The Creed Chronicles #1: The...

By Muco_Luco

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The names Creed... Aidan Creed. This is a story all about how my life got flip turned upside down. Basically... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Authors Note
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21

Chapter 20

65 4 2
By Muco_Luco

I don't know why it wasn't working. Chloe had showed me exactly how to cancel out powers and I had tried and successfully performed the spell on Josh. She couldn't be that much more powerful than him. I looked at her in the eye and we had a silent conversation. She finally sighed and looked down, lifting the spell. I smiled as guards walked over to grab me.

Out of thin air, Cody teleported with the others and killed the first line of guards. I saw the look on my father's face and I smiled. The pure shock showed that for the first time, I was a step ahead of him.

"He is about to call reinforcements." I said,

"Pack! Take care of the true borns, they are the hybrids. Witches, take care of the guards and the clones. Let's fucking go!"

I passed a smile onto Stephanie, who looked worried from the time we had gotten here. She nodded and everyone attacked. I went for the wall of guards that were shielding my little sister. I sent a shockwave towards them, knocking about half of them. The rest of them got in formation and attacked me. I released a whip made of pure fire and lashed it at them. The first line fell and the second advanced, dodging my whips and coming right for me. The first three guards caught me and held me by my arms as the fourth one was about to stab me with a sword. I erupted into fire, making them jump back. I extended my arm and an identical arm made pure of fire mimicked me. It grabbed one of the guards and threw him over the cliff. The other two guards looked unsure of whether or not to attack me. I smiled and attacked them. I grabbed two of them and sent them to the same fate as their friend. The third one turned to run but my avatar arm grabbed him and burned him alive. I looked towards where my sister was and saw her being led by one of the true borns. He was a hybrid, but this was my sister we were talking about. I flew towards him and tackled him, sending us sprawling onto the ground. The impact of the ground was the last straw for my energy and my body of fire went away. The true born looked at me, then got up and offered his arm to help me. I got up on my own and looked at him suspiciously, waiting for him to attack.

"I was taking her to a safe place, I'm on your side." He said.

"Prove it." I said, still skeptical. I mean, we needed fighters so if he proved himself, hell yeah I would accept his help. He super ran an ripped the heads off of five guards that had encircled Christy and came back.

"Trust me now?" He asked. I nodded and offered my hand for a handshake.

"Alex." He said, shaking it.

"Aidan." I replied. He turned away from me went back into he fight, killing his own. The others caught on fast, thankfully not going after him.

"Hannah, I have to get you out of here." I said, taking her hand. She ripped her hand out of mine,

"NO!" She yelled.

"Not NOW Hannah!" I said, attempting to take her hand.

"You don't understand, I was wrong." She said,

"I wanna help you guys."

"Hannah, you're still too young, you could hurt yourself." I said.

"I'm a fudging hybrid Aidan. Apparently, that's more than you can say for yourself." She replied. I nodded in agreement and embarrassment.

"Plus, I can do this." She said. I looked as she turned, roared and then got bigger and more muscular and bigger and even more muscular. She stopped when she stood about 12 feet tall, panting. She fucking hulked out!

"GO GET THEM!" I yelled up at her. She roared and took off towards the battled.

I stood at the top of a hill and watched the fight unravel, occasionally flying down to someone's need. We were doing good. Actually winning! Sad to say that didn't last long. I looked over and saw Josh attacking Raven. He couldn't take her on his own. I was about to rush to help, but Abigail got there first and they fought her together. They looked like they were about to win, when Cody teleported out of nowhere and slammed into Josh, who was about to send the finisher towards Raven. I could sense it. They landed on the ground and before Josh could protect himself, Cody ripped his head off.

"NOOOOOO!!!" I yelled, jumping off the ledge, turning to fire, and flying towards them. I felt a thud and I was hit by and arrow that sent me spiraling down. I crashed into the ground and immediately got up, ripping the arrow out of the side. I was bleeding, but the adrenaline that was coursing through my body numbed the pain. I looked over to Cody and Abigail had reached him, fighting him full fledge. I ran to where they were but couldn't find a way to get into the battle. I looked over at Raven and she looked weak and couldn't stand. Abigail managed to get Cody on the ground and forced his eyes open.

"You will reach into your chest and rip-" she stopped short and I heard a squish and saw her heart in the hands of a normal looking Raven. That fake bitch! Before I could attack, a clone grabbed me and threw me into the incline of the mountain. I got up, filled with rage as one of our own killed Josh and got Abigail killed. All in the name of what, love? Fuck that shit! I yelled and turned to fire once again. This time, I didn't just have an avatar arm, but a full body. I grabbed the clone and ripped his body in half and threw him over the cliff. I advanced to where Cody and Raven were, but when Cody saw me coming, he teleported out of there with Raven. I roared and fire came out of my mouth. I took out a whole row of guards that were coming towards me without blinking.

I let myself calm down, there was no sense wasting all my energy. I would avenge their deaths sooner or later. As of now, I regarded Cody as an enemy and if I got my hands on him, I wouldn't hesitate to end him. I let go of the anger and went back to my ledge, this time looking for my father. This wouldn't end until I killed him. Everyone knew this.

I spotted him climbing the mountain going back to his castle; He was a fucking coward. I flew to him and landed in front of him. I estinguished my fire and held up two fireballs.

"Looks like you're a bit more like your mom that I thought." He said, looking at my hands,

"Sorry about the whole, you know, taking your powers and shit. That was totally not in the plan."

I growled at him and advanced. He took a step back. Why wasn't he attacking? What plan was he making?

"I don't wanna have to hurt you son." He said, then smiled,

"Okay, that was lie. I wouldn't want to hurt you at this moment." He said.

"Don't worry about me." I said, bring the fire up to my shoulder.

"A little fire never scared the big bad wolf." He said, taking another step back. I took another step towards him and smiled,

"Then why are you backing up, lil bitch?" I asked. He smiled when he heard my question,

"To make sure you see this that." He said, pointing behind me, over the ledge he was on. I looked to where he was pointing and Stephanie had turned into a Griffin, fighting 5 true borns at the same time. I looked to my right and saw a guard about to throw a spear. He reeled back as my body turned fully to fire. I took two steps and leaped into the air. The spear left his hand as I sent a column of fire towards my dad, which he easily dodged as I predicted. I flew off the ledge and towards Stephanie. I pulled on more fire and I accelerated faster as the spear was about to hit her. She saw me spiraling towards her like a comet and she had this confused look on her face. I could tell even when she was in animal shape. I knew there was no way I could tackle her out of the way so I flew right in the way, letting the spear hit me. There was no time for anything else. I screamed as the pain erupted in my chest. My fire immediately went out and I crashed into the ground. I heard another scream as the world started going black. I looked up and saw Stephanie looking down at me, tears falling down her face. I smiled weakly at her and closed my eyes.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the story of how I died. For family, for courage and most importantly, for love.

My eyes opened and all I could see was darkness. Guess it was too much to ask to go to heaven after all the sins I had committed. I looked around, waiting for the pain to start, but nothing happened. Just pitch black and silence. I knew this would eventually make me run mad. After a couple of hours, I saw a figure dressed in all black walk up to me. It was wearing a hooded cloak that covered it's entire body apart from its hands, the right one holding a scythe. Death.

"Hello." It said, lowering its hood. And old malnourished looking man appeared in front of me.

"Hey." I said, rocking back and forth,

"How do you like the weather down here?"

"A bit hot, isn't it?" He replied,

"But then again, we are in hell."

"And I'm guessing there isn't any chance of me getting out of here?" I asked.

"Quite the contrary." He said,

"Im here to set you free."

"I thought you loved having more prisoners." I said, a bit confused at why he would be setting me free but thankful.

"With you dead, I get less prisoners." He said,

"You're booming my business Aidan Creed. And I reward people who do this to me. So in freeing you, you will get another gift. One you've longed for quite some time now."

"Thank you?" I said, not sure if I should be flattered or not.

"Besides, your time hasn't come yet." He said,

"We will meet again very soon."

"Who, whoa, whoa. What does that mean?" I asked. I started feeling light headed and I saw a light coming from another corner of the room.

"Wait, what does that mean!" I said a lot louder.

"You will know when the time comes." He said,

"Until then, my faithful servant."

With that, the light engulfed the room and death disappeared. My last thought in hell being the fact that I was his servant. Fantastic.

I felt a fist slam into my chest and my eyes flew open. I sat up and looked around. I was still on the battlefield. Everyone had come and made a circle around me, protecting me from any attack. Stephanie was the one who had slammed her fist into my chest. I got up and felt this sudden rush of energy. I smiled as I realized what that meant. The others looked at me with confusion. I rolled my eyes, well, if I must. I roared and felt my fangs grow into place and my claws come out of my fingers. I stood there, panting and looking at the others. They were all in shock, but there was more. I held my pointer finger up, as a sign for them to hold on, and I erupted in fire.

"No fucking way..." I heard Abdul say.

"You're a fucking hybrid witch! Hybritch!" Matt said. I liked the sound of that. I was a Hybritch.

"This has never happened in history." Christy whispered. I estinguished the fire and smiled at them.

"Let's get back to winning this battle, shall we?" I said. We all cheered and separated, going back to fight.

I flew back to where my father was and saw him still climbing the mountain.

"Hey!" I said,

"Forgetting something?"

He turned around in shock and his eyes landed on me.

"How?" He asked, his mouth wide open.

I flew towards him and he turned and ran towards me. At the last second, I landed, turned and kept running towards him. We crashed into each other. The ground literally shook and there was a crack in between us as we pushed against each other. He was gaining strength, due to the fact that he was older and an alpha. I let fire crawl up my forearm all the way to my shoulder and eventually my entire body. This would have been the perfect time for someone to take a pic of what what going on, cause I could only imagine how awesome it looked. Kodak moment, hehe. Even with my fire, he still managed to over power me as he threw me back where I came from. Before I could hit the ground, he kicked me and I flew over the ledge. I crashed down below, where the others were, and groaned as I tried to get up. He landed with a heavy thud near me just as I stood up. I growled at him and we circled each other. Out of my peripheral vision, I noticed that everyone had stopped fighting and was looking at us.

"This is how it was supposed to end, I guess." My dad said.

"It's not over yet." I said,

"Not until I rip your heart out of your chest." He chuckled at that and kept going in circles.

"That's unlikely." He replied.

"Never say never right?" I said with a smile, then pounced. He saw me move and leaped towards me as well. We connected in the middle and he overpowered me once again, slamming me into the ground. He sat on top of me and punched me twice in the face.

"Everyone knows the house always wins." He said, about to punch me one more time. I sent a shockwave at him and he flew backwards, slamming into the ground. I got up and wiped my bloody nose. He got up as well and we circled around each other.

"Why?" I asked.

"Well, I've realized that you wouldn't make much of an heir if you need your friends to do your dirty work." He said,

"Friends are a burden."

"No, friends are pedestals for one another." I said.

"Look what happened a couple minutes ago. You risked your life to save your little girlfriend." He said,

"You died."

"But I came back stronger, strong enough to beat you." I said, leaping at him.

This time, I erupted to fire as well, which caught him off guard. He flinched for a fraction of a second, but that was all I needed. I grabbed him by the neck and flew high into the air. I let him go and spun, slamming my foot into his torso and accelerating his velocity as he fell towards the earth. I flew after him as he crashed into the ground, causing a crater to form. I slammed into him and punched him repeatedly, causing the crater he made to grow deeper. I stopped after a couple of seconds and stood over his groaning, disfigured body.

"Any last words, pop?" I asked.

"That's my boy." He said with what looked like a smile but I couldn't really tell with how disgusting his face looked.

I reached my hand into his chest and felt his hard beating fast. He was scared. After everything he put as through, this was the end. He was finally out of lives. He was finally gonna get what he deserved. Since I was 5 to now when I'm 17, my whole life led the way it did because of his actions. Now this one action I could complete would end his influence over me. I would be my own person. My life would be mine to live, not react. I then thought of all the people who died for this moment right here. Bruce, Cecile, Kiara, Abigail, Josh. Hell, even Brady! I was doing this for all of them. Finish his torment over our lives ones and for all.

"Any day now superstar." Abdul said.

I cracked a smile and ripped his heart out of his chest. His eyes got big and he took his last breath before finally dying. I suddenly felt a new rush of energy that I recognized from when I killed Cecile. I smiled as I realized that I was an alpha!

I jumped out of the crater I had created and held his heart in the air triumphantly. Everyone on my side cheered and my smile got brighter. Stephanie ran up to me and hugged me tightly. As she pulled away, my lips went crashing into hers. I could sense she was surprised, but then she kissed me back.

What a time to be alive!

That is, until Cody and Raven stepped up to me.

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