The Supernatural Sisters Thre...

By RedQueenLeo

2K 17 1

(Follows Season 1) Alisha Bennet is a witch, originally sister to Qetsiyah whom instead of dying to join... More

The Diary of a Witch
The Diary of a Witch (Part 2)
The Diary of a Witch (Part 3)
First Day of Sophomore Year
The Mystic Grill Hottie
Bonfire Night
The Aftermath
Revealing the Truth, Partially
Let the Stream of Lies Begin
Ritual Preparations
Comet Night
The Awkward Dinner & Declaration of War
Reflections of the Salvatores
Saturday Night Football
Loss of Control
Crazy Morning at Hotel Salvatore
Reading the Diary
The Epic Foreshadowing
The Founder's Ball
Party at the Safehouse
Stubborn, Small Town People
Damon Returnes
Trying to Control the Druggie Vampire
Trip Down Memory Lane
Thanksgiving Break
Bye Bye, Crystal
Locked in the 1864
Days of Reckoning
Drunken Camaraderie
Massive Hangovers
Tension Runs High
Division of Hearts
50s Decade Dance
Divide and Conquer
Friends are Everywhere
Great, Our Friends Have Been Kidnapped
Missing Links
Two Seriously Pissed Off Vamps = The Perfect Team
Rising Tensions and New Alliances
Rescue & Negotiations
Opening the Tomb
Tragedy and the Days that Follow
I'll Be Home For Christmas
Treasure Hunt & Celebrations
Werewolf Prey
Vampire Hunter Threats
Back to School
Team Badass to the Rescue
Declaration of War

Tell the Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth

39 1 0
By RedQueenLeo

(Alisha POV)

After making a deal with Damon, I found myself cornered by Eleanor and Marylin, whom using a little bit of anger were forcing me to reveal my many stories. I sighed sitting down on a beanbag, "I guess I should start from the beginning. My soul is over two thousand years old and I have reincarnated six different times." Both of their eyes were on me and I gestured to the other two beanbags, "You two might want to sit down because it's a long sequence of several stories."

Once the two were seated I began, "My name is Layisha and I was born as a witch in Ancient Rome to a very special group called the Travelers. My sister, Qetsiyah, was the strongest among us and became the leader. We had a fairly happy life together up until she met a man named Silas. Qetsiyah fell in love with Silas and they planned to live together forever. So for their wedding I helped Qetsiyah forge an immortality elixir, which defies nature's most sacred rule that all things must die." I laid placed my head in my hands and continued, "However, a week before their wedding, I was taking a walk through the garden and found Silas asleep with the woman he truly loved, Amara, Qetsiyah's handmaiden. I tried to warn Qetsiyah of Silas's lies nine different times, but she would not listen. Silas knew that I had caught onto his lies and used his power over my sister to claim that I was jealous of their happiness and was trying my hardest to destroy it. Qetsiyah believed him and gathered the Travelers to place a curse on me, three days before her wedding to that bastard and bound it to a comet that won't come near the earth for another billion years, making it unbreakable." I leaned back, staring up at the ceiling feeling myself choke back tears, "I believe the words of the curse were 'For every time who have denied my love for Silas, so shall you live and die watching those your truly love fall in love with those other than you.' And that was the beginning of my endless cycle of reincarnation." I looked up to see the awed faces of my supernatural companions and asked, "Any questions before I continue onto my next life?"

Mary leaned forward, still holding my vervain bracelet, "how did you die?"

"Well, after being banished for several years, the Travelers begged me to come back and lead them because, surprise surprise, I had been right about Silas and Qetsiyah had all but abandoned her duty as leader in order to exact her revenge on him and Amara. I happily did so because I figured they had learned their lesson now that Nature itself had turned against them and the entirety of our clan had been cursed. I even drafted a new kind of magic for my followers, but sadly a group of witches, called the Gemini Coven feared our power and attempted to exterminate us. I made sure that they failed to eliminate us all, but I ended up dying as a result, ending my first life."

"Wow," Ellie said, leaning forward, "What happened to Qetsiyah?"

I sighed, "I honestly don't know. The last I had heard was that she had created a cure and gave it to Amara to kill her and was attempting to do the same to Silas, but having a bit of difficulty. Want me to continue with my second life?"

I smirked, seeing them both nod, completely interested in learning more, but as I opened my mouth to speak, Tyler came busting into the room screaming, "Where have you girls been?! Everyone's been worried sick!"

Ellie stood up and Tyler rushed forward, wrapping her in a hug, "What the hell, Tyler?"

Tyler pulled away and yelled again, "Well maybe if you looked at your damn phones, you three would know!"

I looked at the clock and stood saying, "There's no way the football game could be over already, what happened?"

Tyler looked down, but said calmly, "Coach Tanner was attacked by a wild animal, the same wild animal that attacked Vicki, but he wasn't as fortunate as she was; Coach Tanner's dead."

I froze, at first unbelieving, but knowing that it was the truth and Damon and betrayed our agreement merely an hour after agreeing to it, anger began to boil in my gut and I knew that Damon did not deserve forgiveness.

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