Instinct and Trust

By AnimeSpirit87

5K 128 50

An idea I have in my mind. Stinger returns to attack the Kyurangers, and was planning to target Chameleon Gre... More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six

Chapter Two

815 22 8
By AnimeSpirit87

Chapter Two

Author Notes: Thank you for the amazing reviews. I really appreciate it and will posting again soon. I apologizes for any error in this chapter.  :)

Stinger has been walking for a while with Hammy on his back. Neither of them said anything. It was silence throughout the long walk.

Hammy who was trying to stay awaked was slightly dozing off every few minute. She cautiously was keeping an eye on Stinger making sure he doesn't try anything to harm her. She can't help, but wondering where they were heading to and was worried that Stinger might take her and created a trap for the others to walk into while trying to rescue her.

She can't let that happened. If he were planning that, she would fight back to escape.

"Where are we going?" She asked without worrying about Stinger reaction.

Waiting patiently for an answer, but she receive none. All he does was looking straight ahead without glancing back at her. It seems that he was in his own thought.

Upset that she's not getting an answer, she spokes again. "It wouldn't hurt to answer my question," She angrily said. "At least tell me how long you're planning to keep me".

Stinger glances back at her emotionless "If you keep on irritating me, I'll leave you here on your own or hand you over to someone else". He threatened her.

That doesn't seem to scare her at all. Still, she decided to be cautious, and show that she doesn't get scared that easy. "You wouldn't dare". She glares at him and tightening her grip on his neck.

"Don't tempt me," He glares back at her, slowing down his pace.

Hammy smirked and slightly release her grip on Stinger's neck. "If you wanted to leave me behind, you would have done before and not help me," She told him and knew she have won because she notices that he didn't saying anything else after that and continue to walk.

Silence ensues once more for a couple minutes before Hammy spokes.

"How long was I unconscious?" She asked the question that has been on mind since she woke up and found out that Stinger had took her as a hostage or for some reason she doesn't know.

"One day," Stinger replied, surprising Hammy, who wasn't so sure he would. "You were injury badly from your battle".

"You're not planning to hurt me, are you?" was the next question Hammy asked, that cause Stinger to stopped and looked back at her. Her expression was serious and was demanding him for answers. Clearly, she was not afraid of him nor would she hold back. It seem that she prefer to say what's on her mind.

"Am I going to hurt her?" He was questioning himself that question too, but never got an answer. That was what he was planning to do before he saved her, but now he was unsure.

"I won't take advantage of my enemy while they're weak or injury," He answered.

Hammy was slightly satisfied because she was debating whether she should believe his words. She decided not to ask anymore and just accept the answer he gave.

Assuming her silence was that she was fine with his answers, he continue to walk until they arrived at a safe place.

Raptor slammed her fists down in frustration. She still couldn't locate Hammy location and continue to keep on trying.

She felt a hand on her back and slightly jumped to see Lucky next to her. He looked down and smiles at her.

"Don't overdo it. I believe you can find Hammy soon," He told her.

"You're right!" She nodded and continues to search.

Spada slammed his hand on the table and got up. "That's it!" I'm going out to search for her again!" He immediately head to the door only to get block by Naga.

"You can't go out there alone right now".

"Are you saying that we continue to sit here, hoping that Raptor can locate Hammy instead of going out to look for her". He angrily asked. "You can stay, but I'm not!" He slightly shoves Naga out of the way.

"Spada!" Lucky spokes all of sudden and Spada looked over at him. "Hammy is strong and can handle herself until we find her".

Spada stormed over to Lucky. "In case you have forgotten, she was kidnapped by Stinger who happens to be a bad guy and had hurt us before".

"I haven't forgotten about that, but I trust that Stinger wouldn't hurt her," Lucky tried to explained. "Besides, Raptor is trying her best to find Hammy and if you go out there alone, you'll be vulnerable for an attack from the enemy".

"You believe Stinger is good, but I don't," Spada argues and glares at Lucky. "If Hammy get hurt, it'll be your fault".

Lucky glares at Spada and it was about to turn into a fight if it wasn't for Raptor who got up and separate them from each other. "That's enough! I tried one more time to see if I can find Hammy and if that don't work, we'll all go out and search for Hammy! Now sit down!" She shouted.

Spada went back to his seat and sat down while Lucky remain standing next to Raptor who sat back down and continue searching for Hammy.

Hammy opened her eyes slowly and notices the sky was dark. She was now lying on the ground next to a medium bonfire.

"Did I fallen asleep on Stinger's back?" She slowly sat up and felt something fallen down to her lap. Curious, she looked down and was surprised to see a white worn cloak that was use as a blanket to covered her.

She remembers Stinger had carried her on his back and she was getting so tired that she eventually let the sleep take over.

"Stinger?" She immediately looked around for him when she spotted him on the other side of bonfire, leaning against an old worn tree with his eyes closed and arms folded.

"So he didn't left me," she muttered and noted that he wasn't wearing his cloak, which mean the white worn cloak that was on her lap was his and he must have covered her with it while she was asleep.

Her stomach growls all sudden and she placed her hand over it. She hasn't eaten anything since Stinger took her.

Decided that since he was sleeping and won't notice she was gone, she decided to go looked for something to eat. She slowly got up to test her strength to walk and was relieved to know that she was feeling better to walked on her own. Once she was sure that Stinger was still asleep, she left quietly unaware that Stinger was actually awake, watching her leave.

After a good twelve minute of searching, Hammy happily return back with a fruit (apple) that was eatable. She immediately stopped walking when she saw Stinger awake and staring her.

"What?" She glares at him. "I went to look for something to eat, is that's problem for you?" He looked away and she returns back to her spot where the white worn cloak was still there.

Hammy held in two apples in her hands that she was able to find. She then turned and looked at Stinger who was looking at something else beside her. Then she looked back at the apples. She was wondering if he had eaten anything.

She scoffed quietly and thought "Why do I care if he eaten or not. Beside he was acting like a jerk even though he did help me. Still it wouldn't hurt to start a conversation. I guess he's not a talkative person".

An idea suddenly occurs to her and smirked appears on her face. Instead of asking him if he's hungry, which she refer not, she hurled one of the apples at him, knowing full well that he would catch it.

How right she was. Stinger swiftly turned and caught the apple when it nearly smacks him in the face. He stares at apple in his hand and then glares at Hammy, who tried to muffle a laughs and then clears her throat.

She show him the apple in her hand "Hey, I'm just offering you food," She took a bite of the apple in her hand and continue. "If don't want it, you can just toss it away. I don't care".

Without looking and still glaring at Hammy, Stinger took a bite of the apple in his hand. "How dare she fling this apple at me?" He thought.

Once Hammy was done with her apple, she tossed the apple leftover into the bonfire and looked over at Stinger who was already finishing eating.

"Can't you at least try to have a decent conversation with me because I don't like uncomfortable silence?" She asked and receives no reply.

"Did you hear what I say?" She asked him again but receives no reply from him.

That was when she got upset. "What is your problem? I'm here trying to have a conservation to get to know you and maybe you can get to know me too if you just start talking".

"Mind your own business. Who I am is none of your business and I don't have to answer to you nor would I like to start a conversation," Stinger snapped at her and turned away, facing his back toward her.

"Fine! Who need to talk to you!" Hammy snapped back at him and lay down on the ground, facing her back toward him.

"Stupid Jerk! Just when I thought he was nice. I can't wait until I escape and not have to see him again!" She thought before she fell asleep.

Stinger was thinking to himself as he turned and looked at Hammy. No one has never argue back at him nor have they have courage to speak up to him because pissing him off would lead to consequence.

Earlier when Hammy left, he assumed that she was trying to escape so he followed her. To his surprised, she didn't and rather was looking for something to eat. It was her chance to escaped, but she didn't and he doesn't know why. Unless, she was worried that she might get lost.

He notices that Hammy was fallen asleep and she didn't use the white worn cloak as a blanket. She has wrapped her arms around herself to keep warn from the cold. Quietly, he walked over and kneeled down beside Hammy, carefully placed the blanket on her without waking her up. Then he returned back to his spot and kept an eye on Hammy.


Raptor was still up searching for Hammy with Lucky where everyone was asleep. She was getting sleepy, but was forcing herself to stay awake. Lucky who was sitting beside her in a chair, notice it right away.

"If you tired, you should get some sleep," He suggested and Raptor shook her head.

"I'll get some sleep later, beside I think I found something," She told him.

"Really?" Lucky scooted his chair closer to Raptor to get a better look on the screen, "That's good". He turned and looked at her. "Hey, why don't you teach me how to do this so that if you get tired, I can help out. What do you say?"

"You really want to learn?" Raptor asked with a surprise expression and Lucky nodded. "Okay, I'll teach you". She agreed.

Lucky got up to cheer, but stopped when he notices Spada at the door. "Spada?"

Spada walked over to Lucky and Raptor turned around in her chair, surprised to see him.

"Guess what?" Lucky smiles at touched Spada's shoulder. "Raptor has found something that might locate Hammy".

"Yeah, I heard you guys talking," Spada smiles a little as he looked at Lucky, who stopped smiling when he notices Spada's expression.

"Aren't you glad, Spada?"

"I am, but..."

"But what?" Lucky asked, but then realizes something. "If you're worried about what happen earlier about the fight between us. Don't worry about it. I totally have forgotten about it". He gently hit Spada in the arm.

"Yeah, but I want to apologize about the way I acted and..." Spada begin to apologizes, but Lucky stopped him and shook his head.

"No need to apologize. I totally understand that you were worried about Hammy. That's why you acted that way earlier".

Raptor was glad that Spada and Lucky has settle things so she returned back to her searching hoping to proceed with locating Hammy faster.

Spada was surprised that Lucky was an understanding person and didn't hold a grudge. "Thanks," He genuinely smiled back to Lucky.

"Now, let's see if Raptor has found anything else," Lucky put his arms around Spada's neck and guide him toward Raptor's computer area.

TBC: Review and leave comment.  Let me know what you think of this chapter.

Four more chapters to go

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