In Love With Your Body (...

By not_todayjimin

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Regina Wilde gets to protect a band from Korea in the name of BTS. She's an Olympic weightlifter and served i... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four

Chapter Twenty Five (Finale)

89 3 3
By not_todayjimin

The next day, I was woken up by my alarm. We had to get up rather early to head to the airport but I was snuggling with Jimin and it was warm so I didn't want to get up.

I shut my alarm off and sighed.
"Jimin..." I mumbled and poked him a little to wake him up.
"Hmmm...what...?" he groaned and turned away from me, wanting to sleep more.

I got closer to him and kissed his bare shoulder.
"Hey, we have to get going. If you want to go home then you have to get up baby..." I whispered then he finally turned around and smiled.

"I'm so excited to take you with me..." he said, his voice deep and raspy like it was every morning.

"I am too. I still can't believe it's real."

"Believe it love." He said and stroked my cheek with his thumb, kissing my forehead.

I got up from the bed, really sluggishly as I wanted to sleep more too, but went to take a shower. Jimin fell back asleep, but when I got out I jumped on him so he'd finally get up.
He went to take a shower as well, meanwhile, I ran through the hallway waking everyone up so they could get ready for the airport.

We packed every last minute thing up and headed for the door.

"You guys ready?"

"Yes!" They said in unison.

"But are you ready Regina? You're leaving. You're starting a whole new life." Nova said as she approached me at the door with her suitcase.

"I am. I'm so ready to leave." I said, Jimin by my side holding my hand.

I looked around the mansion and realized that in this place so many things changed. I met seven amazing boys, six amazing brothers and one that I can trust with my life, one that I love, one that I'm hoping to keep in my life for as long as I live.

"Come on, we're gonna be late." Nova said and chuckled, she probably knew what I was thinking about.

"Yes, let's go." I looked at it one more time before shutting the door. Another one is about to open.

We got a van to come get us all and take us to the airport so I didn't have to drive this time.
Once we loaded our stuff, I took my seat next to Jimin and laid my head on his shoulder.

He reached his hand over and stroked my cheek while he rested his head on top of mine, feeling sleepy.

"Why are you guys so tired?" Hoseok asked, then everyone looked at us.
Jimin and I looked at each other, our cheeks became red and hot and pressed our lips into a straight line, then looking away.

"Oh...I see." He said and laughed.

The others were also looking at us but I was too tired to ever care, it's not like they didn't know that we have sex. My marks were obvious on my neck as was Jimin's so it really didn't matter anymore.

At the airport, Nova and I helped the boys get through check in, security and fans. Yes, some fans were at the airport and spotted the boys. They were really respectful though so I decided to them talk to them for a few minutes until we had to go.

"You're Jimin's girlfriend right?" A girl that seemed like she was a fan asked.

"Um, well, I mean..." I began to sweat and rub the back of my neck and wasn't able to make eye contact with the her.

"It's okay, you don't have to get nervous or anything. I, and many other fans really approve. You two are really cute together." She complimented making me smile.

"Thank you so much. It's still hard for me to talk about it but, eventually everyone will know and I'll get used to it."

"I'm sure you will. Please take care of him, I know he'll take care of you. You both deserve the best." She said and leaned in for a hug.

I hugged her back since she was super nice to me.
"Thank you." I said and broke the hug. "What's your name?"


"Well it was great meeting you, Helen. I hope to see you at show sometime." I said and winked.

"Most definitely. Have a great flight you guys, it was great meeting you, I love you all so much, bye." She said and waved at all of us as she walked off.

My heart was warmed on how nice some fans were, it was actually quite unbelievable. I'd think that they'd hate and threaten me but most were so nice, even on social media ever since the word got out the Jimin and I were dating.

(I had to make a travel mood board, it's so :')

We still had about an hour until we had to board our flight so, Nova and I left the boys with their manager at the gate so we could grab a cup of coffee and talk since we hadn't had the chance in quite a while.

We found a Starbucks and got our coffees then sat down at a table to discuss things.

"So, how have you and Tae been?"

"It's been amazing. I actually regret not telling him earlier about how I felt about him. We could have spent more time together as a couple." She said and took a sip from her cup.

"Well you have him now, and you've known him for so long. Look at me and Jimin. We've been together for a few weeks now and known each other for only this long and...we already dropped the "L" word.." I said, looking back and forth.

"I know, and it doesn't mean you can't love someone quickly, especially after they risked their life for you."

I looked up and Nova that was slightly smiling.
"Nova, I do love him, and he takes away most of my worries but something still worries me a lot. I haven't told him about it but, it worries me that later on we know. Find that we aren't actually fit for each other and that it was just a brief romance that was surrounded by lust."

Nova was looking me with her eyes slightly squinting, grinning and shaking her head.

"He wouldn't have jumped in front of you and taken a bullet if he didn't love you. He sees something in you that he's never seen before. He's never felt that way with anyone else. When he first saw you at the gate at the airport, he was looking down the whole time because of how shy he got. He was flustered and felt like had to show you much respect. He thought that you were too good for him. The way you carried your body, the way you smiled and greeted them, the confidence you had. Everything."

I had a very confused look on my face.

"How do you know all this?"

"Jimin told me. We had a talk a few days ago while you were out doing something. Even though it's only been a short while, he does love you. Trust me."

I smiled and looked to the side, thinking, I should leave all the worries behind, here in America. I should look forward to my new life with Jimin. I became really positive after our talk so I could already envision how good our future will be.

Nova and I returned half and hour later to see if the boys were up to anything.

"Hey love." Jimin said as I sat down next to him.


"Are you alright? How was coffee time?"

"I'm perfect. Nova and I had a nice conversation we needed to have. I'm so stoked to go to Korea. It's been a while since I've been there."

"I can't wait either. Now you and I can look for our own place and live together."

"I'd love that, but I want you to still spend a lot of time with the boys okay?"

"I promise you. We actually are going to have a comeback soon so, we'll be spending a lot of time preparing for it. And since you like our music, you'll be the first one to listen and see." He said and winked.

That got me so excited. I obviously knew how talented they all were and I had no idea they were planning on any comebacks anytime soon but, nonetheless I was excited.

After a few minutes we finally boarded the plane but I didn't even look at my ticket to see where we were all sitting on the plane. I looked at it once is was scanned by the gate agent and saw that we all have first class seats.

"Are you serious?" I said to Jimin and showed him the ticket as we were walking on the jet bridge to the plane.

"Of course, we started going first class some time ago. I really don't miss those coach days." He said and laughed.

"I've never been in first class."

"Well now you will be." He said and winked.

Once we got in, the flight attendants led us to our seats and they were huge! They reclined into beds and they were super comfortable. I had my own table and TV, it was so cool.

"Aw Jimin, this is so nice..." I said as I tried the recliner seat. His was next to mine.

"It is, isn't it. But I bet it would be nicer if you came and cuddled with me." He said and smirked.

"Hey, you guys didn't pay for this for me to not sit in it. I'm staying right here, and you're gonna stay there."

"Oh alright...princess. But you're gonna have to make it up to me when we get back home." He said and turned away quickly and closed his eyes.

"Don't be so loud, everyone can hear you." I half whispered, half yelled. "But...I don't care anymore to be honest, everyone saw the marks..." I whispered.

"That's my girl. You let everyone know who's the one doing that do you." He said proudly.

Then a flight attendant came up to us and asked us if we wanted to drink anything and gave us a whole menu. I was so surprised that we got such special treatment.

Just because Jimin and I weren't going to sleep together didn't mean we couldn't still enjoy this flight together.

We ordered a very expensive bottle of wine and had almost all of it before we even took off.

"Hey, no getting drunk on the airplane." Jimin warned.

"I feel fine, you drank most of it." I said and giggled.

"True, because I don't want you to get drunk in here."

"Ah, he's doing a good job of taking care of your ass." Nova said from across the isle.

"Shut up." I said and reached over to hit her playfully on her arm, making her laugh.

The flight attendants announced that we'd be taking off in just a few minutes so, we put on our seatbelt for now and sat back up for take off.
The plane was ready to take off so, I reached for Jimin's hand as the plane started to speed down the runway.

"Oh God..." I said, the plane speeding to its maybe it's limit ready to lift up from the ground. I hadn't been on a plane ever since the military and that was a few months back, even though flying always kind of made me nervous.

"It's all okay baby, don't be scared." He said and we finally got off the ground, going higher by the second. I looked over to Novas seat to look out the window. Goodbye California.

"I always get nervous during take off, but now look, look!" I pointed to the window for Jimin to see, "It's been so long since I've gotten on a plane. The view is so pretty from up here."

Jimin didn't even say anything. He was just looking at my excited face acting like a child while looking out the window.

"You're so cute." He said when I looked back at him.
I blushed, then decided to take out my phone to take a picture with him. I know Jimin loved to take selfies so I was sure that would make him happy since we never did any of that yet.

"Wanna take a photo with me?" I asked, he raised his eyebrows and smiled.

"Finally! I was waiting to see when you'll wanna take pictures with me."

"I'm sorry, I was just afraid but now I know people are cool with it so, I'm a lot more relaxed about us being on social media."

"That what I like to hear." He said and pulled me closer to take the photo.

"Alright, ready!" I said and snapped it. Look at the photo and admired it for a second. I see Jimin all the time, he's right next to me constantly but...until now I've never seen him with me in a photo. I had my eyes closed and my forehead was against his head while he was smiling softly.

"That's adorable...send it to me. I wanna post it on twitter."

I snickered then looked back at the photo again, hesitating to send it to him but I did anyway, thankfully we had WiFi.

Once he received the photo, he saved it and then opened his Twitter app.
I watched him quietly as he was posting it with a caption that said.

"America was...interesting again. The best part was, I found a jewel and she's coming back with me."

Once he posted it, he started getting likes and retweets like crazy. Some fans were surprised, some knew because of the articles, some where sad and some, even though I didn't want to admit it, were hateful, but not many.

I looked away once I caught a glimpse of hateful comments but Jimin caught my hand saying,
"Ignore them. It always happens. If they truly love me, they'll want me to be happy. They'll get over it eventually, I promise you okay?"

"Okay. I love the photo though." I said and leaned in to kiss him.

"I love it too. And this is just the beginning."

The rest flight went by smoothly, we had a really fancy Korean dinner that was absolutely delicious. I couldn't even wait to get to Korea and try all the foods I didn't try when I went.
After dinner time, we extended our seats to beds and tried to sleep.

"Hey, Regina..." Nova whispered from her bunk.

"Yes..." I said and turned around.

"How's it going? Are you tired?"

"Yes I'm tired...but I'm so cold." I said and she laughed.

"Go cuddle with Jimin, I'm about to go to Tae."


"You should surprise him..." she said as quiet as possible so Jimin wouldn't wake up.

"I mean...he is always super warm..."

"Let's go." She said and got up from her bed and took her small blanket and headed over to Tae. He greeted her with open arms and let her stay there with him.

I got up after, and wrapped my body with the blanket and walked over to Jimin that was sleeping like an angel.

The outer side of his bed was quite empty so I decided to crawl into it and just cuddle with him while he's asleep.

Once I got in, I laced my arms around his waist and buried my head in his chest, now being able to feel his warmth.

"I knew you couldn't stay there for long..." he rasped making me look up at him.


"Hi." His lips curved as he looked into my eyes then kissed my nose and poked it with his finger.

"Now you'll  finally be able to catch some sleep baby. Come here." I scooted even closer to him as his arms went around me keeping me warm from the plane's harsh air conditioning.
I became way too clingy but of course he didn't mind.

I woke up some hours later, still in Jimin's bed but it was morning now.
I looked at the screen that showed the map and the location of the airplane. It showed that we were going to land in Korea in about an hour and a half.

The flight attendants announced some info about landing time and said that they're going to serve us breakfast soon.

"Baby...wake up...we're almost home." I said quietly and shook his arm.

He turned to me and opened his cute eyes and looked at the screen as well.

"Oh wow, we really passed out.."

"Yes...ah it's so cold, but I'm gonna go back to my seat, they're serving food again."

"Okay love." He said and sent me a smile then laid back down.

I got in my bed that was next to his anyway and decided to flip through some movies to watch something while eating.
The flight attendant gave us menus again and so I ordered what ever sounded good and it truly was.

After eating, I got up to check on the others too. I haven't talked to them much ever since take off that was over 10 hours ago.

"Namjoon, Seokjin. Good morning, are you guys okay?" I asked, they were eating as well.

"Mhmm!" Jin's mouth was full so he couldn't say anything.

"We are perfect. Thank you Regina." Namjoon said and I nodded then checked on Tae and Jungkook.

"Ahh you two are together. I hope Nova didn't bother you."

"Nah, they were quiet. How are you are Jimin?"

"Very well, thanks Kookie."

"Thanks Regina." Tae said then looked at Nova and smiled, so cute.

Then I went over to Hoseok and Yoongi and to my surprise, Yoongi was actually awake.

"Do my eyes deceive me? Is Min Yoongi actually awake?" I said and they chuckled.

"His hyper ass wouldn't let me sleep anymore."

"Oh I see. Well are you two okay?" I asked and giggled.

"Were fine. Thank you Regina. How's our Jiminie?" Hoseok said and took a sip of some weird drink, I had no idea what it was.

"He's fine, he just ate with me and we slept well. So I'll see you guys when we land?"

"Yep!" They both said.

I went back to my seat and found Jimin sleeping again so I let him be. I watched a movie and then we landed. Finally.

We all woke up and headed out after we gathered our things and went to baggage claim.
I took every opportunity to look outside at Seoul. My new home.
Fan sites were already at the airport taking photos of he boys as we left. They probably took plenty if shots of Jimin and I holding hands but damn did we look proud...

I was so ready to explore this new city, to experience a whole new beginning with the person I love and continue on for a happy and healthy life. There could be some struggles in the future but I knew we would always find a way to resolve it and let each other know that our love is stronger than any conflict or issue that may occur.❤

Sorry not much happened In this chapter but I wanted to try and write about Jimin at the airport and traveling with his loved one :'). I don't know if I should continue or not to be honest. I'll think hard and see what's better for this story! But thank you all for the reads and make sure to vote!

Second update: so I ended it here and sorry for the confusion, the chapters got messed up somehow. Thank you all for reading!!

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