Don't worry {Destiel}

By CptnChaos

2.8K 103 5

Castiel Novak is a new student at the boarding school in Lebanon, Kansas. His roommate is Dean Winchester, a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 7

182 8 0
By CptnChaos

When Dean woke up, he felt completely sick. He could have thrown up every minute, his head felt heavy and he didn't feel like he could move, not even a millimetre. "Cas..." he mumbled exhausted. "Cas!"

"What?" the other one asked sleepily.

"Help me..."

"What's wrong?" Cas yawned and sat up on the edge of his bed.

"I don't know..." Dean tried to sit up straight but failed and immediately fell back on his bed.

Cas got up and walked over to Dean's bed. He looked down at him with confusion and worry. "You okay?"

"Yes, of course. I feel very good," he answered sarcastically.

"I'm sorry," Cas laid a hand on Dean's forehead, "well, at least you don't have a fever."

"wow, fantastic," Dean looked at him annoyed.

"Come on, it's not my fault you have a hangover."

Dean signaled his refusal and closed his eyes again. "I'm staying in bed today. Nobody and nothing can get me out of here."

Cas sat down on the bed and ran his fingers trough Dean's hair. "Fine, then you'll stay here. But I don't want you to be alone."

"It's okay. That will be over in some hours. Now go and get breakfast, or else you won't get anything."

"It wouldn't be that bad. But you are right," Cas pressed a kiss on Dean's forehead and stood up. "But if it gets worse or anything, then call somebody. Got it?"

"Sure," Dean nodded.

"Fine..." Cas looked at him one last time and walked out of the room to get breakfast. He worried a lot about Dean. It almost felt like they were a couple.

In the dinning hall, he met Sam. "Where is Dean?"

"Would be nice if our conversations didn't always start like this, wouldn't it? He's still in bed."


"He doesn't feel good."

Sam shook his head. "I knew it..."

The whole day, Cas sat around alone and just waited for the lessons to end, so he could finally go back to their room and see Dean. He ate his dinner way too fast and ran along the hallway. Carefully, he knocked at the door. "Dean?"

"Yes, come in."

Cas walked in and looked at Dean.

He laid on his bed, had a book next to him and looked back at Cas.

"You are reading?" Cas asked surprised.

"Yes, I'm fine. Thanks for asking," Dean asked ironically and sat up straight.

"Sorry," Cas threw his backpack into a corner and sat down next to Dean.

"It's okay. And yes, I'm reading." Dean lifted up the book.

"Isn't that my book?" Cas tilted his head.

"Yeah, could be. It's really good."

"That's why I'm reading it."

"Clever boy," Dean grinned and put the book down again.

"Dean..." The whole day there was this one question in Cas' head, he finally had to ask. "How much do you still know about yesterday?"

"What?" Dean asked confused.

"Well," Cas said, "if you feel like this, it could be, that you have mental blackout or something..."

Dean thought about his answer for a while and finally decided on the thruth. "I know everything."

"You mean, you didn't just do this because you were drunk?" A bit of fear spread out in Cas. Fear of Dean's answer. Fear of losing him again.

Dean just looked at him. What should he say on this? After some minutes, that felt like hours for both of them, Dean slowly shook his head and whispered, "No."

Cas felt relieved - but also nervous. "Does that mean, you..."

"Yes," Dean whispered, "I think I'm in love with you." He laid his arms around Cas, pulled him closer and kissed him.

"Dean..." Cas carefully pushed him away.

Dean sadly looked at the ground.

"I love you too," Cas said and looked into Dean's eyes.

"You idiot." Dean's face lightened up.

Cas smiled. Extremely happy, he pressed his lips on Deans' again.

Without them noticing, the door opened and Gabriel stepped in. He stopped in the doorway and watched them. No matter how hard he tried to hide his grin, he didn't manage it. "Looks like you already feel better."

Frightened, Cas pulled away from Dean, but the taller one just grinned. "Yeah, why shouldn't I?"

Cas blushed and moved away from Dean. He felt Gabe's look resting on him.

"So, you're both here. I think I can go now..." Gabe lifted his look from his little brother, looked at Dean for a moment and left again.

Dean wanted to pull Cas closer again, but he just stood up. "Hey, where are you going?" Dean asked disappointedly.

"Nowhere... I just have to... I'm back in a minute," Cas stuttered and ran out on the corridor. "Gabe, wait!" With a still dark red face, he ran after his brother.

"What's wrong?"

"Um..." they stood very close and looked directly into each others eyes. "Please,"Cas mumbled, "don't tell dad about this. Or anyone else."

Gabe grinned. "You know dad himself is bisexual?"

"Still, I don't want him to know. Please!" Cas begged.

"Okay, fine."

"Thank you."

"And now go in again."

"Sure," Cas nodded. Relieved, he went back into the room and sat down on his own bed.

"Why did you do this?" Dean asked confused.

"Umm... Not really important."

"Cas?" Dean asked with vigour.

"It's nothing, okay?!" Cas just couldn't tell him, that Gabriel was his brother. At least not for now...

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