Broken Mate

By TurtleCat5

1M 39.9K 5.6K

The rejection of your mate is worse a fate than death. Not only is your life almost meaningless, the pain can... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Author's Note

Chapter 3

58.1K 2.3K 183
By TurtleCat5

Owen's POV

"Yes, I know." I looked at Kirk as he stared down at me, assessing my answer. Once he was satisfied, he nodded his head, gave me a warning glare, and left the room, locking the door as he did so.

Finally, I managed to release the breath I was holding, my hands shaking behind my back. Luckily, I had snuck down to the kitchen earlier, and had a ration of food stashed away for later. Now all I had to do was wait for the ceremony to be over.

It was a pretty big deal when someone of the pack came of age; they were finally ready to find their mate. It was an even bigger event when an Alpha comes of age; His mate will be the future Luna, or motherly figure, of the pack. She is a gentle presence that calms the Alpha, and helps negotiations. She also helps continue the Alpha bloodline.

Because of that, anytime someone comes of age, a big celebration is held. Well, for anyone except me, that is. I know that I'll be turning eighteen in two days, so I can expect that no one will be holding an party of any kind that day. After all, it's considered an embarassment to have an Omega mate.

The sounds of cheer and laughter echoed through my room, making it impossible to try and sleep through anything, so I lay in bed, listening to the shuffling of feet and loud voices below. It was around noon, so the banquet and ceremony weren't for another few hours. Instead, it was around time for the lunch and speeches from the previous generation of rulers.

I could hear the muffled voices of the Alpha, Luna, and Beta as they all began their speeches, and gave their full support to the next generation; Alistair as Alpha, Kirk as Beta, and, of course, whoever ends up being Luna. Then, a loud rumble of applause shook the walls, followed by the clattering of dishes as the luncheon began.

It quieted down as everyone began eating. That gave me the chance to roll over onto my side, and fall asleep. 

When I awoke, the sun had set, casting a dark shadow across the room. I could tell that the coming of age ceremony was just beginning when I looked outside at the gathering crowd.

Many girls had already taken position in front of the stage, waiting with baited breath as the Alpha appeared to give everyone a final reminder. He cleared his throat and began to speak in a loud voice that could be heard throughout the pack.

"First of all, I want to thank you for coming and attending this celebration for my son, Alistair. It is an exciting day for us all, and we're glad to have you with us." I snorted, pretending to wave to the Alpha. For a second, it seemed as though he turned and noticed me, causing me to recoil, moving away from the window. However, when I looked back, the Alpha had gone back to his speech.

"Now, before we begin, I want to remind all of you not to crowd around Alistair when he comes on stage." The Alpha cast a glance at the girls below him. "This is the day he finally finds his mate, and we don't want her getting jealous." Many girls squealed at the thought of being the next Luna.

The speech continued, thanking and welcoming and reminding until finally, the Alpha stepped back. "Now, without further ado, please welcome my son, Alistair Wolfe." Cheers erupted from the crowd as Alistair stepped out, his nervous smile causing the girls in front to swoon. He stood, waiting for his wolf to give a sign as everyone held their breath in anticipation.

I turned away from the window, not wanting to watch as he found his lifelong partner, while I'm stuck here alone and locked away. Sitting on my bed, I heard a cry of surprise from the audience outside, as well as a few shouts of Alistair's name. Unsure of what was happening, I rolled over, blocking the noise with my pillow.

Before long, the loud sound of someone's footsteps came closer and closer to my door, and I sat up, watching the shadow that crossed underneath the door before it slammed open. "A- Alistair?!"

He stood in front of me, his golden eyes watching me hungrily. Moving closer, Alistair licked his lips. And then, he sprung forward, pinning me down on the bed. "Mate. . ."

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