Book 2: What has this World c...

By 10Soccer_Girl10

168K 4.3K 1.2K

Completed ~Sequel to 'Book 1: Don't Leave me Again'~ Naomi returns stronger then ever. How is she dealing wit... More

Chapter 1 - Partners!! Why me?
Chapter 2 - Training.....Oppsie
Chapter 3 - Y-you're alive?
Chapter 4 - That belongs to me
Chapter 5 - Truth or......whaaa?
Chapter 6 - I need to find him!
Chapter 7 - It's on
Chapter 8 - I found you
Chapter 9 - Reunited
Chapter 10 - Planning
Chapter 11 - Akari Uchiha and Amaterasu Uchiha
Chapter 12 - Uchiha vs Uchiha
Sharingan Guide
Chapter 13 - Introductions
Chapter 14 - What are we?
Chapter 15 - Lessons
Thank you!!
Chapter 16 - Reunion
Chapter 17 - Deal
Chapter 18 - Impossible
Chapter 19 - Comrades
Chapter 20 - Invitation
Chapter 21 - Testing
Chapter 22 - Just in Time
Chapter 23 - Defection
Chapter 25 - Return
Chapter 26 - Gone
Chapter 27 - 2 Down
Chapter 28 - Teach Me
Chapter 29 - I'll Always be Yours
Chapter 30 - The War Begins
Chapter 31 - Uchiha's Join the Fight
Last Chapter (Meme)
Chapter 32 - Uchiha's Join the Fight Pt. 2
Chapter 33 - Tragedy
Chapter 34 - The Rise of New Peace
New Book!!!!
Its out!!!

Chapter 24 - Uchiha Tales of the Legend Child

2.4K 62 10
By 10Soccer_Girl10

Dedicated to wombastic
For letting me use her jutsu the 'camoflauge jutsu'.

Naomi's POV

"Madara," Sasuke began emotionless as well, "I defect from the Akatsuki, I am a fully fledged member of the Uchiha Clan" he told and Tobi narrowed his one visible eye at my brother. I was shocked, as we're the other people in the room. I never saw this coming but gave him a small smile nonetheless.

"Heh, what're two members going to do? I wish you luck 'Uchiha', and I'd be carefull Naomi, someone missed you" Tobi said as he disappeared.

Hello Princess the voice sounded with an excruciating pain. I clutched my head and fell to the ground. How was he back?

You can thank Kabuto for that, actually please do thank him for me.

What do you want Madara? I thought Kiyara blocked you? I questioned still in pain. I then recalled what Kabuto said. He told me that one of his experiments would defiantly work, this must be it.

Not sure yet, well not until it's the right time and you are needed. He answered. What did he mean? What were they actually planning, I'd hope that Sasuke knows something and hopefully it'll give us and advantage as well as the fact that Tobi doesn't know the others are alive. This war was going to be big.

I'll leave you alone for now, but don't you forget that I'm back he made his point clear and disappeared, leaving me with a pounding headache. I got up from the ground with a little help from Sasuke and realized that the bandages around my wrists were coming undone. I quickly re-wrapped them before anyone noticed or began asking questions. Some of the guards seemed in awe at what had happened. That little one from Kiri that seems to be a member of the 7 Swordsmen wasn't paying attention to his surroundings as a Zetzu came up behind him to attack. I swiftly spun around and nailed one of the Flying Raijin Kunai directly between his eyes. I teleported to behind and put a hand on his shoulder and bent down to his ear as he flinched.

"You need to pay more attention if you want to fight in this war" I whispered lowly.

"Y-yes ma'am" he said with a stutter.

"What type of jutsu were they? Some seem familiar to me" the Tsuchikage questioned.

"They are all forms of Space Time Ninjutsu, the one just now was the Flying Raijin Jutsu, specialty of the Fourth Hokage but created by the Second, the first one I used here and my newest one, was the Camouflage Jutsu and also my new favourite, my two others are Kamui and the Body Flicker Jutsu" I explained and he clenched his jaw at me.

"How can one know and preform that many Space Time Ninjutsu?" He asked lowly.

"Have you not heard the Uchiha Tales of the Legend Child Tsuchikage-Sama?" Garra asked with a very small smirk. The Tsuchikage looked questionable at him.

"I've heard it" a darker guy that I somewhat recognised said.

"I know of you, your that guy who learnt my Black Panther Jutsu and derived the Double Black Panther, aren't you?" I questioned.

"The names Darui. I know you too, Lady Uchiha" he said with a lazy bow. I raised my eyebrows at him.

"What is this tale you speak of?" The Tsuchikage interrupted.

"The tale consists of a girl being born into head family of the Uchiha who would rival and surpass the likes of Madara Uchiha at a young age. They would be born with an unimaginable power source along with that of their own chakra. The child could master any nature she wanted, over time of course, and could be born into any generation. Even a generation years away if the Uchiha still existed. She is said to be a reincarnation of Madara himself" Darui explained.

"This child seems to be nothing like Madara though?" The Raikage questioned.

"So it seems, the power level is on par though too" Tsuchikage explained.

"Yes somewhat, but as the head of the Uchiha Clan, I declare that we will no longer fight against the Hidden Villages but along side them, we will aid you in this war" I explained to them.

"We might have another tailed beast on our side but what good will two Uchiha do? No offence intended, but we need numbers" the Raikage voiced his opinion, to which I would agree too if I were in his place. I went to answer him but Sasuke beat me to it.

"Raikage-sama, with all due respect, the Uchiha are and always will be a powerful clan. You also add to that inside information on the Akatsuki and their plans, plus a few tricks me and my sister have up our sleeves. Trust me when I say that we will be an asset to the Allied Shinobi Forces" he cooly said. There has been a massive change in my elder brother and I'm proud of him, he's finally walking the correct path.

"Alrigh fellow Kage, I can vouch for these shinobi, now do we all agree to accept them as shinobi of the Hidden Leaf again?" The Hokage asked.

"Of course Lady Tsunade" Garra agreed.

"Gladly" the Mizukage said with a smile.

"Hai hai" the Tsuchikage also agreed. Everyone then turned to the Raikage.

"Hmm as long as that boy doesn't attack my brother again, then I will drop the bounty on his head" he agreed and a smirk appeared on my face.

"Thank you, we will take our leave now and stay in contact through the Hokage" I said and they all nodded. After I bowed, I used the Body Flicker Jutsu and took us both outside the meeting place. Once it was just me and Sasuke outside I released a sigh.

"It so difficult putting up that professional facade, I don't know how Itachi does it" I said to which he hn'd at.

"Lets get going back to the hide out" he said and I started walking with him.

"I bet they're all worried about you" he said trying to make conversation.

"Some more than others" I muttered.

"What's that mean?" He questioned. I gave a sinister chuckle.

"Tch, I would've hoped that one of them would've tried a lot harder to find me than he did" I said with distaste.

"Itachi?" He questioned. I shook my head thinking of how I hoped Shisui had've been the one to save me, not that I'm not grateful that Sasuke did, but I understand that Itachi should be more focused on finding Akari, and Shisui on me.

"Shisui? What's going on between you two?" He asked.

"Swear you won't tell anyone? The only other person who knows is Akari" I turned to him and asked.

"I swear" he said and I nodded.

"We are dating, well for now" I said,

"Wait what? You and Shisui are together? Since when? And what do you mean 'for now'?" he questioned.

"I'm not sure since I've been gone that long, and like, I don't know what's going to happen when I get back. I'm kinda just disappointed with him, and I don't know what to do either cause like, I've never been in a relationship before, you get me?" I told him as we continued walking.

"I'm sorry but I can't really help you with that, but if he ever does hurt you, tell me and I'll take care of him" he threatened and I chuckled and gave him a kiss on the cheek as we kept walking.


A/N: I'm soooooo so so so sorry for the long wait again!!! I was gonna try and update again tonight but this chapter took a lot longer than I thought it would cause I couldn't really remember what I had written😅 I'll try and update soon but I do have exams too, will try tho.

Comment what you thought
And vote for next book too
And does anyone remember how old Naomi is? 😂

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