Who I've Become

By JustAFeeling

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Caroline Jay was a normal student at her school in New York. She was smart, and possibly a nerd, until she wa... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 3

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By JustAFeeling

I felt the room get hotter and hotter as more people entered the little area. Even though we were here for the orientation for the PSE (Presidential School of Excellency,) “the man” couldn't get all hundreds of us in a bigger room. Instead, all one hundred of us kids and our accompanying parents were crammed in a little botanical garden gallery. Unfortunately, Mom, Dad and I had to trek all the way to Washington, D.C. National Park, so my mom and I had to listen to the constant rambling of Dad and his golden days... but I think it was totally worth it. As we drove without stopping, I saw every possible landmark there is. Surprisingly, I enjoyed looking at all of the things that make up our proud nation. I figured I might as well look into Washington's history if I was going to live there for a couple years. 

    I could just tell the other kids here had at least some of the many emotions I harbored. There was some curiosity, pride, and even a little fear mixed in. Finally one of the huge guys in the black suits (body guards?) ushered the sea of people to a grey room that was at least a little bigger than the mini gallery that we were herded in the last time. The man pushed us into the room to meet another guy who was a lot less intimidating. He wore a grey sweater and khakis as his worn face and balding head gave a clue as to his growing age.

        "Okay parents and our new guests, it is time for the orientation to begin!" The man clapped his hands together and started to obliviously wringing them. "I am Harry Burmonte, your guide and for some of you, your English teacher! As we are going to, um, make our way through the living quarters and more, I will continue explaining the classes and the rules of this school." After this, I have to admit that I zoned out, just admiring the size of the building we were in. If only I was listening, I might have been able to know what to expect and maybe even try to stop going to the school. 

When I lugged my bags towards the room marked Room 123, each bag seemed to weigh 100 pounds more than when I got there! As I stood in front of the plain white door, the red hot feeling burned in my cheeks, realizing that the door would eventually have to open. So much for patiently waiting for someone to rescue me from the humiliation of being undeceive. I thought as I silently pushed the door open. The boring door revealed a boring suite that was bigger than my room at home, which surprised me. 

        "Hi there!" someone exclaimed, which almost made me jump.  

        "Oh, sorry, I didn't know anyone came yet," I made sure I wouldn't hesitate since I was going to be the improved me. "Um, I'm Carry by the way."

        "Well, I knew I would be the first here, my parents were so excited to come. I think they were more excited than me!" the girl explained. "I'm Kristen.” The girl was looking at me expectantly as I tried to pinpoint whether her accent could reveal where she was from. As though she read my mind she added, “I'm from Louisiana, what about you?" Kristen stuck out her hand eagerly as I was just trying to get over what already changed besides my name.


  "Oh yeah, I'm from New York. But not the New York in case you were wondering." I began looking her over, starting from her high ponytail that was sloppily put in, the oversized T-shirt, her jean capris and lastly, her Converse. Even though it was such a relaxed style, Kristen pulled it off perfectly. 

            "That is sooo cool! Have you ever been to the City?" Her green eyes widened, looking like a little kid at Christmas.  


"Of course! It is so beautiful." This had us leaping into a huge conversation, mainly consisting of me describing New York City and Kristen asking questions about it. 

"Oh! I don’t think I asked you yet, but can you call me Kris instead? That's what everyone back home calls me." Just hearing the word home made me a bit homesick since Mom and Dad didn't stay while I unpacked (I think they would have started crying themselves since they knew we couldn't see each other in a while!) I knew it was selfish of me to think, but I sort of hoped that my parents would stay in Washington for the time I was here. Even imagining it I knew it wouldn't happen; there was no way my mom and dad, both successful business workers, would leave their jobs just so they could be near me. All of a sudden I realized I had lost my thought and looked back at Kris, who was looking at me with curiosity. It was almost as though she read my mind when she sheepishly asked, "Are you as homesick as me?" This was just too great, two girls wallowing in one room, but hen again I knew I had to try a different perspective in order to be me: Carry.

        "I think so." I forced myself to admit to Kris. A little relief and sympathy flooded her expectant face.  

        "Well, do you wanna talk about it? That's how I always get over things." I realized when I saw Kris staring at her feet and then looking back at me with a certain expression, that it wasn't the clothes that made her so cool, it was her personality. She was positive, happy, open and she had the one trait I had the especially to work on, confidence. I think ever since the "Kelly incident," I changed for the worse. Not anymore, I thought, not anymore. 

        "Seriously? That is the craziest thing I've ever heard of! Why in the world would they call you in the middle of class? And how many people did you say there were in your class?" Kris and I were laying on the carpeted floor of the "living area" in our suite, Razzles in a small pile on my side and a huge bag of chocolate-covered pretzels on Kris's side; not to mention the extra candy and snacks everywhere else. The place looked like a couple girls lived there already! 

        "Yeah, the office called me when we were watching a video in English. It was terrible 'cause everyone looked at me like I was a criminal or something! And I had 305 kids in my grade, why? How many do you have?" a shocked look reappeared on my new friend's face 

        "Well, I had 76 and I thought that was a lot! Gosh." Hearing her country accent reminded me exactly where I was; compared to the NY accent that Kris claimed I had. After sharing hilarious family stories, Kris suddenly had a serious look on her face. I felt my heart rush, this was one of the only chances I was getting and I could not ruin it. 

        "Oh God, did I say something?" 

        "No, of course not! I know we just met and everything, but can I tell you something?" Even though it must have been a pretty serious thing she was going to tell me, I have to admit that I was relieved. Good, I didn't ruin it yet with Kris, was all I could think of as I nodded to her question. She continued, "Well, the only reason I agreed to going to this school for the scholarship was because my family couldn't afford to send me any other schools. I have 4 siblings and I knew I had to help my parents out, but I was worried about meeting the other people here. I know I don't have to anymore, but please don't tell anybody!" I was amazed; Kris was worried about being liked of all people? She was the most likable person I knew, how could she worry about something like that? That's when it hit me: she is fearless because she admits her fears and doesn't let them stop her.

        "When do you think the others are gonna come?" I finally remembered.

        "Oh yeah! I don't know, let's go to the place where we checked in." She sprung up and ran down the stairway with me, laughing together the whole time. 

    After searching around to no prevail, Kris and I decided just to go back to our room, which proved to meet us at our plain white door. A girl our age was staring was staring at our  "reasonably sized" candy pile with disgust, then just looked back at us, glaring. 

        "So you two are responsible for this mess?" All we could do was nod in embarrassment because she had such a queen bee effect on anyone who stepped in her path. That was what I called all those girls who were popular for being mean or having money (usually both.) 

        "Oh, I'm sorry! I'll clean it up." I hadn't noticed another pair of shoes right next to me, biker-boots to be exact.  

        "No, you're won't. Just lay off her, Jasmine." Wow, I've never heard anyone speak like that, I thought. Finally I looked to see who must have been my other roommate. This girl had platinum blonde hair that spiked at the ends, and an interesting outfit on besides the boots. Ripped tights met a very mini skirt and a dark shirt from what I presumed was a band. Then I turned to look at who as referred to as Jasmine.  She also had some sort of fake blonde, except it was a lot longer and had some highlights that had to have been done in some high-end salon. She was an expensive prep who was the opposite of the other girl. I had a feeling this was going to be a long year with them. 

        "Hey you guys, lets go to that thing that the guy was talking about" the biker-boots girl suggested. It was already becoming an interesting school year, I thought to myself, but the new me will love it. 

        "Uh, okay. I'm Kris,” my new friend said, but I knew she was just as flustered as I was.

        "Sorry, I forgot my manners. I'm Shay Emerson, and unfortunately that's my sister Jasmine."  

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