? Are you still hurt?”

Hanzo was asking many questions but you calm him down by gently holding his face. “Hanzo, love, I'm fine. I just moved my injured arm that's all my prince what happened when you arrived? What happen to Rain?”

Hanzo sigh. “When you lost consciousness I moved you somewhere safe while Lord Raiden fought that purple bastard. I soon joined in and used my bow and combat skills to severely hurt that man, then with my dragons I managed to leave him close to death. As Lord Raiden and I were about to deliver the final blow, that bastard escaped in a form of water.” Hanzo was glaring at his hand and had an infuriated tone. He was mad at the Rain guy and….


He should've go with you or at least send someone with you, yes he knew you're a fearsome warrior but still a warrior ambushed you. You sense Hanzo's vexatious aura and hold his hands and spoke in a soft tone.

“My handsome dragon it's alright, you saved me and severely kicked Rain’s ass. I'm safe and healing up, he most likely got the message to never hurt the cherished wife of the Great Hanzo Shimada. Now tell me how did you know I was in trouble?” Before Hanzo could speak a familiar thunder god walked in with some tea.

“Ah that will be me little monarch, Kotal Khan actually informed me that from Erron Black a certain traitor was in Earthrealm looking for his “sweetheart”.” Raiden place the tea on the table close by as he made the tea. “I went to your home and from your husband learned that you were out. So we left and found you close to a fatality, Hanzo shot an arrow at Rain and save you as I attack the man.” Raiden gave you the tea and you accepted it, instantly the pain went away.

“Bo’ Rai Cho send the tea the moment he heard his favorite student was harmed.”

You smile. “I bet he said the same thing to my father and Kung Lao.”

Raiden chuckled. “Maybe he's honest this time, anyways after Rain left heavily injured I might add. I took you here in the Sky Temple to heal quickly by the Jinsei chambers, which proved to be a wise choice since you're nearly healed already in mere hours.”

Raiden left before smiling. “By the way little precious warrior, your parents choose a good man for you. Hanzo never left your side and check on your health, and he was playing happily with your children. You should have seen the way he uses his anger to brutally beat a demigod and almost performed a brutality. He's a strong and fearless man, a loving and kind father, and a courteous and devoted husband. You have my support.”

Hanzo blushed as a literal god just told his wife he's a great man for her. You smile and thanked him then you realized something.

“Wait if you were the only one watching the kids then you left to save me, which thank you by the way, then who's watching the kids?” Hanzo froze and try save himself. “Uhhh…. Rin.”

“Oh my kami Hanzo! How dare you leave our beloved children alone, anything can happen to them! And left a cat in charge as well, what the hell!”

*Back home*

Rin the royal cat was sitting on Hanzo's favorite pillow he used to meditate on, which he moved on the table and on top of a box as a makeshift throne. He watch the children with keen eyes as they played, to make no one gets hurt. After all his master left him in charge to watch his rambunctious little fleshy and almost completely hairless litter.

Then when the oldest kit almost knocked over a vase Rin hissed loudly. Tomoe stopped making the vase not fall over, Rin hissed and put out his claws.


Tomoe got the message as Rin was pointing at the vase. “Oh Gomen'nasai Rin we'll be more careful.” Tomoe and the rest kept playing but more quietly. Rin sunk back to his pillow.

‘He totally has this kitten watching thing down.’


Your dad had the best medics, well beside you, to fix you up. You had an emergency surgery to removed the bullets from your arms and fixed your bones, your family was worried especially your father. Ludwig was walking back and forth worried and scared something went wrong, he kept messing up his slick hair making messy. Gilbert was petting Gilbird in his hands to calm his nerves, he looked at his brother.

“West calm down! Your kleines mädchen is in safe hands, plus she was still talking when you took her away.”

Ludwig nodded but kept his worried walk going. “Ja you're right but still I let mein kostbares mädchen get hurt. I knew I shouldn't let her be here, oh forgive me (M/n) for bringing harm to our engel!” To Gilbert and Julchen’s shock to see tears in Ludwig’s eyes, especially since the last time he cried was at his wife's funeral. Julchen pat her uncle's arm. “Onkel Luddy don't cry. You shall be happy that Rein saved her and because his and the other Crusaders help we win the battle.”

That's right that new soldier Reinhardt saved you and called him to get you out. Ludwig was very grateful and should pay the man for saving his only child. Suddenly everyone heard stomps coming their way. They all turn and saw the said man with minor cuts and a few bandages wrapped around his arm and chest.

“General! Kommandant! Jul! Is (Y/n) okay?!”

The giant man was so worried about his beloved… Not that the scary General has to know. Gilbert pointed to the surgery room. “Ja so far so good. The doktor said at least two more hours until it's done.” Rein sigh in relief knowing you're going to make it. Ludwig walked to the giant man yet Rein was afraid of Ludwig instead.

“Soldat for showing bravery and saving many soldaten, and helping us win. You will be awarded with medals as well for your Crusaders unit….. And danke for saving my daughter as well.”

Reinhardt smile. “It was no problem sir, your daughter means a lot to people.”

“And to you dearly.”

Reinhardt nodded but quickly stopped realizing what his General said, and blushed red. “Uh.. Nein Sir… I-I mean-er… ummm….”

Ludwig gave a rare smile to the flustered giant. “Don't worry Reinhardt I'm not too mad about your relationship with my daughter. Just a bit since you two didn't tell me but instead my bruder… but I fully support it just take of her or…” Ludwig did his infamous stoic face with his icy stare making Reinhardt terrified. “The Crusaders will lose one member.”

Rein nodded as Gilbert laughed knowing his brother’s protective nature over his kid.

Soon the doctor came out and said the surgery was a successful and that you're fine. Everyone was relieved, the doctor also said they can see you since you're awake making everyone dash into your room.

Rein was the first to reach your room and practically broke the door. You jumped at the loud noise but saw Rein’s worried face. The giant ran to your side and grabbed one of your hands. “Oh liebe I was so worried, I'm glad you're fine.” You smile and kiss Rein’s forehead. “It's okay Rein but danke for saving me. I'm sorry if I was rude to you it just that soldier's life was more important.” Your family went in and smile at you, your dad was the first to speak.

“Schätzchen…. I almost lost you like your mutter… I think you should work behind front lines.” You were shocked.

“But vati---”

“General I think (Y/n) should be in the front lines if she chooses. As a combat nurse she knows of the risks and still accepts them since she saved Hans and many others. General I mean no disrespect but your daughter is a talented woman and save many people let her continue.”

Everyone was quiet and were surprised by Rein’s words, no one talks back to Ludwig unless they have a death wish. Rein was a bit scared but he's willing to stand up to the fearsome General just for you. Ludwig’s eyes widened but he quickly composed himself, he was impressed. Rein was the first to ever talk back to him and to let his daughter do what she loves. He had a small smile.

“Tch… Alright (Y/n) you can still be in the front lines but Reinhardt must be at your side always for protection. Any more stunts like that then nein it's over.”

You and Rein were surprised but you squealed. “Danke vati.” Ludwig looked away. “Danke your boyfriend. Ja I know but next time tell me not your dummkopf Onkel, and Reinhard tomorrow you and your unit shall receive medals.” Ludwig left so you and Rein can spend time together, he smile knowing his beloved daughter just found her soulmate.

He can't wait to walk you down the aisle.

Too bad that wish didn't happen.


Soldier took you back to the base and Mercy quickly went to work. She and a few other doctors performed surgeries to remove the bullets in your chest and legs. You had to get stitches but Mercy said you'll going to make a full recovery though you might have to use a wheelchair for a bit, since the bullets made quite a damage in your legs. Jesse was so worried about you he didn't leave to check his injuries from his fight from Reaper until Mercy and 76 forced him. 76 offered to watch you as Jesse got treated.

“Jesse calm down (Y/n) is a tough woman, she's fine. You saved her before Reaper can do worse.”

Mercy treated Jesse's hand which was bloody and had glashes. Jesse just stared at his hand. “I think I broke that fucker’s jaw…. And knocked out a tooth or two.”

Mercy sigh and finished cleaning his hand. “Jesse just be calm okay? And rest since you're also injured too, I'll have someone move a bed to (Y/n)'s room. Just remember to eat too.” Jesse just walked out of the medical bay.

“Yea sure… Thanks doc.”

Mercy knew better and probably has to have 76 with him again.

“This is like when that witch hunter attacked her, but now they're married.”

Jesse walked up to your room and saw 76 sitting next to you, he was reading a newspaper that mention George Morrison and Snake. His visor was off and Jesse could see tears appearing in his eyes. He coughed to get his attention which worked and 76 quickly wiped his eyes and put on his visor.

“Hey punk didn't ya knock?!”

“Sorry I didn't know I was intruding on something emotional…. Uh thanks for watching her.”

76 got up and left. “It's no problem.” As he walked away Jesse looked at the newspaper. “You know you should talk to them. Lil’ man still idolizes his dad and inspires to be like him while Ms. Hell still loves ya and refuse to remarry from what I learned with my few run ins with them.”

76 stopped. “..Heh… I think I should, you're always a sucker for emotional stuff. Thanks, later cowboy.” 76 left as Jesse sat in the chair next to you, he holded your hand and fell asleep.

*Time Skip*

You woke up and saw Jesse holding your hand asleep. Jesse was covered in bandages and had bags under his eyes. You gently woke him up and Jesse yawn and stretch, then he saw you were awoke. He immediately hugged you.

“Oh darlin’ are you alright? Do you need a doc? Here let me get Angela!” You grabbed his arm before Jesse wasted Angela’s time. “Love I'm fine, Angela did a good job. But what happened to you?”

“Isn't obvious doll? I gave that fucking owl hell for hurting my sexy witch, though I did get a few hits but you should see that damn deadman. He has holes and metal in his skull and ass. I even broke his jaw could've killed him but he escaped.”

You giggled. “Still Mr. Yandere… thanks.” Jesse smile and kiss your hands. “Anything for you I'll be your man, protector, and murse.~ Doc said you be out of action for a bit, so now on you're going to have a sexy murse who's ready to treat every need.~” You smirked. “Every need?” Jesse lean in close with a devilish smirk. “Every. Single. Need.”

Oh this is going to be fun.

Soldier 76:

You woke up dazed and saw doctors moving around you but they didn't know you were awake. They were rushing around and you hear muffled yells and talking, you look around the area. The doctors moved a person in a cot bed next to you and when they moved, your eyes widened.

It was your best friend Celeste or better know as Reyes' wife.

Your heart raced to see her missing lower legs and shrapnel in her arms and the knee and up of her legs. The monitor alerted the doctors of your racing heart, Angela turn around and saw you awake and thrusting around. She ran to you with other medics to restrain and calm you, but your strength was making it hard.

Desperate to calm you down she try to use some sedatives but you hit it out of her hands, Angela called her husband who immediately rushed over and managed to hold you down until Angela register the sedatives. Your vision went blurry and soon everything went black.

*Time Skip*

“Snake? Snake! Snaaaaaake!!!!

Your eyes immediately opened up and got up. “Oh my god! Shut the fuck up!” You saw Angela, Raiden, Campbell, Myron, Hal, and your son George. Hal had a smile. “See that always wake her up, on missions and off.” You sigh of course Hal will use that annoying scream when people thought you died or got hurt seriously.

If you had a dime every time someone screamed Snaaaaaake! You be a very rich bitch. George ran up to you. “Mom are you okay?” You look at your 14 year old son. “Yea I'm fine kiddo a bit dazed and stinging pain but nothing I can't handled.

George hugged you tightly. “Oh thank god! I was scared I lost you I won't know what I'll do if something happened to you or--........"

"Mom where's dad?”

You tensed up and suddenly remembered what happened.

Jack saved you by sacrificing himself.

He's dead now. Your husband and the father of your precious son is gone forever.

You could almost feel tears forming but you didn't want to cry in front of others and not especially in front of your son. You took a deep breath and hugged your son close, you look to see the others had grim faces as well. You look at Angela and she had sorrowful expression and nodded to you confirming of Jack's death. You spoke in a unusual soft tone.

“Baby… your dad is a hero and sometimes he has to make sacrifices.”

“Mom, what are you saying?”

“......Your dad's dead, he saved me from being crushed by throwing me out of harm's way, and allowed himself to get crushed.”

Yes it was blunt but that's how you are, plus George deserved to know the truth. George froze, funny he always knew of the possibility of one if not both of his parents dying due to their jobs as a young child. He was smart and mature for a kid his age but to have it actually happening is way different from imaging it, and more painful. George cried into your shoulder as you comfort him the best you can as the others also shed their tears as well. Hal, Campbell, and Raiden gave you a knowing look since this isn't first time you lost someone.

Your dad you were forced to kill him for the greater good. Killed the man who taught you everything and who you love and respect as a father. He saw the actual you, the scared and lonely girl too bad you didn't know Big Boss was your father until his death. It haunted you and still does.

Master Miller your survival instructor and the man you also show your true self and emotions to. You consider him as a second dad.

Your best friend and old lover Frank Jaeger or Gray Fox who help you destroy Metal Gear REX. Crushed by it with your brother as the pilot.

Your twin brother Liquid Snake or Eli, yes he was a terrorist and caused Frank's death among others but he was still family. After he died from FOXDIE you felt remorse for fighting him and wished to met him under joyous circumstances… possibly living as siblings.

Your other brother Solidus Snake or George Sears. Raiden killed him but you didn't hold it against him just like Eli wished to met under more happy conditions. To be a happy family.

Yet it's more painful each loss but it made you stronger. You hold George close and made a promise to be stronger and determined to continue peace for everyone's stake and Jack's. You wanted to protect your loved ones even more and make George grow up loved and safe unlike you.

You won't let Jack's dreams and sacrifice be in vain.

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