Harry Potter Sister || Comple...

By PerseusPotter02

150K 3.4K 1.2K

"I always though my life had two states: began as the most hopeless person in the world, then turned out that... More

1 Prologue
2 Abandoned and Rescued
3 The Letter
4 Diagon Alley
5 Fight, Fight Fight!
6 Diagon Alley and Train Station
7 Meeting Harry Potter (and sadly a few others)
8 Sorting Ceremony
9 First Day of School
10 Eclipse
11 Hanging out With Third Grades (Not All Exactly Friendly)
12 Birth Certificate
13 Gryffindor Vs. Slytherin
14 Realization (part 1)
15 Realization (part 2)
17 Hufflepuff vs. Griffyndor
18 Kidnapped
19 Desesperate
20 Not Giving Up, Not Yet
21 Worth it
22 Not the Smartest Idea
23 Expectro Patronum
24 Dumbledore's Office and Explanations. A Lot of Explanations.
25 Remus is Leaving
26 This Will Be a Long Summer
Flora's Love Life
Thank You

16 Sisters, Brothers and Luck!

4.5K 96 37
By PerseusPotter02

The answers to the questions are at the end. I also love the picture!!!!

Flora's POV.

I looked at my left and then at my right. I made sure nobody was awake close to me, well nobody was awake in the whole castle. I took the book I had gotten from Professors Lupin's class. I was laying on a sleeping bag on the cold stoned floor of the Great Hall, Harry was with his back turned to me sleeping.

Only the thought of it made me sick and made me want to laugh hysterically and rolls my eyes. I did roll my eyes because no one could see it. It was about 11pm of the night and all the students (except me of course) were sleeping. "Sirius Black the murderer" attacked the Gryffindor common room so we had to sleep in the Great Hall.

I took my wand out and whispered "Lumos" a small dim light appeared at the top of my wand and I started reading the book. The things you learned from there were amazing! I saw a beetle coming my way and pointed my wand at him and whispered "Stupefy!" The beetle froze mid way and I smiled to myself, then I looked at the book to see witch was the counter spell. I read and pointed at the insect "Ennervate" the beetle started walking again and I tried more self-defense spells. After some time I laid down in my sleeping bag.

A strand of hair fell in my face and I took the leaf out of the tangled nots. I have been passing a lot of time in the Womping Willow reading or Professor Lupin's book or the one of Animagui. I tucked my book under my pillow and closed my eyes just to think, but the next thing I new Hermione was shaking me awake.

Harry's POV.

I laid down pretending to be asleep as I heard Flora murmur spells. She was incredible! Those were spell you only learned on fifth grade, and she already knew them and it was her first year! If she was a pureblood I would understand but a muggle born? It was really hard to believe it!

I was awake for a long time and when I heard her breath evening I realized she was asleep. The light of her wand was still on so I turned around and grabbed it. She looked so peaceful sleeping, nothing like the fierce girl she actually was. I almost laughed at that thought.

I looked at her Gryffindor clock and saw it was 5 to midnight. Then I turned my attention to the wand and said "nox" as if the wand was trying to resist at the command it flickered and stayed on. I frowned and said it again with more persistence, this time it turned off and I put it beside sleeping Flora. Then I tried to sleep smiling at her wand, thinking that the wand was exactly like the tree it came from.

I slept thinking of how powerful Flora actually was.

Flora's POV.

Instinctively I got my wand and pointed at the neck of whoever was shaking me awake. One of my hand was on my wand while the other one was already with fire on it. While my eyes adjusted to the light of the Great Hall I saw my wand pointed at the neck of a poor frightened Hermione.

Thanks God everyone was busy and they did not see the fire. Most people had gone back to their dormitories but some were still here. I sighted, extinguished the fire and helped my friend get up. "Remember to never wake you up again Flora!" The girl said after recovering from the shock. I looked at my clock: it read 6:45am.

I moaned "first it is not my fault! I was having a nightmare!" I said truthfully. I was having the nightmare of Voldemort killing my parents. My scar was still tingling but I refused to touch it. "And really 'Mione? Why wake me up at 6:45am?" She put her hands in her hips and said "we have school remember missy? Also it is almost breakfast and it would not be good to wake up in the middle of a table would it?"

I frowned "ok, you have a point, but it is Saturday remember Hermione? Saturday is that day named weekend meaning the week ended?" I said mocking half irritation because the other half was true. Her smile fell and I laughed at her face "don't worry." I added.

We headed back to the Gryffindor dormitories and I changed into a comfy but warm outfit. Winter was close and it was getting colder. I met the trio on the living room, Ron had big smile on his face. I rolled my eyes and joined them.

"So.... Someone woke you up from your beauty sleep too soon yeh?" Ron asked mockingly. I put a fake smile in my face and said "shutup. Also I don't think neither you or Harry would wake up this early. Did someone woke you up before you could finish your beautification, Ron Ron?" At that everyone burst in laughing.

I smiled and we went our different ways. The guys and 'Mione went to Hogsmade. Harry of course went but under a invisibility cloak he showed me the other night. I went to play Quidditch with Ginny. She wanted to enter the team next year and I was helping her. Anyways most of the day went like that.

We arrived from the field and Ginny went to take a shower while I was left in the common room. I took out my animagui book and started reading. I only stopped when I saw Harry walk through the portrait door. Etched in his face was a expression that was way too hard to describe. It was a mix of terror, amazement, conflict and sadness.

He looked at me and walked to me and it was then that I knew it. He knew I was his sister.

Harry's POV.

We came back from Hogsmade not so long after 2pm. When we arrived at the castle I took the invisibility cloak off and followed my friends. We were laughing and talking about the way I scared the life out of Malfoy. Personally I do not really care of what they think.

The only reason I did that to that jerk was because he was bulling my friends. I was almost at the stairs when a voice called me "Harry!" Said Professor Lupin as I turned around. "Can you come with me for a moment please?" He asked beckoning for me to follow him. I said to my friends go on while I followed my teacher to his classroom.

We walked quietly till there and I just prayed he did not found out about the Marauders Map.

We arrived at his class and he closed the door. "So Harry." He said leaning back at his table, Professor Lupin had a few scars on his face I had not seen before but I learned not to judge people by their scars or wounds a long time ago. "You wanted to talk to me sir?" I politely asked. Please don't talk about the Map. I was quietly begging. "Yes, see Harry. Have you ever read the books about You-Know-Who?" The tensions of my shoulders subsided and I shook my head.

"Well then. There is a lot to explain then." He chuckled. I frowned, what was he talking about? I had not idea where this conversation was leading to. "See Harry you were not alone when you defeated He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. I mean another person survived that night." He started. My eyes grew wide as I said "you mean Voldemort didn't die that night?" Professor Lupin did a short laugh and said "goodness no Harry. You-Know-Who is dead, I mean your mother did not die protecting only you. She died protecting you and your sister."

I felt like my eyes were going to pop out. "I have a sister?" I asked my voice trembling. He smiled and said "according to books she died because she was too young. I was one of the first people to know about it. The day your mother gave birth to her, few days before the attack in Grodric's Hollow, James sent me a letter." My smile disappeared as he said that, he raised his hand showing off a small piece of parchment so old it looked like it would crumple if you touched it.

He handed it to me and I read it:

Dear Remus,

The baby was born! She is a year and few months younger than Harry. We do not have her a name yet but will give one soon enough.

Hope you are getting in trouble,
Your best friend James Potter.

P.S: Lily is saying hi and saying that you take care of Sirius because if he make another silly joke to her she is going to get out of bed (witch she is not supposed to) and smash the daylight out of his eyes.

I laughed at what my dad wrote, tears glistening in my eyes. "So... she is de- dead?" I stumbled in the last word. Handing the paper back to my Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher he refused to get it and said "no, no no. It is yours now. You had so little time with James it is not fair." I insisted that I could not accept until he convinced me. Then coming back to the topic.

Professor Lupin sighted and said "they named her but did not have time to send a letter to me. I thought all this years she was dead since the books said so, but some days ago I discovered she was still alive. I don't know her name but she should be in Hogwarts."  My jaw was touching the floor and my eyes were wide "you mean, she is alive? And in the school? But in witch house?" I asked enthusiastically. My teacher just smiled and said "I know as much as you do Harry. Now you should get going, don't want Filch to get you."

I walked out of the room after saying goodbye. Thoughts filled my head. I needed to tell this to someone! I entered through the portrait searching for Ron or 'Mione. I did not see them but I saw Flora sitting in one of the couches reading. I walked to her not really sure of what the expression in my face showed.

Flora's POV.

I gave space to Harry sit in my side and asked "what happened?" I was almost sure it was about me being his sister, but I was not going to give it out so easy. I looked around to see where in the world were Ron and Hermione. They were not in the common room so I guess they were arguing about weather Crookshanks ate Ron's rat or not.

"I was with Professor Lupin and, and I just discovered I have a sister." He looked so shaken. "Everyone thought she was dead but Professor Lupin discovered she was alive." He continued. I let the tension in my shoulders subside. "Do you know her name?" I asked. He shook his head and I let out the breath I knew I was holding. I saw 'Mione and Ron enter the room at the same time Ginny walked down the stairs. I smiled perfect timing.

"Ron, Hermione!" I called. They came close and then I stood up. "Harry why don't you tell them what happened? Maybe they can help. I need to go take a shower, bye!" I said heading up the stairs.

I arrived at my room and locked the door. I was panting and tears were glistening in my eyes. I had to tell him! It is the right thing to do! But then why am I so afraid?

I made my decision of telling him. I walked till my desk where Ash was standing. I unfolded the letter and read it. It was a note from the twins.

Hey, the next Quidditch match is the October 5.

I smiled. After the match I would tell Harry. Then I took a shower and went to bed.

Hermione's POV.

While Harry was beginning to explain what was happening I had to interrupt him "You never read books about yourself?!" I asked surprised. Well not so much, boys.

"No." Harry innocently said, than that senseless Ronald said "why? Have you?" I let him process what he said and then realization dawned into his face "Ahh, of course you did. Miss Know it All." I rolled my eyes and let Harry continue his story.

Then the boys started walking somewhere else and I was left alone. I saw by the corner of my eye a paper few centimeter away of a almost unnoticed trash can. I got up to see what was it when Lavender Brown called me to help her do her homework.

I agreed and went to help her. She was not my friend but I cannot deny a studying call! Can I?


Hey! I am so happy I finished this chapter! It definitely was the hardest one yet! Kind of had a writers block. Anyways this week I possibly will not be able to publish any other chapter. Maybe Sunday. And on with the questions!!

Flora- Personally I never tried a blue cookie but I think it would be good! Also my favorite place in the castle is definitely the Whomping Willow. There I can be alone and the tree literally throws anyone that get close away.

Harry- I rarely eat cookies let alone blue cookies, but I do not have a preference for neither. Also my favorite place in the castle have definitely be the Quidditch field.

Hermione- blue cookie does not logically make sense and it would taste the same but well, there is no but. My favorite place in the castle is the library, without thinking twice.

Ron- someone said something about cookies? Where are there cookies? I am starving!

Hermione- Ronald Weasley...

Ron- what? Is not like I eat rats, like some cats do!

Ahem, guys...

Ron- ok sorry. My favorite place in the castle would be the Quidditch field like Harry or the Great Hall or the kitchen.

Malfoy- which jerk would eat blue cookies? And my favorite place in this stupid castle would be the Forbidden Forest. Full of dark creatures...

Harry- like that time in first year like you ran like a coward Malfoy? Also who invited him?

Enough both of you. *whispers Better go now Draco, bye.
Malfoy goes away.

Fred- blue cookie? Does it make your whole face blue? Or better yet! Your whole body! If it does not do that or any other thing then I see no difference. And my favorite place would definitely be Filch's office there is always interesting things there!

George- yeah! My favorite place would be the Room of Requirement or Filch's office.

Fred- oh George, what do you think? Invent a cookie that makes you full of blue spots?

George- definitely Fred! The cookie should be blue and to stop it, it could be...

Guys enough. Why don't you let your sister talk. *while they walk away whisper: when they are ready send me a copy.
The twins wink and are gone.

Ginny- thanks. I agree with Flora. I have never tasted a blue cookie but it would be interesting! And I am not sure which is my favorite place. I love this place!

Thanks guys! See you next time someone ask a question! I will contact you!

Everyone goes away.

So dear readers, this was all!!! Hope you enjoyed, liked the end of the book???

Just kidding, there is a long way until the end.

Also if anyone of you ever have a question to one of the students of Hogwarts or any other person they would happily answer you!


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