The Royalty

By Aberial_63

231K 4.1K 1.6K

Prince Maxon Schreave ended the Selection just a few months ago. He has finally picked a bride. America Singe... More

The Royalty
Chapter 1
Chapter 2: Part 1
Chapter 2: Part 2
Chapter 3: Part 1
Chapter 4: Part 1
Chapter 4: Part 2
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Not a chapter
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Super Duper Special Announcement
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Super Duper Special Announcement Part Two
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Author's Note
The Son

Chapter 3: Part 2

5.5K 88 20
By Aberial_63

My thoughts were interrupted as the door opened.

Who now? I thought. Is there another person out there who hates me with a passion?
An unfamiliar woman walked in. She was pretty- not like America, but pretty. She looked young, probably around my age. She was tall and held her head high. She had long, dark hair that went down to her waist. Her brown eyes watched me hungrily. The girl wore a black tank top that was a little too... tight for my liking, and tan shorts.

I gulped. I was getting a bad feeling about her.

"Oh, don't look so nervous," she cooed. Her voice sent chills down my spine. Not in a good way. "I don't bite... usually."

Okay, I definitely didn't like her. Not one bit. I remained stubbornly silent, causing her to frown.

"You know," she said while taking a step closer. "I don't appreciate the silent treatment. Come on, pretty boy. Let me hear that voice of yours. I've been told it's very sexy."

The girl moved in closer, until we were almost touching. She looked up at me, her eyes locking on to mine. I wouldn't let myself be intimidated by this girl, so I held her stare.

"Who are you?" I whispered. She smirked at me.

"Erika. My father sort of runs this whole rebellion."

She said this as if it was no big deal. I, on the other hand, was having trouble processing this information. Erika was the rebel leader's daughter? I wouldn't be surprised to see her dad, but her? What could she possibly want from me?

"Why are you here, Erika?" I made sure my voice stayed steady.

"Not to kill you, I promise. What would be the fun in that? No. I assure you, I have something much better planned for our time together."

Her hand came to my chest slowly, grabbing the tie that hung loosely around my neck. She tugged it, causing me to take a step towards her. Our bodies touched and I tried to move, knowing what she wanted. This couldn't happen. I wouldn't let it.

Erika held on to me tightly, keeping me in place. Her fingers moved to my neck and played with the short hairs at the base of my neck. She moved her face closer to mine, dangerously close.

"Don't," I whispered, trying to put force in my voice and failing miserably. My lip trembled horribly. My heartbeat raced. I couldn't let her do this. If America ever found out, I don't know what I'd do. America would be so hurt and she would hate me. She would have every right to.

"Come on, pretty boy," Erika purred into my ear, her lips brushing my skin. I shuddered. I really didn't like having her this close to me. "Kiss me. I know you want to. Your fiancée never has to know."

Yes she does, I thought to myself. I could never lie to her about this.

"No, I don't want this. I don't want you. And I never will." I pushed Erika away. She stumbled backwards wearing a stunned expression. Her eyes burned with rage.

I hoped that making her angry would make her leave.

It didn't.

Erika managed to calm herself, making her gaze steady and unwavering. "Oh well," she sighed, reaching for something behind her back. "I was really hoping it wouldn't come to this, but it'll probably be the only way to get you to cooperate."

She pulled out a golden knife that gleamed under the fluorescent lighting. My eyes widened. She was going to cut me. Erika was psychotic.

Seeing the scared look on my face, she laughed. "No, no, silly boy. I'm not going to use this on you. Well, maybe, if you misbehave. This knife, though, is destined to make wounds that will hurt you just as much as its victim. Who do you think I might be talking about, Your Majesty?"

"America," I choked out. My vision became fuzzy as I stared at the knife and fear gripped my body.

"Smart and handsome? Aren't you just the total package?" Erika smirked. "Yes. If you don't go along with this, I will personally be the one to slit her throat. Understand?"

I nodded. Erika couldn't hurt America. I'd do whatever I had to do to make sure no one laid a finger on her.

Reluctantly, I walked over to her. She smiled and put her hands back around my neck. I closed my eyes, hoping it would be over soon.

Erika didn't seem to be rushing. She kissed the corner of my mouth, taking her sweet time. Her fingers played with my hair absently. I wanted to growl with frustration. Why couldn't she just hurry up? Why did it have to be me who she did this to? Why me?

"Just get it over with," I snarled. "I want to be done with being your 'boy toy' as soon as possible."

"Somebody's anxious," she remarked. "Whatever you say, pretty boy. We'll get to the fun part."
With that, she placed her lips on mine.

It felt so wrong. My heart was screaming at me to stop, to pull away from the personification of wretchedness that I was kissing. I couldn't pull away, though. Not without endangering America. So, I kissed her like my life depended on it.

Erika faltered when she felt me respond. She smiled against my lips, after a moment, and deepened the kiss. Her heart was pounding against my chest. She pushed me up against the cell wall. I was reminded of all those times I'd done exactly this with Celeste. Except, then, I'd welcomed her. America had been pushing me away and I'd felt heartbroken. Celeste had offered me a way to feel cared for and I accepted it. Of course, Celeste had only wanted the crown, not me.

Now, America and I were closer than ever, emotionally speaking, and I felt like the biggest traitor in the world.

I loved her and I shouldn't be doing this.

She loved me and I shouldn't be doing this.

We were engaged and I shouldn't be doing this.

But, here I was, doing it.

God, I'm such a jerk, I thought as Erika fiddled with the buttons on my shirt. She tugged off my jacket and tossed it across the room. Her hands went back to the but runs on my shirt, undoing the first one. Then, the next. Her nails ran over the bare skin on my collarbone.

An alarm went off in my head. Erika wanted to take more than I was willing to give, if you know what I mean. I pulled away from her hastily.

"No," I protested. "I won't do that. Not with you. Only ever with America."

She frowned in annoyance. "Ugh, you're so difficult! It's sweet that you're so loyal to her and all, but there's something you should know. You will never see her again. Ever. I may very well be the last woman you'll ever see. So there's no reason for you to reject me for this 'Argentina'-"

"America," I growled. "Her name is America."

"Whatever," she said, rolling her eyes. "It's either me or not at all. You're a boy. I know what you'll pick."

"Not at all," I replied, crossing my arms.

"Fine," she grumbled. "We'll do this the hard way." Erika brought out her knife again, but I wasn't scared. Or, at least, I was too stubborn to acknowledge it.

"Go ahead. Cut me," I hissed. "I dare you."

"With pleasure."

Erika raised her knife and swiped it downwards. A stinging pain that felt like a million needles spread across my chest. I gasped and looked down. The fabric of my shirt was cut right down the middle, hanging limply at my sides. A large slash ran down the front of my body, from my collarbone to the waistband of my pants. Small droplets of blood dripped on to the floor. It didn't look very deep, but I couldn't be sure.

I was shaking with anger. I'd taken abuse before and now, I was done! No more! I wouldn't let anyone have power over me.

"You little-" I started, but the cell door swung open, interrupting my shout.

"Enough! Erika, get out!" Gabriel roared. Why was he defending me? He could get killed for doing this.

"Gabriel, you can't boss me around!" Erika yelled, glaring.

"Like hell I can't! The kid has had enough, so you need to leave. Now, or I'll tell your father that you were harassing the prince against his orders!"

"He's your father too, Gabe!"

Gabriel was the leader's son? Now that I looked at them, the siblings looked a lot alike. Same dark hair. Same tan skin. Same watchful eyes.

"Well, he sure doesn't act like it! Do you see what he has me doing? I'm a guard at the most run down base we have! While you, daddy's little girl, are sitting in the lap of luxury compared to me. And as you continuously forget, he's my stepfather. The man our mother was stupid enough to marry, isn't my dad. Never has been, never will be."

Erika gasped, "How dare you say that? He's been nothing but good to you!"

"Good to me?" he scoffed. "Yeah right! But back to the point, Erika. Get out. Now!"

She huffed and stormed past her brother, pushing him to the side. Erika stopped in the doorway and turned back to me. "I'll be back for you, pretty boy."

With that, she left. The door slammed shut behind her.

My chest throbbed and I winced in pain. A soft moan escaped my lips. The pain was getting worse as more and more blood spilled out of my wound. The world seemed to tilt as I stood there. I felt myself begin to collapse.

"Easy there, kid," Gabriel said as he grabbed me and laid me down gently on to the floor.

"It shouldn't be this bad," I mumbled. "Her knife didn't cut that deep."

"No, it isn't deep, but my sister likes to dip her daggers in poison. It probably isn't anything fatal if she used it on you."

"That's good," I said my voice slurring. My vision was slowly fading and my eyes were drooping. God, I was so tired. "And about the whole sister thing..."

Gabriel chuckled. "I'll explain later. Right now, you need to get some rest. I'm going to go get some bandages and disinfectant, but I'll be right back, okay?"

I nodded and let my eyes close. The pain started to fade. Well, more like my whole body started going numb until I couldn't feel pain anymore. All I felt was the overwhelming exhaustion.

My breathing slowed and I let sleep take over.

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