Perfect Guys Only Exist On Yo...

By JustSomeGirlily

20.2K 471 136

Kassie Lawley was a rebel, she didn't take anything from anyone. She was a straight up badass until two perfe... More

Perfect Guys Only Exist On YouTube (an O2L fanfic)
Butterflies and Ferris Wheels
Truth Or Dare Gone Wild and The Grove
Feeling Like Family and Double Dating
YouTube Channel and Pranking Ricky
The Beach and Unexpected...
The Best Day Ever and Finally A Boyfriend
Haterz Be Hatin and The Boyfriend/Girlfriend Tag
Packing For My Trip and Familiar Faces
Damsel In Distress and Vermont Finally
Glad To Have An Amazing Boyfriend and "Back off, bitch"
Snowbort and Gettin' Turnt
Drifting Away and New Feelings
Love Square and Ending It
~The End~

The Dates And One Direction Concert

1.1K 32 12
By JustSomeGirlily

I woke up and my headache was gone! YES! I walked into the bathroom and looked at the clock 1:08 God, I slept late! I walked over to the sink and brushed my hair. It was a huge mess, last time I ever sleep in a messy bun! I walked downstairs and into the kitchen to eat a sandwich. I quickly made one and texted my best friend Andrea (Russett) 'Do you want to come over?' I sent and waited. 'Sure, I'll be over at 1:30' Yes, I didn't have to wait too long. Only like 10 minutes. I was just getting out of my chair when the door opened. "I got tired of waiting." She said and I laughed. "That's fine." I said sitting down on my couch. She sat next to me. "So, anyway, I have a date with Jc later." I said smiling. "Ooh, girl you should get ready!" She said laughing. "That's the thing, will you help me?" I asked. "Sure, you need to shower first." She said. I went upstairs and she followed she went into my room and picked out and outfit for me. I grabbed my phone and speakers to play music. I took a shower, wrapped a towel around me and went into my room. I put on the outfit she picked out for me and it was adorable! It was a pair of black skinny leggings, white hight top converse, a white beanie and a black Nirvana tank top. I love Nirvana!!! I went over to Andrea who was reading a Vogue magazine. She helped me do my makeup, it was a really natural, it barley looked like I was wearing any. I looked at myself in the mirror and can i get a "ZAYUM" because let me just say, not to brag but, I'd date me if I were a guy.


At about 2:00, Kian came over and asked why I looked so nice, I told him about my date and he seemed a little freaked out, but I don't blame him, I mean it was his best friend. I kissed his cheek and told him it was time for me to go. I ruffled Andrea's hair, because I knew it annoyed her. I laughed and told them they could stay as long as they wanted, just nothing dirty ;). I got onto my penny board, I felt like I could be in danger riding alone at night but... YOLO. Wow, Kassie never say that again... I arrived and opened the door noticing that nobody was home, but Jc of course! I put my penny board at the door and he came over to me. "Wow, you look really hot- I mean-" He stuttered making me laugh. "It's okay! Let's not make this date make things awkward between us!" I said smiling and walking into the kitchen. I got a bunch of snacks and sat down next to him on the couch. "Movie?" He asked. "Sure! Any ideas?" I said running my fingers through my hair. "Something scary!" He said. Oh, I see what he's doing, trying to make me wanna cuddle him because I get scared, haha, not gonna work I grew up with Kian, Sam and my brother Ty, well until... nevermind, Kassie don't think about it, but Kian and Sam should be scary enough! "Sure!" I said grinning. I sat about four or five inches from him and he put in the Grudge, okay, I might get scared of this one, I watched this with Sam at a sleepover once when I was sixteen and I peed myself with fear, let's pray that doesn't happen again! About 15 minutes in I could feel myself jump a few times then I found my self settled comfortably under Jc's arm. I felt safe and warm. I felt myself falling asleep and by the middle of the movie I was passed out.


Kian's Pov:

"Dude, it's 1 am, where is she?" I said looking at Andrea. "Maybe she's staying the night." Andrea suggested. I mean she's spent the night before, but that was different, this time she's alone with Jc. I mean I guess it was my house. I could just go home. "Wanna go over there and see what's happening?" I asked. "Sure." Andrea said getting on her penny board, I got on mine and we arrived and walked into the living room, I could say, it was kinda cute. Jc was asleep with Kassie wrapped in his arms. There was food wrappers all over the floor. I laughed and walked upstairs with Andrea and into my room and we just watched Netflix. I honestly, somewhere in my heart, hope it works between them!

Kassie's Pov:

I fluttered my eyes open and saw I was in the o2l house living room. I heard sizzling and looked up to see Kian making bacon. I almost got up and screamed "BACON!" (Lol if your confused, they're kitchen is attached to their living room) but I looked up and saw Jc sleeping. He was adorable! I swear I can feel my heart melting right now. I nuzzled into his chest. I must have fallen back asleep because when I opened my eyes, Ricky was home, Connor was on the couch sitting away from us, staring at a black tv screen. Weird.. I nudged Jc. "Wha?" We got up and took a ride on our penny boards, holding hands on the way like some cute movie, to Panera.


I was now with Connor and we were getting tickets for the movie. "So, you never really talk about your family other than Kian." Connor said trying to start conversation. "Okay, I have a mom and a dad, but I was kicked out on my 18th birthday, hence the fact I live alone." I shrugged. "Any brothers or sisters?" He asked. My heart started to burn and my throat started to clump. "Yeah, I have a sister, her name is Madeline, but she's 27, she lives in England, she's taking a college class there, she was always away from Sam, Kian, Jarred and me growing up because we were 'young and immature', and I had a brother, his name was Ty, he was my twin, we got along really well, he was hit by a drunk driver about nine years ago, he was only 11, he was with my grandparents, I'm just glad I stayed home." I said trying not to cry. "Oh, I-I'm sorry..." He said. "It's okay, what are we seeing?" I said trying to change subject. "Were seeing" (lol I don't remember any movies that came out in the summer.) I smiled. "Okay!" We sat down and the movie ended and I got up with him. He hugged me. "I had a nice time." He said. "Me too!" I said. Good thing the theater was dark, because I could feel myself blushing. I took his sunglasses that were on his chest and put them on. "Now, if fans come I don't want any shit." I said smiling and adjusting them onto my face. "Smart!" He said as I took his hand, intertwined fingers and walked out waiting to be mobbed, I didn't have to wait long. "Oh my God! Connor Franta!" Luckily nobody could tell it was me. I let go of his hand and took a step to the side. "Who's that?" One of them asked pointing at me. "Should it matter if she makes me happy?" Connor said making me blush. WHY DID I HAVE TO PICK BETWEEN CONNOR AND JC?!? I will just take Ricky, he's the only other one that's legal and and potential boyfriend. I laughed at this thought, luckily nobody heard me because of the screaming.


We were on our way to the one direction concert with Jack, o2l, Jenn, Andrew, Anthony, Rebecca, Tyler (Oakley not Jenn's friend), Troye, Alexa, Jarred, Joey, and Andrea. This is gonna be hell, so many YouTubers, a concert with tons of girls... those two don't mix. We were jamming one direction, we were all squished into Ricky's car/van thing. It was quite uncomfortable, I was sitting on Jc, Sam, Connor and Trevor. I had Kian and Andrea sitting on me, we were all basically just weaved into a big clump of people. We arrived and all *literally* fell out of the car. "Oww!" I heard a few people say, including me. I jumped onto Jc's back and we all got our tickets and went to our seats. A few people were turned around screaming at us and within 5 minutes so many people we screaming "JC CONNOR RICKY SAM TREVOR TROYE TYLER" were being screamed. Ricky, Anthony, Tyler, Troye, Rebecca and I got up and started twerking making everyone go insane. I sat back down. It was perfect when One Direction came out because I was sitting between Jc and Connor and they both took one of my hands and intertwined fingers. They were playing "Kiss you" and when they were singing "AND LET ME KISS YOU!" Jc turned my head and kissed me! OH SHIT YEASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I FELT LIKE THERE WERE LIKE A MILLION FIREWORKS! I smiled as he pulled away. I looked at the rest of the group and they all had their mouths hanging open. "Close your mouths, you'll catch flies." I said. Connor and Kian looked pissed. Oops...

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